Table of Contents
About the new cover:
From In Defense of Mary Baker Eddy, and the Remnant of Her Seed, by Paul R. Smillie:
In the Christian Science Sentinel of September 6, 1913 on page ten, Archibald McLellan stated three most important points about the cover of the Sentinel and a minor change made at that time on its cover. Speaking of this change he said, “Beyond this there can be neither desire nor occasion for change in the Sentinel, because,” he said, “Mrs. Eddy’s instructions forbid any change.” He explained this by saying, “Mrs. Eddy likewise gave instructions.” The word “instructions” is most important. Speaking then of the two women, the lamps and the inscriptions beneath them, he said they had been “preserved as expressive of our Leader’s thought. ...” Mrs. Eddy requested that the cover of the Sentinel be light blue in color.”
Painting by Luanne Tucker
The Power of Forgiveness |
Mary Beth Singleterry |
A while ago a study was made as to what are the characteristics of a truly happy person. They found that one of the characteristics was the ability to forgive — the ability not to hold grudges and not to go around and around with the wrongs that have been done to you, however severe they might be.
We are bidden to forgive as we would be forgiven, “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” (Matt.) This is a major point in Christian Science. You cannot go to the altar of prayer, cannot seek God’s help, when you have an unforgiving heart. It would block God’s love from reaching you. You would create a barrier by resenting, or hating, or feeling revengeful toward another person.
We see how Christ on the cross could forgive. Who are we to have any injustice done to us that we would consider unforgivable? We only hurt ourselves if we do this.
I am so grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her wonderful articles, “Love Your Enemies” and “Taking Offense.” Those two articles have been so helpful to me whenever I have found it difficult to forgive. I love where Mrs. Eddy says, “Be patient towards persecution. Injustice has not a tithe of the power of justice. Your enemies will advertise for you. Christian Science is spreading steadily throughout the world. Persecution is the weakness of tyrants engendered by their fear, and love will cast it out. Continue steadfast in love and good works. Children of light, you are not children of darkness. Let your light shine. Keep in mind the foundations of Christian Science — one God and one Christ. Keep personality out of sight, and Christ’s ‘Blessed are ye’ will seal your apostleship.” (Miscellany, p. 191) I think that is such a beautiful thought that, “Injustice has not a tithe of the power of justice.” How could it, because injustice is not of God, and justice is. So, as Mrs. Eddy has taught us, if you have been treated in any unjust way, God will right the balance, because justice is the only power. There is no other power! To acknowledge any other power is to dishonor God.
Forgiveness |
George I. Fiske |
Christian Science Sentinel, August 21, 1909
Christian Science brings new light on the subject of forgiveness. We have been accustomed to praying, “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors,” but were we sincere in this prayer, before we understood the true meaning of forgiveness? In Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy’s spiritual interpretation of these words reads, “Love is reflected in love.” Can we forgive without reflecting love? No!
We find a perfect example of forgiveness in Jesus who, even on the cross, prayed for those who were crucifying him, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Another beautiful example of forgiveness is in the account of Stephen, when he was stoned for his faith in Christ’s teachings. His prayer was similar to that of our Master — “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.” History repeated itself when, in the midst of unjust criticism and cruel misrepresentation directed against Mrs. Eddy, she wrote, “Those words of our dear, departing Saviour, breathing love for his enemies, fill my heart: ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.’”
One of the most helpful steps to bring the blessings of a forgiving spirit into our lives is to see another as the child of God — and see the false basis of the error. Mrs. Eddy writes, “The way to extract error from mortal mind is to pour in truth through flood-tides of Love” (S&H). Making this thought of forgiveness practical, the seeming hatred or jealousy will disappear. We will come to the point where our thought goes out in love and pity toward those who would harm us, knowing that we are safe, and that a wrong thought only hurts the one who harbors it.
We sometimes hear the remark, “I can forgive, but I cannot forget.” There can be no true forgiveness in such a thought as this, since it does not reflect love. Failure to measure up to this ideal, shuts out much of the light and love which might be ours. Jesus said, “If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” As one of our hymns expresses it, —
Ceasing to give, we cease to have;
Such is the law of love.
As the scientific sense of forgiveness unfolds to us, we see that it means healing. Jesus said, “Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?” When we forgive in the true sense, we see man as the perfect child of God, and in healing this is also true. Mrs. Eddy says: “Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God’s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick.” (S&H)
Forgive And Be Free! |
Florence Roberts |
“The destruction of sin is the divine method of pardon. Divine Life destroys death, Truth destroys error, and Love destroys hate. Being destroyed, sin needs no other form of forgiveness.” Science and Health, p. 339:1-4. What an awakening statement that is!
For years someone’s behavior tormented me. Year after year this behavior went on. At times it would appear to have stopped, and then it would show up again. Many human means were used: scolding, reasoning with this person, praying fervently that the behavior of this person be stopped. But never once did I see its unreality! Evil always presents itself disguised as conditions, persons, situations, places, things, and even as evil thoughts that appear as one’s own.
As I grew in my spiritual discernment, one day it became very clear to me that I had given life to a lie all that time, nursing it, so to speak, as I talked about it to others or pined about its seeming effect on me, desiring revenge or to have God punish the one with this behavior. Every time I faced this behavior, I would recall what it had done at different intervals, think of what it is doing now, and I would feel discouraged, feel so paralyzed, and feel overcome by this lie.
One morning the thought of a parasite and how it survives became vivid in my thought. I am aware of how parasitic vines grow, and the fact that the only life those vines have is that which they gain from the trees.
Mrs. Eddy’s teaching, that error comes to us for life and we give it all the life it can ever have, was clear! And on page 71 of Science and Health, she writes: “Evil has no reality. It is neither person, place, nor thing, but is simply a belief, an illusion of material sense.” This means that, as long as I attach error to any person, place, condition, situation, relationship, employment, etc., I give it the only life it can ever have.
My only course to destroy any wrong behavior, no matter how frequent or how aggressively it may appear, is to see that that behavior has NEVER been any part of the person exhibiting it, it never started at any time, anywhere, therefore it can have no continuity. I had to totally sever it from any condition, person, relationship, situation, even things that were suggestive of the behavior, and to know that nothing wrong has ever been a part of God’s kingdom; therefore whatever the error, it has no cause, law or substance to sustain it. With the help of a loving practitioner, I resolved that that behavior is uncovered, as the mirage that would deceive, and I would never allow this lie to make me sad, angry or fearful again! That reasoning brought immediate peace. I also often read “Taking Offense” in Miscellaneous Writings, page 223, to reinforce my conviction in what was being revealed to me. It was imperative that I destroy the “wrong” in my own thinking.
Christ Jesus’ life of forgiveness — that is, destroying any wrong that could attach itself to God’s child and beholding a pure consciousness — enabled him to heal. Even the sinful act of his crucifixion was destroyed, rendered powerless, by his words, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” And that of Mrs. Eddy when she says, “Brethren, even as Jesus forgave, forgive thou. I say it with joy, — no person can commit an offense against me that I cannot forgive.” (Mess. 1902.) What glorious examples!
If God forgives all our sins, we too can embark on lives of forgiveness, Love, and true freedom!
