Table of Contents

About the cover:
From In Defense of Mary Baker Eddy, and the Remnant of Her Seed, by Paul R. Smillie:
In the Christian Science Sentinel of September 6, 1913 on page ten, Archibald McLellan stated three most important points about the cover of the Sentinel and a minor change made at that time on its cover. Speaking of this change he said, “Beyond this there can be neither desire nor occasion for change in the Sentinel, because,” he said, “Mrs. Eddy’s instructions forbid any change.” He explained this by saying, “Mrs. Eddy likewise gave instructions.” The word “instructions” is most important. Speaking then of the two women, the lamps and the inscriptions beneath them, he said they had been “preserved as expressive of our Leader’s thought. ...” Mrs. Eddy requested that the cover of the Sentinel be light blue in color.”
“Pray Without Ceasing”
Prayer to God has saved the faithful through-out the centuries.
Prayer Is the Best Defense |
Frank Weinschenk |
In 1704 my hometown of Villingen, located in the Black Forest in Germany, was besieged by a French army. The town was founded in 999 (not 1999), and the fortification wall was outdated. The French soldiers had dug trenches and were shooting at the wall with canons. There was a big hole in the wall; and the following day the army planned to storm the wall, which could not have been stopped, since there were approximately 2000 citizens versus 20,000 soldiers.
The entire night the citizens were praying, and early that morning a heavy rain poured down and flooded the trenches and made them useless. On that day the French army was withdrawn to another place. The town was saved. This city was never conquered, and there were many attempts.
To me it is such a beautiful reminder that even a slight glimpse to divine Truth can help us in any situation.
Interestingly, accounts I have located on the internet recently make no mention of the prayer, but refer to “the brave citizens and soldiers confidently await[ing] the assault of the enemies, trusting on God and those in heaven,” and describing the heavy rain as “a random weather event.”
National Day of Prayer During Dunkirk 1940 |
When Britain was close to defeat during the Second World War, and the entire British Army was trapped at Dunkirk, in desperation George VI called for a National Day of Prayer to be held on 26th May 1940. In a national broadcast he instructed the people of the UK to turn back to God in a spirit of repentance and plead for Divine help.
National Days of Prayer were held at critical times throughout the War. After each one, God responded with His Blessing and protection. Looking back, the Bishop of Chelmsford Dr H.A. Wilson wrote, “If ever a great nation was on the point of supreme and final disaster, and yet was saved and reinstated it was ourselves…it does not require an exceptionally religious mind to detect in all this the Hand of God.”
This extraordinary photograph provides comforting reassurance that even in the most frightening of times there is always hope and help available, provided of course, it is sought for in the right place and in the right spirit.
Millions of people across the British Isles flocked into churches praying for deliverance, and this photograph shows the extraordinary scene outside Westminster Abbey as people queued for prayer. Two events immediately followed. Firstly, a violent storm arose over the Dunkirk region grounding the Luftwaffe which had been killing thousands on the beaches. And then secondly, a great calm descended on the Channel, the like of which hadn’t been seen for a generation, which allowed hundreds of tiny boats to sail across and rescue 335,000 soldiers, rather than the estimated 20-30,000. From then on people referred to what happened as “the miracle of Dunkirk.” Sunday June 9th was officially appointed as a Day of National Thanksgiving.
Unceasing Prayer |
Cornelius Crosby Webster |
Christian Science Sentinel, October 13, 1934
All of the world’s problems arise from the fact that men are not “continuing instant” in prayer. If the commandments of God as taught by Christ Jesus were faithfully applied, every problem would be solved.
The commands and messages for the guidance of mankind which Moses received from God were rules for daily meditation and practice, not formal rituals to be heard only on the Sabbath. He instructed his people to teach them diligently to their children, to talk of tradition in their homes and when they walked in the way. They were to be as frontlets between their eyes and to be struck on the posts of their doors and on their gates.
Incessantly to meditate on the things of God is normal and natural. Not to do so is abnormal. Those of us who never realized this before find it out early in our study of Christian Science, for we read on page 596 of Science and Health that, “Christian Science brings God much nearer to man, and makes Him better known as the All-in-all, forever near.”
All the wonderful promises mentioned in the Ninety-first Psalm are for those who not occasionally enter, but “dwelleth in the secret place of the most High.” And when we are told of a man that “in His law doth he meditate day and night,” the sequel is that “whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” The individual who has this sense of the nearness and helpfulness of God will be to that degree prosperous and successful, just as the nation which has such an understanding of God will be influential for good among nations.
Mrs. Eddy writes in Miscellany, page 340, “St. Paul’s days for prayer were every day and every hour. He said, ‘Pray without ceasing.’” The question occurs to many who are in business, How is it possible to pray “without ceasing” or even “every hour”?
Christian Science shows that prayer does not require a kneeling on bended knees with uplifted, supplicating hands, but that it is the uplifted desire of the heart and attitude of mind. Through study, willingness, and obedience we can learn to make everything we do a prayer to God. Then whatever we do is done to the glory of God, and this effort is in itself a prayer.
If a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. If it manifests good, it is an expression of the one good that is God. If we carry this attitude into all our activities, we are praying “without ceasing.” Is there any reason why we cannot do it?
“To refuse the evil, and choose the good” in everything we do, choosing always the thing nearest right, is unceasing prayer.
“Pray Without Ceasing” |
Mary Beth Singleterry |
When I first came to Plainfield Church, I was truly amazed to learn how important it is to pray about everything. A simple decision like, “Should we see a movie tonight?” was taken to God in prayer. When a house went up for sale in the neighborhood, we were taught to pray, so a good, responsible person would move in. I realized I had been sailing along, praying very little, and wondering why things never worked out.
It was wonderful to see the results of all this praying. If God had directed us to see a movie, it was always a blessing; no long lines, no sad endings. And what about that new neighbor who moved in next door? He was a blessing as well! The verse from the Bible, “Pray without ceasing,” became not some impossible task, but instead, a very practical and wonderful way of life.
Prayer does amazing things. It brings about a humble state of mind, because it is saying, “Father, I cannot take care of this without Your help, and with You all things are possible.” When a person turns to God in humility, this opens wide the doors for him to hear God’s voice and loving counsel. God’s word might come as a strong, comforting statement of Truth. “You are My child, and I love you!” Or it might come as a word of instruction. Prayer brings peace and an absolute confidence that God is in control of the situation. This always results in healing.
Mrs. Eddy states in Science and Health, “To enter into the heart of prayer … Lips must be mute and materialism silent, that man may have audience with Spirit, the divine Principle, Love, which destroys all error.” The fact that each one of us has the privilege to “enter into the heart of prayer” and have “audience with Spirit” is nothing less than awesome!! Let prayer “without ceasing” become a way of life. You, too, will be amazed at the wonderful results!
Christian Science Journal, May 1886
No thought can open the fountain of Truth and Love, unless it be of the same nature — reflections of Truth and Love. Mortal mind must be overcome, before we can reach the floodgates of God’s Love and mercy.
Does God take cognizance of our petitions, if offered from the standpoint of sensualism and materiality? No! “God is a Spirit, and seeketh such to worship Him.” Hence it appears clear that we can only reach the fountain of Life, Love, and Truth, through harmonious and spiritual thought.
There is a marked difference as to the effect of the prayers in the parable of the Pharisee and Publican. The Pharisee thanked God that he was “not as other men;” but the Publican “would not so much as lift his eyes unto Heaven,” saying, “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” Yet he went down “to his house justified, rather than the other.”
“Pray without ceasing” cannot be understood as referring to continuous oral prayer. It is clearly the spirit of the Apostle’s injunction, that we hold our thought in the realm of Spirit.
Abiding in Christ, Truth, — dwelling in spiritual thought, — is the prayer which dispels the darkening clouds of error, and opens to our spiritual vision the bright and shining way unto eternal Life. The same thought is no more and no less prayer when audibly expressed.
Fasting and Prayer |
Student |
Christian Science Journal, May 1885
We have not in times past understood the true meaning of the words “fasting” and “prayer.” We have almost universally supposed that prayer meant a long petition to a personal God to grant a favor greatly desired, we willingly abstaining from food and other comforts to aid in propitiating the great Being whose blessing we humbly sought. No wonder that such prayer and fasting never produced the longed-for results.
Jesus taught to pray in secret for open reward. He made no favorable mention of audible prayers. When his disciples asked him why they could not heal the sick as he did, he explained that it was because of their unbelief; and he alluded to certain derangements of body that “go not out but by prayer and fasting;” in other words ignoring all selfish claims and will, recognizing one Will only, with which, having denied all fleshly desires as realities, we fully co-operate for the perfect manifestation of that Will. Then He who seeth in secret shall reward openly, i.e., answer the prayer. Turn to Isaiah, 58th chapter, and read the reproof for not fasting aright. In Divine Science we learn how to pray and fast aright, and by it we know that sin, sickness and death, the opposites and absence of Good, are no part or conception of God (Good), therefore they must be unrealities. To deal with them thus is to destroy them.
Merging all into Infinite Will is perfect prayer, the prayer of the righteous that availeth much. And perfect fasting — the absence of sense beliefs, the presence of Spiritual understanding — cleanseth from all error.
Watching is Unceasing Prayer! |
Adam Dickey’s snapshot was taken as he turned in for the night. The alarm clock on the chair beside his bed was perhaps set to wake him for his turn on the “watch.” Clara Shannon commented that what Christian Scientists might call “working,” Mrs. Eddy called “watching and praying.” Clara wrote, “There was a great need for the Church and our Leader … and as our Leader and those with her were in the front rank of the battle, it meant watching and praying without ceasing.”
The metaphysical workers were organized to do this work through the night, assigned to what Mrs. Eddy termed the “watch” — set periods of systematic prayer about specified problems. Mrs. Eddy might dictate brief instructions which would then be typed up for each member of the “watch.” Depending on the need, watchers were scheduled for two-hour periods: 9-11 p.m., 11 p.m.-1 a.m., 1-3 a.m., 3-5 a.m.
Adam Dickey was called to Chestnut Hill in February 1908, discovering en route that his term was to be three years, rather than the one year he and his wife had expected. He never wavered, serving those three years as Mrs. Eddy’s confidential secretary. One worker recalled, “Mr. Dickey had a tender, loving attitude towards our Leader, which I shall always remember.” In November 1910 Mrs. Eddy’s last official act before her passing was to appoint him as a Director of The Mother Church, a position he held for over fourteen years.
