Love is the Liberator

From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy

One of the greatest protections against the unknown, the unseen, the unexpected, is the work to bless humanity, because one cannot bless humanity without handling the error that comes to humanity, and the handling of such error is one’s own life insurance. In working for all humanity you must handle its animal magnetism. This is the Christian Scientist’s life insurance, since one cannot be handled by that which one is already handling.

from Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Precepts, by Gilbert C. Carpenter

The Importance of Watching

January 2016

Table of Contents


from Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 343

Too soon we cannot turn from disease in the body to find disease in the mortal mind, and its cure, in working for God. Thought must be made better, and human life more fruitful for the divine energy to move it onward and upward.

Warmed by the sunshine of Truth, watered by the heavenly dews of Love, the fruits of Christian Science spring upward, and away from the sordid soil of self and matter. Are we clearing the gardens of thought by uprooting the noxious weeds of passion, malice, envy, and strife? Are we picking away the cold, hard pebbles of selfishness, uncovering the secrets of sin and burnishing anew the hidden gems of Love, that their pure perfection shall appear? Are we feeling the vernal freshness and sunshine of enlightened faith?

The weeds of mortal mind are not always destroyed by the first uprooting; they reappear, like devastating witch-grass, to choke the coming clover. O stupid gardener! watch their reappearing, and tear them away from their native soil, until no seedling be left to propagate — and rot.

Among the manifold soft chimes that will fill the haunted chambers of memory, this is the sweetest: “Thou hast been faithful!”

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The Importance of Watching

Watching in Mrs. Eddy’s Home

from Watches, Prayers, and Arguments/, given by Mary Baker Eddy

In the home of Mary Baker Eddy, those whom she called mental workers were instructed to sit quietly in their rooms and watch and pray, usually for an hour at a time. These periods she called watches, after the Master’s query, “Could ye not watch with me one hour?”

This work was done for the benefit of the Cause and humanity. She kept Laura Sargent working on the weather much of the time, even while she had other students working on specific problems that needed attention. This work was also for the benefit of humanity, since one cannot work scientifically on the weather, without endeavoring to excommunicate the so-called human mind from the world, in order that divine Mind may come in and govern in this physical universe, so-called. The task of the working Scientist must include correcting the weather, if it violates the law of harmony, as well as the work on whatever else comes to his notice in the world that calls for divine help.

One reason Mrs. Eddy kept Mrs. Sargent working on the weather may have been because students must work on specific problems where the proof of God’s presence demonstrated is evidenced by the harmony manifested — like the weather — because demonstrations which carry proof of the success of one’s work are necessary to encourage and convince one of the value and effectiveness of his work, in preparation for the larger work that awaits every man, where he reflects the divine power that rules nations, but where he can point to no tangible results as proof of the success of his work. In this larger work for humanity, one must take its fruitage on faith. On page 427 of the textbook we read: “Immortal Mind, governing all, must be acknowledged as supreme in the physical realm, so-called, as well as in the spiritual.”

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The Importance of Watching

from Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Precepts, by Gilbert C. Carpenter

Once Mrs. Eddy said, “Jesus said, ‘Watch and pray.’ The watching comes first. You must watch, see the enemy before it comes and strikes; destroy it before it approaches.” The Master taught us how to pray, and Mrs. Eddy taught us how to watch. Prayer that reaches the divine ear is always answered, but few prayers do, because animal magnetism places obstacles in the path. People either do not know how to pray aright, or they do not know how to remove the obstructions which stand between them and God. It requires a Christian to know how to pray, and a Scientist to know how to watch, — to keep the way to God open.

The ideal in organization is students working in groups to bring forth mighty results, by breaking down opposition and prejudice in the world. Mrs. Eddy encountered the most difficulty in her efforts to establish this most important and wonderful function of Christian Science, a function which is destined to do more to reform the world than anything else ever could do, namely, students watching and praying in groups.

The trend of the teachings of Science is towards the proposition that students will be able to work in groups so intelligently and correctly, that a mighty impetus for good in the world will follow. The main reason why Mrs. Eddy encountered difficulty in this direction, and why students have not as yet won their way to this essential attainment, is because it seems logical to believe that it is a simple matter to do mental work in unison; that all that is necessary is for the group to repeat over and over the declarations of truth which Science teaches.

Mrs. Eddy tells us that “there are a thousand million different human wills”; yet in order to watch and pray scientifically, a group of students must work in the one Mind. Otherwise there is always confusion. Time and time again Mrs. Eddy sought to test students along this line. It was the thermometer that indicated their spiritual growth.

Mrs. Eddy well knew that there are no results in the world as definite, pointed and valuable as those coming from a group of students working together in the one Mind. The basis for such work must be the statement that “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

The right watching means bringing divine Mind into operation and being alert to its impulses. Correct mental work tunes in to God, so that one is supported by divine Mind. Such work is restful and joyous. Otherwise animal magnetism will claim that it is laborious, and so it will not only accomplish nothing constructive, but does harm. Mrs. Eddy expected them to realize that Christian Science is God’s truth come to earth, that there are no channels for evil, because in reality there is no evil. There is but one Mind. Hence there can be no controversy, no fight between the forces of good and the seeming forces of evil. “Also know that you can do this separately as well as together.” Here Mrs. Eddy gives a wonderful point to help the students in building up their faith in individual reflection, so that they recognize that there is no problem that they cannot solve, no demonstration that they cannot make, since they reflect infinite Mind, to whom all things are possible.

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How Should We Watch?

from Divinity Course and General Collectanea, by Mary Baker Eddy

Now, how should we watch? A guard who was watching on the side of the Union soldiers in time of the war, was walking up and down while on duty, when he suddenly felt the approach of the enemy — danger; so he began to sing, “Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly,” etc., and the verse that did the work was, “Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee,” etc.; he gave up to God. He afterward talked with the man who said he approached with his gun to his shoulder to shoot the guard, and he said his arm fell and the rifle with it; he could not shoot. That was watching; we must feel the danger and lift our thought to God; He will save us.

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Mrs. Eddy’s Work for the World

from The Healer by David L. Keyston

Three times a day Mrs. Eddy took time to work for the Cause of Christian Science and for all the world. There were those in Germany, it is related, that tried for three years to bring about the first world war. But Mrs. Eddy was working, and this evil intent could not be accomplished then.

What evil Mrs. Eddy kept at bay while she was here we may never fully know. James Gilman relates the following on this topic (Recollections of Mary Baker Eddy, p. 48); “. . .malicious animal magnetism had been trying all over the land to precipitate evil leading into all sorts of sin and destruction, seeking to lay its work to Christian Scientists, but said she, ‘I have been holding it back.’” (A whole volume could be written on the work Mrs. Eddy did for the world in holding crime and evil in check.) “Mrs. Eddy once told her household: ‘If I should be taken from you, the students will have to do a great deal of work for the universal welfare, to make up for what I have done.’