This cannot be said too often — it is that which the Bible has said all through the centuries: “love is the fulfilling of the law.” (Rom. 13:10) When love is demonstrated, or in the measure that it is, there is no sensitiveness. We cannot be hurt, neither can we hurt anyone else. It does not do any good to be severe, especially where we are convinced that the other party is just as honest in his convictions as we are in ours. Our work is to educate, and the Bible states that in order to do that we must bear one another’s burdens. It takes long years of patient perseverance to bring about a desirable change in some instances, and generally speaking, the change must occur first in ourselves.
To maintain the allness of GOOD and never be moved by the seeming reality of error or evil, is the true ideal for a Christian Scientist. Know that this ideal is yours, and that you can maintain it. I know and you know that the only Mind there is — is Love, is Truth, is Life, and this IS our Mind! Clinging to this divine fact, we are guided every step of the way in spite of what appears to be human difficulties. “Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way.” (S&H 454:18)
The Golden Rule |
Maud Richardson |
Christian Science Sentinel 1907
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.” (Matt. 7:12.)
All Christians pray for the kingdom of heaven to come on earth, and for God’s will to be done. The coming of God’s kingdom and the establishment of peace on earth will appear in proportion as men keep the First Commandment and the Golden Rule.
It is doubtless unanimously believed among Christian people that the living of the First and Second Commandments would dispense with the necessity for the other eight, for it is impossible to conceive of anything that would not be settled by these. There would never be any more war, no need of lawyers, trials, or prisons; there would be no strife, no greed, or dishonesty. No injustice, criticism, or revenge would ever enter into the hearts of men.
Christian Science teaches us how to overcome evil with good, and in so doing we find that we must not allow ourselves to think or say anything about our brother except what we would be willing to have him say or think about us. In this way do we learn to live the “love that takes no account of evil.” The Golden Rule should be carried out in our every thought, impulse, and word; and above all others, Christian Scientists should show the world how true Christians love and live.
Watchfulness and wisdom of speech should characterize us, that our brother’s way never be misjudged or condemned by us. When we are tempted to believe that our brother is harboring any unloving thoughts of us, or anyone else, we are crediting him with that which is neither true nor real. How little we may know of his temptations and struggles in overcoming sin! We can lift our own, as well as our brother’s burden, only as we judge righteous judgment, and help to bring the peace on earth and goodwill to men everyone so earnestly desires.
In “Miscellaneous Writings” there are three wonderful articles, — “Love your Enemies,” “Judge Not,” and “Taking Offense,” — which will bear frequent reading and study. If these and the Golden Rule were heeded by all Christian Scientists, in thought, word, and deed, surely the kingdom of heaven would seem much nearer each day and hour, and our individual spiritual progress would be unhampered.
For one thing only, Lord, dear Lord, I
Lead me aright —
Though strength should falter, and though
heart should bleed —
Through Peace to Light.
I do not ask, O Lord, that Thou shouldst
Full radiance here;
Give but a ray of peace, that I may tread
Without a fear.
Christian Science Journal, April 1885
Recapture of Enthusiasm |
Peter V. Ross |
When citizens neglect to participate in politics in order that they may pursue the adventure of business or professional careers, democracy is sure to wane. Likewise, if Christians do not practice their professions, Christianity must lose its vitality. “Faith without works is dead.” The totalitarians assume that this period of decadence has arrived. They reckon that the hour has struck for demolishing democratic and Christian civilization.
Greatly do they err. Militant materialism, destitute of rationality, must go down in confusion and defeat when challenged by the normal and spiritual forces of Christian Science. “The Lord God omnipotent reigneth” is not sounding brass. Neither is the assurance, “He disappointeth the devices of the crafty.” The Bible promises are kept, because they are more than promises, they are undefeatable facts.
The zeal and enthusiasm for democracy and things spiritual must be recaptured. Lethargy and inertia have brought them perilously near the precipice. There is still time to arouse ourselves and act heroically, but none too much. “Awake thou that sleepest,” cries the apostle, “and Christ shall give thee light.” Every individual should fervently pray that his nation proceed wisely and swiftly in the crisis. Each day he should set aside time to realize: “God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved.”
This prayer should extend to insisting that men and women in places of responsibility will have the courage and resourcefulness to play their part in the world drama. Does not His presence accompany civilians and soldiers alike, and from it can they not gather strength, guidance, and protection commensurate with the demands of the occasion? The forces of evil carry within themselves the seeds of their own destruction. They have no intelligence. They border on lunacy. We should say and know these things, consistently and expectantly. The truth thereby released will not return void. It is the word of God which accomplishes that whereunto it is sent.
Painting by Luanne Tucker
The Orchestra’s Back |
Susan Phillips |
The winter woods
Sits quiet at night
The stillness dark and deep
A quiet time to rest one’s thoughts
A quiet time,
A peace.
But now it is spring
And I patiently wait.
Wait for the promised arrival.
And tonight they arrived,
The night orchestra’s back
The stillness is no longer quiet.
So I’ll open the windows
And I’ll sit on my porch
And enjoy each performance they offer.
Spring peepers, green frogs, katydids and crickets
All blend in a beautiful chorus
And throughout the night
The bullfrog comes in
And, of course,
He sings me a solo.
God’s ideas one and all
In harmony live
Expressing divine Love’s allness
Gratitude swells my heart
As I listen and know
I am hearing God’s love
In the darkness.
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From Mrs. Eddy
Excerpt from “Love Your Enemies” |
Miscellaneous Writings
“Love thine enemies” is identical with “Thou hast no enemies.” Wherein is this conclusion relative to those who have hated thee without a cause? Simply, in that those unfortunate individuals are virtually thy best friends. Primarily and ultimately, they are doing thee good far beyond the present sense which thou canst entertain of good.
The good cannot lose their God, their help in times of trouble. The best lesson of their lives is gained by crossing swords with temptation, with fear and the besetments of evil; insomuch as they thereby have tried their strength and proven it; insomuch as they have found their strength made perfect in weakness, and their fear is self-immolated.
The worldly or material tendencies of human affections and pursuits are thus annihilated; and this is the advent of spiritualization. Heaven comes down to earth, and mortals learn at last the lesson “I have no enemies.”
Even in belief you have but one (that, not in reality), and this one enemy is yourself — your erroneous belief that you have enemies; that evil is real; that aught but good exists in Science. Soon or late, your enemy will wake from his delusion to suffer for his evil intent; to find that, though thwarted, its punishment is tenfold.
I would enjoy taking by the hand all who love me not, and saying to them, “I love you, and would not knowingly harm you.”
The present is ours; the future, big with events. Every man and woman should be to-day a law to himself, herself, — a law of loyalty to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
The falsehood, ingratitude, misjudgment, and sharp return of evil for good — yea, the real wrongs (if wrong can be real) which I have long endured at the hands of others — have most happily wrought out for me the law of loving mine enemies. This law I now urge upon the solemn consideration of all Christian Scientists. Jesus said, “If ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.”
Power Over Ourselves |
Mary Baker Eddy |
Excerpt from Essays and Other Footprints,
(the “Red Book”), page 133
Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the Truth? Galatians 5:7
The most precious of all possessions is power over ourselves, power to withstand evil, to bear trials, to front danger, power over pleasure and pain, power to follow our convictions however resisted by menace and scorn, the power of calm reliance in scenes of darkness and fell revenge. No truth is more certain than this, that man is the arbiter of his own fate.