Humble Prayer |
Gilbert C. Carpenter |
Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Precepts, Vol. I, page 148
When students were in a state of scientific harmony, Mrs. Eddy would not chide them, because they were functioning as Christian Scientists. That is what they called themselves, and that is what she had a right to expect them to be at all times. But it was a new experience to many of them, when they found that their Leader expected them to clean a room as a Christian Scientist should, and not merely as mortal mind would do it. She wanted her meals cooked as Christian Scientists should do it, as unto the Lord.
Once a story appeared in the Christian Science Monitor that illustrates this point. A group of ministers were discussing the text, “pray without ceasing.” The maid in the home overheard the talk and said to her employer, that to her, that text was one of the easiest and best in the Bible. The old minister said, “Well, well. What can you say about it, Mary? Can you pray all the time, when you have so many things to do?” “Yes,” said the girl, ‘when I begin to work, I pray that I may have strength equal to my day; when I kindle the fire, I pray that God’s work may revive in my heart; as I begin to sweep out the house, I pray that my heart may be cleansed from all its impurities; when I am preparing and partaking of the breakfast, I desire to be fed with the manna and the sincere milk of the Word.’ “Go on,” said the minister, “Pray without ceasing.”
Human harmony was the error that had to be rebuked and cast out by our Leader, because it is a state of mental inactivity or spiritual dullness, where one fancies that everything is all right, because he feels all right.
The moment Mrs. Eddy detected that any of her students were under this phase of belief, she knew that they were rendered spiritually inoperative. Therefore, it was her responsibility to heal and destroy it, and she went at this task as a practitioner would a case of sickness, with this difference. A practitioner has a willing subject, whereas she had unwilling ones. More than once I experienced the healing of human harmony as wrought by our Leader, that took me into spiritual harmony. Hence, I can declare that there is no comparison between the two. The former is nothing but negation, whereas the latter carries a wonderful sense of dominion, power, alertness and understanding. There is nothing more desirable than to feel that, because one is functioning with God, all things are possible, and that, because the power he reflects is infinite, nothing can stand in the way of his righting all wrongs, making any demonstration necessary.
Wherefore criest thou unto Me? Say unto the Children of Israel that they go forward. Exodus xiv. 15.
How much time have most of us spent in crying unto God to do for us that which He has given us the power to do for ourselves! If we take but a step in the way of His appointing, we hear the words, “My grace is sufficient for thee,” and we can go from strength to strength.
To Christian Scientists especially comes the command, Go forward! and with this command, as with all others, comes needed strength. The path may not be in the way of our choosing, but it will be the way productive of most good. To us who are gaining the understanding of the Life and teaching of Jesus the Christ, and daily demonstrating the power of this understanding by casting out all manner of evil, is given the privilege of being “living epistles, known and read of all men.”
Let us continually watch and pray, lest we enter into temptation; for to us is the promise given, that then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord. Upon us rests great responsibility, that God may count us worthy, and that we may fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness, and the work of faith with power, — that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us, and we in him, according to the grace of our God.
“Prayer,” says Saint Augustine, “is the measure of our love.” Until we have fulfilled the command of Paul, “Pray without ceasing,” the measure of our love is not filled to overflowing.
A Scientist’s Prayer |
Amen |
Christian Science Journal, January 1887
Infinite Spirit! Supreme and “adorable” Intelligence! we revere thee; for thou art Omnipresent Life. We praise thee; for thou art Omniscient Truth; and we adore thee, for thou art Omnipotent Love. We thank Thee, and rejoice that we can, with the understanding, in Spirit and Truth, worship Thee as our Father and our God. Help us to realize Thy nearness to us; even that it is in Thee that we live, move, and have our being and may our knowledge of Thee increase, till we can, with the confidence that is begotten of the understanding, take hold of Thy great and precious promises, and realize that Thou art an ever-present help in every time of need. May each human life be a prayer of good deeds, and a continued anthem of praise and thanksgiving; thus fulfilling the divine injunction to “pray without ceasing,” and in all things to give thanks, and may we be abundantly blessed in our efforts to attune our thoughts in accord with Thy great and harmonious laws of being, and while our hearts are warmed with a flame of sacred love from Thine own great heart of Parental Affection, may we be led by thy wisdom into all truth. We ask all in the name of him who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” and “Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world.” Amen.
What We Need |
Gary Singleterry |
A human need signifies a need for spiritual growth. When we turn to God to meet the need, then God meets that need in the best way possible. The need is always for something within us — something we need spiritually.
As Mrs. Roberts described it in a recent Roundtable discussion, it could be like someone who feels they need a better job. He might feel resentment toward his present job because he feels he deserves a better one, and may even be resenting those around him and those in authority because they have not given him that better job. He may even feel that they are holding him back and blocking his advancement. That resentment is what needs to be healed; and when that is truly healed, and love and gratitude for his current job and his coworkers fill its place, then the human need is fulfilled and that job improves or a better job materializes.
Turning to some other person, government organization, or to something other than to God, holds back our own progress. But when we turn to God to meet our needs, the need is met in the best way possible, and it is clear to us that it is God who meets that need. If we are grateful to God and if we don’t get distracted by worshipping the thing instead of the source, God will bless it and it will prosper. If we continue to worship the Source, God, He will continue to give us what we need; and even more than what we need, because He will enable us to meet the needs of others. That is truly unceasing prayer.
(Exodus 33:13)
“Shew me now thy way,” dear God,
For I have lost my own.
It was not very good at best,
And I want Yours alone.
My own too often led me far
From what I know was right
And left me in the darkness, when
My heart cried out for light.
“Shew me now thy way,” dear God,
And let me start anew.
I need unfailing guidance, Lord;
So let me walk with You.
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From Mrs. Eddy
Questions Answered |
Mary Baker Eddy |
Christian Science Journal, April 1886
Question: Rev. A. B. Simpson said, in a sermon: “A true Christian would protest against Metaphysical Healing being called Christian Science.” He also maintained that pain and disease are not illusions, but realities; and that it is not Christian to believe they are illusions. Is this so?
Answer: It is unchristian to believe that pain and sickness are anything but illusions. My proof of this is, that the penalty for so believing is the very pain and disease. Jesus cast out a devil, and the dumb spake. Hence it is right to know that the works of Satan are the illusion and error which Truth casts out.
Important to Know the History of Christian Science |
One morning when Mrs. Carpenter was with Mrs. Eddy in her study at Pleasant View, our Leader mentioned that she was writing a letter to Mrs. Longyear who had requested advice regarding a Christian Science practitioner. She then read out what she had replied to Mrs. Longyear. It was: “I cannot advise you regarding a Christian Science practitioner, but most earnestly request that you select one who knows Christian Science history.”
Mary to the Saviour’s Tomb |
Editor |
Christian Science Journal, March 1894
At the rising of the sun came Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, and brought sweet spices that they might anoint the body of Jesus; and they queried among themselves Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre? but when they looked, behold, the stone was rolled away! From the angelic messengers they learned that he whom they sought was not there “He is risen.”
On Easter-day the Christian world still observes this event in token of the Resurrection. In so far as this observance tends to bring human thought and purpose into truer and better conceptions of the lesson taught, it is well. In so far as it degenerates into a mere formal observance, or is made the occasion of material festivities, it is idle and meaningless.
Let the risen Christ take supreme place in the human heart in perpetual token of His resurrection, and there cannot be too much observance of this day, nor too many Easter-days in the world of humankind.
When the world shall learn the futility of looking for the body of the personal Jesus, for its Lord and Saviour in the empty selpuchre, — the selpuchre of matter, — and shall turn its gaze toward the eternal Christ who sits at the right hand of Power, still pointing the Way heavenward, still declaring, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” still reiterating, “I am the resurrection and the life,” still calling for the Lazarus’s entombed in the sepulchre of mortal blindness to come forth, — when this shall become the Easter-day of the Christian world, it will cease to be a mere festal occasion and take on its true character as a resurrection from the false sense of sin and death to the blessed understanding; of Truth and Life as it is in Christ Jesus, — the Risen, the Resurrected.
Thus will the true Resurrection flower “bud and bloom” in human consciousness, and the rose of Sharon “give forth its eternal fragrance.
We may well sing with Whittier:
“O dearest bloom the seasons know,
Flowers of the Resurrection blow,
Our hope and faith restore;
And through the bitterness of death
And loss and sorrow, breathe a breath
Of life forevermore!
The thought of Love Immortal blends,
With fond remembrance of friends;
In you, O sacred flowers;
By human love made doubly sweet,
The heavenly and the earthly meet,
The heart of Christ and ours!””
1898 Normal Class Taught by Mrs. Eddy |
Judge Hanna got up, and said: “Every argument that the ingenuity of evil can suggest whispers to me, trying to hide you from me, and I have no relief, no safety, except when I see you as you are, — the revelator of this Truth.”
Others spoke on the same line. It was the most beautiful thing, and you see it had to be brought out. She had to be acknowledged.
And then she said,
“My dear children, if you had not seen it, I would have had to teach you this. I could not have avoided telling you that when my students become blinded to me as the one through whom Truth has come to the age, they go straight down. I would have had to tell you.”
When will we all be anything but poor and naked and hungry? I thirst, I hunger daily for the living God, for such an active power of Love as will touch every child of His with love, joy, peace, longsuffering, faith, meekness, temperance.
God bless you all, my little children; I long to see you. Be strong in Love, the bond of perfectness; forgive everyone his trespasses. “Be kindly affectioned one to another, in brotherly love preferring one another,” are Paul’s words.
Do not doubt the talents God has given you, but use them in meekness.
Course In Divinity and General Collectanea, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 115
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History Corner
The Scientific Statement of Being |
It is my request that the First Reader in each Church of Christ, Scientist, wherever it be, close the Sunday service by reading the “Scientific Statement of Being” from SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, immediately before the benediction.