“They say our dear Leader went aside three times a day to pray for the whole world. Mrs. [Sue Harper] Mims told me that Mrs. Eddy did not need that anyone should tell her the affairs of the nations, because her spiritual insight was such that she knew the conditions of every Court in Europe. The world was her patient, and she knew the needs of her patient.”

“The government of a nation is its peacemaker or breaker. I believe strictly in the Monroe doctrine, in our Constitution, and in the laws of God.” Miscellany 282:1-4

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Handling Animal Magnetism

from Divinity Course and General Collectanea, by Mary Baker Eddy

Rules for overcoming animal magnetism:

  1. See what it is trying to do.
  2. Know that it cannot do it.
  3. See that it is not done.

To accomplish this:

  1. Be patient.
  2. Be meek.
  3. Be vigilant.
  4. Be sober.
  5. Be loving.

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Guide For Watches

“You must watch, as Jesus said, if you would not have the house broken open...would you let the place watched be burglarized? That is why I named our paper, Sentinel and on it ‘Watch.’ We must feel the danger and lift our thought to God; He will save us.” Mary Baker Eddy (Watches, Prayers, and Arguments, p. 27)

This is only a guide for our watches.

  1. Start with a strong declaration(s) of truth.
  2. Identify specific arguments relating to assigned subject, and handle them. Ten affirmations to one denial (so that we are strong in the Truth).
  3. End with a powerful absolute statement to seal the deal!!

List Of Subjects For Our Individual Watches

Mrs. Eddy’s Place: To handle the many misconceptions about Mrs. Eddy and her place as the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

Because God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient good, then animal magnetism in the form of those who would discredit or misrepresent Mary Baker Eddy and her revelation, ignorantly or maliciously, is without life, intelligence, reality, and attraction. “Neither dishonesty nor ignorance ever founded, nor can they overthrow a scientific system of ethics.” (Science and Health, p. 464) This is the word of God and cannot be reversed.

Receptivity to Science and Health: To handle any interference with the Word of God going forward during our meetings and services, to reach the hearts of all sincere seekers around the world, let us use the following watch:

“This book may be distorted by shallow criticism or by careless or malicious students, and its ideas may be temporarily abused and misrepresented; but the Science and truth therein will forever remain to be discerned and demonstrated.” (Science and Health, p. 110)

The Word of God is understood by any sincere seeker of Truth. Malicious animal magnetism cannot confuse man by placing a veil over Science and Health, suggesting it is outdated, impractical, or hard to understand.

Science and Health is the Word of God for all time, understandable and practical. It cannot be stopped from going forward. The law of reversal applies to error only! Nothing can reverse Truth because God prospers it. This is the Word of God and cannot be reversed.

Organized Materia Medica—vaccinations, epidemics, pharmaceuticals: Let us handle the belief that organized materia medica has power to cause fear and rule mankind, keeping it in bondage with its laws about sickness, age, etc. God never created flu season, allergy season, etc.

The man of God’s creation is governed by the laws of God alone. No system can instill fear with its false claims. Science and Health has the answer to all this, and its message is being discovered, understood, and accepted to free mankind.

“Hold to the correct view of man that heals. ... We have idols when we hold in thought beliefs of sin, sickness and death, and believe them to be real.” (Mary Baker Eddy, Divinity Course and General Collectanea, p. 101)

“...we can handle every day the universal conditions of sin and disease, and in so doing we can and should establish the law of Truth, Life, and Love for all mankind. We can so clearly understand this law and its inherent energy and universal application, that all men will turn to Christian Science for healing and redemption.” (Association Address for 1912, by Bicknell Young, page 28)

Weather: The seasons are changing and the false claims of bad weather abound, predictions of storms, etc. Let us handle these with the following:

“The weather is in reality the atmosphere of the Mind that is God. It is His idea. God and man are not two, but one, in the sense that Principle and idea are one, inseparable. That is why we can handle the weather of mortal belief, just the same as we would meet a case of rheumatism.” (WPA, p. 165) “Love controls the weather.” (WPA, p. 27)

“Set aside the seeming materiality of the earth, and from the standpoint of the divine Mind, perceive the spiritual idea. God blesses the earth and everything else for man’s sake — that is to say for your sake and mine. It never produces too much or too little, and it never quakes, for perfection, not meteorology, not geology, is the law of Mind to the idea, earth.” (Association Address for 1934, by Bicknell Young)

“There is no vapid fury of mortal mind — expressed in earthquake, wind, wave, lightning, fire, bestial ferocity — and this so-called mind is self-destroyed.” (Science and Health, page 293)

“The only elements there are, are spiritual elements functioning and operating according to spiritual law.” (1936 Primary Class, by Bicknell Young)

Alcoholism, Use of Recreational and Prescription Drugs and their Effects: Let’s handle the beliefs that these so called attractions can influence God’s man and cause him harm.

“Good is omnipotent, evil is impotent. There is but one Mind. No mesmeric influence can prevent the law of spiritual growth.” (Divinity Course and General Collectanea)

“There is no attraction apart from Mind. There is no presence or power that can foist itself upon man as his mind to encourage him to turn to anything apart from Mind for completeness and satisfaction. There is nothing apart from Mind to give him happiness.” (Christian Science, its “Clear, Correct Teaching” by Herbert W. Eustace, p. 765)

Gun Violence and Crime in Homes and Communities: Let us handle these claims with the understanding that the Christ is present with everyone whether they know it or not. So all are, in Truth, Christianly scientific.

“The Christianly scientific man reflects the divine law, thus becoming a law unto himself. He does violence to no man. Neither is he a false accuser. The Christian Scientist wisely shapes his course, and is honest and consistent in following the leadings of divine Mind. He must prove, through living as well as healing and teaching, that Christ’s way is the only one by which mortals are radically saved from sin and sickness. (Science and Health, p. 458)

“You must feel and know that God alone governs man; that His government is harmonious; that He is too pure to behold iniquity, and divides His power with nothing evil or material.” (Rudimental Divine Science, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 10)

Government and Government Officials: Handle the belief that there is more than one government and channel through which any nation can be ruined by its officials. There are no personalities governing any nation. All are God’s ideas having the one Mind.

“Divine Love governs. This is the law of Christ and it is fulfilled and it cannot be reversed. There is one Mind, in all, over all, and governing all. The holy sense of God as All and Love, and that there is no other Mind, is the best way to meet the malicious arguments of evil.” (WPA, p. 193-4)

“As the strength of a nation or of any body of people resides in the character of its members, and the strength of individual character results from obedience to divine law, so true government is established among men through growth in Christian character and in no other way. God does not work through force, personal opinion or undue influence. Their tendency is toward disintegration and weakness, rather than toward that unity and strength which is secured through individual freedom, patience, and brotherly love.” (“True Government” by Marian W. Hering)

Man Displaced, Refugees, Lack of Employment, Poverty and Hunger: To handle these spiritually impossible claims, let us know that man is not separated from Principle, he is not limited in any aspect and is governed by divine Principle alone.

