Love is the Liberator

From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy

The discovery and founding of Christian Science has cost more than thirty years of unremitting toil and unrest; but, comparing those with the joy of knowing that the sinner and the sick are helped thereby, that time and eternity bear witness to this gift of God to the race, I am the debtor.

from Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 382:6-11


November 2015

Table of Contents


from Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 306

When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove; but we know their presence by the love they create in our hearts. Oh, may you feel this touch, — it is not the clasping of hands, nor a loved person present; it is more than this: it is a spiritual idea that lights your path! The Psalmist saith: “He shall give His angels charge over thee.” God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for tomorrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment. What a glorious inheritance is given to us through the understanding of omnipresent Love! More we cannot ask: more we do not want: more we cannot have. This sweet assurance is the “Peace, be still” to all human fears, to suffering of every sort.

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A Gift of Gratitude

by Gilbert C. Carpenter

Once when Mrs. Eddy was preaching in Chickering Hall, she was asked why she wore purple and diamonds. Her answer was, “You call this a diamond. I call it a metaphysical thought. A lady who had been long years bedridden I was able to heal through God, so that she arose and walked. She gave me this out of gratitude to remember her by.”

Here is another instance where Mrs. Eddy’s estimate of the value of a gift was in proportion to the love and gratitude it expressed. Whenever she looked at this ring, she was reminded of that lady’s appreciation, and of the great miracle God had performed through her in this healing. Therefore, the diamond had value in her eyes, not because of its intrinsic worth, but because of the metaphysical thought it represented.

It is the thought back of a thing that makes it important. It is the thought back of the practitioner that heals, and not what he says or argues. Metaphysically, it is a fact that if you feel a genuine sense of gratitude toward an individual, even an inexpensive gift or a Christmas card may carry such a wealth of love and appreciation that the recipient will wish to keep it.

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Am I Grateful for Life, Truth and Love?

by Florence Roberts

“Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech.” (S&H, p. 3:25-26) This citation requires gratitude that is expressed in action — in active thought or deed.

If I am grateful for Life, my life should evidence vitality, joy, right activity that blesses mankind and glorifies God. Thoughts of old age, dis-ease, decrepitude, laziness should not preoccupy or be a part of my thinking. I should be the expression of Life that is renewed every day. My gratitude for Truth should make me loathe every false belief that tries to gain my attention; be it the sense of strife in my relationships, sickness, depression, discouragement, fear, anxiety, pressure, doubt, resentment, anger or worry. I would know that every error is but a mental suggestion, which I cannot allow to occupy my thoughts or remain in my consciousness. I would cherish Love. The Love that is constantly saying to all: “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17); and “Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine” (Luke 15:31). These truths would confirm the acknowledgement of my completeness, fulfillment and satisfaction in my Father-Mother God. Fear, uncertainty and any sense of lack should be banished by this full assurance of this unchanging Love.

I should ask myself often if I am truly grateful for Life, Truth and Love and let my thinking and actions prove my gratitude.

If I am truly grateful for Life, Truth and Love, I would strive to demonstrate a keen awareness of my spiritual perfection now as best I can; I would know that nothing I have or need has ever been lost; I would love God and my neighbor more and watch and pray ceaselessly that my life would show in both small and big ways that I have always been and always will be the “man” God created, in His perfect image and likeness!

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A Healing for All

by Jim Dible

I heard a testimony at a Wednesday evening meeting that I call “A Healing for All,” and it went essentially as follows:

Each meeting a lady would get up and express gratitude for that for which she was grateful. She expressed gratitude for the church, for the church services, church testimony meetings, for the sidewalks, for the curbs, for the trees, for grass. The list to some present seemed endless. A number of the church members objected to these testimonies, not to the lady, but to others as a form of gossip.

One evening the lady stood up and provided a healing message for all by stating, “I wish to express gratitude for Christian Science.” She paused and then added, “It has healed me of cancer, just by being grateful, grateful for everything. My practitioner reminded me of the need for gratitude in all that I said and did.”

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Finding Church

by Lynda Spencer

Like many, I was disillusioned by church. I felt spiritually empty. I could not conform, so I left. A 10-year search finally led me to Plainfield Independent Church.

My heart ached for more than a place to attend and institutional rules to follow. Mostly what I knew was leader-driven hierarchy bent on managing others, guilt, doctrine, rituals, conformity, superficial relationships, hypocrisy, and battles over projects and music, while overlooking sin and suffering of fellow members. Church had become meaningless, and I desperately needed a better understanding than the one I had been given. I was told that it was a frailty of my heart rather than the failures of the institution. I was told attendance was an obligation, and if I left, I was in danger. Now I know I did not leave church, I left an organization. I never stopped wanting to know God.

Since arriving at Plainfield, I am learning church is more than a steepled edifice with people sitting on a pew. True church is comprised of those who are striving to live biblical principles, who share a passion for Christ, and encourage each other on the journey, faithfully doing the tasks God has given them, and loving one another as Christ taught.

I found a unity of heart and spiritual purpose, true love, resilience, and honesty. Sin is boldly addressed. God is first above self-interest, relationships above conformity, and freedom above obligation. The structure is used to serve mankind, as Mrs. Eddy taught. True church has been awakened in me. Here is a life-changing proving ground, a place in God’s family. Here flows the living water that is restoring the broken, encouraging the weak, a community of the redeemed. It has begun in me a healing of the heart.

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The Importance of Tithing

by Jim Dible

Several years ago, I made a decision to begin to tithe to our church. I have always supported my church, but always had the feeling that to tithe to the church was an impossibility. I was never wasteful in spending, but never seemed to have enough money to go around, and the church suffered.

Exciting things started to happen with the start of tithing. I had been using an advisory group for investing in the stock market as a retirement fund, and one of their newsletters suggested that rather than investing in the ‘market’ at that time, one should buy a rental house. This I did, and shortly after, I had the opportunity to purchase two additional houses. The bank and I owned my home and three rental homes.

Today, those original four homes have grown to a total of ten — nine rentals plus my home — and all but two are ‘free of debt.’

I am most grateful for the lesson that was presented to me and I realize that none of this would have been possible had it not been for the ‘angel thought’ inspiring me to tithe.