Christian Science Journal, February 1896
The Scientific Statement of Being became part of the church service in 1896, following Mrs. Eddy’s request in the Journal for February, 1896, that the Scientific Statement of Being be read by the First Reader in all Christian Science churches immediately before the benediction. The correlative Scripture did not become part of the service until it was included with Mrs. Eddy’s Scientific Statement of Being in the “Order of Service” as given in the Church Manual, 22nd Edition, 1901. The association of these two scientific statements of being to stand forever at the conclusion of our Lesson-Sermons is the continuing seal of union of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Longyear Foundation, Quarterly News,
Spring, 1965
The Mother Church has on file a letter, dated April, 1879, from Mrs. Eddy to the “Brethren of the Church.” Before this Church was organized and while preliminary services were being held, meetings then convened in Mrs. Eddy’s home on Broad Street, Lynn, and she was active Pastor. But, by December, 1881, she was preparing to close her home the following January and go with her husband, Asa G. Eddy, to Washington, D. C., for a time. In the letter, Mrs. Eddy recommended that the Church meet alternately in Boston and in Charlestown at the homes of her students. Further, she named four of her students to be registered alphabetically, and in that order to take turns in conducting the Sunday services.
A postscript which Mrs. Eddy added to her letter indicates that she herself was then fulfilling the responsibility that later she assigned to the Committees on Publication when she appointed them. In other words, she asked the Church for a copy of its resolutions for printing in “the papers in Lynn, either the Transcript or the Union.”
Evidently received with the letter itself, because it is written in the same ink and upon the same kind of paper, is a poem addressed, “To the Church of Christ, Scientist,” and marked on the back, in Mrs. Eddy’s handwriting with the words, “To be read today in meeting.” The sentiment Mrs. Eddy expresses in these verses indicates her straightforward determination to go ahead in the Cause for which she lived and labored, and her call to her followers to do likewise. The following is the second stanza:
“Stand ye only back, who dare
Not the cross of Christ to bear;
We are going on;
Triumph’s star above us gleaming,
Victory on our foreheads beaming,
For fresh duties hourly reaching,
We are going on,
To fulfill each hope and aim,
Conquer sickness, sin, and blame,
And each erring heart reclaim —
Going on, going on.”
Mary Baker Eddy
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Interesting Squibs
We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right. Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy and transform our pending national elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood.
Martin Luther King Jr.
This is a world of action, and not for moping and droning in.
Charles Dickens
What the Puritans gave the world was not thought but action.
Wendell Phillips
The individual activity of one man with a backbone will do more than a thousand men with a wishbone.
William J. H. Boetcker
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Sally Berger
Heaven ne’er helps the men who will not act.
Shun idleness. It is a rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant metals.
I firmly believe a great many prayers are not answered because we are not willing to forgive someone.
Dwight L. Moody
I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.
Thomas Jefferson
The secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered I was not God.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
A problem is a chance for you to do your best.
Duke Ellington
“‘Pears like I prayed all the time, ‘bout my work, everywhere, I prayed an’ groaned to the Lord.”
Harriet Tubman
A woman is like a tea bag: you never know her strength until you drop her in hot water
Nancy Reagan
I thank God for my handicaps for, through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God.
Helen Keller
When a man is pushed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something; he has been put on his wits … he has gained facts, learned his ignorance, is cured of the insanity of conceit, has got moderation and real skill.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle
Benjamin Franklin
Time and money spent in helping men to do more for themselves is far better than mere giving.
Henry Ford
Purposeful giving is not as apt to deplete one’s resources; it belongs to that natural order of giving that seems to renew itself even in the act of depletion.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
True religion is giving and finding one’s happiness by bringing happiness into the lives of others.
William J. H. Boetcker
From the Early Workers
The Day Breaks |
Author “S” |
Christian Science Sentinel, April 11, 1903
It is morning, the shades of the night vanish before the herald of the day.
It is spring, the purple tints rest upon the distant woods, and the new grass which at first doubtingly touched the southern slopes, is creeping, creeping up from the brook-side and warily peeping into the chilly corners where winter lingers late.
It is Easter, the season of gladness, of gratitude, and of growth. A sense of responsive sympathy and peace whispers to man’s awakening consciousness: “The universe is one.”
The seemingly solitary, human struggle is over, and a conscious unity with Life and joy floods the glad heart, for it is Easter, all the world’s Easter, and every clod feels a stir of might, an instinct within it that reaches and towers.
In this sense of unity, the ascending love of the Master sweeps away the centuries; we hear again his words of wisdom and rejoice as we look upon his victories. All feeling of separation is gone and the heart utters its glad “Rabboni!”
From matter’s unworthy and inhospitable cradling, to the rolling away of the stone of material sense, Jesus walks and works with us as brother, teacher, physician, friend; and we follow in his footsteps, sometimes gladly, sometimes reluctantly, always with profit.
We are wont to linger, however, too long at the door of “the Inn,” failing to realize that the Prince of Peace is to be found for us in the sanctuary of our own consciousness alone. We may tarry too long in Jerusalem, debating with the doctrines of the worldly schools. We work, work, work, often more than eighteen years, performing our duties to home and humanity, a holy preparation, indeed, for our spiritual ministry, if our work-a-day life be as honest and prayerful as was that which brought the Master into touch with the common concerns of men. He dignified the toil of the artisan by actual labor, he blessed the happy human rites and enriched them by his first miracle.
His brotherly love went out to meet the hungering multitude with loaves and fishes for their understood need. His compassion caught the faintest appeal of repentance, and even while the Pharisees remained rigid and cold in their self-righteous condemnation, the sinner was forgiven and set free. At his touch the sick and deformed rejoiced in health and beauty, and his Gethsemane anticipated our struggles with the apathy and indifference that would make us sleep even though the living Christ were crucified.
In our darkest moments or deepest gloom, even when we seem to stagger under the cross of materiality, we take fresh courage, for we know that the glory of his ascension is the glad light that breaks across our Easter sky. To-day the tomb is rent asunder, “He is risen!” We no longer seek our Master in the sepulchre of sense. The angelic mandate, “Go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead,” has been obeyed, and we are learning through our Leader’s teaching how to observe all things whatsoever he has commanded, and to live in the comforting assurance of his words: “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”
Death and Resurrection |
Mary Baker Eddy |
The Red Book, p. 73
The first death is the simple belief that matter has a beginning and so must have an ending, that it goes out through sickness and age.
The second death is the effort of sin – malicious animal magnetism – to kill us by putting out our sense of God. Jesus must have destroyed the simple belief of death time after time, but the cross where his sense of God crossed swords with evil – malicious animal magnetism – and for a moment faltered, was the overcoming of the second death, and as he had overcome the first death, the second hath no power. The second death is the effort of malice to rob us of our absolute faith and pure trust in an absolute good God.
Instead of being bound for the grave, we must know we are on the eternal road of Life that has no sense of death. No evasion of the subject is possible. We must know that we can never die. We have to know this some time, and now is a good time to begin.
“The Stone Was Rolled Away” |
Max Dunaway |
“Who shall roll us away the stone from the door
Of the sepulchre?” the women asked, not knowing
How they might bear sweet spices to outpour
Their tender reverence in last bestowing.
But when they looked by radiant light of day,
No longer was the tomb a hopeless prison.
They saw the stone already rolled away
And learned that he whom they had sought was risen.
“Who shall roll us away our stone?” we grieve,
Entombed within old fears and dull dejection,
Until our dawn-enlightened eyes perceive
That we may walk forth now in resurrection.
The doubt and darkness we have made our own
Dissolve in light. There is no other stone.
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Current Articles
The Christ Transforms Lives |
Jeremy Palmer |
A few of us here in Plainfield have been re-watching “The Chosen,” which is an independent series about the ministry of Christ Jesus. In the last episode of the first season, it shows how he meets the woman from Samaria at Jacob’s well. The way that it portrays this woman, who was trapped in the life she made, and then how she reacts when Jesus tells her she is not rejected by the Messiah, although others have rejected her, was beautiful. It culminates in such joy and freedom in her, as she runs to tell the people in the town that the Messiah has come. It was so well done, that it really moved me.
It was an excellent reminder of how I felt when I first came to Plainfield. God had worked this humanly impossible transition for me to come here; and, once I was here, it felt like the light was turned on. I found a whole new life that I could not have imagined.
I am grateful that the support of my practitioner and my years of studying Christian Science here have steadily increased the hope, purpose, place, and love that I feel. I am also grateful to know that Christian Science will give this to all who God brings here. It is so wonderful to be a part of this mission.
Radical Reliance Is Faith |
Florence Roberts |
Mrs. Eddy, on page 167 of Science and Health, states, “Only through radical reliance on Truth can scientific healing power be realized.” It sounds rather simple, but I have come to realize that what I used to do years ago was to declare the Truth, but somehow I was holding firmly onto the lie that was so tempting.
Radical reliance is implicit faith in the Truth that we declare; so it’s quite expedient, that after declaring the Truth, from time to time, check to see if you are still holding onto the lie that you want to be rid of!
This week I heard the Director of the series “The Chosen,” and I was so impressed by his faith, and all that it has taken for him to produce this series. He talked about a song called “Faithful Now.” Part of it says:
I am holding onto faith
‘Cause I know You’ll make a way
And I don’t always understand
And I don’t always get to see
But I will believe it, I will believe it
‘Cause You make mountains move
You make giants fall
And You use songs of praise
To shake prison walls
And I will speak to my fear
I will preach to my doubt
That You were faithful then
You’ll be faithful now.
It touched me, and it also reminded me of a verse that I have heard in this church many times, “Hitherto has the Lord helped us and hitherto he will.” So let us be clear to pray, trust God, and keep gaining more conviction in His supremacy and His ability to destroy all error in our thinking.
The Story of “And” |
Ca Jean |
In August 2020 I found myself in what I ended up calling my story of “and.” It felt like challenges and difficulties were coming at me from all directions simultaneously. As Mary Baker Eddy says in Retrospection and Introspection, her life recorded therein is a “record of dreams,” and, I now see that this story is exactly that, a record of dreams. The practitioner helped me to see that, as we learn in Science, all the claims were suggestions of animal magnetism!
First, my business had had no income or contracts for the entire year and I was under financial pressure. Through God’s grace, I was given a new contract for a virtual classroom program on a topic which was completely new to me, along with the online learning management platform and software. A colleague was going to be doing all the technology-orientated work, and I was going to research and design the content. We only had 30 days, which was less than a third of the time we usually needed for a project like this. Mrs. Eddy states, “Nothing is impossible to God,” so I began to see that since God had brought this to me, it must be possible.