“Realize ... that the fields are already white with harvest; that ‘Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need,’ the need of work as well as any other; that Mind is active and you reflect the divine activity; that the true source of supply supplies every need; that there is plenty of work for all; that yours belongs to you, no one else can do it, and it comes to you direct, and the supply is abundant and you know all the time that this is so. Never let the sense of lack of anything stay a moment with you.” (WPA, p. 50)

“God gives to each and every one of His children abundantly all they need, and that supply is not — cannot be — hidden at any time by any mortal law or claim, for all laws and claims of mortal mind are false laws, and of the no-mind, which has no real existence. It is destroyed by Truth now.” (WPA, page 119)

Man’s True Heritage: Let us handle errors about man with the following so that we are NOT deceived by what we are not:

“Children, you are a perfect thought of God, made in His image and likeness, surrounded by His love, as by a strong fortress, through which no evil can reach you... You have no material conception or birth, no father and mother in the flesh. You... are not the reflection of beliefs. Belief is not reflection. You are not weak or easily led astray... You are not rebellious or obstinate. You have no human will. God’s will is all, and you are its reflection. Therefore, you will only do right, for you reflect and inherit divine wisdom and understanding. You are spiritual, and Spirit knows all things. Sensuality has no power over you, for you are not conscious of the lusts of the flesh, but you are the pure conception of divine Truth and Love, and co-eternal with your Father-Mother God... In God we live, move, and have being; therefore we are in Life, health, strength, forever. To be conscious of this, is to be in the presence of God — with the Father, who is Life, Truth and Love. Amen. We are the children of the King; why should we mourn?” (WPA, p.154)

Greed and Selfishness: Let’s handle these false beliefs about man and know that the man of God’s creation is selfless and satisfied.

The law of God says, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (WPA, p. 194)

Sensuality and Other False Appetites: Handle this pervasive false belief about man. There is only one supreme attraction for man.

“Adhesion, cohesion, and attraction are properties of Mind.” (Science and Health, p. 124)

“Sensuality has no power over you, for you are not conscious of the lusts of the flesh, but you are the pure conception of divine Truth and Love, and co-eternal with your Father-Mother God...” (WPA, p. 154)

Disruption of Families, Churches, Relationships: Handle the lie that we are helpless against a supposed power that is disrupting families, etc.

We need to know that malpractice cannot argue disintegration of church, families, or friendships. We need to know that divine Mind builds up, holds together, and prospers.

“WATCH lest you accept the suggestion that there is an impersonal power apart from God that can thwart the mighty action of good. It is such an abnormal and impossible claim—it is such an insult to God—that we should find it easy to deny and silence it.” (500 Watching Points)

Fear, Anxiety, Depression: Towards the holidays, these false claims ring the loudest as being a part of man. Handle these lies about God’s child.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1: 7)

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4: 18)

“Fear cannot do a thing. There is only one infinite Mind. You cannot possess any other. Fear is no part of that Mind and no part of the understanding of that Mind.” (1936 Primary Class, by Bicknell Young)

“Hold the line everyday: No fear, God governs all. No M.A.M. to feel or be felt. Mind controls all.” (WPA, p. 57)

“What a glorious inheritance is given to us through the understanding of omnipresent Love! More we cannot ask: more we do not want: more we cannot have. This sweet assurance is the ‘Peace, be still’ to all human fears, to suffering of every sort.” (Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 307)

False Sense of Prosperity: Handle the false belief that material possessions are our source of happiness and freedom. Our completeness in God gives us all we need.

“And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.” (Luke 15:31)

“Those who put their trust in people or material methods, no matter how good they may seem to be, will eventually be forced to put their trust in God. There’s one universal Savior able to meet all the world’s needs. It’s the Christ.” (“God’s Elect,” by Julia Johnston)

The News: Let us handle the belief that the media and entertainment industry are poisoning the morale of the country and influencing the moral fiber of all who look to the United States as a model to follow.

“Adhesion, cohesion and attraction are properties of Mind” (SH, p. 124) and man is attracted only to the things of Spirit.

“There is but one real attraction, that of Spirit.” (Science and Health, p. 102)

“There is no unconscious or subconscious mind to be affected. There is only one Mind, the consciousness of good. This divine Mind cannot receive suggestions. It cannot be impregnated. It is invulnerable and infinite. There is no subconscious mind to hold to latent fears and beliefs. The divine Mind being All, it obliterates and destroys such latent causes and effects.” (WPA, p. 123)

Know that nothing can enter that “defileth ... or maketh a lie.” (Revelation 21:27)

Educational Systems: Let us handle the academic/human intellect as having the power and wisdom to govern the world today. False education, God out of schools.

“‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.’ (Zech.) I would ask that all Christians unite in prayer for the cessation of sin, — the oppression of the weak, — the accession of power at the sacrifice of individual rights; but especially that divine Love shield the innocent from the wrath of the guilty, and cause it to praise Love.” — Mary Baker Eddy (WPA, p. 69-70)

Economic System: Let us handle the false beliefs of economic failure of nations. Life is God, good and that evil has in reality neither place nor power in the human or divine economy.

“They have none of them lost their harmonious state, in the economy of God’s wisdom and government.” (Unity of Good, p 51)

“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” (Science and Health, p. 494.)

Christianity—None Other But Through Christ: The impersonal nature of our work is especially important here. We are handling beliefs about systems, never people.

This from Science and Health, page 99, clearly states Mrs. Eddy’s positon on this:

“Those individuals, who adopt theosophy, spiritualism, or hypnotism, may possess natures above some others who eschew their false beliefs. Therefore my contest is not with the individual, but with the false system. I love mankind, and shall continue to labor and to endure.”

Let us handle the belief that there are systems that can destroy the word of Truth as given through Christian Science and that such can influence God’s ideas to distrust their faith in Christ’s Christianity.

Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam, all other “isms” and “ologies” that draw mankind from the Christ Truth are systems that are shadows of the Truth.

“Man is free from the flesh and is individual in consciousness — in Mind, not in matter. Think not that Christian Science tends towards Buddhism or any other “ism.” Per contra, Christian Science destroys such tendency.” (My., p. 119)

“Destroy penalty, condemnation, eternal damnation, Roman Catholicism in your thought of man. Christian Science practice is knowing that there is no sinful man, no diseased man, and knowing the Christ, is getting into heaven. Every treatment is an instant in infinity, the unfoldment of Christ.” (WPA, p. 158)

Racial Discrimination—All Nations Have One Father: Handle this tenacious lie that there are many minds, that the color of skin makes one superior or inferior to another. It breeds chaos, woes. God is no respecter of persons.

“Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?” (Malachi 2:10)

“A position that God is All is a law of annihilation to the belief of fear, contention, or animal magnetism of whatever nature. When we take the mental position that God and man is one Being, this basic Truth is a law of enlightenment and discernment of the divine Presence, expressed as the idea of infinite Love. ‘Love is the liberator.’ (Science and Health)” (Addresses by Martha Wilcox)

Threat of Terrorism: Any person or committee, anything or anyone that would seek to interfere with God’s work or God’s people (Christ’s Christianity) in our church, our nation, our world will be cast into a lake of fire and a night without a star.

