Love is the Liberator

From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy

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“In Everything Give Thanks”

May 2021

Table of Contents

About the cover:

From In Defense of Mary Baker Eddy, and the Remnant of Her Seed, by Paul R. Smillie:

In the Christian Science Sentinel of September 6, 1913 on page ten, Archibald McLellan stated three most important points about the cover of the Sentinel and a minor change made at that time on its cover. Speaking of this change he said, “Beyond this there can be neither desire nor occasion for change in the Sentinel, because,” he said, “Mrs. Eddy’s instructions forbid any change.” He explained this by saying, “Mrs. Eddy likewise gave instructions.” The word “instructions” is most important. Speaking then of the two women, the lamps and the inscriptions beneath them, he said they had been “preserved as expressive of our Leader’s thought. ...” Mrs. Eddy requested that the cover of the Sentinel be light blue in color.”

“In Everything Give Thanks”

“Pray without ceasing”

Archibald McLellan

Christian Science Sentinel, May 20, 1916

Paul strikes the key-note of true prayer in one brief phrase, “In every thing give thanks.” To many people this requirement seems quite unreasonable. Their plea is, how can anyone be thankful when he is sick, or needy, or sorrowful? And then they waste time and energy in explaining how long this particular error has held them and how long they have had treatment—maybe years—yet their healing has not come.

Surely there is something to be thankful for. Who can say how much heavier the burden would have been but for the faithful work of the practitioner, and the unceasing affirmation that, because Truth is omnipotent, evil is powerless! No declaration of the truth can fail in its final accomplishment. The woman whom Jesus lifted up had been in bondage eighteen years, yet the bond was severed instantly. She had come into an understanding of the truth, and she found her freedom.

The grateful heart will always be able to find something for which to give thanks, and the spirit of thanksgiving will be voiced in loving deeds, calling forth more gratitude; until the balance is overwhelmingly on the side of good. When this kind of prayer has become habitual with us, doubt and discouragement will be left far behind and we shall know that God is Love, and that Love is unfailing good. The constant declaration of good and the denial that evil has either place or power, no matter what personal sense may affirm, is the open door to freedom. Old beliefs must be cast off, their assertions of power disclaimed, until the new man with his dominion over evil is disclosed and our prayer is answered.

Everything good is already ours. The prime necessity is that we realize our heritage. If we are children of the King, we must live up to our obligations. If our Father is omnipotent, we cannot for a moment admit even the possibility that there is any other power. When we come to see this clearly, we shall speak and act “as one having authority,” and find the answer to our prayer in the overcoming of all that is unlike good.


The Christian Science Monitor

Tuesday, June 14, 1921

A certain man was healed in Christian Science of rheumatism, on account of which he had not been able to walk for many months. Rejoicing in his new-found freedom, he took a long walk, expressing gratitude because his limbs, which had been weak and helpless, were now strong and well. Suddenly, without warning, the old symptoms seemed to reappear and he had to call a conveyance in order to get home.

He expressed his discouragement and despair to the practitioner, but the practitioner pointed out to him that his gratitude for mere material freedom and relief made a reality of the material condition and invited a return of the trouble. But to be grateful to God, good, who always was and always will be supreme, and for the understanding that we are really His children, is our real protection. This man learned the lesson of his experience, turned his thought in the right direction, and his healing was rapid and permanent.

So we can be just as grateful when error seems to scream as when peace and harmony seem to reign. Indeed, when error seems to talk the loudest is the time for us to be most grateful for what we know is true about it. The claim of evil is just a reminder that good is the only reality. Paul and Silas, in the prison, sang praises to God through the night, not in spite of the fact that their feet were fast in the stocks, but because they knew that as children of God, their feet could not be bound. In Science and Health (p.3), Mrs. Eddy says, “If we are ungrateful for Life, Truth, and Love, and yet return thanks to God for all blessings, we are insincere and incur the sharp censure our Master pronounces on hypocrites.”

It is clear, from all of this, why gratitude is such an important factor in the healing of sickness and sin. Before his greatest demonstrations, Christ Jesus turned his heart to God with thanksgiving. The one thing necessary to the healing of every evil belief, is the acknowledgement of the absolute supremacy of God, divine Love, the recognition that God is all-power and ever present. It is this truth which destroys in human thought the belief that evil in any form is present or has power, and this is the all of divine healing. But the evidence that we see God as all power and all presence, is in our gratitude. Seeing good we cannot help being grateful. In reality, it is our consciousness of God or good that heals, but gratitude is always the measure of our apprehension or consciousness of good.