Excerpt from Course in Divinity and General Collectanea, (the “Blue Book”)
Never resent a wound from anyone, but always leave it to God to avenge and heal. He will rightly reward; you cannot. Forgiveness is forgetfulness of sin, disease and all error in others and in ourselves. No wrong is forgiven until it is forgotten. If this is not done, it works like remembering disease; it makes you a sinner; it grows chronic and incurable. If we do not do this, it does us more harm than our enemies.
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Plainfield Church Bible Study
This is a summary of the discussion from a recent Plainfield Church Bible Study. At these sessions, Bible citations from that week’s Lesson Sermon are discussed.
Bible Study April 28, 2018
In the Bible is the story of Simon the Pharisee, Christ Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. (Luke, Chapter 7) In all the stories in the Bible, none touches the heart as this one of Mary Magdalene.
Simon had invited Jesus for dinner. Simon did not fully believe that Jesus was the Christ; and he wanted to ask Jesus questions, to satisfy his intellectual curiosity. His motive was not a pure one.
While they ate, Jesus reclined on a couch with his feet stretched out behind him. This made it easy for Mary Magdalene to come behind him and humbly kneel at his feet. Even though she was shunned from such a place, she was determined to show her repentance and deep gratitude. Through Jesus’ teachings, she had been completely redeemed from the depths of sin so great, that she was described as having seven devils.
Mary unquestioningly recognized the Christ and came with a heart filled with love and gratitude. She bathed Jesus’ feet with her tears of repentance, and wiped his feet with her hair, in deep humility. She kissed his feet, showing her gratitude. She emptied the entire jar of costly, fragrant oil, showing her self-sacrifice.
Jesus, knowing all things, knew the self-righteous thoughts of Simon. Simon thought that if Jesus were a real prophet, he would know the type of woman this was and would have nothing to do with her. He couldn’t even see the tremendous healing that had taken place in Mary Magdalene.
Simon was obedient to the letter of Jewish law, yet he loved little. Jesus rebuked Simon, telling him, “you gavest me no water for my feet; you gavest me no kiss; my head with oil you didst not anoint. Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much.”
What a contrast to Mary Magdalene, who recognized the Christ, took his teachings to heart, and was completely transformed. Mary came in meekness to show her repentance and gratitude.
In Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy begins the Chapter, “Christian Science Practice” with this story. Why? Because one must come, like Mary Magdalene, with a heart filled with love, deep humility, meekness, and repentance to be healed. The starting point in Christian Science is to open your heart and trust God.
To be sure, meekness is not weakness — it is an armor. It is submitting to the divine will, which gives us strength and protection. It enables us to properly detect error in our thinking; and by listening to God and obeying His will, error is destroyed. Meekness gives us sight to do and be right, and pride is blindness that leads in the wrong direction every time.
In the “Message for 1902,” page 19, Mary Baker Eddy emphasizes the great need of forgiveness and meekness. She states: “Brethren, even as Jesus forgave, forgive thou. I say it with joy, — no person can commit an offense against me that I cannot forgive. Meekness is the armor of a Christian, his shield and his buckler. He entertains angels who listens to the lispings of repentance seen in a tear — happier than the conqueror of a world. To the burdened and weary, Jesus saith: ‘Come unto me.’ O glorious hope! there remaineth a rest for the righteous, a rest in Christ, a peace in Love.”
Franz Kafka, the story goes, encountered a little girl in the park where he went walking daily. She was crying. She had lost her doll and was desolate.
Kafka offered to help her look for the doll and arranged to meet her the next day at the same spot.
Unable to find the doll, he composed a letter from the doll and read it to her when they met.
‘Please do not mourn me, I have gone on a trip to see the world. I will write you of my adventures.’
This was the beginning of many letters. When he and the little girl met, he read her from these carefully composed letters, the imagined adventures of the beloved doll. The little girl was comforted.
When the meetings came to an end, Kafka presented her with a doll. She obviously looked different from the original doll. An attached letter explained ‘My travels have changed me.’
Many years later, the now grown girl found a letter stuffed into an unnoticed crevice in the cherished replacement doll.
In summary it said: “Every thing that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form.”
Kafka and the Doll, The Pervasiveness of Loss
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Interesting Squibs, part one
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
Henry Ford
Trials are medicines which the great Physician prescribes because we need them. Then let us trust in His skill, and thank Him for His prescription.
I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.
Martin Luther
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
Charles R. Swindoll
Sometimes, if you begin to sing in a halfhearted mood, you can sing yourself up the ladder. Singing will often make the heart rise.
Charles Spurgeon
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
“Gentle Truth” will at last cease to be gentle, and crush him who rejects her.
Christian Science Journal, Nov. 1885
A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.
Theodore Roosevelt
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.
We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word.
In the day of prosperity, we have many refuges to resort to; in the day of adversity, only One.
Horatius Bonar
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In Support of Our Nation, Our World
Government by Principle |
Blanche Hersey Hogue |
Christian Science Journal, Sept. 1909
The ideal of democracy has universal appeal; but because of the tyranny of human nature, weakness and suspicion, perfect democracy has never been achieved on the earth.
Democracy, like any other human condition, may be abused by the action of human influence, and Christian Science calls its followers to a demonstration of government by the Mind of Christ, which will make the democratic spirit a wise and safe channel for the incoming of good. Democracy as a method in the hands of the undisciplined and unpurified, means pandemonium. Democracy among the God-governed is the millennial ideal, — heaven come down to earth.
The democracy of mob-rule means a good method misused by evil passions. The democracy wherein each man uses his freedom of speech and action for the unselfish betterment of the whole, is a good method harnessed to the service of the law of God.
The cry for democracy will subside as the action of Christian Science brings to light the true democracy which preserves individual rights as only the law of Love can. Even the best of human will sometimes serves to obstruct the law of God, for it instinctively judges, fears, and dominates, from personal standpoint. Christian Science wrests democratic methods from the abuses of the human mind, and protects them for the uses of God.
The government will one day be corrupt and filled with liars, and the people will flock to the one that tells the truth.
Thomas Jefferson
To the People of the United States |
Excerpt of George Washington’s Farewell Address, given on September 17, 1796
Friends and Fellow-citizens:
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.
It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?
Promote then, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.
Democracy, pure democracy, has at least its foundation in a generous theory of human rights. It is founded on the natural equality of mankind. It is the cornerstone of the Christian religion. It is the first element of all lawful government upon earth.
John Quincy Adams
George Washington: The Favorite of Heaven |
Rae Hauck |
In his book The Bulletproof George Washington, David Barton tells that during the French and Indian War, George Washington, at age 23, was assigned to take orders to the officers in the field. The Indian sharpshooters took out 63 of the 86 officers. Four bullets went through George Washington’s coat, and they shot two horses from under him, but he escaped uninjured.
Fifteen years later the Indian chief in charge of that battle met Washington. The chief recounted, “A power mightier than we shielded you. Seeing you were under the special guardianship of the Great Spirit, we immediately ceased fire at you … the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, and who can never die in battle.”
This is another proof of the power of angels as given in Psalm 91, “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” and Mrs. Eddy’s words: “Whatever it is your duty to do, you can do without harm to yourself.” (S&H)
The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.
William Hazlitt
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From the Early Workers
Divine Motherhood |
John Doorly |
To give an instance of how the Christ sometimes comes in a wave, when thought is spiritually minded and open to the infinite divine impulsion, let me tell you of a case I once had. I was called urgently one morning by a mother, who asked me to go over and see her little daughter, who had a stoppage of the bowels. The father was a very wealthy man, who had no use at all for Christian Science, but his wife was by way of being interested in it. She was a very beautiful woman, but she was rather hard and not very lovable, and there was a good deal of jealousy over the child between her and her husband.