“God’s law reaches and destroys evil by virtue of the allness of God.” (No and Yes)

“Nations must find out that they cannot commit crimes with impunity. Merely to restrain criminal nations would not guarantee peace, but to purge their governments of criminality will save the people who are now hypnotized by the criminal teachings of these nations. When individuals place their votes upon the people who have righteous views and the courage to stand for Principle in government affairs, there will be no danger of putting criminal politicians into power.” (“The Price of Liberty” by William McCrackan)

“It’s time to face these devastating influences, not in alarm, but with the assurance that they are powerless to defeat God’s grand destiny for humanity. Amidst the harsh noises of the day, each one can, with the aid of Christian Science, walk the earth in dignity and in confidence.” (“God Governs the Nations” by Peter V. Ross)

World Safety: Let us handle the beliefs of threats and fears that the world is unsafe and the feelings of uncertainty these beliefs bring. God has the whole world in His hands. There is only one power, God, and He is everywhere.

“There is one Mind, and this Mind is yours and mine, and governs us. All our thoughts come to us from this Mind, and go back to their Source. There is no other Mind to tempt, to harm, or to control. Know this, and you are the master of the occasion, master of yourself and others.” (Lessons of the Seventh Day, p. 338)

“Principle governs the world and the nations, governs business and industry, governs man and his affairs, nullifying unprincipled forces which would upset society, wreck business, start wars, or otherwise interfere with man’s well-being.” (“God Governs the Nations,” Peter V. Ross)

Only One Power Governs the Whole World and Universe: Let us handle the lie that men and personalities rule the world. There is one governing power. Christ will rule all nations.

“Love, the divine Principle, is the Father and Mother of the universe, including man.” (Science and Health, p. 256)

“No legitimate human interest is too remote for the healing power of Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy [in S&H] writes: ‘The impersonation of the spiritual idea had a brief history in the earthly life of our Master; but “of his kingdom there shall be no end,” for Christ, God’s idea, will eventually rule all nations and peoples — imperatively, absolutely, and finally — with divine Science.’” (“The Healing of the Nations,” by William McCrackan)

“Each day I pray for the pacification of all national difficulties, for the brotherhood of man, for the end of idolatry and infidelity, and for the growth and establishment of Christian religion—Christ’s Christianity. I also have faith that my prayer availeth, and that He who is overturning will overturn until He whose right it is shall reign. Each day I pray: ‘God bless my enemies; make them Thy friends; give them to know the joy and the peace of love.’” — Mary Baker Eddy (Miscellany, p. 220)

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From Mrs. Eddy

Watching versus Watching Out

from Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 232

Our Lord and Master left to us the following sayings as living lights in our darkness: “What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” (Mark 13:37); and “If the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.” (Luke 12:39.)

Here we ask: Are Christ’s teachings the true authority for Christian Science? They are. Does the textbook of Christian Science, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” read on page 252, “A knowledge of error and of its operations must precede that understanding of Truth which destroys error, until the entire mortal, material error finally disappears, and the eternal verity, man created by and of Spirit, is understood and recognized as the true likeness of his Maker”? It does. If so-called watching produces fear or exhaustion and no good results, does that watch accord with Jesus’ saying? It does not. Can watching as Christ demands harm you? It cannot. Then should not “watching out” mean, watching against a negative watch, alias, no watch, and gaining the spirit of true watching, even the spirit of our Master’s command? It must mean that.

Is there not something to watch in yourself, in your daily life, since “by their fruits ye shall know them,” which prevents an effective watch? Otherwise, wherefore the Lord’s Prayer, “Deliver us from evil”? And if this something, when challenged by Truth, frightens you, should you not put that out instead of putting out your watch? I surely should. Then are you not made better by watching? I am. Which should we prefer, ease or dis-ease in sin? Is not discomfort from sin better adapted to deliver mortals from the effects of belief in sin than ease in sin? and can you demonstrate over the effects of other people’s sins by indifference thereto? I cannot.

The Scriptures say, “They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14), thus taking the name of God in vain. Ignorance of self is the most stubborn belief to overcome, for apathy, dishonesty, sin, follow in its train. One should watch to know what his errors are; and if this watching destroys his peace in error, should one watch against such a result? He should not. Our Master said, “He that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me . . . and he that loseth his life [his false sense of life] for my sake shall find it.” (Matthew 10:38, 39.)

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Heart of Winter

by Luanne Tucker

A joyous heart in winter,

Contemplates the seed

Resting in its native soil,

At the root of Life’s tree.

Tiny, crystal, ballerinas

Dance across the snow.

In the sunlight gleaming,

Rejoicing, for they know

Hid from being trodden

Or scattered by a bird,

Abides Divine Science,

God’s very precious word.

Silencing the bitter winds,

And nights of discontent

Truth’s seed prospers the heart

Into which it is sent.

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History Corner

The Bible: Our Most Precious Possession

from the Christian Science Sentinel, September 4, 1926

The Bible is the most potent moral and spiritual force in our occidental civilization. The vitality of the Bible as a living literature is proved by three undeniable facts.

First, its significance as an emancipating power. Wherever the Bible is read, loved, and followed, you find liberty, justice, and democracy. Open the Bible amid the darkness of superstition, ignorance, and tyranny, and light begins to irradiate through the land. As the people have shaken off the thralldom of despotic authority, they have given the Scriptures to the multitudes; and from its pages the masses have learned freedom. And, by the same token, only as the people take its great teachings seriously and endeavor to write into law, custom, and tradition will they achieve real democracy and establish enduring institutions.

Second, the commanding influence the Bible has had upon thought and culture. Every great writer that our race knows went to school to the Bible. Its vibrant music, its glowing tropes, its vivid imagery, its passion, and its power are reflected upon every page of our marvelous literature. No man ignorant of the Bible can understand it. A knowledge of the Bible is indispensable to every person of culture.

Third, the fact that the Bible has survived the controversies of the theologians is proof positive of its vitality. Yet, despite the controversies of a thousand years, the Bible lives and occupies a higher place in the affections of men than ever before. Surely only a divine book could withstand such a test.

Inspiration of genius, guidebook of liberty, revelation of the will of God, the Bible is the most precious possession of the race. Happy the man who has made it his counselor and friend.

In the late Lord Cromer’s “Modern Egypt” there is a thing concerning General Gordon which must not be suffered to die. Lord Cromer had asked Gordon to launch out upon some new venture, or to take some step which could not but be a decisive one. Gordon, in his acknowledgment of Lord Cromer’s instruction or advice, replied that “before coming to a decision he would like first to consult the prophet Isaiah”!

In a footnote Lord Cromer exclaims upon this naivete. And yet was it not wise? Was it not great? What rivers of blood would never have been let loose, what inequalities and injustices would never have begun to lift up the very tiniest of heads, so that the little, wriggling, wormlike thing would never have grown to a snake and very python, had we all, high and low, emperors, statesmen, financiers, proprietors of newspapers, leaders of the people, and all others of the race that bestride this world like a Colossus, “first consulted the prophet Isaiah”!

from the Christian Science Sentinel, September 4, 1926

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From Early Workers

United Effort

from The Christian Science Journal, September 1889, by N.