The story of “and” started with this backdrop. The following then occurred: My father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and passed on three days before the first course module started — and — my brother’s business had to close because of the impact of COVID-19 and he was not able to pay his mortgage. My mother stays with him and I used to support her financially before my business challenges — and — two weeks before the start of the course my work colleague, who was supposed to help me, was targeted in an armed robbery. His car and all his computer equipment were stolen and he was injured and in hospital, unable to work at all. So, I needed to do his work and mine, and all of this was new to me. I found myself standing in the midst of one seemingly huge and mighty storm.
The practitioner who was helping me said that I could view this as a test to apply the principles of Truth that I had been studying. First, I learned to be always watching. Whenever things started to feel too much, I would stop, stand still, and “wait on the Lord.” I felt like it took me to the stillness, the Presence within, the place where perfect peace resides. Here I would wait for the next step to be shown; and when the impulsion came, I would carry on doing what was needed.
Second, I also prayed constantly with an idea from Bicknell Young’s article “Day” — “establish this day in consciousness and unfoldment.” I kept reminding myself that all is Mind’s perfect plan unfolding. I needed to get myself out of the way and out of the driver’s seat and let God do His perfect work. It was miraculous to witness how the course unfolded. The result was so different from anything I had imagined. Sitting in front of my computer and saying, “OK, God, what do You need me to do and learn now?” New ideas and discoveries always came.
Third, I learned that the world of personality and personal sense is also a record of dreams. Realizing the One “I,” the One Ego, the One Me, there is no other identity. There is nothing that can come and go, so, there can be no death. Sorrow and loss are not possible in the One All-in-all God.
I needed to stand secure in the certainty and knowledge that all is ever-present, complete, and secure in my Father’s house.
The course ended in December. I had worked seven days a week, gotten to bed between 1:00 and 5:00 a.m. for four months, yet I was seldom tired. Every aspect of the course was delivered on time. I had managed to build the learning platforms, electronic enrollment systems, practical online exercises, virtual classroom and quiz environments, prepare over 1,000 pages of content, and personally teach 150 hours of online training. There is no way that this could have been possible without God, the prayers of the practitioner, and Christian Science. The really encouraging thing is that the customer was so happy with the project that they have booked another course starting in January 2021.
Thank God for Christian Science. Without this Truth of Being, without this pure, clear letter and statement of Truth and reality, and without the support and teaching of the Plainfield practitioner, I would never have had this revelation and experience, and the increased understanding of this wonderful Science. This was the greatest blessing I could ever have had!
The Bible records three times where Jesus told his disciples to “Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22, 23), saying “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (Matt. 17:20; Luke 17:6)
That got me thinking a lot about “faith.” Webster defines faith as “a firm belief in the veracity of God, in all the declarations of His word … a full and affectionate confidence in the certainty of those things which God has declared, and because He has declared them.” And in Science and Health, it states that it is our “heavenly Father, omnipotent Mind, who gives man faith and understanding.” (S&H 387:30)
So, faith is not a human quality or characteristic. It’s not something that we need to humanly conjure up, or try to steel up in our thinking; it is a divine gift from God. Being divine, it carries with it all the power of God; it is ever-present and available to us; and since it is all-knowing, it comes to us from God when we have need of it. This divine faith is like a dedicated phone line to God that connects us instantly to Him. It’s not a weak, wishful human plea, but an unshakable, secure connection to the all-power and all-presence of infinite Love. Knowing this gives us confidence that God hears our prayer; and this “knowing” calms, comforts, and encourages us in Truth. It casts out fear, discouragement, and doubt — because it is of God.
Take Your Stand! |
A Kindred Heart |
In studying about Jehoshaphat, I found that the “Valley of Jehoshaphat” is also known as the “Valley of Decision.” In an article by that name in the May 13, 1916, Christian Science Sentinel by Clarence W. Chadwick, this stood out: “When to human sense does God’s law become operative for the individual? The moment he enters ‘the valley of decision’ and resolves to take his stand on the side of right and to let God’s will be done.”
This reminded of these lines from Adam H. Dickey’s “God’s Law of Adjustment”: “When we understandingly declare that the law of God is present and is in operation, we have invoked or brought into action the law and the power of God. We have declared the truth, God’s truth — and that truth of God is the law of annihilation, obliteration, and elimination to everything that is unlike Him. Whatever is out of order or discordant comes under the direct government of God through what may be termed God’s law of adjustment. All we have to do is scientifically to bring this law of adjustment into contact with our unfinished problem, and when we have done this, we have performed our full duty.”
So, King Jehoshaphat and all the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem (II Chr. 20): (1) took their “stand on the side of right,” (2) understandingly declared God’s law and power to be present and in operation, (3) scientifically brought this understanding “into contact with [their] unfinished problem,” (4) stood still/set themselves, and stayed right with the idea while God’s law of adjustment was in operation, (5) went confidently forth with their grateful songs of praise in the lead, and then, (6) saw the salvation of God in the “annihilation, obliteration, and elimination of everything…unlike Him” (the invading enemy, or error).
How blessed we are to have the enlightened and life-saving guidance of Mary Baker Eddy pointing out our duty to defend ourselves daily from any potential invasion by any perceived enemy or error that may attempt to assail us! And, how glorious to know that all such attempts will fail as we enter the “valley of decision,” resolving to take our stand on the side of right and declaring the presence of God’s law and power, just as did king Jehoshaphat, all of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Such a shining example that we are not subject to invasion, but “…we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37)!
Forgiveness |
Lynda Spencer |
At a Roundtable a while ago entitled “Lord, Teach Us to Pray,” part of the class was spent on the Lord’s Prayer. A participant shared something she had heard to the effect that we should not be praying this prayer if we were carrying a grudge.
Some of the instructions from the teacher were, “We don’t want to block lines of communication with God by being unforgiving. The Bible tells us don’t come to the altar unless you have forgiven others, including yourself — you cannot really have a relationship with God if you haven’t done this. If we hold grudges, the fellowship with God is broken. If Jesus forgave on the cross, we must as well. Go home and get on your knees and forgive as you would be forgiven.”
When I got home later in the day, I took time to look at where I could do better forgiving or facing something I still hadn’t let go. The thought kept pulling at me, “Who wants to be cut off from God?”
Before coming here, I read many different books and tried practical tips to take steps to forgive. It was a good step to take, and much better than not doing anything; but nothing compares to what I am learning here in helping me truly forgive as Jesus taught us.
Regular support from my practitioner here has been softening my heart and changing negative thinking patterns, and is slowly breaking down walls in my life. In the past my approach to forgiveness was more of a mechanical approach by creating a list, which has its place. But this time I sat quietly and asked God to open my thought and my heart to greater forgiveness. Gently but clearly, names came to my thought, some of whom I hadn’t thought of for many years. Each time I asked God to help me forgive, and that they would feel my forgiveness. It felt like I was unpacking old baggage. I felt lighter and began to feel a freedom and peace, for which I am very grateful.
I am so grateful that the classes here reach deep into our being, bring meaningful growth and freedom, and make us better workers for God.
The Voice of God |
Cara Porter |
When I was younger, I often wished that God would show up as a burning bush or speak with a booming voice. But over the years I’ve come to understand that God speaks however we can hear at the moment, if we turn with wholehearted willingness to listen in radical reliance on Truth.
A few years ago I was in Dallas, Texas, for work. I remember praying like crazy every night and morning in my hotel room to get some kind of clarity. But nothing seemed to be coming through. A bit frustrated and slightly desperate, I headed out for a walk, still praying. An old pop song kept going through my head. I wanted to pray, but all I could hear was this song. So I said out loud, “God, I’m serious. I really need an answer here.” And in that moment, I heard back clearly, “I’m giving it to you.”
I realized the song must have held the answer, so I found the song on my phone and listened to it all the way through. When it hit this line, I burst into a huge grin: “It’s always the same. It’s just the shame. That’s all.” That was it! I’d fallen for the same old story of shame and self-loathing again. There wasn’t some physical issue that needed removing, just an old lie that needed unseeing.
As I walked, I played the song over and over again, almost dancing in my joy at feeling God’s care. I turned the lie over to Love and then Love did what Love does — eradicated it! Since then, whenever that old shame story tries to attach itself to me, I remember that song and am reminded not to fall for that lie. Which, by the way, seems to crop up less and less often!
About a month later, I was awakened by my little dog, who seemed to be having trouble breathing. This happened from time to time, and I began praying. Suddenly, out of the blue, another old pop song came into my head. Because I was busy praying, I began to get a bit irritated. Then, I remembered what had happened a month earlier. I looked up the lyrics. When I got to this one, I knew it was the answer I needed: “We’re sharing the same dream, and our hearts beat as one.” My beloved pet and I were sharing the same dream — so it was up to me to wake up and become a clearer transparency for Truth and Love. I held her close to me — all fear gone — and I felt God’s love wash over us both. That was the last time that ever happened.
What I heard through those songs is what I learn each week listening to the Plainfield testimony meetings: God is All. God speaks to us through all aspects of His creation — testimonies, art, music, or nature.
And believe or not, one time, during a long drive through scary tornado warnings, I actually did get that burning bush I’d hoped for in the form of a gigantic and totally unexplained bright red prism of light assuring me I was on the right road.
Mrs. Eddy says, “Practice, not profession — understanding, not belief — gain the ear and right hand of Omnipotence, and they assuredly call down infinite blessings.” Through our practice of Christian Science, we really do grow in understanding. And when we do, we can feel the Presence of Love in our lives — no matter the circumstances.
The Amazing Science of the Christ Never Fails |
Ingrid from Ca |
I am very grateful for all that I have learned, and am still learning, about the amazing Science of the Christ never failing. I would like to share something that happened when I was crossing a river. It wasn’t a huge river, it was a river that you could just walk through on logs and stones. On crossing back over the river, one of the logs moved out of place, and I ended up falling into the river. I fell on my back, and someone gave me a hand up very quickly. When I finished crossing, I realized that my phone was in my back pocket. As I took it out, I was already praying about the wonderful things that I have learned, and the wonderful testimonies I have heard about how any electronics, any automobiles, or anything, is brought to its perfection by knowing it is a perfect idea of God, and that God’s ideas cannot be changed.