Their daughter was a lovely little girl, a beautiful child about six or seven years old, and the father was devoted to her. This child had a stoppage of the bowels, and although the doctors had been attending her for nearly a week, they hadn’t been able to move them, and she was suffering very greatly. On the morning I was called, it had been decided that she should have an operation that afternoon. Well, that had caused the mother to rise up in her might — you know what a woman can be when her child is in danger — and she said, in effect, “That’s my child; I bore her. She is going to have Christian Science treatment,” which was a pretty brave thing to do in view of her husband’s antagonism to Christian Science.
When I arrived, she took me upstairs to the bedroom, where the child was every now and then shrieking out in agony, and she told me that that child hadn’t had any sleep for forty-eight hours. I sat there trying to realize the divine presence and power, when suddenly the child fell asleep on the mother’s arm as she was bending over the bed. I watched that woman, who I knew was not what could be called a very loving woman, remain in a very uncomfortable position for nearly an hour, hardly daring to breathe for fear of waking the child. As I watched that picture, the thought came to me, “Why, if that woman with her limited sense of human love will do that much for her child, what won’t the infinite divine Love, the infinite divine motherhood, do for that child!” And as the realization of the presence and power of divine Love, the one Mother of us all, flooded my thought, the stoppage passed right away, and the child was healed in a moment.
Now, the governing error in that case was the constant friction and jealousy between the father and mother. That was what had brought about this stoppage of the bowels. That sensitive little child, living in an atmosphere of discord, just took on the whole condition; but when there came a realization of the presence and power of divine Love filling all space, the stoppage passed right away, and of course there was no need for an operation.
In that case there was no argument, there was no looking around for the governing error. There was just this consciousness of divine Love, the infinite motherhood of Love, which came to me as I watched that manifestation of human motherhood. My sense of divine Love as the infinite motherhood was quickened, and before that the error passed right away. And so when your healing is really scientific, Christlike healing, mortal mind’s whole build-up hasn’t any standing at all and it just crumbles.
The Great Physician |
H. S. |
Christian Science Sentinel, August 21, 1909
Jesus was the Great Physician because he was the healer of all manner of sickness and disease among the people, and he “made them every whit whole.” He gave sight to the physically and morally blind; hearing to the deaf; knowledge to the ignorant; liberty to the captive; joy and peace to the sorrowing and the hand of compassionate forgiveness to the sinning.
Jesus was full of a wonder-working power and energy, that scatters to the winds all theories of healing, and makes futile all learning and logic. Look over the history of his life, and tell me, What do you discover there, but a simple unvarnished expression of miracles of mercy? It was a life of love and blessing in all that land of Galilee. He made every spot he visited holy forever by the immortal lessons he uttered, and by his deeds of wisdom and goodness. Was he sent to bind up the broken-hearted? It is certain that grief never failed to find answering balm in his response. He gave unto the mourner “beauty for ashes, and garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”
Many today rejoice that still the healing touch of the same force that he utilized may be brought to bear upon sorrow, sin and sickness, to dispel them forever; and that thus, according to his prophetic promise, he has come again unto the children of men for their salvation.
A Word to Beginners |
E. A. R. |
Christian Science Journal 1888
I think it is nearly always the case, that those who take up Christian Science as a study are driven to do so from some physical difficulty.
Sometimes they take up the study of Science and Health with the idea that reading the book will heal them. They are frequently disappointed, and because they are not healed after reading the book once, give it up.
Something more than a superficial knowledge of Christian Science is requisite for healing the sick. Do not be discouraged, dear friends. An earnest perusal of Science and Health, with the Bible as an accompaniment, will surely heal the most discouraging disease.
Earnestly strive, and your way will become brighter and brighter at each succeeding step, until at last you can exclaim: “I have fought the good fight, I am victor over sin, disease, and death; for to know God is Life and peace.”
The storm clouds may lower, and even for a time obscure the light; but press onward, and He who careth for the sparrows will surely gather you under His protecting wings, where you will be safe from the pestilence that walketh at noonday.
Imbibe the Spirit, for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth Life. The light is ready to come in, if we will only roll up our curtains and let it come. If we see cobwebs that we did not know were there (and we certainly shall), let us brush them down with a will. Sometimes they return again and again, but do not let them accumulate. If we repeatedly destroy errors with Truth, — each success makes the next easier; and when at last we find our house swept and garnished, the Prince of Peace will enter in and abide with us forever.
Then shall there be no more night, no bitter pain, no storm of sin; for God is there, and naught unlike Him can enter in.
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Interesting Squibs, part two
There is but one failure, and that is not to be true to the best one knows! Circumstances are not in our power: virtues are. It is not in our power to avert the bitter failure which earth may inflict; it is in our power to win the high success God bestows.
Some patients get well with the aid of medicine; more without it: and more in spite of it.
Sir John Forbes, M.D.
Physician to Queen Victoria.

When we build on Truth we build on the solid rock, and when we build on error we have neither structure nor foundation.
Purity of body comes by water; purity of mind by truthfulness.
THE first instance where physicians are mentioned in the Bible is 2nd Chronicles, xvi; 12, 13: — And Asa in the thirty ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great; yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers.
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Current Articles
Plainfield Church, a Shining Light |
Jeremy Palmer |
Recently I realized that it has been five years since I first arrived at Plainfield Church.
This milestone has me thinking about everything that learning Christian Science, and being a member of this church, has brought into my life. There have been healings — an amazing number of healings, — blessings, and countless opportunities since arriving here, so much so, that I just don’t feel much similarity with the person I used to be.
Everything used to be intensely difficult without this wonderful way of life to rely upon. And, I wouldn’t say life is easy here in Plainfield; but there is a big difference between that hopeless existence I had before, and how I now have gained much faith in God and understanding of Science, where joyful progress is being made daily.
I feel great gratitude to God, for Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy and the instruction and example they have left for us, for the early workers, this church and my practitioner, and every member of this church, past and present, whose combined work has gone into making Plainfield the shining light that it is. It means so much to me, and I just know that the needs of all mankind will bring them here as well, and each will be blessed.
“Fruitage” Chapter |
Lynda Spencer |
I love the reading of Fruitage during each Sunday service. At the beginning of the chapter of Fruitage it is mentioned that these healings were chosen from the Christian Science Journal and Sentinel. These healings spanned over many years during Mrs. Eddy’s time. There were many similar healings to choose from in the publications, so it is evident that the testimonies were hand-picked and God-led, as a teaching tool, each with specific placement and purpose.
Recently I have been reading the Fruitage chapter in the 1910 edition of Science and Health, this being the final edition given to the world by Mary Baker Eddy. In comparing the two editions, I found that three testimonies in Fruitage were changed or relocated after Mrs. Eddy’s passing in 1910, one as soon as 1912, and the following beautiful testimony was removed entirely.