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Story of Gratitude

from the Christian Science Journal, May 1905 by Irving C. Tomlinson

In the Saviour’s company “Mary stood.” Mary had no sense of self. A blessing had been given her so rich that her only thoughts were those of gratitude and service. Greater than governor or king, was he to whom she brought her choicest gift. To Mary, overflowing with the flood-tides of gratitude, it was joy unspeakable to be allowed to stand in his presence. She was not coveting a position of dignity and honor. Heaven’s call comes not to the worldly great, but to those who rejoice to stand in the presence of God’s anointed.

Mary’s life was a psalm of gratitude. In her gift of the alabaster box of ointment, gratitude’s gracious offering is portrayed. At the cross, in the hour of adversity, we behold gratitude’s devotion. At the empty tomb, seeing with clear vision the risen Christ, gratitude’s reward is revealed. Gratitude’s offering is the gift of self. It makes no reservations, but pours forth all. It measures not its service in wages. It is paid in the privilege of serving. Gratitude’s devotion is the spontaneous expression of the heart’s deep love. Success does not increase, nor failure lessen it. In adversity it grows stronger, and in the darkest hour it shines most bright. Gratitude’s reward comes unsought. It is the new birth; it is the discovery of the risen Christ by the pure in heart; it is the abiding presence of the Life which is Love. The angelic song is again heard, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

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Thoughts of Gratitude for Something in the Past

by Luanne Tucker
Letter to a Practitioner

Growing up in a family with an alcoholic dad was the most troubling experience I have ever had. The many days I sat in darkness in the basement of our home, where I had been tossed as garbage, weighed heavy on my soul. Then one day a ray of light shined across the floor, through a tiny crack in the boards nailed there, some years before. I recall sitting on a pail with my bare feet wrapped in a ribbon of glowing light. Was it All-in-all to me or but a tiny seed, that chased away the cold and fear, an answer to my need?

Time passed on and for many long years, I sat in the evenings, ruminating over the “wrongs” of this world. Anguish clung to my heart, burying that seed, deep beneath a mountain of injustice. But all throughout these troubled days, my memory kept recalling that one tiny peephole of light casting a line across the floor—it was the hope that someday, the world would love again and there would be injustice no more.

Love borne of God,

Who’s radiant light doth glow.

It fills all space and time,

In which my faith has grown.

What might have been that tiny light,

Cast across the floor,

But the angel voices sent to me

From Watches and Prayers afore.

Now, being nurtured on in the humanity of Christian Science, I sit and ponder the blessings I’ve received.

Recalling glorious moments

When God has held His sway.

I want to give my gratitude

For what you did that day

And to tell you of the blessing that came,

When you Watched and Prayed.

I have learned from you to do the same—

In silent earnest keep,

All the children of this world

Wrapped in Love so deep.

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From Mrs. Eddy


from Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 320

This interesting day, crowned with the history of Truth’s idea, — its earthly advent and nativity, — is especially dear to the heart of Christian Scientists; to whom Christ’s appearing in a fuller sense is so precious, and fraught with divine benedictions for mankind.

The star that looked lovingly down on the manger of our Lord, lends its resplendent light to this hour: the light of Truth, to cheer, guide, and bless man as he reaches forth for the infant idea of divine perfection dawning upon human imperfection, — that calms man’s fears, bears his burdens, beckons him on to Truth and Love and the sweet immunity these bring from sin, sickness, and death.

This polar star, fixed in the heavens of divine Science, shall be the sign of his appearing who “healeth all our diseases;” it hath traversed night, wading through darkness and gloom, on to glory. It doth meet the antagonism of error; addressing to dull ears and undisciplined beliefs words of Truth and Life.

The star of Bethlehem is the light of all ages; is the light of Love, to-day christening religion undefiled, divine Science; giving to it a new name, and the white stone in token of purity and permanence.

The wise men follow this guiding star; the watchful shepherd chants his welcome over the cradle of a great truth, and saith, “Unto us a child is born,” whose birth is less of a miracle than eighteen centuries ago; and “his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

My heart is filled with joy, that each receding year sees the steady gain of Truth’s idea in Christian Science; that each recurring year witnesses the balance adjusted more on the side of God, the supremacy of Spirit; as shown by the triumphs of Truth over error, of health over sickness, of Life over death, and of Soul over sense.

“The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.” “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

Press on, press on! ye sons of light,

Untiring in your holy fight,

Still treading each temptation down,

And battling for a brighter crown.

We were taught here in Plainfield to begin at Thanksgiving to study every day, “What Christmas Means to Me,” and Mrs. Eddy’s other writings about Christmas.
Animal magnetism runs rampant at this time of year, attempting to cause people to act in ways they ordinarily would not, and would turn Christmas into a pagan ritual. Working in this way destroys the suggestions of error and replaces them with Truth, and brings God’s blessings and peace to all mankind.

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One Ambition and One Joy

from Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 280:26-281:22

On the morning of the fifth, I met the class to answer some questions before their dismissal, and allude briefly to a topic of great import to the student of Christian Science, — the rocks and sirens in their course, on and by which so many wrecks are made. The doors of animal magnetism open wide for the entrance of error, sometimes just at the moment when you are ready to enter on the fruition of your labors, and with laudable ambition are about to chant hymns of victory for triumphs.

The doors that this animal element flings open are those of rivalry, jealousy, envy, revenge. It is the self-asserting mortal will-power that you must guard against. But I find also another mental condition of yours that fills me with joy. I learned long ago that the world could neither deprive me of something nor give me anything, and I have now one ambition and one joy. But if one cherishes ambition unwisely, one will be chastened for it.

Admiral Coligny, in the time of the French Huguenots, was converted to Protestantism through a stray copy of the Scriptures that fell into his hands. He replied to his wife, who urged him to come out and confess his faith, “It is wise to count the cost of becoming a true Christian.” She answered him, “It is wiser to count the cost of not becoming a true Christian.” So, whatever we meet that is hard in the Christian warfare we must count as nothing, and must think instead, of our poverty and helplessness without this understanding, and count ourselves always as debtors to Christ, Truth.

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From “The Healer”

“I would like to read an excerpt given to me in the very early days by Mr. James Neal, the beloved student and friend of our Leader. I have given this before, but I find it so valuable that I cannot resist sharing with you our Leader’s own interpretation of ‘Christmas Morn’ in healing a patient.

Thou gentle beam of living Love,

And deathless Life!

Truth infinite is you, as God sees you,

As you see yourself.

“Still I quote our Leader:

I have taken this hymn and raised a patient who was at the point of passing on in [the] hospital. I held her as a ‘gentle beam.’ Of what? ‘Living Love’ — as far above all the strife, all the striving, as far above the conditions that brought her there.