I was going through all these divine inspirations, and a few minutes later the phone turned back on. We were at an outdoor place with beautiful mountains, and I wanted to take some pictures when I realized that the camera was not working. I just kept on praying. After we left, someone told me there was a mall nearby with a phone store, and maybe someone could help me. I still kept praying and knowing that God was always in control, keeping clear that God‘s creation cannot be changed. The camera was still not working, so I did go to the mall. The person at the phone store said that my camera would have to be replaced, and that it would cost a few hundred dollars to do so. I thanked them and said I would wait. I knew that I had plenty of absolute truths and inspirations to declare, so I did that. I still held to the wonderful spiritual truths, and by the time I got to my destination, the camera was working perfectly. I could see all my pictures, and I am still using this phone and my camera today.
I am so grateful to learn that it doesn’t matter what it is, who it is, or what it seems to be, when we declare the absolute Truth, nothing can ever change. God always brings everything back as it should be. All the perfection of any person, any sickness, any virus, whatever it is, it is nothing to the divine Mind, who is always in control.
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Letters of Gratitude
I received my letter of acceptance as a member of the Plainfield Christian Science Church Independent. I can’t describe how grateful and appreciative I am to be a part of this church, as I have never joined any organization before. It is my fervent wish to live up to this opportunity and service.
Thank you so much.
I want to express gratitude for the Plainfield weekly Lessons. They always seem to address some present issue I am working with, even though they are prepared months ahead of the date they appear for us to read and study. God’s hand is truly in the preparation.
This last weekend I was needed, and my home was needed as a place of refuge for my daughter’s family, as her husband was working through some problems with his family. On Sunday morning, I brought the Responsive Reading page to the table to read, as we said grace before eating breakfast, and as a reminder of God’s presence with us. Although times might be difficult, how can we despair, when God is always present and available?
They returned home on Monday, and that week’s Lesson included the Twenty-Third Psalm. I mentioned this psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want,” and that in putting God first, he would experience the green pastures and still waters and have his soul restored. This sharing worked to lift him above the “troubled waters” and refresh his priorities of putting God into his thinking.
I am so grateful for the continuous thread of spiritual thought that flows through our Lessons. There is never a break in that flow, as each Lesson flows into the next and keeps us in a realization of God’s great love for everyone.
I’d like to express my thanks for the Bible Study sessions, which are so good, and continue to fill a need I felt for a long time to have some explanation of the meaning of the Bible stories from a Christian Science point of view. I am very grateful.
I am also very grateful for the Roundtable sessions; and in a recent one, the practitioner explained again about “watching.” I have been trying to write a watch each day since, in line with the notes on your website, and thereby to declare the truth about situations in the news or in our community.
I’m very grateful to be learning the true way to live Christian Science as taught by the Plainfield Church, Independent.
Dear Plainfield Christian Science Friends,
Great work you all are doing! I’m so grateful for your YouTube presence. I have been following along for about five years now, and a friend and I decided to apply for membership in your church. Our membership applications are attached to this email.
I just want to say I have been studying Christian Science for approximately 28 years and never felt led to join the main organization, but I do feel led to become a member of your independent church and support the work you are doing in Christian Science, as it is much needed. So much healing and understanding has come from participating in your services, words cannot express — all the readings, the Bible Lessons, and Roundtable talks (I really love those!), and I look forward to the continued growth of the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent.
The friend of mine who is also applying for membership was introduced to Christian Science only a year and a half ago, and I am so grateful he’s now chosen to go along this path with me and share in our spiritual growth through your church.
God bless you all for your wonderful work in Christian Science.
The magnificence of “Roundtable,” the awakening thought, the light of knowing and the supremacy of Truth revealed. The heart is humbled, and shouts joyously for joy, and so for the Roundtable, YouTube, practitioners, Jeremy, church members working for the Cause bringing the “work” to “a light unto our feet” of the teachings and writings of those who lived with and were taught daily by Mrs. Eddy.
What more can I say? I am very, very grateful.
I am a student of Christian Science since several years ago. I live in Mexico City. It is nice to say hello to you.
I am glad to write because, first of all, I want to thank all the staff of the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent for all the good work you are doing every week. I am delighted with the services, Roundtables, and the Bible Study. Also, with the good articles on the website. It is wonderful that Plainfield Church is sharing them with the world.
Before I continue, I must say that discovering Plainfield Church on YouTube was an answer to my prayers. I just can tell you that I was looking for a Christian Science Church, no matter how impossible it seemed. In Mexico City there is only one Christian Science Church, but it doesn’t inspire me much. At the beginning I didn’t realize that I found something very special in Plainfield Church, but now I am sure of that and I thank God for His mercy. He is always listening to us. I am delighted to hear your beautiful voices talking every Saturday and Sunday in a very scientific way.
Sincerely yours in Christ.
Mexico City
Hello dear in Christ. I am a Pakistani Punjabi Christian. I am learning much from your YouTube channel. The material is very useful to me to understand Scriptures in my mother tongue. I thank God for your ministry. Dear my deeply desire to work with you in that missionary field.
It’s been two years now since we started working together for the translation and recordings of the weekly lessons. The two years went very comfortably for me and my family because we have spent a lot of time studying the material thoroughly from the books we translated and especially from the weekly Lessons. We also desired to become members of the church. We are all spiritually strengthened in our family, and my life personally is a testimony that the Plainfield Christian Science Church has brought me a new life in Christ.
In these two years, I assume, we tried to work hard to reach many people around us through our translation services and I can see, we got some subscriptions on all the channels on YouTube. This will grow timely as we will reach many others around us.
Thank you very much for everything you have done, and for all what you will do in the coming days.
Hi. I am from Finland. I was journeying through the YouTube channels and went on the website later to look through Independent Christian Science in Plainfield, NJ. USA.
The visit I made on the website brought me great joy. This is because I enjoyed reading and listening to the lessons. The specific thing that made me happier is the languages bar on the site. It’s impressive to find Dutch and French there. Luckily, I know a little Hindi, Persian, Punjabi, and Sindhi also. The translations are extremely good and provide the exact meaning of the lessons. I would suggest you bring these lessons in many languages for others to listen and read.
I pray for you and all the church members that they remain in God’s presence and keep His good work running to the whole world.
In the Responsive Reading in a recent Lesson appears the verse, “For with thee is the fountain of life; in thy light shall we see light.” (Psalm 36:9). Each day when I read this, the images from Mrs. Eddy’s poem “Christ and Christmas” come to thought. The Plainfield November issue of Love Is the Liberator features Mrs. Eddy’s poem, along with comments she made to Irving C. Tomlinson as to the meaning of the illustrations, and a paper written by Judge Hanna, where he recounted times he was with Mrs. Eddy, when she was giving instructions to the illustrator.
In all but two of the drawings, the Star is present with its light, illuminating, protecting, guarding, guiding, healing. Within that light there is only light. As I work through my day and with this week’s Lesson, I can’t help but think about placing myself into that light from the Star — God. It is what preserves me. “In thy light shall we see light.”
I am so grateful for all of the work done by members of this Church and donations made, so that the Carpenter Library could be purchased. It belongs here. For years I have prayed and listened for inspiration on “Christ and Christmas” and was always disappointed that I couldn’t find more from Mrs. Eddy on those illustrations. Now my search has finally ended, in the sense that I have found what I was looking for and it is from the Carpenter Library. But this is only beginning as I ponder the significance of her poem in light of this new material. Thank you, Plainfield, for safeguarding this Library for all of us seeking the Truth. I am so grateful for this church, the practitioners and members, who constantly kindle the light and keep it shining.
Thank you for the wonderful counsel in the Wednesday January 20, 2021 readings on “Who Will We Serve?” — to make God our All-in-All. The Interview with Joe Carter on Spirituals is so inspiring; the quotes from Martin Luther King Jr., along with the other teaching in the Bible Study on October 12, 2020 are so valuable; and The Azusa Street video is something to be treasured and shared. All these offerings on the website are powerful testaments to the power of faith, Truth, and Love.
I am so grateful for the teaching and inspiration that the church offers — there is no problem that we face that can’t be overcome by turning to God and His all-encompassing and overpowering love.
Please accept this Love offering as gratitude for all I have received from your loving dedication to our Leader and her church.
I hope to visit you all in person someday. Perhaps you would consider moving your church to the great state of Texas? Until then, I will visit you online.
With much love.
My gratitude to Plainfield Church is unbounded. I am so grateful to put in my application for membership.
I am so grateful for right purpose, the services, and examples of real church.
Thank you for your help in living practical operative Christian Science.
Thank you for the wonderful things you all are doing. I am from Trinidad and I enjoy all the readings and services. I love to hear Florence and Gary. Thank you.
Every Sunday, Australian time, I start feeling an inner excitement, childlike, always anticipatory. Why? Because on Monday the Bible Study group discussion and Roundtable discussion will be ready to download via YouTube in Melbourne. Yippie!
I am enormously appreciative of the “behind the scenes” effort that makes it possible for me to be a part of the discussions. It is the knowing that someone else shares my passion for Truth that causes my heart to sing as I listen. All of the comments have meaning and purposefully come together during those discussions. And, significantly, as a regular listener, it is wonderful that while reflecting upon the discussion during the week, a deeper meaning of Life, Love, and Truth unfolds naturally. I am addicted!
Hugs, kisses, and the biggest thank you to all!
The moment I opened our new Love is the Liberator magazine I knew this was a very special issue. They are all wonderful but somehow this one with Mrs. Eddy’s “Christ and Christmas” poem as the theme makes this very inspiring for the season. What a healing message is there for all who read this issue. Thank you to all who put this beautifully done issue together. I am most grateful to have it and know that whoever receives one or reads the magazine on our website will be receiving a precious gift.
I have been learning so much from the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent! It is remarkable the diversity of voices speaking and spreading the word.
I have also worked with Gilbert Carpenter’s article “A Right Attitude” this week re tempering the steel within. It has been a successful tool for correction when mortal mind tries to persuade me from service to God. Yesterday was devoted to prayer and fasting, no tv, no YouTube, no news, no radio — it was wonderful!
Thank you so much. I’m not sure you folks truly know what a lifeline Plainfield Church is to many of us afar!
In the Substance Lesson of March 14, 2021, the Responsive Reading was taken from Psalm 23. Although I memorized this prayer as a child, it dawned on me this week that this prayer is about what happens when I read the weekly Lesson. I am putting God in His place as my Shepherd and allowing myself to be led to the green pastures and rest beside the still waters, so that my soul can be restored.
I am so grateful for this new insight into Psalm 23 and its connection with the Lesson. The Plainfield Lesson Sermons are inspired and uplifting, consistently. Thank you Lesson writers.