Science and Health A Priceless Boon
I am a willing witness to the healing power of Christian Science, having had a lifetime’s battle with disease and medical experiments. Various doctors finally admitted that they had exhausted their resources, and could only offer me palliatives, saying that a cure was impossible. I had paralysis of the bowels, frequent sick headaches with unutterable agony, and my mortal career was nearly brought to an end by a malignant type of yellow fever. Many were the attending evils of this physical inharmony, but God confounds the wisdom of men, for while studying Science and Health two years ago, the veil of ignorance was lifted and perfect health was shown to me to be my real condition, and to such there is no relapse. The constant use of glasses, which were apparently a necessity to me for years, was proven needless, and they were laid aside. Mrs. Eddy has made Scripture reading a never-failing well of comfort to me. By her interpretation “the way of the Lord” is made straight to me and mine. It aids us in our daily overcoming of the tyranny of the flesh and its rebellion against the blessed leading of Christ, Truth. The daily study of the Bible and our textbook is bringing more and more into our consciousness the power of God unto salvation.
— J. C., Manatee, Fla.
Heaven on Earth |
Luanne Tucker |
During one of our Roundtable discussions, I was given the opportunity to talk about an “after death” experience that took place in my early 20’s. Right after that experience, I suffered a deep sense of depression. Nothing seemed to make sense. It almost seemed cruel in a way. I thought, “What good did it do to show me something so absolutely beautiful, and then send me back?” I had been given a glimpse of heaven, but soon returned to my painful existence. So I continued for many years to keep heaven and earth separated, but never forgot what I had experienced. Every time I was struggling, I would question why God sent me back. I had more questions than answers, but I knew my eyes had been opened to the possibility that there was so much more to life than I understood.
After every visit to the Plainfield Church, I seem to experience that same depression. I never understood why. While I was there for our gathering, it was very important for me to take the time to just feel and take into my heart, the Spirit that was so very present. The healing and loving atmosphere radiated by each of our hosts in Plainfield, was absolutely harmonious. I thought, this is true Christianity, demonstrated at a level that is taught nowhere else, but in Christian Science. This was heaven, right here on earth and once again, I didn’t want to leave, as I could only conceive of heaven as being a locality outside of myself.
A few days after returning home, I called my practitioner and explained to her how I was feeling. She explained to me that heaven is a state of mind. When Principle is properly demonstrated, its effects can be felt by all. I found a quote by Mrs. Eddy that helped to explain it further, in Gilbert Carpenter’s book, Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Footsteps, Chapter 54, page 112: “Now, to advance continually throughout time and eternity in the Science by which harmony is given to man, you must perform the most labor with yourself. First, be right here, and then the very atmosphere of yourself will heal the sick. You will, in other words, exhale or throw off God, the Principle that heals wherever you are, and the sick will recover on account of you, whether you address them, or let them alone, but they may never know what healed them. Hundreds have I healed thus. In fact, the sick all begin to recover wherever I am.”
I have been given a wonderful opportunity to see just what it is that I should be striving to demonstrate, everywhere I go. I don’t have to go anywhere to experience the presence of God. I only have to look within. I am so grateful for this lesson and for all the healings that have taken place since I began working with my practitioner.
Focusing on Truth |
Dale Wallis |
A recent statement on our daily church calendar really caught my attention. It was, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be,” by Abraham Lincoln. This really emphasizes how important our thinking is to our happiness!
A practitioner in this church spoke recently about how essential it is to be grateful, and thus, joyous. If we’re struggling with a problem, or haven’t quite seen our way clear on something, it is so important to be grateful for all the things that we can do, and not dwell on anything negative. Many times people become so focused on what seems to be wrong — the pain, the inconvenience, or whatever — that it seems much bigger than God! Instead, focusing on Truth and thanking God, with each grateful and joyous, selfless thought, the negative thing (which God never made and so it was never real) — fades into its native nothingness!
At the end of last week I was laid up with a bad back. On Thursday there was much pain and it was hard to move. I called a practitioner in this church and was directed to work with the 91st Psalm, and to dwell in the “secret place of the most High.” I was told that Love can’t be strained or in pain — and each day I felt better and could do more. It was a wonderful time of dwelling with God in that secret place. I called the practitioner on Monday morning to express gratitude for the help, saying that there was just a touch of a problem, but I was taking that advice of being so grateful for everything that I can do; and the practitioner reminded me about Mary’s statement, “My soul doth magnify the Lord” (Luke 1:46), and to express Soul.
Well, yesterday because I wanted to help my husband, I shoveled quite a bit of snow with perfect freedom and absolutely no aftereffects. I am very grateful to be learning in this church to be closer to God and to strive to do His will.
Choose happiness!
Compassion |
Benjamin Ndukwe |
“And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.” – Matthew 14:14. My life story, which I have shared many times before, illustrates the power of love and compassion.
We can all agree that at this time there is a great need for compassion. We must feel the need. We must be “moved,” unafraid, toward this great need of our time. We are being called upon every day, challenging us, to demonstrate what Christ Jesus had shown us by example. “The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do” (John 14:12) is our Master’s command, and there is no condition we cannot heal when we are moved in Christ’s direction, drawn with compassion. However, without compassion we can do absolutely nothing.
It does not matter who we think we are; in fact, it is possible that our lack of compassion could do harm instead of good to the sick when trying to heal them. And it is a mockery of God, who Himself is full of compassion and love. Compassion comes first, before any attempt to heal. The desire to grow in compassion for the needs of others is more powerful than the fervent attempt to heal with a lack of compassion.
I’ll never forget my experience many years ago, when Mrs. Doris Evans, a teacher and practitioner here in Plainfield, invited me to come to the United States from the Benin Republic where I was living at that time. I always like to use this life experience to illustrate the prowess and limitless power we all have been given to demonstrate with certainty that God is all-loving and that His love and compassion are beyond measure.
Mrs. Evans never for a moment thought I was beyond the reach of her compassion, and she proved it — and so was everyone in the Plainfield Church. When your compassion is coming from God, like hers, and you are being “moved,” it knows no boundaries, no limitation, no color of skin or race, no religion or belief, but follows Christ as it leads you.
If you are honestly trusting God with your instincts and desires, it is impossible to go wrong, or do wrong. If God can never do or go wrong, why should we? Thinking the opposite is to dishonor God and a disservice to Christian Science. Don’t be fooled into believing that compassion is weakness; don’t buy into that suggestion. It is the fundamental of Christianity. All healing must begin from the standpoint of compassion; for there is no other way. The Bible made no secret what the key in our Master’s healing is. Let us all move toward the need, not run away from it, answering the call and not shy away from it. Our Heavenly Father sees every right deed and will bring it to pass, and all will be blessed!
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A Watch to Work with Often
With regard to all aspects of our services, please work with the following, taken from the book In Defense of Mary Baker Eddy and the Remnant of Her Seed by Paul R. Smillie:
“Mrs. Eddy says, ‘Malpractice would dominate, and unless Christian Scientists are awake to it and alert, it would hold back Christian Science for centuries.’ (Blue Book, p. 225) Many minds are at work to keep us from seeing our Leader correctly. We must declare against this lie with an absolute conviction of its nothingness. We must not weigh against ourselves by admitting that this lie has any power. We must speak to the lie with the authority that our Leader has given to us. We must hold continually to our gratitude for her. Then joy keeps the door of spiritual revelation open.” — Smillie, page 37
“‘Keeping the truth of her character before the public will help the students, and do more than all else for the Cause. Christianity in its purity was lost by defaming and killing its defenders. Do not let this period repeat this mistake. The truth in regard to your Leader heals the sick and saves the sinner. The lie has just the opposite effect, and the evil one that leads all evil in this matter knows this more clearly than do the Christian Scientists in general.’” (Collectanea of Items by and about Mary Baker Eddy, page 82) — Smillie, page 26.