As all understand, who have studied Christian Science, its foundation is Unity, or the oneness of Mind. Whatever, then, aims a blow at the united effort or the organizations of Christian Scientists strikes at the most vital part of the Science whose foundation Principle is Unity. Christian Scientists are now striving for a more perfect union, in vindication of the unity, or the Oneness of Mind.

Man is in freedom when he realizes that Truth calls him to work for such realization, and against whatever is opposed to it. In union is strength, and also Harmony which is Truth. Can Truth be dismembered and still be the Truth? Can God be divided and still be the one true God? How, then, can the advocates and exponents of Truth be divided, and work at the same time for the One Mind, that is God?

The watchword of Christian Science is Union and Liberty of mind and thought. We must be as one in our efforts, and stand shoulder to shoulder; for in that attitude lies our strength and the assurance of victory.

The question is, Are our words and actions consistent with the teaching of Science?

Are we working for unity? Then thoughts, words, and actions will all declare it. Departure from this line in any form of manifestation, shows a defect in understanding of Science that will cause us to give way when the strain is put upon us.

There is no dissatisfaction among the true followers of Christian Science. There must always be a leader in any cause, and we are satisfied with ours. No one among us desires to usurp that Leader’s place, but is willing to fill the place assigned. When Gen. Grant had undisputed control of the army, he led quickly to victory. This result proved what unity and concerted action, in the line of duty, will accomplish. They lead always to conquest. Petty ambitions and thoughts of self-advancement and self-interest must be laid aside. We must work alone for the cause we love, and then we shall see how quickly Truth will be crowned the victor.

Some say we are too aggressive in resisting the encroachments of Error. But are we not admonished to gird on the “whole armor of Truth,” and to fight the good fight? Why such an injunction if the occasions were not to arise when such armor would be needed? Moreover, are we not plainly told that on the field of Truth “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee”? Until the last foe of Truth be destroyed, we can have but brief truce;—permanent peace is not won until Evil is entirely destroyed.

We are enrolled as soldiers in the cause of Truth, and must hear ever calling us, the word, “On to Victory.” We must not demur at the summons, but like Paul, be thankful that we are esteemed worthy to be engaged in so good a cause.

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No Halfway Position

from 1936 Primary Class, by Bicknell Young

The thinking that counts is no halfway position. Work in the absolute always. There is no other Science but the absolute. Truth isn’t halfway good. Its laws are irrevocable, and this attitude is the only possible scientific one. One Mind, with every idea having its being in Principle and acting according to divine law.

When you make an affirmation, put everything you have behind it — sincerity, intelligence, character. When you say what God is, let thought begin to be what God is. The moment thought begins to be what God is, that is the real man. In the measure that thought attains the attitude and altitude of unlimited divine reflection, or expression, that is the real man.

Man is idea, but idea is not like its Principle. It is acting, operating, according to the divine law as Principle.

Man is more than image and likeness. He is manifestation. We find that we ourselves are that man when thought has the character of divinity and when there is no doubt about it.

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from the Christian Science Sentinel, July 11, 1901, by Herbert W. Beck

In I Thessalonians Paul writes, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” This means we must test everything that parades before us and “hold fast” only to the good.

Christian Science has not come into our lives to remove the ills of the flesh, so that we may be free to enjoy the illusion of the senses. Of what value would it be to set a man free from some illness just to give him a wider sense of false freedom? It is heaven we wish, and not a garden of Eden! Paul also writes, “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” (Gal. 5:13)

The question is, are we trying to conform Christian Science to our daily lives, or are we striving to walk in the paths of Christian Science? To attempt to bring to pass what mortal belief considers harmony, is to try to conform Christian Science to our daily lives — but conforming our lives to Christian Science is what is needed.

“God is not mocked,” and we can only accomplish the necessary “work—work—work—watch and pray” of our Leader as we are seeking to be in touch with Truth.

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth,” “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

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Current Articles


by Gary Singleterry

When someone regularly, willingly, and cheerfully tithes, it shows great spiritual growth — and it also shows a tremendous amount of trust in God for where their income, health, and everything else comes from. The definition of tithing is the tenth part, and originally it meant to contribute 10% of everything you earn to your church. For most of us, that is quite a leap of faith; but real tithing shows a deep trust in God and his provision for us.

Christian Science teaches that God is the source of all good, and that there is no limit whatsoever to His goodness. This was brought home to me very clearly in an experience I had many years ago. Through some very careless, willful, and egotistical thinking, my business crashed; and for the better part of a year, I lost a tremendous amount of money. Needless to say, this was an extremely humbling experience for me, and I wanted very much to learn whatever lesson I needed to learn. I had a very good practitioner from this church to help me see how pride had caused me to ruin a good business.

During that time we never cut back on our contribution to the church. For a while, we were tithing more than 100% of our income. But I was so grateful to God for the life He had given me, so grateful for Christian Science, that I could not stop giving to the church that I was so grateful for. In about a year, just as our life savings was about to be depleted, the business started making money. Then something really incredible happened — the business boomed, far beyond the expectation that anybody had. Within a year, everything I had lost was regained, and more. It was an incredible experience and demonstrated to me God’s care for us. I will never forget this experience, and I am so grateful for it because it taught me that the hand that is open to give is open to receive. That is a law of God.

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Putting God First

by Dale Wallis

I am so grateful to have found out about the book, “The Light and the Glory”— God’s Plan for America, by Peter Marshall and David Manuel, in the July 5, 2015 Roundtable. It covers the years 1492-1793, and is filled with wonderful and inspiring accounts of God’s direction and protection, through journals, diaries, letters, etc.

What really stands out, and is something that we have been learning in our Bible Study sessions, is that when individuals, through the love of God, put Him first and cared for their fellowmen, they prospered; but when they were selfish and uncaring, they did not.

The Puritans who first came to this country, even through much hardship, prospered; but the next generations, because life was easier, started to fall away. Quoted from the book: “For faith to come to flower, it had to be planted in the soil of gratitude.”

So grateful that “gratitude” is paramount in the teachings in this independent church, which are faithful to Mrs. Eddy’s pure revelation — it opens the way to see the good that God has for all of His children!

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Love’s All Power

by Florence Roberts

I am so grateful for what Mrs. Eddy taught about the word Love. She said: “There is no discordant claim that you cannot love yourself out of.”

There was a time in my life when I would hesitate to use or write the word love — I did not particularly feel it for myself and certainly did not feel it towards others. I felt hurt in so many ways, which made me feel justified in not loving and also, because I thought I was not hurting anyone, at least not openly.

When I learned that if I wasn’t feeling Love, then other emotions like fear, worry, uncertainty, resentment, anger, depression must be holding sway, and that indifference is really hate. I started examining my thoughts more, paying attention to what I was feeling, and practicing living this great word, Love.

As with all the truths I am learning, I had to accept humbly that I can love because I express God. This meant taking thought off this mortal self, to know and love my spiritual perfection, and to see others the same way, as God’s own spiritually perfect children.