Every week I seem to say to myself, “this is the best Roundtable yet!” I can’t describe the support and education I receive from listening to these sessions which clarify the Bible Lessons and expands my understanding of the Bible and Christian Science practice. It’s as though a light switch is turned on and I hear myself saying, “yes, yes, that is it!” The stubborn, willful, impatient me is weekly corrected and reminded to get back on course and practice, practice, practice. What spoke to me recently is the bit about not so much healing the problem, rather the joy at being at one with God; serving Him, that the healing becomes an afterthought.
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Testimonies of Healing
from C. C. in New Jersey
I’m very grateful for a case of mental surgery that I experienced a few weeks ago.
Hurrying down my back steps one evening, I missed the bottom step and fell on my driveway. At first I became angry at myself for rushing again, but soon caught myself and, instead, prayed that I could not fall out of God’s love. As soon as I could, I called a Plainfield practitioner for help, and she reminded me that Mrs. Eddy said there are no accidents in divine Mind, and to work with the 91st Psalm and pages 390-393 in Science and Health, and said she would pray for me. Amazingly, the pain stopped right away!
There was clearly something wrong with the arm, so we put it in a sling to hold it steady, and I studied the readings the practitioner had given to me. I slept peacefully the whole night, and was able to do everything I needed to do the next day. The arm felt better every day, but after a few days, I felt I should have it looked at. With practitioner support, God led me to an orthopedist, who is very kind and has a very positive attitude, and had x-rays taken. The orthopedist said the bone was broken clear through at the shoulder, but that everything was in perfect position and that it was already healing beautifully. He said a break like this would normally require surgery, but that it was positioned so perfectly, that surgery would not be needed at all — proof that God is the great Physician!
Since I had some mobility issues, again God led me to a therapist who also has a very positive attitude, and I am now very happy to be able to wash my hair myself and reach into my kitchen cabinets!
I am very grateful to God for this wonderful healing, and to the practitioner for her very effective prayers and support every step of the way, and for the lesson learned never, ever to rush!
from L. C. in California
I found a job I’ve always wanted but never thought I’d be able to have, working as an Assistant Manager for a Mother’s Market. They are opening new stores soon and have me in mind for store manager.
With what I have learned through Christian Science, I took a leap of faith and applied as a clerk. The manager called and asked me to consider management. He asked me to come for just one interview and he would let me know right away.
The leap of faith here is that I was living in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and this store is in Huntington Beach, California! I remembered it fondly from living in Huntington Beach in the 90s. It was a family-owned, old-fashioned health goods store with local organic produce and lots of friendly employees. It’s a given that medicine is not your salvation — whole, healthy, and spiritual living is. They often play Christian rock in the mix of background music in the store!
So, I asked a dog sitter to take my dog for a few days. With the prayerful support of my Plainfield practitioner, I jumped on a plane (round trip $200!) during covid in November when it was crazy crowded, and held on to my understanding of what is true and good, and what has no power.
I interviewed, returned safely, and was offered the job to start in 2 1/2 weeks! My practitioner continued to pray for me. After considerable prayer and study, I put my house up for sale and had two offers above the asking price in 48 hours! I packed, found movers, and set out on an adventure driving across country — just me and my dog in my Jeep Wrangler. I made it to California in six days, started work November 23rd, and found a small condo I could actually afford to rent in Huntington Beach!
I feel like I’ve found my place. I help people every day, often very sick people. I support them in knowing they can get past the medical diagnosis and see their body as whole, the way God made it.
This demonstration took some time, and didn’t move forward until my understanding of God and Christian Science grew. I’m very grateful for the prayers of the practitioner, who supported me every step of this wonderful working out, and for a better understanding of God and His Science that I gained, as the practitioner helped me through challenges with work, finances, health issues, etc. I am truly grateful.
from C. H. in New Jersey
I recently slipped on some ice and fell down like a rock. I was shocked to realize that I was flat on my back. I started to pray with lines from the Lesson: “Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, — neither in nor of matter, — and the body will then utter no complaints.” The other thing that came to me was part of a prayer that I learned from a Sunday School student, that “I am the loved of God.”
I got right up and texted my practitioner, still praying. I got into the car and drove to church for the Bible Study. My wrist hurt, but soon stopped. The next day I was a little stiff, but was able to do everything normally. This healing is very special because it was a wonderful example of Truth winning over fear and feeling stupid. The reply to contacting my practitioner was a text saying, “You fell into the arms of divine Love — no hurt there!”
from C. T. in New Jersey
I am grateful for my grandmother’s healing several years ago of a bleeding ulcer by a teacher and practitioner in this church. I was told by my dad that my elderly grandma was very ill and expected to die. I asked a practitioner for help, and she lovingly agreed to pray for her.
The next day I drove from New Jersey to southern North Carolina. She lay motionless on her bed, but I sat beside her and spoke about God’s great love for her, and that He would show her how much He loved her. I held her as God’s perfect, beloved child and drove home the next day.
Several weeks later I got a joyous call from my sister that grandma was better. She was given a walker, then a cane, then she walked without help! Her friends visited and cried when they saw her well. She told them God wanted to show me “how much He loved me.” Those were the same words I spoke to her when I visited.
Thank God for Mary Baker Eddy, who made so many things so clear. Thank God for our healing practitioners in this church.
from J. F. in Florida
I’m very grateful for a complete healing of grief that I had. Our downstairs neighbor recently passed away. This neighbor had become a very dear friend to us, and I found myself almost overwhelmed with grief. I didn’t seem to be able to overcome the sadness, so I asked for help from a Plainfield practitioner. One of the things the practitioner said to me that was very comforting, was that the prayers and love we had shown him were with him now, and were helping him, and that he was now light years ahead of where he was when he was with us.
I’m so grateful to the practitioner for this loving help, and that we have the ever-present healing comfort of Christian Science. It heals and helps in any situation.
from J. P. in New Jersey
I am very grateful for all the ways that God has protected me throughout my life.
Last night I slipped on some black ice, and landed on my forearm as though I was holding out a shield. It happened so quickly, that once I realized what occurred, I just had to laugh because it was so evident that God was protecting me. I spent the night thanking God, and thinking of the many times that He protected me through the years. Here are two that seem worth mentioning:
As a child, my family and I lived in California, and one day my Dad and I were on a trail and I decided to run ahead. After a few moments I got this strong feeling to stop. Once stopped, I saw that about a foot in front of me was a big spider web with a very large black spider right where my face would have gone through. I think that is the first time I ever remember having that strong feeling I now know as spiritual sense. It left a lasting impression on me, and despite not totally understanding it, I did try to listen from then on.
In my early twenties, I worked construction for about five years. One day, while working next to a backhoe, the rear arm of it came around and the bucket hit me right in the shoulder and upper arm. It was the weirdest thing, because to me it felt as though the operator meant to just lightly touch me, but after he got out with a panicked look he said he had the lever pushed all the way in and didn’t even see me. It just stopped. For years I didn’t understand what happened, but now I can see it was God’s protection.
I am so grateful for all I am learning in this Church, and for regular practitioner support, which has helped me not only to learn to live Christian Science now, but also to see those former events in their right light. What a wonderful God we have, and I thank Him for keeping me safe all these years until He could bring me here and make me useful for Him. Thank you!
from D. D. in Georgia
In Science and Health we read: “To understand that Mind is infinite, not bounded by corporeality, not dependent upon the ear and eye for sound or sight nor upon muscles and bones for locomotion, is a step towards the Mind-science by which we discern man’s nature and existence.”
This Monday afternoon there were heavy rainstorms as I was driving home on the highway. What seemed like buckets of water coming down, impaired the visibility of the lines on the pavement and other cars on the road. I had quite a long way to drive and, though there was immediate temptation to feel a little worried, I rather felt a great sense of calm and confidence in God’s presence, protection for everyone, and power over it all. I thanked God for being my vision, knowing that He was enabling me to see all that I needed to see, however little it may have been. No one was crossing over any lanes, everyone kept moving at a comfortable pace, and it felt as though I just cruised through it all and made it home safely in no time.
I’m so grateful to be learning the truth about my true existence, which is empowering me to live a better way, through what I’m learning in Christian Science about God’s allness, and for each opportunity to put it into practice and see the resulting victory.
from B. N. in New Jersey
A few days ago my wife came down with a fever that was accompanied with severe bodily pain and was increasingly getting worse. I called a Plainfield practitioner for help, who agreed to help us. The practitioner instructed me to read Science and Health pages 390 to 397, together with the 91st Psalm a statements to work with, “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” The practitioner asked me to call her back in the morning when she’s feeling better.
I worked with these statements through the night and the following day. Even though my wife is still new to Christian Science, she was completely receptive when I told her I was calling a practitioner for prayers. I continued to pray and repeat the truth to her and to myself as I know best. By the morning she already started to feel much better, and by the end of the day, the pain and fever were completely gone, and she already started to eat well and was breathing much better.
I called the practitioner the next day to share the good news. The practitioner was happy to know she was so much better and advised me to continue to work and know the truth with the statements from the 91st Psalm. My wife is completely healed now and is extremely happy and grateful, as I am. I am very grateful for the loving help from the practitioner and her availability at the time of need. I am grateful to Mary Baker Eddy for what she has done for this world with her discovery and writings, and most grateful to God for His Mercy and lovingkindness to us all!
from M. H. in Hawaii
I received the books 500 Watching Points and Collectanea, and I am astounded at the valuable truths and lessons, and endless supply of truths to study and demonstrate. Watching Points 270 and 283 in particular seem especially helpful right now.
I had a chance to really put my understanding to the test. Upon leaving my dad’s house a few nights ago, we found two feral piglets curled up on his stoop. They were so tiny. Here in Hawaii most hunters kill them right away or fatten them up for eventual slaughter, which is unappealing to my husband and me. We got them settled and fed them, and then started to fret about who is going to take these piglets. This played like a broken record for two days. Then I turned it over to God and affirmed their right to be in a good place and that they were never out of place in God’s eyes. This I affirmed over and over again. Just this afternoon I got a call from someone who knew my son, and the woman said she would love to have them. She has a ranch where they could have space to roam.
I thanked God immediately and realized that He can help in all situations. I am so grateful for this demonstration, and it only confirms that I am on the right path in my own spiritual unfoldment.