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Letters of Gratitude
The more that I listen to the Plainfield Roundtables and Bible Studies and the talks with my practitioner, the more I realize that, above all the reading of articles I may find about Christian Science, the discipline of entering into a more simple mode of thinking and behavior based on humility and meekness is the key to my obtaining the power and dominion from God that heals.
The oneness felt in Plainfield Church is the result of a common purpose, and the acknowledgment of the one Mind at work among the members. It shows the common desire of the members to watch and protect what can be regarded as the spiritual foundation and structure of church, which leads to infinite progress. What I observed was a great lesson of humility from all the members, humbly doing their tasks. It is a lesson for me and everyone. I am very grateful.
Paris, France
How very grateful I am for this church. I was brought up in Christian Science, but spent many years without a church. When given Edward Kimball’s book, Teaching and Addresses, the ideas that I had been taught and read finally clicked. When my mother loaned me a copy of The Blue Book, Course in Divinity and General Collectanea, to read, I realized how very absolute and positive Christian Science is.
Although I searched for a church, there did not appear to be one that taught and practiced Christian Science as described in Mrs. Eddy’s works. One day while on the internet, I found the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent. This church seemed to practice what was in Science and Health, The Church Manual, and Prose Works. But, I wanted to make sure they were not just well-meaning kooks, and I followed them on the internet for a year before joining.
Thank you for taking your stand with Boston and founding this church. It just keeps getting better and better and has been, and is, a wonderful home.
I would like to express my gratitude for the audio I have been listening to over and over this week from Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Footsteps, by Carpenter, Chapter 51.
I learned in that clip how to do a “Watch,” and that you must feel the danger; and after you feel the danger, that you align with God, and you do your watch. The danger is not a sense of feeling fear, but rather recognizing that there is a fight, a spiritual fight that we need to take hold of. It is a way to handle error.
This is something that I really needed to clarify this past year. So, I am so grateful to have found this. In this Mary Baker Eddy says, “We must feel the danger and lift our thought to God. He will save us. If we do not feel the danger and go right on as though everything were all right, declaring you are all right, you cannot die, etc., when the seeming is all wrong, you will not be watching with God. When we feel the danger, then we earnestly turn to God. Keep awake — watch; the right kind of watching.” Gilbert Carpenter also added, “From the standpoint of Christian Science, mortal belief has no atmosphere in which the Christian Scientist should relax, feel content, and become unwatchful.”
So, this is a great lesson for me in really understanding how to handle error. I want to thank the church for all the watching that you all are doing, and all that you are doing daily and on the website.
Thank you for posting and sharing these healing meetings and writings. All my life, I’ve longed for Christian Science with fire! While I sensed the Truth in Christian Science and even experienced personal healing using Science and Health, my experience in the church was indifferent, cold and kinda lonely. It made me sad to see such a powerful healing ministry seemingly fade away into empty pews, in a huge grand church.
I’ve been listening to your Roundtables and Bible Studies for close to a year now and feel like a defacto member. My Grandma, a lifelong Christian Scientist, has also begun listening and told me she is interested in joining your church. She felt very abandoned by the Mother Church this past 10 years and really loves that you guys stood up to the Boston hierarchy. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you and I’m so happy to see your church growing.
YouTube Comment
I am very grateful to the members of Plainfield Church who share their inspired ideas on a daily basis. The website and all services are a continual fountain of good and vitality. Youth, vigor, health, wealth of ideas, strength and harmony are all expressed here. How grateful I am to have found you all.
I love to gather with you for the Bible Study and Roundtable classes to learn, listen and contribute with a humble heart, and feel the presence of God.
I am grateful for the Bible Lessons, testimony meetings, the Readers and musicians for all services. Your love of the Word of God shines through.
Every day is a joy and I’m always excited to see what unfolds next! Thank you to all who make the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent a home of Love.
I came across your website about a year ago, and found a wealth of knowledge. This church has given so much to all, it’s about time I showed my appreciation, for Love flows in both directions.
New York
I understand the church is in need of a new roof and want to help. Please use the enclosed donation where most needed.
Also, I visit the Plainfield website daily. It is a priceless resource of information, inspiration and teaching.
With love and gratitude, thank you.
After listening to a testimony, I was thankful for the advice to read Prose Works in chronological order. I have been treating the book as a library, opening and reading a smattering of random sections. What a difference to start at the beginning and to slowly begin to digest the book from start to finish. Over a short period, I became so absorbed I had trouble putting it down. I always read Science and Health daily, but now that I’ve added Prose Works, so many things have become clearer in my understanding.
Thank you for the Wednesday night meetings and the wonderful testimonies.
Thank you very much for today’s (7/8/18) Roundtable and Church service. As I listened to the reading of the Lesson on SACRAMENT, when the words were read, “Those who slew him [Jesus] to stay his influence perpetuated and extended it” (S&H 43: 19-20), it made me think that with all the information coming forth which explains the downfall of the organization in Boston, it was their persecution of Plainfield and the resultant court battle, which freed the name “Christian Science” from being hijacked by mortal mind and sequestered from the world in a material temple!
Thank you, thank you for what Plainfield did to stand on Principle and act only as God directed! And thank you to all the early workers who were not fooled, but went ahead and proved this Science. Thank you to all who have worked in this Independent church, and are working now, in this endeavor, and to all who find their way here to stand with God, on the rock, Christ Jesus, to follow in his Word, and follow our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy — as she said, “only so far as she follows Christ.” (Message for 1901, 34: 25-26)
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Testimonies of Healing
From S. A. in Maryland
I live in a watershed area of a major river with various offshoot rivers, so there are lots of foot bridges to cross. Last fall, I gave a testimony of overcoming a paralyzing fear of walking across these bridges, with the help of my Plainfield practitioner.
A few weeks back, my sister and I drove up for the “Come to Plainfield Weekend.” We had agreed that I would drive to Plainfield on Friday afternoon, and she would drive us home on Sunday. The GPS had me go on a route directly north through Maryland, then Delaware, before arriving in New Jersey. In Delaware, I came to the Delaware Memorial Bridge. I could feel my stomach start to knot and my palms begin to sweat, as they did when I was afraid of walking across those neighborhood foot bridges.
A thought actually came to me that it was okay to be afraid of this bridge because it’s bigger, and that it was not too late to turn around and go home.
But I wasn’t having that, so I swiftly rejected any idea that it was okay to be afraid, and I remember thinking, “a bridge, is a bridge, is a bridge,” and that once an error is healed in Christian Science, it’s done and there is no going back. I declared to myself that “God was my strength” and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans and took my lane to cross that bridge. When I got to the other side I spoke to that error and told it to get behind me, because we were going to Plainfield and were going to have an absolutely amazing time — which we did.
On Sunday after church I relaxed in the passenger seat as my sister took the wheel. We were barely beyond the outskirts of the city when I began to feel dread regarding the upcoming bridge. As it turns out, this time the GPS led us on a different route and we bypassed the Delaware Memorial Bridge entirely! The new route took us just past Philadelphia, and as we were leaving the Philadelphia area, I could see another high bridge looming in the distance. As those uncomfortable feelings tried to worm their way in my thought again, I declared once again that “God was my strength and was at the wheel of our vehicle and every other, so there was nothing at all to fear.” As she drove across the bridge I glanced out the window and felt not even a tinge of fear. I’m so very thankful for Christian Science, this independent church, and for the great practitioner help that I continue to receive here.