How Christ Jesus, Mrs. Eddy and many others could continue to love no matter what, has been a great source of inspiration. The practice of thinking correctly, whenever a wrong thought came about myself or another, whenever I felt bad, and most of the time wherever I am, has made the spirit and the higher meaning of this healing word more natural to me.

I thank God for our individual and collective watches, the teaching to pray unceasingly, because these cannot be done without the true meaning of the word Love.

When asked about how to heal instantaneously, Mrs. Eddy responded: “Just live love — be it — love, love, love. Do not know anything but Love. Be all love. There is nothing else. That will do the work. It will heal everything; . . . Be nothing but love.” (We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, 1979, p. 134)

Love does heal our own ills and lifts others up! And yes, there are no discordant claims that we cannot love ourselves out of. I thank God for all Mrs. Eddy sacrificed to give this Truth to mankind. I thank God for all at Plainfield who have stood to share what they learned.

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Letting Go

by Betty Simpson

I wish to express gratitude for the healing of grief when my mom passed away some years ago. The healing was not a quick one, but it was a complete healing.

There was a period when holiday time was not a happy time. A practitioner from the Plainfield Church was called each time, my thought was turned back to God, and things got easier each time I called until, of course, I was healed.

I didn’t completely understand how the healing happened until much more recently. A year or so ago I visited the Plainfield Church and was sharing this experience with a church member and he said, “You were letting her go.” It was then that I realized that’s what had been necessary for the healing to take place.

Then at a recent Bible Study the topic of “forsaking family or lands, etc., for Christ” came up, and that’s when it really came together. It was explained that forsaking something for Christ really meant to give up your personal sense of it or them, and realize that it, or they, belong to God, and so do we.

And so it was with the grief. Letting go of my personal sense of mom not only let her move on, but myself as well. I was only really letting go of all the negative stuff — grief, sadness, anger, guilt — and my personal sense of her belonging to me. When I let go of all that, all that was left was love.

I am very grateful to have these Bible Studies and Roundtables, where this kind of conversation can take place.

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“Beyond All Other Means and Methods”

by Jeremy Palmer

The Bible says, “Grace and Truth are potent beyond all other means and methods.”

Since the September 26th, 2015 Bible Study, I have been thinking of one definition of “resource” being “means yet untried.” In my life I have tried so many human methods and systems, yet none brought more than passing happiness.

Upon coming to Plainfield, I’m grateful to say that my life has gotten better in all ways. Christian Science has given me — a little more every day! — access to the means and methods that Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy demonstrated by knowing that what I am learning here not only gives me purpose now, and the ability to help others, but will result in realizing the complete potential God created for me. How wonderful and awe-inspiring! Human systems may promise that, but none could ever deliver.

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Our Ancestry

by Carol Conroy

In Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy writes, “In Science man is the offspring of Spirit. The beautiful, good, and pure constitute his ancestry.”

What a wonderful thought! That means we have no human ancestry, burdened with frailties and failures. We can’t experience any so-called “hereditary” diseases, or any weaknesses or habits inherited from our parents, grandparents, etc.—because their ancestry is the “beautiful, good, and pure,” too!

As far back as we can trace our ancestry, in Truth, all we will find is “the beautiful, good, and pure.” And this is also the only thing we can pass on to our children.

So where could these “defects” possibly come from? Nowhere!! God didn’t make them so they have no origin, no creator, and can’t manipulate us to believe they are legitimate.

So, then, there is no excuse for indulging any weakness that we may blame on Aunt Lucy’s alcoholism, or Uncle George’s heart disease — if it’s not “the beautiful, good, and pure,” it’s not part of our ancestry (or our “DNA”!), and we can vigorously reject it! We’re the “offspring of Spirit,” in Truth, not one of us or our ancestors was ever anything less.

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Understanding Christian Science

by Amanda Miranda

I come to Plainfield online several times every day. I don’t know that I can articulate quite yet what has been shifting in my conscious thought since then, but there has been a change, often extremely uncomfortable, yet necessary.

While I grew up attending a Christian Science church and attended Principia school, I was not living a life that would allow me to call myself a Christian Scientist. I didn’t know what Christian Science really was or who Mrs. Eddy was/is. But rather than lament over what would humanly seem wasted time, I am overwhelmingly thankful I found Plainfield and for the work of the past and present Plainfield community and for the opportunity to learn the correct teachings of Mrs. Eddy.

I am understanding that the underlying purpose of progress isn’t to benefit me or make my life or those in my circle more pleasant, but instead to serve our Father. I must give you and the Plainfield dear ones tremendous credit and gratitude for constant, faithful, daily work that is establishing a state of consciousness that is calling to others, and helps others become receptive to the initial faint glimmer of Christ consciousness, so that it may be developed and established. I think this must be similar to what occurred during Mrs. Eddy’s time here and how her thought was required to help others hear the call from the Father.

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Reading Science and Health

by Mary Beth Singleterry

I read in Collectanea the other day, where Mrs. Eddy says that to read the textbook is to hear the voice of your Father. Such a beautiful statement, and it is true. As we read Science and Health, we are reading the truth about ourselves and about our world.

Years ago my mother lived in an old Victorian house in Plainfield, and in the attic she found a copy of Science and Health. She had never seen it before. She had heard a little about Christian Science in the small town she lived in in South Carolina. She had been diagnosed with cancer by a doctor, and felt a tremendous need for the Truth. She read the book with an open heart, and knew she had found the truth. She felt a change in her body, and when she went back to the doctor, they found no cancer.

Christian Science heals. The textbook explains the laws and rules of the universe. If you read it with an open heart, you will find something tremendously wonderful. Perhaps it is the greatest secret in the world, because so few seem to know about it. But we will keep broadcasting and continuing to heal, because it is the truth. It answers any question you could ever have about the meaning of life.

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Bible Study

Joshua and the Five Kings

Through obedience to God, Joshua defeated his enemies. He made peace with Gibeon, and agreed to defend Gibeon if they were attacked. So when the five kings plotted to attack, the men of Gibeon asked Joshua to defend them. Joshua prayed and waited on God. Then God told him, “Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand.” The armies of the five kings did attack; and during the battle, Joshua commanded the sun and the moon to stand still, and they stayed for an entire day, until all of their enemies were slain.

Each of the five kings represents a state of thought, qualities of the human mind that we can learn from today. The following is an excerpt by Bill Burns:

Adoni-zedek: king of Jerusalem — his name means “my lord is righteous.” A lord is one who rules over, so he wants to rule over our position of righteousness. He is king of Jerusalem which means “possession of peace” or “teaching of peace.” Jesus has taught us to live in peace, to maintain a position of peace. This king is after our peace and will try to instill worry and fear. Do not allow your circumstances to steal your peace. Trust in the Lord. Be anxious for nothing.

Hoham: king of Hebron — his name means “whom Jehovah impels.” As a god over his people Hoham will pressure people to try to make themselves better by behavior modification rather than by leaning on God — much like the practice of psychology. Reliance on human will — willing things, rather than obedience to divine will. Get out of the way and let God rule you.