I am ever grateful to the very special way Plainfield Christian Science addresses our needs no matter what they may be.
from M. C. M. in Australia
We were out on our boat on a dam recently and had a wonderful day with our children, who were enjoying some fun knee boarding. We had almost finished for the day when we decided to have one more trip around the dam. We are normally very careful watching the depth of the water; but as we drove, we went from a very deep area to an extremely shallow area in just a few seconds. Due to the location, my husband couldn’t turn the boat around quick enough and our propeller hit some rocks. We heard a loud crunch and the engine cut out. We tried to turn it on again, but it kept cutting out after a few seconds.
As we sat in the dam, a long way from where our car was parked, I started praying. In Australia there is no marine rescue at the dams so we couldn’t call anybody for help. I told the children we could pray for God’s help. I knew God would take us all the way and would not leave us stranded. During my watches the week before, I had been praying for God’s guidance and for clarity of thought with regard to what is going on in the world. One of my watches had been on “Angels,” and I found several articles on the Plainfield website. This is one I found by Albert Cheney.
“As we journey on trusting in God, the angels of His presence are our steadfast guardians in storm or calm. Even though we may be in the depths of fear and despair, with the clouds of error closing in upon us, with error telling us that there is no way out, yet there is always at hand, awaiting our acceptance, a pure angel thought, a God-sent message, which is capable of dispelling and destroying the erroneous condition or illusion of belief, and bringing about complete release and perfect healing. How comforting the words of the Psalmist are, ‘He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways’!”
I felt led to stand at the end of the boat and shout out and wave to a jet ski which was going past, not too far from us. The gentleman came straight over and, without hesitation, offered to tow us all the way back with his jet ski. Our boat was much bigger than his vehicle and he said he had never towed before, but it had no problem towing us and just as we reached the shore, he said he was completely out of gas.
What an angel this man had been, sent from God. I was so grateful. It was lovely for my children to see the result of prayer, and my 9-year-old commented on how God had sent him. We thanked God all the way home.
I am so grateful to my practitioner at Plainfield, my children’s Sunday School teachers who graciously teach my children via conference call across the continents, and the amazing work of the Plainfield Church. And of course, Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy for teaching us how we can trust God in all areas of our lives.
from L. S. in Missouri
On page 254 of Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Individuals are consistent who, watching and praying, can ‘run, and not be weary; ... walk, and not faint,’ who gain good rapidly and hold their position, or attain slowly and yield not to discouragement.”
This testimony is meant to encourage those who may be tempted to yield to discouragement, as it was not a quick healing, but one that took many months.
As part of my duties as a member of a committee that was holding church services and conferences in local jails and state prisons, I visited facilities on a weekly basis. During many months, in spite of consistent prayer on my own for healing, as well as receiving help from a Christian Science practitioner, a rash that started inconspicuously on the palm of one of my hands eventually spread to the backs of both hands and up my fingers. It was itchy, uncomfortable, and ugly, though I did my best to keep it covered as much as possible.
Then, one morning while serving at a medium security jail, an inmate who had heard about Christian Science requested a visit. I gained permission, and standing in front of a door, I noticed a simple 3-word sign that read, “KEEP HANDS CLEAR.” I almost laughed out loud, considering that the state of my hands was anything but clear. After visiting with the inmate, I had time to ponder the three words I had read on the warning sign.
So, “Keep hands clear” meant to me, Keep the power of God clear in your consciousness. In other words, remember at all times that the power of God is the only power, and that there is no other power but His!
The message that I received through those three simple words was a “quick and powerful” one to my thinking. The rash on both of my hands was quickly healed, and all signs of any sores completely cleared up within about a week. My thought was reached by divine Love, God, with just those three words, as the mesmerism was broken.
So, even when a healing seems to be delayed, we can yield not to discouragement. Rather, we can be consistent in standing fast, and in knowing that progress, which is the law of God, is being made and we can remain calm, confident, and unswerving in knowing that healing is going on, though it may not yet be visible.
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Contagion and Vaccine
Addressing Vaccinations |
Florence Roberts |
Mrs. Eddy’s compassionate answer to the question about infectious disease does bring much peace to many who are fearful and troubled about the question of vaccination today. She was asked in her day:
“Then as to the laws — the health laws of the States on the question of infectious and contagious diseases. How does Christian Science stand as to them?”
“I say, ‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.’ We cannot force perfection on the world. Were vaccination of any avail, I should tremble for mankind; but, knowing it is not, and that the fear of catching smallpox is more dangerous than any material infection, I say: Where vaccination is compulsory, let your children be vaccinated, and see that your mind is in such a state that by your prayers vaccination will do the children no harm. So long as Christian Scientists obey the laws, I do not suppose their mental reservations will be thought to matter much. But every thought tells, and Christian Science will overthrow false knowledge in the end.” (Miscellany pages 344-345.)
I love three points made in here. First, that Mrs. Eddy in her answer is showing respect, compassion, sympathy, and pity for those who don’t understand this Science yet. What she says here is so beautiful; that we cannot force perfection on the world; however, that does not mean we condone vaccination or we go along with it. Rather should we in our own prayers make sure that our thought is so grounded in the Truth that vaccination can do no harm to our children or to anyone else.
The second point that I love is in how she clearly expresses her opposition to tyranny of any kind throughout her writings.
The third point which proves her own conviction in Divine Science is in how she writes to just wait and see who wins, “Christian Science will overthrow false knowledge in the end.” In a similar statement in Miscellaneous Writings, page 81, line 6, she addresses materia medica and its tyranny. She says at the end; “let each society of practitioners, the matter-physicians and the metaphysicians, agree to disagree, and then patiently wait on God to decide, as surely He will, which is the true system of medicine.” Thus Mrs. Eddy gives the answers to these problems which she could clearly foretell.
So where it is not mandatory to have a vaccination, why take it? This is a question each must answer with prayer. From our textbook, Science and Health (p. 468), we learn the Scientific Statement of Being. As we faithfully live these truths, we can prove the Science therein, gain unflinching conviction in the power of Divine Science, and thus maintain our standard of not going along with materia medica, help our Cause, and trust that our example can bring greater enlightenment and freedom to mankind everywhere.
Watching Point 234 |
Gilbert C. Carpenter |
from 500 Watching Points
WATCH lest you believe that you will need protection from the wind of error all your days, lest it blow out your spiritual flame. Will progress bring the demonstration that will enable you to know that the wind only causes your spiritual fire to burn more brightly? Surely this was true in the case of our Leader.
Protection from the winds must belong to the baby stage, where one’s spiritual fire has not yet been kindled brightly. Protection in one’s advanced stages is gained by reversing error upon itself, knowing that every effort evil makes to blow out one’s spiritual fire, only causes it to burn more brightly.
When Gilbert Carpenter was at Mrs. Eddy’s home she taught him this rule of protection. She instructed him to handle every claim by knowing that he was the better and stronger for it, that every effort of error to harm him, only made him better and lifted him higher.
Let us suppose a claim of epidemic was rampant. How would you handle it? Could you not realize that error never created anything and never could. Therefore, the only epidemic must be the presence of God’s encircling love, which mortal sense is distorting, and so we are stronger and better for Love’s presence, and safe from all harm.
One sad thing about sickness under mortal mind is that every attack leaves mortal man weaker and more fearful. Every time he is thrown down, he is weakened. In mythology we read about the giant, Antaeus, who was the son of Mother Earth. Every time he was thrown down, he rose up with renewed strength, infused into him by his contact with his mother. Thus we can realize in Christian Science that every time error claims to throw us down, it only serves to put us in contact with our Father-Mother God, from whom we derive a constant renewal of life.
Mrs. Eddy discerned the need of advanced students applying the rule of reversal, which is a law of Truth applied to human experience, namely, that we are stronger for every experience, and our flame burns more brightly, as error tries to blow it out. When we meet the attacks of error in this way, so that we become stronger under affliction, error will cease this mode of attack and attempt a different one, namely, human harmony.
The prodigal son came back stronger and better for his contact and conflict with error in Egypt; while the elder brother disintegrated under the human harmony he experienced in his father’s house. If we establish the habit of meeting error by reversing its claims and knowing that we are better for it, we shall be prepared to continue this warfare, when the more subtle phase of human sense confronts us, namely, human harmony, or a sense of God’s absence that carries no warning of the danger. Human harmony represents bondage to the belief in harmonious matter, which carries less warning than the belief in discordant matter.
Excerpts from The People’s God, Its Effect on Health and Christianity |
Mary Baker Eddy |
Christian Science Journal, Vol. 1, June 2, 1883
“One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” Eph. 4 : 5
Every step of progress is a step more spiritual. The great element of reform is not born of human wisdom; it draws not its life from human organizations; rather is it the crumbling away of material elements from thoughts and things, — the translation of matter back to its original language, — mind, and the final unity between man and God. The footsteps of thought, as they pass from the sensual side of existence to the reality and Soul of all things, are slow, portending a long night to the traveller; but the guardians of this night are the angels of His presence, that impart grandeur to the intellectual wrestling and collisions with mortal beliefs, as we drift into more spiritual latitudes. The beatings of our heart can be heard; but the ceaseless throbbings and throes of thought are unheard as it changes from material to spiritual standpoints. Even the pangs of death disappear accordingly as the understanding that we are spiritual beings here reappears, and we learn our capabilities for good, which insures man’s continuance and is the true glory of immortality.
The improved theory and practice of religion and of medicine are mainly due to the people’s improved views of the Supreme Being. As the finite and personal sense of Deity, based on material conceptions of spiritual being, yield their grosser elements, we shall learn what God is, and what God does for man. I like the Hebrew term that gives another letter to the word God and makes it good, for this unites science and Christianity, whereby we learn that God, good, is the divine Principle, — more than a person — and this Principle is learned through mind instead of matter, in and of purity and holiness, of Soul instead of sense, and by revelation supporting reason.
Thus it is that a more spiritual and true ideal of Deity improves the race physically and spiritually. God is no longer a mystery to the Christian Scientist, but a divine Principle understood in part, because the grand realities of Life and Truth are found destroying sin, sickness and death, and it should no longer be deemed treason to understand God, when the Scriptures enjoin us, “To acquaint now thyself with God and be at peace;” we should understand something of that great good for which we are to leave all else.
Christian Science Sentinel, January 31, 1901
Editor of The Times, Marlboro, Mass.
Dear Sir: — In your issue of December 27, you state, “The Christian Scientists are starting a crusade against vaccination on the ground that smallpox is an imaginary disease.”