From L. L. in Ohio
Recently we had a period of extremely hot weather and high humidity. I have always had a history of physical problems during such conditions. Working with my practitioner I was told that this was never true about me, and that I live and breathe in an atmosphere of Love.
That week I was able to be outside and to take care of much yard work without any difficulty.
I am so grateful to my practitioner for this healing and for many others. Through working with a practitioner in this church, I am getting a much greater understanding of Christian Science, and the realization that I am definitely in my right place.
From S. W. in New Jersey
Thanks to God and a Plainfield practitioner, I recently started a new job that I am very grateful to have.
Around eight months ago, it became very apparent that I needed to leave my former job. One day, I felt strongly that God was directing me to leave, so I resigned. I called a practitioner, explained the situation, and asked for prayerful help to obtain another position. I was given the Bible statement from James, “Let patience have her perfect work.” I was asked to work with the article “Place,” by Mary Baker Eddy.
This healing did not come quickly. I had lessons to learn, including not to tell God what job I should have, but to let “Thy will be done.” I’ve learned in this church that our experiences are like a flower, they unfold in God’s right time. I continued to work with the practitioner, and several jobs became available, but, for one reason or another, they didn’t work out.
Then I was offered this new job, which is so much better than the one I left. There is much appreciation for the work I do, there is cooperation in the office, and the people couldn’t be nicer. God surely had a better plan for me than I could ever have imagined!
I am very grateful for my new job, and for the help of the practitioner, and for the fact that all my needs were met during the time I was out of work. What a good God!
From C. W. in Maryland
I am writing with the hope that my healing will benefit someone else. Two weeks ago I received some devastating financial news.
Thankfully, I had already started working with a practitioner at Plainfield. She directed me to read articles on supply and abundance, and also Mrs. Eddy’s “A Treatment for Every Day.” I tried to ponder the spiritual household that Mrs. Eddy describes there, and I pondered her statement, “Beloved Father-Mother, give me wisdom to meet the problems that come up today, give me the understanding to deny error. Give me grace to remain silent when it is not necessary to speak.”
Shortly after this study, I went to visit a friend who wasn’t feeling well. The friend has been kind and understanding for many years, and our usual pattern has been to share a meal, and also share challenges in our day-to-day lives. But this visit was different. It wasn’t clear to me at the time, but looking back, I see that I was using my intuition more than usual. Although tempted, I did not share any problems with my friend. I remember thinking that if I am actually living in my spiritual household, then there are no problems to report. During that visit I did “remain silent” when it was not necessary to speak.
The following day I woke up with worries about the news, but did not allow myself to leap right into attempting to find a solution to the financial issue. Instead I stayed calm. Later that morning I decided to go and make some calls. A few hours later, I received news that the financial problem had been resolved.
I know there is much to learn from this healing. I realize I am at the beginning of an amazing adventure, and as long as I do my part, it will be an adventure filled with love, harmony, and supply. I am grateful for all I am learning.
From C. H. in Pennsylvania
I am very grateful to my practitioner, who has been working with me concerning the belief of fear.
In the past, going to the dentist, even for routine check-ups, was often a very difficult thing for me to do. At my last two visits, I was told that I had inflamed gums in part of my mouth. My practitioner said that this was only fear.
This week I had an appointment with the dentist. I prayed before going to the office, and part of my prayer included what a testifier said about declaring from the Bible, “This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.” And Mary Baker Eddy’s words, “To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings.” (S&H)
My thoughts were completely different. The whole visit was harmonious and joyful. I got to talk to the hygienist about her new baby boy, and talked with the dentist about New England and Cape Cod. And there was no report of inflamed gums. What a blessing!
From C. C. in New Jersey
Mrs. Eddy has said that when you stand up to error, it backs off and runs away.
A couple of weeks ago, seemingly out of nowhere, every flu symptom I’ve ever heard of hit me all at once. I thought of the article, “Death Overcome,” in Bicknell Young’s book, and how the person argued and fought back against error’s arguments — and won.
So I fought back. I hit it with the Scientific Statement of Being over and over, and then every other Truth I could think of. As soon as I could, I called a practitioner for help; and she asked me to study Mrs. Eddy’s article “Contagion,” which I did.
In just about two hours, I called the practitioner back to say I was completely healed and was looking around for something to eat. That was entirely the end of it.
I’m so glad for this proof that we don’t have to give in to these impositions, but we can rise in rebellion against them, as Mrs. Eddy says! I thank God for this quick healing, and I’m very grateful for the help of the practitioner.
Restored to a Sound State |
From J. O. in New Jersey
The Webster 1828 dictionary defines “healing” as “restore to a sound state.” I was definitely not in a sound state of mind when I walked in the door of Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent. In fact, I was out of my mind and I was seriously lost in a world of pain and trouble.
The pain and trouble started when my wife decided to file for divorce. We have two children. After raising them, it was all going to end in a divorce. I felt like the biggest loser. Without my best friend, who was I to turn to?
Seeing my life through a glass darkly, I had no clue that by walking in the door of the Plainfield Church I would find a whole new family. I shook hands with the welcoming people here, sat in a pew, and tried to listen over the negative voices in my head telling me my life was over.
I began attending services, Bible Studies, Roundtables, and began studying our textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures; and began to open up to my new church family. I applied for membership, which meant making a solid commitment to follow Christian Science as my one true path.
The good news is my marriage was saved. My wife and I are still best friends and growing stronger day by day. I would like to express my gratitude to Mary Baker Eddy for her everlasting gift of Christian Science to the world, and to my fellow church members, and for practitioner help. It is divine Love that meets every human need that brought healing, or, as Webster’s 1828 dictionary says, restored me to a sound state.
From A. M. in Missouri
With grateful acknowledgement of the help I have received through this church, I am starting to understand how to handle the sense of depression and heaviness that has persisted in my thought for quite some time. At some point in my adult life, I lost nearly all sense of joy, other than in isolated moments. In its place, a sense of hopelessness planted itself, often for no reason at all. Over the years, overwhelming feelings of depression have come at any time, but often have been especially prevalent upon first waking in the morning, which is a terrible way to start a day and a lackluster way of living.
Before I came to this church, I would often try “self-help” tactics, including humanly reasoning with myself to discern why I felt this way and to try to stop the depressive thoughts. This, however, did not help. I would also often attempt to distract myself with something, whether it be a trip, a hobby, volunteer work, or something I felt I could “lose” myself in, but that never worked either. At one point, a very kind doctor suggested that I should try some medication. I did try one of the medications he suggested, but this didn’t work either, and I found myself feeling worse overall.
While this particular problem is not yet fully eliminated, I can attest that the state of heaviness I used to almost constantly wake up with, is not as alarming or hopeless at it used to seem. That is because I am learning to take a stand and confront it. The testimonies of others in this church who have confronted a similar problem have been helpful, as has the honesty of the practitioners in their past experiences handling similar claims. In my case, while the work remains ongoing, I have gained an increased sense of peace by the understanding I’m gaining of the requirement to stand and fight against this sense of unease, and not to avoid it, cater to it, or most importantly for me, pretend it isn’t there.