Piram: king of Jarmuth — his name means “like a wild ass,” which represents stubbornness that refuses to be associated with any body of believers. This spirit wants to make you wild or unbridled and keep you from the place God would have you to be. Jarmuth means “heights,” which represents pride that will keep you from your place of destiny because you don’t want to submit to anyone else. Don’t allow this spirit to keep you isolated. Pride and stubborn spirit takes you out so you can’t get along with others.

Japhia: king of Lachish — his name means “shining or show thyself”; calling attention to yourself. This spirit will cause you to take God’s glory for yourself. You will want to be the light rather than leading others into the light of Christ. Lachish means “invincible.” This spirit will cause you to think that God can’t do anything without you. “Humble thyself to show thyself approved.” Lift Him up so that men will be drawn to Him and not yourself.

Debir: king of Eglon — his name means “speaker and sanctuary.” This spirit will try to get you to speak against the household of God. Eglon means a “bullock or bull-like” and represents one who attacks others through the use of criticism, accusation, and lies. A form of mind control, telling lies on you to make you feel guilty. Underneath is insecurity, the human mind trying to build itself up.

These are the five kings that will try to rule over the house of God. They are all states and stages of the human mind that are out to kill — kill your inspiration, kill your love for God, and eventually kill you. Be ever on guard to destroy these imposters that would attempt to keep you from demonstrating your highest good.

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Letters of Gratitude

We are so blessed to have Christian Science in our lives, and for the blessings of modern technology and what it offers in spreading the Word. Sunday morning I was able to read from our hymnal, then listen via telephone to our weekly Bible Lesson, and then spent a most harmonious time listening to many of the hymns recorded of your congregation singing. It was a beautiful Sunday morning.

Blessings were added when I listened and read simultaneously our Thanksgiving service online. I couldn’t keep it to myself so I forwarded it to a Philipino friend.


I have attended my local Christian Science church regularly for about four years and I have taken class instruction. I love Christian Science but feel the truth of it has eluded me. I came out of class none the wiser, much to my disappointment.

I found your website two days ago and can feel such a difference already. I feel that I will get an understanding of the Science. Please send me information on classes and practitioners.


Thank you very much, Joseph, for sending us the article, “The Day after Thanksgiving,” written by Mrs. Eddy in 1864. It is so interesting to get a glimpse into her life at that time.

New Jersey

Thank you for what you provide by way of the Lesson Sermons, Love is the Liberator, Internet, and so on. I am grateful for the teaching that goes on in Plainfield, and how Mrs. Eddy’s pure Science is being preserved and broadcast throughout the world.

Thanks again, and God bless you all.


I enjoy everything from the Plainfield Church — readings, music, singing, services. There is a special atmosphere emanating from this church that is hard to find anywhere else. It brings the teachings of Christian Science to life and clarifies them.

Costa Rica

I want to express gratitude for all the beautiful music in this church. And listening to Peter and Faith’s album, “Face the Light,” I’ve found tears streaming down my face, as the healing words touch me right where I am.

Thank you so much.


Thank you, Plainfield Church, for all you do for Christian Science and the world. What a privilege to have a church without walls, and have so many ways to participate in church activities, services, publishing, etc.

Enclosed is my monthly contribution.


I am very grateful for practitioner work in this church and for other workers at Plainfield for gaining a more honest sense of what Mary Baker Eddy wrote. I had read Science and Health, but it was not clear to me. I would read, and then forget. I would try to hold to an idea such as “God is Love” without handling animal magnetism or personal sense. I had no real clue what that was all about, and fell into a type of Science that had more human tinges.

Last night I was working on an individual watch, and it became clear for a moment that, as God’s children, we are all in our right place. There are no “asylum seekers” threatening nor being threatened, because we all live and move and have our being in God. God is much closer to me now. If Jesus could forgive the abusive thought that we call Judas, we can too. This was sobering and gave me joy to be grateful for the untiring work of the Plainfield Independent healers for the world.

Thank you so much.


I cannot let the week go by without thanking everyone for their posts on the Lesson Forum. The honesty, understanding, wisdom, humor, and love for God expressed, bring a deeper understanding of the Bible and Science and Health to me, and I am sure to countless others.

Thank you!


Thanks to all the participants at the Bible Study about Nehemiah and his strong trust in God. The realization that evil can only be stopped by God, because nothing can oppose God, is very powerful for all of us. Although evil tried to stop God’s work over and over, using many different methods to dishonor and frighten — prayer, constant work, faith, and patience won, and will always win.


I am very grateful for the Christmas Eve service last week. The singing was beautiful and the children’s voices brought joy to my heart. It was a great blessing that my family listened along with me and felt blessed by the spirit of it, as well.

New York

My husband and I had the privilege of attending the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent. What a thrill to see this beautiful church, standing as a beacon of Truth, with a banner inviting all to join this holy service. We were greeted by such warmth and love of the members, just like coming home! And the beautifully decorated and candlelit auditorium was the perfect atmosphere for this holy service. What a joy to listen and to sing along. I cherish every moment, and shared parts of the service with others on Saturday evening, who very much appreciated it.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for all those dear members, who are standing strong and working diligently to send this message of the healing and saving Christ, Truth, out into the world. Thank you!


I greatly enjoyed the Christmas Eve Service, the Roundtable and the Sunday Service; they do meet a need for true Christian Science. What I like about the Plainfield C.S. Church is that a listener from far away can still feel he/she belongs and is present. It is inclusive, “user-friendly.” It is something to be very grateful for.

Costa Rica

Thank you for the Christmas Eve service. It was very special to spend this time with friends.


The Christmas Eve Candlelight Service was beautiful. With tears of joy and gratitude, I say thank you to all at Plainfield Christian Science Church Independent for helping me to understand what Christmas Eve really means and feel it in my heart. Last night during the service I felt as the song, Silent Night, says, “Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright.” As my daughter also said at the end, “it was really beautiful.” I wish to all, Merry Christmas.

New York

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Science in Action

I want to express my gratitude for a wonderful Christian Science practitioner in Plainfield.

I have been battling serious physical issues for the past couple of years. I have used other practitioners with some relative relief, but the condition always returned in a more aggravated form. Last Sunday I started feeling symptoms of another condition which I knew could become a really serious situation. I knew I needed to get help, and I resorted to medical means. I also was well aware that I couldn’t contact a practitioner from the Christian Science Journal, as they wouldn’t take the case of one who has turned to medical means.

In this dark hour of need and desperation, I contacted a Plainfield practitioner and explained my situation. She very graciously agreed to help me and provided me with thoughts to think upon that would help.

The next day I went to work. I work in a heavily medical insurance company, and the discussion of disease and its consequences is constantly scrutinized in meetings. I sent an e-mail to the practitioner before going into the daily meeting. She immediately replied, “Are you at this meeting with a lot of love in your heart, or are you feeling resentment for being there and for those there?” I literally gasped! I had been looking at everyone in that meeting with dislike and resentment, criticism, and judgment — all the things that make us sick. I’m deeply grateful that the practitioner had such quick insight into what exactly was going on in my thinking.