‘Or cruel creed’ — the doctor’s verdict. So far above all cruel edicts, creeds of mortal belief. ‘Or earth-born taint’ — so far above any taint of inheritance.

‘Fill us,’ fill her, today, right now, ‘with all Thou art.’ With what? With ‘living Love and deathless Life, Truth infinite.’ Thou all of her. Thou all of me. Fill us, be Thou our all of Life always.”

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Christmas Morn

by Mary Baker Eddy
Verses 4 and 5

Thou gentle beam of living Love,

And deathless Life!

Truth infinite, — so far above

All mortal strife,

Or cruel creed, or earth-born taint:

Fill us today

With all thou art — be thou our saint,

Our stay, alway.

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A Secret and A Question

from Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 133:22-134:19

My Beloved Brethren: — I have a secret to tell you and a question to ask. Do you know how much I love you and the nature of this love? No: then my sacred secret is incommunicable, and we live apart. But, yes: and this inmost something becomes articulate, and my book is not all you know of me. But your knowledge with its magnitude of meaning uncovers my life, even as your heart has discovered it. The spiritual bespeaks our temporal history. Difficulty, abnegation, constant battle against the world, the flesh, and evil, tell my long-kept secret — evidence a heart wholly in protest and unutterable in love.

The unprecedented progress of Christian Science is proverbial, and we cannot be too grateful nor too humble for this, inasmuch as our daily lives serve to enhance or to stay its glory. To triumph in truth, to keep the faith individually and collectively, conflicting elements must be mastered. Defeat need not follow victory. Joy over good achievements and work well done should not be eclipsed by some lost opportunity, some imperative demand not yet met.

Truth, Life, and Love will never lose their claim on us. And here let me add: —

Truth happifies life in the hamlet or town;
Life lessens all pride — its pomp and its frown —
Love comes to our tears like a soft summer shower,
To beautify, bless, and inspire man’s power.

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From Early Workers

A Word to Beginners

from the Christian Science Journal, 1888, by E. A. R.

I think it is nearly always the case, that those who take up Christian Science as a study are driven to do so from some physical difficulty.

Sometimes they take up the study of Science and Health with the idea that reading the book will heal them. Then, if they are not healed after reading the book once, they are tempted to give it up.

Do not be discouraged, dear friends. An earnest study of Science and Health, with the Bible as an accompaniment, will surely heal the most discouraging disease.

Earnestly strive, and your way will become brighter and brighter at each succeeding step, until at last you can exclaim: “I have fought the good fight, I am victor over sin, disease, and death; for to know God is Life and peace.”

The light is ready to come in, if we will only roll up our curtains and let it come. If we repeatedly destroy errors with Truth, each success makes the next easier; and when at last we find our house swept and garnished, the Prince of Peace will enter in and abide with us forever.

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Letter on “Poise”

by Edward A. Kimball

The consciousness of the individual is poised somewhere in the realm of thought. The poise of the perfect man is in perfection — a state of self-knowledge, dominion, grandeur, repose, superb appreciation.

Here is an important strategic point in your spontaneous or speedy transformation. In a certain sense your poise will save you, because your poise is your real appreciation of being. Ascend constantly to your highest altitude and plane of equanimity, self-reliance, and mental culture. Ascend above the plane of concept whereon the ordinary trash of human belief can move you and substitute itself for your natural peace. Maintain your peace and happiness by refusing to descend into the mud of cheap human rubbish, and know that your composure cannot be upset by every or any mortal who can be used to wallow in the mud.

We have a fundamental ability to do everything that it is right to do, and to manifest improved beliefs of ability and accomplishment as we go along. We ought to do everything spontaneously, without process or progressive steps. Deny the belief of limitation, obscuration, obstruction, and development. We do not need a long process of development, because all Truth is already developed, and is ours now.

There is always the right thing to do, and you may declare always that you can know what it is. By opening up your thought and accomplishing a state of receptivity, you will be surprised to find how much will come to you as a sort of revelation.

Avoid self-depreciation. It is always a step backward, and will keep you down on a low level. Nothing that anyone may think can possibly harm you. Do not believe otherwise. Fear is an utter fiction. It is always about nothing — or rather it is about its lie concerning something. It is never yours. There is no such thing as “my fear.” Exclude it by keeping it at arm’s length. There is no matter to be cured or changed. Nothing needs to be changed but a belief. Remember that these beliefs appear only to disappear. Therefore be not afraid.

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A Christmas Gift

from Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Precepts, by Gilbert C. Carpenter

One Christmas the students of Eugene H. Greene felt a wonderful uplift. Then they learned that he had consciously sent forth a Christly love as his gift to them all. Since he followed his Leader in everything he did, he must have known that this was her own way of expressing thoughtful consideration, in return for all the gifts that were made to her by students and friends. She worked to send out a special spiritual blessing at that time. Her Christmas wishes, therefore, were not an idle gesture, but a practical demonstration of God’s healing presence and power.

There is a special pressure on the part of animal magnetism at Christmas time, to force upon the attention of people such a sense of the reality and desirability of the human sense of things, that they will have no time or inclination to contemplate its real significance. Christmas should turn the thoughts of man to Spirit, or Cause, in the midst of his materiality and concern for effect; but since such a result would be inimical to the reign of the human mind, error makes a special and determined effort at that time to cause mortals to be engrossed in the unreal. Hence it takes a special demonstration to overcome the added mist of illusion that rises up from animal magnetism at Christmas. Therefore, it was a very significant thing to have Mr. Greene’s Christmas wishes for his students take the form of helping them to turn their thoughts toward reality, at a time when the activity of the lie was the greater in the wrong direction.

As a lone woman battling against tremendous odds, having a frail sense of human health, and being dependent upon demonstration entirely, Mrs. Eddy needed much that her students could give her. They could give her kindness and affection, a sense of being cherished and cared for. She could handle her own problems through demonstration, but her great aloneness on her upward flight, caused her to appreciate especially an attitude on the part of a student such as Mr. Johnson manifested. Think of what her temptation to feel alone was, when she had spiritual revelations so profound, that there was not one person on earth with whom she could share them! Once when a student asked her if she was ever lonely, she replied, “Alone, child, but never lonely.”