It is true that Christian Scientists have little faith in material remedies, for they have proved that Christian Science is not only a better cure, but a better preventive of disease than anything which they have heretofore employed. I know of two cases where two members of the same family were afflicted with smallpox at the same time, and one in each family died under medical treatment while the other was healed through Christian Science. I have a friend who was afflicted from childhood with a serious disorder as a result of vaccination, and who found no relief until healed through Christian Science.
This is a small per cent of that which I have observed in my experience as a Christian Scientist, and mine is doubtless a parallel with that of others of this faith. Do you wonder that Christian Scientists have little faith in vaccination? Nevertheless it should be understood that they have long ago given up any fight on this question, and have agreed to allow vaccination. Indeed, it is the advice of the Founder of this movement that Christian Scientists shall submit to the requirements of the law and depend upon the influence of the gospel to deliver them from whatever evil effects might accrue. I do not question your sincerity in speaking of the vaccination crusade as being conducted by Christian Scientists; nevertheless, they have nothing to do with any such movement. Besides, it is not the proper statement of Christian Science to say that smallpox or any other disease is imagination. Christian Science teaches that disease is a physical manifestation of the mental condition; that it is based largely upon fear, conscious or unconscious; and that for this reason it may be overcome by bringing to the consciousness of the patient sufficient realization of the divine power and presence to overrule the power and fear of disease.
The multitudes of people who have been healed through this faith are living testimonies to the fact that Christian Science correctly diagnoses disease. However, we recognize the physical appearance of disease in all its insidiousness and fatality, and that it must be dealt with accordingly. Care and discretion must be used in respect to the sick, whatever may be the constituency of disease, until the danger therefrom is past. It does not lessen the efficiency of prayers to be careful in respect to the spreading of disease, and the Christian Scientists do not recklessly rush into its presence. I have seldom known a case of contagion from the patient of a Christian Scientist, for he succeeds in destroying contagion as well as disease.
Mrs. Eddy says: “Rather than quarrel over being vaccinated, I recommend that, if the law demand an individual to submit to this process, he obey the law, and then appeal to the Gospel to save him from any bad results. Whatever change belongs to this century, or any epoch, we may safely submit to the providence of God, to common justice, individual rights, and governmental usages.” She also recommends in our text-book, Science and Health, to leave surgery at present to surgeons. Her very nature would incline her not to dictate terms to them, but strictly to comply with their methods, if one were employed.
Alfred Farlow, Christian Science Sentinel, March 1, 1900
Prayer Provides Immunity and Contagious Disease Proved Powerless |
Eaglet |
Reprinted from Love Is the Liberator, March 2018
I was fortunate to grow up in a loving home where Christian Science was cherished and practiced. Our family practitioner was a good friend of Gilbert Carpenter and often visited Mr. Carpenter. The memory of many childhood healings left no doubt in my thought about the effectiveness of prayer, as taught in Christian Science, to heal both quickly and permanently.
One particular healing stands out. It was actually a healing my brother had of a contagious disease. I was about ten years old at the time. My parents believed it to be German measles. A Christian Science practitioner was called for healing prayer. My brother was healed quickly. The practitioner also prayed to know that man was immune from disease, as well as that there was no contagion. Consequently no one else in the family could contract this belief called disease — and no one did. My brother’s quick healing was the end of it. As Mary Baker Eddy states in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “Truth handles the most malignant contagion with perfect assurance.” (p. 176) And also on page 369:23 she writes, “The prophylactic and therapeutic (that is, the preventive and curative) arts belong emphatically to Christian Science ....”
I did not think about this experience for years until I had a sleepover with my best friend in high school. She and I shared the same bed during the night, and both of us went to school together the next day. By midafternoon, my friend, who was not a Christian Scientist, was sent home from school with German measles. Her case was medically confirmed, as her father was a medical doctor. I never came down with any of the symptoms of this disease.
Then, as an adult and in my early forties, I was required to have blood tests done for some international travel. I remember the nurse coming out of the back with the results and saying, “Your tests are all fine and, oh, by the way, you still have an immunity to German measles.” She then stated that the effectiveness of childhood vaccinations would have usually worn off at that point in my life, and it was very unusual to find that I still had this immunity. Apparently prayer has resulted in a lifetime immunity to this disease, as I am now, humanly speaking, many years beyond this blood test and still have never contracted this disease.
I just smiled and thanked her for her work. I did not tell her that my parents were Christian Scientists and had successfully applied for an exemption from vaccinations when I was a child. Nor did I tell her that I had never had the disease. I was smiling because I knew the good report was the result of those early childhood prayers by a beloved practitioner, proving once again that prayer is the most effective and reliable means of protection from disease, and that prayer can be both curative and preventative. As an expansion of this concept, as God is immaculate and pure, so is man and therefore man is immune to anything that would say otherwise.
An additional thought on contagion and immunity is that I experienced childhood colds, etc., which seemed normal at the time, but I was always healed of these false claims. I was told by a practitioner at a later date that as one grows in Science, one will cease to have colds and the flu because progress is the law of being. (A paraphrasing of Miscellaneous Writings 15:19 “for progress is the law of infinity.”) This has proved to be the case. I just stopped getting them. How wonderful that our own spiritual progress will also provide immunity to disease.
For this experience and for the many healings which I have experienced over my lifetime, I am truly grateful.
Materia Medica |
Mary Baker Eddy |
Watches-Prayers-Arguments, page 110
There is no power, intelligence or principle, mesmeric or hypnotic, in materia medica, as individual or collective mind. Therefore, it cannot blind nor hypnotize mortals, through human beliefs or will-power, from seeking the true healing, as it is in Christ Jesus and Christian Science.
There is but one Physician, because there is but one Mind; whose medicine is Truth; which destroys all error; whose attraction is Love, which casteth out all fear. This is the one Mind, which was also in Christ Jesus, and this Mind alone can draw all men unto Him — divine Love.
Materia medica cannot hide under the guise of hygiene, witchcraft, magic, spiritualism, mind-cure, faithcure, or any other subtle form of carnality, for to be carnally-minded is death. Man (I) cannot be bewitched or mesmerized by alluring or high sounding phrases or methods, nor by any personality, individual or collective, which substitutes matter and materia medica for the healing power of Truth, Christ. The nothingness and impotence of materia medica is demonstrated through divine Science by its loyal students, who reflect divine intelligence, which destroys any claim of intelligence not in God, good, divine Mind. To enmity’s own hell of ignorance, superstition, hypocrisy and hatred, justice consigns the lie, which would slay man in order to satisfy its own beliefs in materia medica and false theology. God made man immortal and in His image, the image of His own eternity, and to this end gave him dominion over all the earth, over all the works of His hands. This is the Truth of being, and nothing can change the Truth into a lie. Nothing can wrest man out of the Father’s hand, for “It is He who hath made us, and not we ourselves,” and hath given us life everlasting. Therefore, health, harmony and immortality are the everlasting facts of being. It is so.
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We began by writing our own Bible Lessons, and then Independent Christian Scientists from all over the world began sending us writings by early Christian Science workers that were not available anywhere else. And we grew from there — and continue to grow.
Lectures on Christian Science,
by Peter V. Ross
And, our church book store is growing! We have just published a book of Lectures on Christian Science given by Peter V. Ross. This version is accurate and true to the original, just as Mr. Ross first published it. These lectures are wonderfully inspiring, and cover a variety of subjects. His wonderful “plain talking” reaches people at every level, encouraging and healing. This book is available in paperback version from Plainfield Church for $18.00, postage included.
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Books by Early Workers in Christian Science
Plainfield Church is the source for many books and writings by early workers in the Christian Science movement, many of whom worked in Mrs. Eddy’s home and were taught by Mrs. Eddy herself. These priceless writings are available for purchase at very reasonable prices, and are listed, along with ordering information, on our church website, Many articles on our church website are excerpts taken from these books, so to have the complete works is a real privilege!
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“When one sees that Christian Science is the only way, he is ready for church membership, and there is no other requirement.” — Mary Baker Eddy
This is the only requirement for membership in Plainfield Church. We welcome everyone who wishes to become a member and work for God to send in an application, which you can find under the “Members” tab on our website. Or send an email to our clerk at:
Websites in Other Languages
Our missionary work is expanding. We have recently launched websites in the languages of Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Marathi, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Sindhi, and Tamil, which join with our existing Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu — that makes seventeen languages other than English!
Much gratitude to all of our translators for their individual demonstrations which are working to bless every corner of the world!
We recently received the following email from someone new in Pakistan:
Accept my greetings and salute for the lovely way to produce your unchallenged true teachings about God, as our Mind, we as His ideal creation and making it clear what the Christian Science Church is giving to the spiritual-thirsty like me. The great work you and your Church is dealing regarding foreign languages is amazing and fruitful. I am having great blessings since I have started learning the Word of God through your website and YouTube channels. Especially Pashto, Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil and Marathi languages are doing great things spiritually in my life when I read and listen to the YouTube lessons.
I greatly appreciate it and ask my Lord for the unstoppable blessings for the whole church worldwide. May you always please my heart and soul by producing these lessons and other great material in all the languages of the world especially for my Pakistani and Indian people. Amen.
I thank you and the whole church again for all of this.
Our goal was, and still is, to get the Word of God out to people all over the world who need this pure, unadulterated Science, as we did, and still do. So you will see that much of what we provide on our website,, is free. Please feel free to browse through all that we have there. You don’t even have to tell us who you are — we warmly welcome everyone!
But there are expenses involved in maintaining a website, and in maintaining our church home and our church services. So if you are helped by what you find here, and you wish to show your gratitude, please use the “donate” button on the website. It would be greatly appreciated!
Tenets of Christian Science
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 496-497
The following is a brief exposition of the important points, or religious tenets, of Christian Science:—
1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.
2. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God’s image and likeness.
3. We acknowledge God’s forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.
4. We acknowledge Jesus’ atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man’s unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.
5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.
6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.
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A note about the lighthouse sketch by Luanne:
Boston Light — little Brewster Island (outer Boston Harbor), Massachusetts
Boston Light was the first light station in North America and is the country’s oldest continuously used lighthouse site. The original structure, built in 1716, was destroyed during the Revolutionary War. Rebuilt in 1783, it has been called “the ideal American lighthouse.” Designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1964, it is the only manned lighthouse in the United States.
“Publish the Word”
Broadcast the Truth
“Freely ye have received, freely give”
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