“In Every Thing Give Thanks”

Helen Hixon

Christian Science Sentinel, April 25, 1925

A young boy, who had attended a Wednesday evening testimony meeting in a Christian Science church for the first time, commented to a friend, “Wasn’t it strange that everyone who spoke kept saying, ’I’m so grateful’?”

To those unused to expressing gratitude, this attitude of constant thankfulness does at first seem strange. Many seem to be in the habit of taking for granted all the good, and are more likely to complain of the heat or the cold, of too much or too little rain, and not even notice the freshness of the morning, the bud, the tree, the singing bird, the ability to see a sunset, to hear the voices of loved ones — so much good to be grateful for!

Someone has said that gratitude is the open door to heaven; and as we understand heaven to mean harmony, one who is seeking this harmony will do well to consider whether he is expressing enough gratitude. “Are we really grateful for the good already received?” asks Mrs. Eddy; and she adds, “Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have and thus be fitted to receive more.” (S&H, p. 3)

As thought begins to dwell more and more on God, and to recognize all the good that surrounds us as the reflection of His omnipotent goodness, we shall see less and less of evil, lack, and unhappiness, until their absolute nothingness is realized.

Christian Scientists are grateful for the very desire and ability to be grateful; for the increased understanding of what true gratitude is; and for the ability to turn constantly from the argument of evil to the truth of man’s perfection as the child, the image, the reflection of God. John in his first epistle gave us this authority when he said, “Beloved, now are we the sons of God”; and it is for us to claim this heritage and demonstrate it, here and now. This demonstration involves not only saying we are grateful, but living our gratitude; for Mary Baker Eddy tells us, “Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech.” (S&H, p. 3)

Thanksgiving is not reserved for a special season; but every day should be a thanksgiving day. In whatever circumstances we find ourselves, we can find many things for which to be grateful. And, above all, we can be grateful for knowing that “the Lord God omnipotent reigneth”; that His creation is the only reality; that all good is ours now, since man is the reflection of the Most High; and that His promises endure “unto all generations.”

The Value of Experience

Willis F. Gross

Christian Science Journal, November 1896

We are told to “rejoice evermore” and “in everything give thanks.” It is an easy matter to rejoice and give thanks when the senses say there is harmony; but when the contrary seems to surround us, then it requires demonstration to make nothing of the material and find a reason for rejoicing.

The discords of sense do us good, since they compel us to turn to Truth. Do we as Christian Scientists appreciate the opportunities afforded us every day, and every hour, to demonstrate the Truth of Being? In looking for great blessings, we are apt to overlook the many little things which help to make the great ones.

Each individual experience is a mine of richest treasure whose gems lie buried beneath the surface. Only he who goes beneath the material sense of things can find these treasures and know their value.

We must “work out our own salvation,” profit by our own experience, and find the kingdom of heaven within us. We must demonstrate that “all things work together for good to them that love God.”

The Master said, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” And how true! To many of us, the claims of evil often seem more than sufficient; and we wonder why it is we have so much to contend with, while it seems to us that others have so little. Our work is to prove the unreality of whatever evil comes before us. The promise is that we shall not be tempted above that we are able, and that God will be a present help in every time of need.

Seeing that each victory over error brings a rich reward, do we value our experiences as we should? Have we so profited by today’s experience that it does not need to be repeated? Some one has said that we rise by means of the things we put beneath our feet. All the manifestations of evil must be put beneath our feet (spiritual understanding), for there is no other way to gain the victory over them.

So let us not complain, but rejoice! With a song of thanksgiving, let us take up our cross and bear it manfully until we are able to lay it down through demonstration of Truth and Love.

Because Paul had learned how to profit by his experiences, he loved them. He said, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in distresses for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then am I strong.” He rejoiced because the discords of sense, more than its harmonies, enabled him to “put off the old man with his deeds.”

Each day affords us many opportunities to show how firmly we believe that God is the only power, and Love the only intelligence.

The mental act of thanksgiving carries one far beyond the realm of doubt into that atmosphere of Truth and faith where all things are possible. Go not back to asking but continue to give thanks that you have received.