I later called her and told her I needed help to change my thoughts. I’m starting to accept the fact that it is not others, but myself that has to change. I want to know and feel everyone I meet is God’s child, no matter who they are or how they act.

I’m very grateful for Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery of it, and for this church and the wonderful practitioner who is helping me in this journey.

from P. D. in New York

I would like to express gratitude for the blessings and healing that have been permeating all areas of my life while working with a Plainfield practitioner—at times, without her even knowing the particulars of the situation. The work truly goes out, and as the Psalmist says, “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me.”

I would like to share one instance that took place a few weeks ago. My teenage son has struggled with anxiety since he was four years old. It was especially challenging at school. Recently he was preparing to take a guitar test in front of his peers at school. The symptoms he suffered had been building up over a couple of weeks and escalated the weekend before the test.

Over the years we have sought out many types of support and medications for him, so I was accustomed to thinking along these lines. Often this would involve other arrangements, with him experiencing agitation and sometimes shut-downs. I began to ruminate on how I was going to solve this one, and fixing my thoughts on his symptoms. Part way through this process, I realized this was contrary to what I was learning here at Plainfield, and definitely there was no God in it! I stopped this negative thinking and instead filled my thoughts with psalms — new ideas I was gaining here. I decided I would not see him as a weak, fearful, limited person, but rather as the child of God possessing strength, confidence, joy, and freedom.

As I turned my thoughts to spiritual good, I began to feel God’s presence and peace. I stopped all planning and worrying. I went about my day. A short time later my son announced to me that he was ok and was fine to take the test in front of his peers. The symptoms vanished and he remained calm. He took the test the next day without any problem or accommodations.

We are truly blessed to have practitioners here at Plainfield, dedicating their lives and time to the public practice of pure Christian Science.

from L. S. in Pennsylvania

The other morning I woke up with hardly any voice. I asked a Plainfield practitioner to pray for me, and also mentioned that some people at my office were recently having this problem. The practitioner told me, “You radiate good, you don’t absorb error!” The practitioner was referring to an article, thought to have been written by Mary Baker Eddy, called “Radiation and Absorption,” which says that you’re either radiating or absorbing; you can’t do both at the same time. While water is “radiating” out of a faucet, nothing can be “absorbed” up into that faucet. You’d have to turn off the water first. If I’m busy radiating Life, Truth, and Love, I couldn’t possibly absorb any disease! And she said to remember that my voice is used to praise God.

The practitioner prayed for me, and by the next morning, my voice was perfect! I’m very grateful for Christian Science, and for the help of the practitioner.

from C. C. in New Jersey

Many years ago I was at a church member’s house setting up for a picnic. All of a sudden it started to rain, and people began taking things into the house. I noticed a small truck that had open windows, and I went to the truck to close the windows. As I did this, it started to rain really hard. I decided to stay in the truck until the rain stopped.

Suddenly, it became very windy and the truck started to rock. I became very fearful, and then a statement from Science and Health came to me: “There is no vapid fury of mortal mind — expressed in earthquake, wind, wave, lightning, fire, bestial ferocity — and this so-called mind is self destroyed.”

I became calm, and I knew that a practitioner who lived nearby was praying, and so were all my fellow church members. A tornado then went down the center of the road, about 25 feet from the truck. But not one thing was damaged! Everyone and everything was completely safe.

I am very grateful for God’s protection, the practitioner, the members’ prayers, and for Christian Science.

from S. W. in New Jersey

Recently I woke up and started to feel a headache coming on. I’ve grappled with this for years — every few weeks or so I feel pressure in my upper back and head, which lasts for 24 hours, and then goes away. But that morning I laid there and thought, “I’m not going to accept this!” One thing we are taught at Plainfield that has helped me is to determine if a thought has come from God. If it hasn’t, we can dismiss it, because it has no cause or power. I knew this to be true. This did not come from God and therefore had no cause or claim on me. I also worked with the statement from Science and Health: “Truth, Life, and Love are a law of annihilation to everything unlike themselves, because they declare nothing except God.” Within ten minutes the discomfort left completely, and I was able to get up and go about my day — free. I’m grateful for everything I am learning here.

from E. S. in Georgia

Two nights ago I was suddenly overcome with a cough which was quickly followed by a runny nose. I immediately thought of several people that had recently mentioned their suffering from a cold, and the next thought was, “I have not got cold!” from Mrs. Eddy’s article “I’ve Got Cold,” found on the Plainfield website. I followed this with repeating the Scientific Statement of Being a few times and went about my night, and I was not bothered by any signs of a cold after that.

I’m so thankful that I’m learning not to stand for, or to accept anything for myself or my fellow man that is not from God, and to continue to denounce aggressive negative claims as quickly as they appear. I’m so grateful for all the work that is going on here that is strengthening us daily.

from D. R. in Georgia

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Final Thoughts

Finding Christian Science

by Melissa Johnson

Nearly 22 years ago I was given a little book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. What a life-changing experience that turned out to be. As I read this book I found I could not put it down, as it revealed and explained Life Eternal. This little book transformed my life, as it has millions of others.

Some years earlier I had an experience of passing on. When I seemingly came back into my body, I realized I had experienced something not of this world and found I was not able to explain readily what I had experienced. Mrs. Eddy refers to man as “God’s immortal idea.” When I read those lines, I knew that was exactly what I had experienced and I had found my answer.

How fortunate we are to be able to use our understanding of Christian Science to meet all our human needs. Turning to that Universal Power (Omnipotence) we call God is no longer just faith in something unknown, but the very presence within our being. Dominion over one’s thinking, right thinking, is the greatest gift we can have. And to quote Einstein, “To think that a woman over 80 years ago discovered the unreality of matter.” Or to put in to today’s terms, to think that a woman discovered and explained the Science of Life (Being) and is still teaching us today through her writings from nearly 150 years ago.

For those who have recently discovered Christian Science, you have begun the greatest love affair of your life.

I have had many healings in Christian Science in the past, some needing help from practitioners, and some without. Recently I had a problem with one of my molars. Whenever I chewed something hard, I would feel acute pain, until finally I woke with severe pain during one night. I had previously had problems with abscesses and had lost a couple of teeth as result. I didn’t want this to happen again, so I contacted a practitioner here for help. The pain settled quite quickly, and by the next day had completely subsided. I have had no more trouble since then. A few days later I was suddenly overcome with a deep depression that seemingly came out of the blue. I woke from sleep feeling very sad, as if I was grieving over something, and couldn’t seem to lift my thought above it. I asked for some more assistance, and very quickly snapped out of it. I am very thankful for the practitioner’s immediate help, and for the opportunity to share my love of Christian Science with the world via this wonderful website.

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Man is the expression of Soul. The Indians caught some glimpses of the underlying reality, when they called a certain beautiful lake “the smile of the Great Spirit.”

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy

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Love is the liberator.