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Current Articles

“Open His Eyes, That He May See”

by Mary Beth Singleterry

In the Bible (II Kings, Chapter 6) there is a story about Elisha. He was surrounded by enemies, and his servant became very fearful and asked him, “Alas, Master! how shall we do?” Elisha answered, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” Elisha knew that they were surrounded by God’s chariots of fire, that they had tremendous protection, but his servant could not see it. So what did Elisha do? It says in the Bible, “Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

I know in my own experience, when I might have a beloved friend or family member who perhaps is not seeing or being receptive to something I think they should be receptive to, my first impulse is to talk to them, to tell them what to do. In this case, Elisha could have said to his servant, “There are chariots of fire all around us, protecting us. You can’t see them, but they’re really there — maybe someday you’ll see them.” Oh, the wisdom of Elisha! Elisha just prayed to God that his servant’s eyes be opened.

So in the case of a loved one who might not be getting something you feel they should get, perhaps the wise course to take, rather than trying to speak or convince or argue, would be to pray to God and know that God will open their eyes, that God is their Mind, that they have the Mind of Christ and they will see what they need to see. Not to feel so humanly responsible for the situation, but instead, get on your knees in prayer to God.

I have found this to work in my own experience. It might not work immediately, but it does work. God does open their eyes, and people do see what they need to see. It is always God in control, not us humanly, but God’s will be done.

I am so grateful for these Lessons, and for our Bible Studies where we learn so much about each story and how it relates to our own life, right here and right now.

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Handle the Claim

by Sharon Welsh

In I Thessalonians (5:15) it says, “See that none render evil for evil unto any man.” One definition of render is “to pay back.”

This is a reminder to be loving at all times. If someone is unloving or unkind to me, I still need to be loving and kind to them. I cannot pay them back with error. I need to see the error impersonally. This is still a child of God, even though they are not acting like it! As Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health, “Love is reflected in love.” It’s love that destroys hate and reveals the truth about God’s man.

Another meaning of render is “one that tears by violence.” Mrs. Eddy says, “Every law of matter or the body, supposed to govern man, is rendered null and void by the law of Life, God.” (S&H, 380:32) When this type of error confronts us, we need to really nail it and destroy it. Tear it apart. Not be nice. This is a false claim calling itself a law, but it is not a law — it’s a lie.

Mrs. Eddy, in her writings, has told us how to live Christian Science. It is a constant going to God, asking Him how to deal with situations, declaring the truth that destroys the error, and obeying God by following His direction. This inevitably heals any situation.

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“Go Forward”

by Gary Singleterry

“And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.”

How many times have I agonized over a decision after getting the thought to take a step, but worrying about making a mistake, and really wishing I could see the final result before taking the first step! This is how we develop our spiritual sense — by trusting the “still, small voice,” and going forward without seeing more than the first step. One of our hymns makes this point, “One step enough for me.”

The Israelites were given a huge first step out of Egypt, across the Red Sea — and, yet, three days later, there they were, doubting and complaining again, and wanting to turn back. How often does that happen to us?

I have found that my confidence in that still, small voice is usually a function of how well I am living in obedience to it each day. When I am “in the right mind,” I find it easier to take the steps God gives me without worrying where they will lead. When I am fearful about taking the next step, or complaining that I don’t know where it will lead, that is a good indication I have not been living in obedience to God and I had better get on my knees in repentance and trust in Him.

We all have the spiritual sense required to hear God’s voice. It is the only thing that connects us with our Maker. Cultivating that sense and living in obedience to it is about the most important thing we can do. And it is the only way to a successful, satisfying life.

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The Chart of Life

by Jeremy Palmer

Thanks to the wonderful Lessons and Bible Studies at this church, I have begun to understand how Christian Science reveals the spiritual meaning of the Bible and how to apply it to my life. Recently we read about the Exodus from Egypt and the crossing of the Red Sea. The Lessons also spoke of the “great gulf” between Dives and Abraham.

It occurred to me some time ago that before I came to Plainfield, I could not see my way forward, and now that I am here I can’t see the way back. That helped me to understand what the “great gulf” is. But then, more recently, I realized that all of us need to have our own Exodus from Egypt (the slavery of mortal mind), which must include our own crossing of the Red Sea — that great gulf! — if we are to get closer to God.

If we need to have that Red Sea moment, then perhaps we need to come to other moments that are shown in the Bible. Looking at other Lessons I’ve studied in this church, I can see that I have, at various times, been: the hard-hearted pharaoh; the ungrateful murmurer; the Chaldee looking for a mystical sign; the seeker of a king; the condemning Pharisee; the sumptuously faring Dives; the suffering Lazarus; and, the Judas betraying Jesus. I am sure those are just a few of many similarities!

That is when I understood why the Bible is called “The Chart of Life.” Not only did these events occur, but they will in some way occur for each of us, and through our understanding of Christian Science and the Bible, we will be ready to face every one of them. This shows me the important reason to study the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures together: These books teach us how to use Christian Science to handle every situation we could ever encounter, with Truth and Love. What a wonderful way to equip us for this journey!

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Coming to Plainfield

by Bruce Singleterry

Coming to Plainfield does not mean to come to the city in New Jersey, but to come to that state of thought where peace can be found by exercising one’s God-given dominion.

From our hymn 276 is the phrase “Peace, the fruit of conquered sin.” So, what does Plainfield have to do with conquering sin and finding the resulting peace? Let’s examine by breaking Plainfield into two words. First, “plain” means uncovered, in a clear view, without obstruction or ecclesiastic diversion, a type of humble honesty. Next, “field” can be taken from the military context, which is the place where the battle between good and evil is fought and the victory gained for good. Once this is done, the field becomes a foundation for bearing fruit, or an open thought that is receptive to God’s blessings.

Want to have peace in your heart? Come to Plainfield.

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History Section

The Christian Science Hymnal

The thought back of anything is of prime importance. Often those who compose music are motivated by desire for self-aggrandizement. There were students who wrote either words or music with the hope of having them put into the Hymnal, since that way they would be brought favorably before the congregation. They would thus have a perpetual advertisement that would declare that they were good Christian Scientists. Our Leader did not want any words or music put in the Hymnal or sung in the church that did not have the right thought back of them.

She foresaw that error would strive to bring discord into the organization through the medium of music, so she wrote a By-law, the purpose of which was to close the door on any necessity for the Directors to pass on either new words or music composed by Christian Scientists.

This By-law is found in Sec. 11 of Art. VIII of the 1896 edition of the Manual. “No hymns nor words composed by students of Christian Science that are not at this date, January 22, 1896, in the Christian Science Hymnal shall be sung in The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. As a necessary barrier to inharmony in the Church this By-law has become requisite.”