Joy is requisite. Mrs. Eddy states, “If you wish to be happy, argue with yourself on the side of happiness; take the side you wish to carry, and be careful not to talk on both sides, or to argue stronger for sorrow than for joy.” (Christian Healing; page 10) From being here at Plainfield, I am learning how to argue on the side of happiness. For example, we are instructed here that upon waking, to turn instantly to God, to listen for His voice, to declare Him as our only mind. If I am feeling that awful sense of unease or darkness, I know that is not Him speaking, as He brings comfort, peace, strength and joy. So anything that is not from Him, must be confronted and fought back against.
The instruction to turn to God instantly may seem obvious now, but I really did not know how to effectively do this before coming to this church — and I was not new to Christian Science when I came. I am also realizing that it is not just a right but a duty to stand up, confront, and argue if I must for happiness, peace, vitality and all that God lovingly gives to all of His creation. The elucidation of Mrs. Eddy’s teachings and the instruction provided here have been of tremendous help, and I remain thankful to this church, its members, the constantly working practitioners, and of course, to our dear Leader and the Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, who has left us with the tools that truly do meet every human need.
Wasps Removed Through Prayer |
From L. L. in Ohio
This last Spring we had a problem with wasps swarming outside our house. They were especially near both the front and back doors. We had to be very careful entering and leaving the house.
I spoke to my practitioner about this problem, and she said everything has its proper place, and my house was not the proper place for these wasps. She gave me the 91st Psalm, where it says we should not fear the pestilence. This statement stood out strongly in my thought. I noticed fewer and fewer wasps, and very soon they were gone. God’s protection is always there. I am so grateful to my practitioner for this and for the understanding of God I am gaining.
Irregular Heartbeat Healed |
From B. S. in California
I would like to express my gratitude for a healing of an irregular heart beat, which meant that at times it would suddenly start beating very fast. It started happening occasionally, and then more and more often. This healing took place some years ago when I had only been a member of the Plainfield Church for a few years, so I knew that Christian Science could heal this.
One weekend when I was alone, I realized that it was a good time to buckle down and really pray about this. A statement came to mind from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. It reads, “Mind regulates the condition of the stomach, bowels, and food, the temperature of children and of men, and matter does not.”
I remember thinking that if Mind, God, regulates all of that, then Mind, God, regulates my heart, too. As I was thinking and praying about this, my heart started beating fast. I firmly and loudly repeated the above statement until it became normal. It started to beat fast again, so I repeated the statement and shortened it to “God regulates my heart” until it became normal — this time more quickly. This happened a few more times.
I had to persist with this for two or three weeks until it stopped happening at all. Through this experience I learned to be firm and to persist with God, and the error will back down.
I am very grateful to be a member of the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent. It has changed my life.
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When Plainfield Church first became independent, we were asked, “How will you survive? What will you read?” As you can see below, through the grace of God, we have survived very well, thank you—and flourished!
We began by writing our own Bible Lessons, and then Independent Christian Scientists from all over the world began sending us writings by early Christian Science workers that were not available anywhere else. And we grew from there — and continue to grow.
Our church services are broadcast live on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time, and our Wednesday evening testimony meetings at 8:15 p.m. Eastern time. These services are available over the internet on our church website,, through our teleconference phone number 908-768-2169, and over our YouTube channel. We look forward to welcoming you to our congregation!
Sunday Morning Roundtable Discussion |
At 10:00 a.m. Eastern time, just prior to our Sunday services, we have our Roundtable discussion via our teleconference number, and over the internet, where the weekly Lesson is discussed, along with other topics important to serious students of Christian Science. You’ll find these discussions stimulating and very informative, and you won’t want to miss them.
Our church website,, has a wealth of inspiring and healing items to read and listen to, including recordings of past services, Bible Studies, and Roundtable discussions.
You will also find a treasure trove of articles and other literature by early workers in Christian Science, including Bicknell Young, Martha Wilcox, Herbert W. Eustace, and many others. There are also audio recordings of many of these articles and books. Audio recordings of the current week’s Bible Lesson, and a Forum to post comments relating to the Lesson are available, and also a Bulletin Board where you can post comments of a more general nature.
Our YouTube channel has over 3,000 videos of church services, classes, readings of books and articles, hymns, and music from our services, which are visited regularly by people from all over the world.
Check out all we have to offer by going to:
Our church publications are available free on our church website, but sometimes it’s nice to have a copy in your hand to refer back to at your leisure, or during the night when there might be a need for comfort. Subscription prices are included.
Quarterly, Full-Text Lessons |
We here at Plainfield Church write our own fresh and inspiring weekly Bible Lessons. Subscriptions to our Independent Quarterlies are available for $11.00 for a year’s subscription within the United States, and $21.00 for a one-year international subscription, postage included.
Our Lessons are also published in full-text format, where the entire text of the Lesson is printed in booklet form—especially handy for taking along as you travel. Subscriptions to full-text Lessons are available for $7.00 for a one-month booklet, $19.00 for 3 months, $65.00 for a year, all within the United States, and $95.00 a year for international subscriptions. All prices include postage.
Love Is the Liberator Magazine |
Every other month we publish our own magazine, “Love Is the Liberator.” These magazines are formatted to be similar to Mrs. Eddy’s original Sentinels, and contain, among other things, articles from early Christian Science workers and from current Christian Scientists, and testimonies of current healings experienced by today’s Christian Scientists. Subscriptions to our magazine are available for $20.00 for a one-year subscription within the U.S., $30.00 for one year to Canada, and $40.00 for international subscriptions, all including postage.
In alternate months, our church publishes our church Newsletter, “Plainfield Independent.” This publication contains news about church activities, miscellaneous writings, and other fun things that will make you smile, laugh, and think.
Books by Early Workers in Christian Science |
Plainfield Church is the source for many books and writings by early workers in the Christian Science movement, many of whom worked in Mrs. Eddy’s home and were taught by Mrs. Eddy herself. These priceless writings are available for purchase at very reasonable prices, and are listed, along with ordering information, on our church website, Many articles on our church website are excerpts taken from these books, so to have the complete works is a real privilege!
You can find a list of books we have available for purchase by clicking “Store” on the top menu of our website.
“When one sees that Christian Science is the only way, he is ready for church membership, and there is no other requirement.” — Mary Baker Eddy
This is the only requirement for membership in Plainfield Church. We welcome everyone who wishes to become a member and work for God to send in an application which you can find under the “Members” tab on our website. Or send an email to our clerk at
Our goal was, and still is, to get the Word of God out to people all over the world who need this pure, unadulterated Science, as we did, and still do. So you will see that much of what we provide on our website,, is free. Please feel free to browse through all that we have there. You don’t even have to tell us who you are — we warmly welcome everyone!
But there are expenses involved in maintaining a website, and in caring for our church home and our church services. So if you are helped by what you find here, and you wish to show your gratitude, please feel free to use the “donate” button on the website. It would be greatly appreciated!
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Tenets of Christian Science
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 496-497
The following is a brief exposition of the important points, or religious tenets, of Christian Science:—
1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.
2. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God’s image and likeness.
3. We acknowledge God’s forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.
4. We acknowledge Jesus’ atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man’s unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.
5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.
6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.
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A note about the lighthouse sketch by Luanne:
Boston Light — little Brewster Island (outer Boston Harbor), Massachusetts
Boston Light was the first light station in North America and is the country’s oldest continuously used lighthouse site. The original structure, built in 1716, was destroyed during the Revolutionary War. Rebuilt in 1783, it has been called “the ideal American lighthouse.” Designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1964, it is the only manned lighthouse in the United States.
“Publish the Word”
Broadcast the Truth
“Freely ye have received, freely give”
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