Music in our churches has one purpose, and that is to bring out any harmonious and unified thought in the congregation, a basis of thought that best enables scientific work to be done in the service. Hence the question regarding music is not, whether it is beautiful, or desirable, or musical, but rather whether it will tend to harmonize the thought of the congregation. If it does not bring forth this result, it should be ruled out in favor of that which does. Hence she wanted all the music played or sung in her church to be of a nature that would tend to spiritualize thought. All other music, no matter how beautiful, that did not tend to this result, was to be ruled out. (Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Precepts)

Little seems to be known or written about a historic treasure, a Christian Science hymnal published in 1909. This forgotten book was enlarged and expanded to include fifty new hymns totaling 217. This hymnal was used until 1932 when it was revised and expanded to a total of 417 hymns. Approximately 40 of the 1909 hymns were omitted and the poems “Love” and “Satisfied” by Mary Baker Eddy were put to music and added. Previous to 1909 the publishing society had released two other hymnals. The first one in 1892, included 99 in vogue gospel style hymns written by Lyman Brackett. The second was published in 1898 with many of Brackett’s new hymns omitted, and other hymns were added. Before these editions the two most used hymnals were Peloubet’s Select Songs and the Unitarian Social Hymn Book.

This shows the importance Mrs. Eddy gave to every detail of her revelation.

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Bible Study

Lazarus and the Rich Man / A Christmas Carol

Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus teaches life-changing lessons that we can apply today—as do all his parables.

In those days, there were the very rich—the upper class—and the very poor. The rich man was of the upper class, dressed in purple and fine linen. He selfishly provided only for himself—only thinking about himself and his wants.

Lazarus was a beggar, a humble man who sat outside his gate, begging. The rich man passed by him every day, and never did anything to relieve his suffering.

After they both died, Lazarus was taken up into heaven, and the rich man into hell. After learning in hell that there was no crossing over from hell to heaven, or vice versa, the rich man asked that Lazarus be sent to his brothers, to warn them to change their ways. But he was told by Father Abraham that if they did not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to Lazarus.

The life of Charles Dickens has a similarity to this parable. The following is an excerpt from an interesting article by James Cathcart, which can be found on Franklin Covey Consultant Blogs, regarding Charles Dickens and the writing of A Christmas Carol.

It states that in the fall of 1843, Charles Dickens was in a slump. His last published work was not doing well, and debts were mounting. His own father had suffered in debtor’s prison, and fearing for his family, writer’s block set in and things gradually went from bad to worse. Sleepless, he took to walking the London streets, night after night, hoping to find something to spark his imagination. Everywhere he went during those dark nights, he saw the homeless living in the alleyways, and the children working long hours through the night to help their families make ends meet. While Dickens was aware of the plight of the poor, and had, in fact, written about them in some of his earlier works, these nights had a profound impact on him.

He began to realize that, with his relative wealth and power to reach thousands, he was in a position to serve those less fortunate than himself. Thus began the feverish writing of one of Dickens’ most famous works, A Christmas Carol. This famous story of a selfish man obsessed with his own wealth—and his subsequent transformation—was the story of Dickens’ own life. The more he focused on the plight of the impoverished, the more creative he became. He felt it was his mission to bring to light the terrible conditions that existed in England, and rally those who had the resources to end it.

Each holiday season, following the publication of this book, Dickens would do a public reading in theaters all over the city. When he finished the story, he would implore the theater-goers to learn from the character of Scrooge, and find joy and fulfillment by giving to those less fortunate.

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More Articles

Immortal Life

by Melissa Johnson

I would like to give my gratitude to God for being the ever watchful shepherd and loving Father-Mother, who over the years has led me out of some very dark places. Being raised in an emotionally difficult family environment, but blessed with great material prosperity, I was very much a child of the world and materiality, but deeply unhappy. For years I searched to find love through personal sense and seemed to for a time, only to find it built on the shifting sands. I was searching for spiritual peace and explored many spiritual philosophies to try to find deep inner peace.

My turning point came in my youth when, as a young chiropractor on a professional educational trip with my colleagues in Sri Lanka, I became very ill and started to pass on. I remember being lifted above, outside the body, so to speak. At first I felt this overwhelming fear with the thought, I am dying; and then almost instantly followed the thought, NO I am not ready to die. As I was moving out of the body, I remembered something I must have read earlier from my previous spiritual searchings. The thought came that if the Yogi masters can defy matter, then so can I. I knew I had to make a mental stand, I couldn’t rely on the Sri Lankan Hospital system to save me.

I was absolutely aware that my body was sensationless and I can remember realizing that all the medical theories I had being learning about body and matter in neuro-anatomy and physiology, etc., were false. I had no body or sense of body, but I was there. I called out to God, then I found myself completely at-one with His presence. My will was His will, absolutely One. Just One Mind and presence.

I had never experienced anything like this before and it is almost impossible to convey with words. It was a sense of Power, an absolute and complete presence. No matter, no mortal mind, only the all-knowing Mind, and that was Me. I realized that the personality that I had been calling me, was not me and never had been. I could see the room, the people, and all within in the room and realized it was all me. I had an expanded sense of self. Everything I was aware of was embodied within my consciousness, and it was me. There was curtain partitioning around me, I was enclosed in a partitioned cubicle, but I could see everything outside that cubicle, I was above it all. I was perceiving with the all-knowing Mind, and it was my only mind at that moment. Then I recall being aware of my body and seeing a blood pressure cuff around my right arm and my chiropractic teacher sitting beside me monitoring me. As I became conscious of my body again I knew I had experienced a great awakening.

There were challenges to follow. I was taken back to my hotel, then certain bodily functions seemed to break down. A medical practitioner was called who wanted to put me into the hospital immediately and onto a drip, but I was reluctant to go. The Sri Lankan hospitals in 1984/5 were nothing like our western hospital system then. Poor hygiene and primitive buildings gave me little faith in their medical system. The doctor agreed to leave me in the hotel for the time being, but would check on me when he could return in about 6-8 hours. During that time I seemed to deteriorate further, but in my semiconscious state I held to one thought: I AM ALIVE. I kept repeating this to myself mentally until I reached the hospital.

Because of my earlier experience, I was able to mentally hold onto that thought and nothing else. I seemed to know that the presence was life itself and would not allow any other thought to enter my consciousness. It was as if I knew I couldn’t die. There were times when I became aware of colleagues taking my pulse, making comments about my condition, pulse rate, etc., and being told just to go to sleep. But I would not let go of the thought I AM ALIVE, and I knew I had to stay conscious of that fact. Eventually I was taken to a European-style hospital in Columbo and placed on a drip. I have no recollection after that until I awoke sometime later, and after a week or so I was able to return home.

When I finally returned home to Australia, and after some prolonged recovery, I found myself compelled to understand this experience. I had experienced a taste of immortality. I searched many religions and started to explore some New Age metaphysics, but it was not until some seven years later that I finally found Christian Science.

I was given a Christian Science Journal by a friend who wasn’t a Scientist, and when I read these words, “Man is God’s immortal idea,” I knew I had found my answer. That was what I had experienced. I attended a local Christian Science Church and was given Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by a practitioner there. I had been so thirsty for this Truth, and was so thankful to have finally found this book. I devoured it day and night. I knew this was the Science of life. I identified so much with what was written here by Mary Baker Eddy and wanted to advance in my spiritual understanding of this Science, and so I began my journey into the greatest love affair of life, the journey into Christian Science.

In the words of Mary Baker Eddy, “To live so as to keep human consciousness in constant relation with the divine, the spiritual, and the eternal is to individualize infinite power and this is Christian Science.” What a blessing.

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The Story of the Two Wolves

by Mary Beth Singleterry

Mrs. Eddy once told a student, “Error comes to you for life, and you give it all the life it has.” The following story is a good illustration of this very important truth.

Two Wolves

An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, pride and hatred. The other wolf represents joy, love, peace, humility, forgiveness and honesty. This fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.”

The children thought about it for a minute, and then one child asked, “Grandfather, which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee replied simply, “The one you feed.”

This story is a good reminder not to mull over negative experiences or indulge in negative emotions. In Science we learn, if it wasn’t good it is no more real than a bad dream! We do have a choice as to what thoughts we will think. In Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy wisely instructs us to “Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts.”

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Science in Action

Chest pain healed by reading Science and Health

Last week I experienced a painful cramping in my chest while I was preparing to go to bed. It came shortly after we had a watch, which is prayerful work that this church does in unity to specifically address a problem in the world. I realized that the pain I was experiencing was an attack on God’s work, and I prayed to know that God is the only cause and I am the effect, and also that I couldn’t be a victim of any evil that would try to convince me otherwise.

I also worked with a passage in Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy: “Be firm in your understanding that the divine Mind governs, and that in Science man reflects God’s government. Have no fear that matter can ache, swell, and be inflamed as the result of a law of any kind, when it is self-evident that matter can have no pain nor inflammation.”

The pain continued on and off all night. I have my alarm set for 6:00 a.m. so I can study and read the Lesson before all the needs of the day start calling. About 20 minutes after I began, I became so focused on the truth of what I was reading and on God’s presence in the quiet and calm of the morning, that all pain in my chest vanished. I don’t even remember when it left, but I was grateful for this quick demonstration of God’s care.

from E. S. in Georgia

Fever healed by reading the Bible

I was recently reminded of a healing I had a while ago:

In the middle of the night, I was very sick with a high fever, frightened, and unable to get off the bed or help myself. I was sweating profusely, and fear overtook me. The room was very dark, but I was still unable to get off the bed to turn on the light. But I have developed the habit of placing my Bible within an arm’s reach from my bed, a habit I learned when I was child.

The room was so dark that it was almost impossible to see anything or to read a word. The only light in the room was the tiny red light from my CD player, but I reached for my Bible and right away opened it and faced it to the tiny red light, hoping to read something that would give me strength. It was the book of Isaiah, and straight away, the word was spoken to me, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10). Just what I was hoping for, and immediately I knew it was God speaking to me.

In that moment, I was overwhelmed with His presence. Within a short time, the fever left me and I was completely healed. I was able to have a good night’s sleep. The next morning it was like nothing happened, as I woke up like a new man.

It is such a great joy to know that God’s presence is everywhere and that He is our ever-present help in trouble. Today, I still sleep with my Bible next to me, and I have found it a great help.

from B. N. in New Jersey

Need for medical care healed through trust in God

In 2004 I sustained a spinal injury at work. Ever since then, I have been involved with Workers’ Compensation and dealing with the promise of being restored to health and financially compensated. Year after year that promise has never been kept.

Last September I retired from my job, having satisfied 25 years of employment. Four years ago, I began my study of Christian Science. Since then, everything I believed has been turned upside down. I have been awakened to the Truth and, through the work of my practitioner, have received many healings, including being relieved of back pain, to the point that I was able to build an entire building on my own this past summer. Over the past few months God has supplied me with plenty of employment to meet all my financial needs.

Last week, I was called by my doctor and told that I was approved for physical therapy, as my case was still active. Because of what I knew to be true, the question had to be answered. Was I truly prepared to give up this mortal concept and stand with Principle and trust God with every aspect of my life?

I battled against the many erroneous suggestions that came flooding in, for a couple nights. Armed with the understanding of what God had already brought me through, I found a strong sense of peace.

The next day I went to physical therapy and told them that I no longer wanted or needed medical treatment. I explained what I had been learning in Christian Science and told her how my pain had been relieved. She was very receptive to the words God had given me to speak, and told me that she had great respect for my decision. She asked if I understood what I was giving up, I said yes, but more importantly I understand what I have gained.

I am so grateful to God for His patience, and faithfulness in carrying me through this lesson and for everything I have been given through Christian Science that has opened my eyes to the Truth and strengthened my resolve to stand with Principle against every suggestion of mortal mind.

I am deeply grateful for my practitioner, for all the Love and guidance she has shown me. I am so grateful for Christian Science.

One of the great benefits I have received is learning Christian Science through a church that promotes the honest endeavor to demonstrate Truth, and provides the tools and knowledge to do so.

L. T. in New York

Headache healed by knowing Truth

I am very grateful for a healing I had yesterday. I had a headache that lasted for quite some time; it lasted over a day. It got so bad that I had to lie down in darkness. As I lay in bed a picture of many ill people in bed, utterly cast down and out of commission, came to my thought. And the question came to me, “Does this make any sense to you?” And I said, “No, of course not; that’s not the man that I know.” And it came to me so strongly, that this image made no sense. It was not a fact from the Science of Being that Jesus and Mrs. Eddy taught. Every single one of us is the expression, the idea, of a perfect God, who is Love. I just knew fervently that God did not create sickness, sickness had no place in the kingdom of heaven, which is within each of us.

I got up and prepared myself to go to work. I realized that I needed help, so I called a Christian Science practitioner from Plainfield Church, and within just a couple of hours I was completely healed. I thank God for this healing, and the practitioner for her help.

from L. R. in Florida

Shoulder pain healed by reading the lesson

I want to share a healing that I had which took place while daily turning to our Bible Lesson. I injured my shoulder lifting something heavy that happened unexpectedly so I was unable to brace myself. The next day I could barely move my arm due to the pain, and this restricted my activity. The Lesson during this time was about strength in God’s protection. A few citations that were helpful to me were: “In thine hand is power and might,… and to give strength unto all.”(1 Chron. 29:12 ), “Fear not; I will help thee.” (Isa. 41:13), “Truth makes man free.” (S&H p. 225). Each day there was less pain and more freedom of movement. In about four days I had complete and normal use of my arm without pain. It even felt stronger than before. Having the Lesson to turn to helped me focus on God and His promises rather than my problem.

from L. S. in Pennsylvania

Swollen glands healed through selfless activity

Sunday morning I woke to start my watch and I realized that I couldn’t swallow. The left side of my throat was swollen. I’ve had swollen glands in the past, and I would get so upset and become fearful. This time was completely different. I was very calm. I needed to do my watch, and I thought, “I do not have time for this. I have something much more important to do.” I started the watch and halfway through it, the swelling completely disappeared. Other suggestions were coming to me of chills, etc., but these too dissipated.

I attribute this healing to what I am learning at Plainfield. These watches are so important and such a great blessing, not only for the world, but for ourselves. It is a pleasure and joy to do them.

I am very grateful for this healing. I am grateful to the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent for providing them, to God, Christ Jesus, and Mrs. Eddy.

from J. M. in Georgia

Healed by practitioner care

About a year and a half ago I had major surgery; and while it appears to have fixed one problem, it inadvertently caused another that was brought to my attention shortly thereafter. During a follow-up visit earlier this year, I was told that I’d need another minor procedure to correct this new issue.

While I was reassured that it was a fairly routine thing, the thought of having to undergo another operation, however minor, caused me considerable distress; so I delayed the procedure. But fear prevented me from addressing the issue head-on. The negative thoughts were relentless and insisted that once I had gone down the medical route, there could be no turning back. But I knew I didn’t have to accept that and, that I could still stand on Truth. After all, the Fruitage chapter in Science and Health was filled with people who had initially chosen the medical path, only to realize that it offered but a temporary solution. True freedom can only be found in God.

I had talked to a practitioner in this church about another issue, and she told me that medical laws have no power to control God’s idea, and that God’s spiritual laws alone govern. Additionally, I worked with a thought from an article by Peter V. Ross that she recently sent me. Of particular help was this statement “…Father give me the glory I had with Thee before this mesmerism enveloped me.”

Today I went for another follow-up appointment, and the doctor called to tell me that the second procedure was no longer necessary because the problem is now corrected and I am now out of the “danger zone.” The Bible says to resist the devil and it will flee from you.

I am most thankful to the practitioner for her help, and for this church for showing me how to handle animal magnetism and resist the devil.

from S. A. in Maryland

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Letters of Gratitude

I just found the Plainfield Christian Science YouTube channel, and I want to thank you for posting your church activities, hymns, etc., on YouTube like this.

I’ve been living in China for several years now, and one thing I start to miss is being able to attend a Christian Science church and listen to the music which I grew up with. I hope you continue to maintain this channel for years to come, and let God guide here all those who need it.

Thank you for the generous efforts you make. You are a light in dark places.


I am very grateful to be a member of the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent. Though I joined years ago, this church stays fresh and vibrant, keeping abreast of the times. With the teleconference feature and website, living in another state is no problem for anyone who wishes to participate in church activities.

Most importantly, this church demonstrates and teaches Mrs. Eddy’s pure Christian Science. This is why I am still a member. This church has changed my life in so many ways that I cannot be grateful enough for!


I can’t say how much I’m grateful for Plainfield Church and all it is doing. I tithe to the church because I believe in its mission — to the glory of God and the advancement and the prayers of the Cause — Mrs. Eddy’s pure Christian Science.

May all mankind come to the warm embrace of divine Love.


The Wednesday service of 9/16/15 was wonderful, great readings and testimonies. Plainfield Christian Science is like a rock, in the foaming wild sea of mortal mind and its so-called world.

Costa Rica

I am really grateful for the insights gained from working with my Plainfield practitioner and the Saturday Bible Study, as well as the Sunday Roundtable. In my many years of working in Christian Science I have not quite understood, or I would have had continuous healings and not hit or miss.

I was never taught to face evil and see its nothingness. I was taught only that God is Love and I did not completely understand that at all. When people told me they needed help, I mistakenly did what I could humanly, while reading my Science and Health. I did not see the hidden recesses of error, and I did not even take that seriously as I felt that if God is Love, why bother to know anything else. Now I am learning that I can perceive if this is from God, or is it from something else.

Since I have been doing watches, I am waking from this and becoming aware of who I am more and more. So I now know that support is fine, but I must know that it comes from God. It is with great joy that I learn the language of Christian Science as I am now doing, and it becomes more and more apparent that I cannot “breathe an immoral atmosphere unless in the attempt to purify it.”

Thank you so much, and let us share the world of God’s creation.


I have been a student of Christian Science for many years, reading the Bible and Science and Health independently and following your services, Bible Studies and Roundtable for the last month.

I would like to apply for membership in your church and participate virtually. Thank you and many blessings.


What a wonderful Roundtable that brought out that sympathy is error. That compassion separated the error from the child of God and knows that error is not real so it is destroyed! So helpful!


Thank you, Plainfield. I loved your Bible Study on Paul’s journey. I shared it with another friend here in Australia who also loved it. The content of the discussion had such variety and was so natural — heart speaking to heart. I found myself laughing along with you there. It was very uplifting.

I couldn’t help but feel for the ex-farmer who referred to how he felt now about killing animals from his past farming practices, so I thought I would share this little gem. This is from Addresses and Other Writings of Christian Science by Doris Henty, from her chapter on The Lord’s Prayer and this section specifically relates to her discussion on forgiveness.

“I would like to tell you one of our Leader’s conversations with Mr. Edward A. Kimball. She said, ‘If a man stole a sheep yesterday but would not steal that sheep today, there is no penalty for the stealing of the sheep yesterday.’” This is corroborated in Science and Health (p. 404) “If the evil is over in the repentant mortal mind, while its effects still remain on the individual, you can remove this disorder as God’s law is fulfilled and reformation cancels the crime.”

Whatever the mistake, the moment error ceases, the penalty is remitted. The consequences of error are remembered no more forever. I quote Isaiah, “The former shall not be remembered nor come into mind.”

We love you here in Australia.


Thank you, Joseph, for your recording of the Sermon on the Mount and your piano solos. Everything found in Joseph’s Corner is a blessing.

What an honor to be part of Plainfield and all its participants.


I’m very grateful for the Roundtable of 9/27/15. The topic about the importance to surrender our will to God, that our desires should be only to know God more and to grow spiritually is very helpful. One of the comments that stayed with me is, “What is impossible to man, is possible to God.” Only God has power! Thank you to all.

New York

Just listened to the Roundtable and the Sunday service on YouTube. Wonderful—very clear and heartfelt. Thank you all.


I have spent a good amount of time on the church’s website, including working with the Bible Lesson and listening to several audio selections, and one of the more recent Roundtables. This site has been a friend, and clearly, from listening to some of the comments of others, many share this feeling.

Again, I don’t know other words to say besides a simple but heartfelt thank you to you and the others involved in your mission, for not only your willingness to do what is asked, but actually doing what you believe has been asked of you by God and by Mrs. Eddy as well. I do believe her guidance will always remain for those willing to listen and obey in earnest. The daily works performed through the church have also provided an insight that is still developing into the radical and continuous requirement upon those who are endeavoring to be true Christian Scientists, and while a bit overwhelming, in that every moment is devoted to the Cause, any other pursuit now seems rather ridiculous.

With gratitude and appreciation.


In the fall of 2014 I sent the book FROM HIS VIEW “I” AM FREE NOW, by Florence Roberts, to a friend who lives in Maine. She does not attend any church, but we often talk about spiritual ideas.

She has a grandson who is a Marine and is graduating from boot camp. Out of hundreds of soldiers, he is the second best shot and has requested to be placed in the front lines in order to protect his fellow Marines.

My friend has struggled with fear concerning his safety, and she called me to say that she woke up the other morning at 2:00 a.m. and immediately had the idea to read FROM HIS VIEW “I” AM FREE NOW. She told me that she read it silently, then aloud, and by morning she was no longer afraid for her grandson or his comrades.

Thank you Plainfield Church — you have no idea how far the Truth you know and share goes out to heal and bless.

from C. H. in Pennsylvania

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by Peter Kidd

Until you can tell me why

A trillion stars are in the sky,

Why ten thousand starlings fly in perfect synchronicity,

Why there is a thing called joy and beauty,

A will to live, and consciousness,

You haven’t scratched the surface, until you know why.

Until you can tell me why

We’re drawn to understand the “why,”

Why we look for answers high above, beyond the galaxy,

And in golden sunsets, in the mighty rain,

In mountains grand and glorious —

You haven’t scratched the surface, until you know why.

The answer doesn’t come with observation,

Or a wordy intellectual explanation.

Simply put, there is a cause behind creation.

The answer is “because.”

It’s all because the first and only Cause.

And that is why,

A trillion stars are in the sky,

Why ten thousand starlings fly in perfect synchronicity,

Why there is a thing called joy and beauty,

A will to live, and consciousness,

We’ve only scratched the surface, and now you know why.

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Final Thoughts

The words to our national anthem are the first verse of a poem written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key following the victory in defense of Fort McHenry during the war of 1812. The fourth verse of this poem reads as follows:

O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand

Between their lov’d home and the wars desolation!

Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land

Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto — “In God is our trust,”

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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The New Idea

from Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 1-2

To kindle all minds with a gleam of gratitude, the new idea that comes welling up from infinite Truth needs to be understood. The seer of this age should be a sage. Humility is the stepping-stone to a higher recognition of Deity. The mounting sense gathers fresh forms and strange fire from the ashes of dissolving self, and drops the world. Meekness heightens immortal attributes only by removing the dust that dims them. Goodness reveals another scene and another self seemingly rolled up in shades, but brought to light by the evolutions of advancing thought, whereby we discern the power of Truth and Love to heal the sick.

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Watching Point 307

from 500 Watching Points by Gilbert Carpenter

WATCH lest, when Christian Science demands gratitude from its adherents, you believe that it should be for effect. Gratitude for effect is the first step the infant in Science is capable of taking; but progress should soon bring him to gratitude for cause.

When a child is given a gift, it becomes so engrossed in it, that it forgets to thank, or even remember, the donor. It has to be reminded to do so. God’s gifts are given to man in order that they may be perpetual reminders of Him, and not an occasion to forget Him in one’s absorption in, and gratitude for, the gifts.

It may be said that God never sends man gifts; He brings them! Man should never become so absorbed in the gift that he loses sight of the presence of the Giver. Gratitude is the means whereby we remain perpetually conscious of God’s presence, by seeing Him as the source of every good gift. When we are grateful for effect, if that gratitude is metaphysical, our thought will naturally turn to cause. Then we will be in no danger of becoming so enamoured of effect, that we lose sight of cause.

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It was (Mrs. Eddy’s) wish that students form the habit of being appreciative of all good that comes to them from whatever source. In fact, the very basis of her teachings calls for gratitude for everything that indicates a right thought, wherever found. And, of course, Mrs. Eddy wished her students to rejoice in evidence of spiritual growth in others, and in their willingness to sacrifice time and effort to bless the world. Such a quality is much too rare to let pass without appreciation.

from Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Precepts, by Gilbert C. Carpenter

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...the works of Jesus were divine events and everything that Christian Science does today in demonstrating the divine power and presence for sinning and suffering people is equally a divine event. If accepted as such by those most intimately involved, events of this kind become common occurrence and the human race is rapidly reconciled to the Science of Christianity.

from Association Addresses by Bicknell Young,
page 9 of the 1937 Address

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In the Message for 1900, Mrs. Eddy wrote, “Certain elements in human nature would undermine the civic, social, and religious rights and laws of nations and peoples, striking at liberty, human rights, and self-government — and this, too, in the name of God, justice, and humanity!”

We will have the peace of God, when the righteousness of men is established upon earth, so that all will be free to live in liberty. There is no failure on the side of Truth.

from “The Price of Liberty” by William McCrackan

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The oracular skies, the verdant earth — bird, brook, blossom, breeze, and balm — are richly fraught with divine reflection. They come at Love’s call.

from Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy

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Love is the liberator.