Mary Baker Eddy
(Quoted in Eustace p. 1036)

Giving Thanks

Bicknell Young

Man is protected by divine Love, informed by infinite Mind, enveloped in the radiant joyousness of Soul, and governed by immutable Principle. He is maintained eternally by divine Life. The more one loves, the greater and more expansive will be his happiness. Many a patient has been healed by simply learning to be grateful. The joy that accompanies spiritual understanding knows enough to give thanks for what eye hath not seen.

There is no question that health and gratitude go hand in hand. Mankind must finally learn that unceasing gratitude is truly essential if one would walk close to God. What an extraordinary change would take place in the world today if we would all endeavor to be grateful for everything now! This does not mean the empty saying, “I am grateful.” It means experiencing appreciation. A truly honest expression of gratitude on the part of anyone is unmistakable proof that he is communing with God. So let us be happy and grateful, now and forever!

Wonderfully Sustained by Truth

Mary E. Christie

Christian Science Sentinel, December 6, 1900

An unforgettable practical lesson on refusing to be distracted by what appears to be an overwhelming display of “mortal mind, alias matter,” the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900, the deadliest storm in U.S. history.

“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee.” — Isaiah. It was on September 8 last, at the time of the Galveston flood, that I found more faith in God, and I am prompted to write my experience that others may see what Christian Science can do, and has done for us in the storm and darkness.

The tempest was raging and our home was situated only a short distance from the Gulf. At half past two o’clock in the afternoon, my husband came home from town with great difficulty. At that hour the rain was falling in torrents and the sea water was gradually covering the streets in the lower parts of the city. However, we were not apprehensive of any danger, having always lived on the coast and being accustomed to ordinary coastal storms. During the remainder of the afternoon, we read the Bible and Science and Health constantly.

As night came on, a neighbor sent for us to come over to her house, as she was alone and becoming alarmed; but the water had risen to such a height and the storm increased in such violence, that we were unable to leave our house. This was something altogether unexpected, and we began to appreciate what Science was to us.

We had our house girl (who is a Scientist) come in with us; and with Nezzell, our little six-year-old daughter, we all sat quietly down to realize the Omnipotence of God. My husband read the Ninety-first and Ninety-third Psalms. I read Science and Health, page 189, and we ceased to concern ourselves about our safety but left that entirely with God.

The elements now seemed wrought up to their highest point, the house was rocking like a cradle, and it seemed almost beyond human belief that it could withstand such a terrific wind. Still there was no fear. Soon I discovered that the water was coming through the floors. In a few moments we felt an awful jar, and as the water came pouring in through the door casings, we knew that the house was off its foundation. The lights had gone out and we were groping in total darkness, in water to my waist. Here the following verse from Isaiah came to me: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

My husband took our little girl in his arms and we went into the kitchen, where a door had blown open and we discovered that we were floating. Soon the water reached my chin, and every piece of furniture in the house was floating. For just one brief moment fear tried to take possession of me, but the thought came to me: “Underneath are the Father’s everlasting arms.” My husband told me to get up on the kitchen stove, which was two feet under water but was the only thing in the house that was stationary. So I was lifted above the wave. All four of us stood on the stove without difficulty.

It was suggested that each of us say aloud something Scientific. My husband repeated the Scientific Statement of Being (Science and Health). He repeated those dear consoling words of our Leader, “Peace, be still! our Father is at the helm.” Then I repeated the first verse of the Ninety-first Psalm: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty,” and I was followed by our little one, with the first verse of Mrs. Eddy’s beautiful poem “Satisfied:” —

It matters not,

What be thy lot

So Love doth guide;

For storm or shine—

Pure peace is thine—

What’er betide.

We then silently tried to realize God’s allness and to know that “He holds the wind in His fist.” About eleven o’clock Nezzell noticed that the water was receding, and we found a lamp and some dry matches and were thus able to see. Our experience lasted from five o’clock in the afternoon until half past two the next morning. Most of that time we were in the water. When we became chilled, warm clothing floated nearby which served to keep us warm, wet as they were.

Not until we were able to leave our house did we realize how wonderfully we had been protected and how much we had to be thankful for. We found that our house had floated a distance of two blocks. Upon going around to where it had stood, where there had been hundreds of pretty homes, the houses were piled up in mountains of wreckage all around us, while our house had been carried to the highest part of the highest street in the neighborhood and there it stood perfectly intact, out of harm’s way from the floating debris which would surely have demolished it. We feel grateful that we had placed our safety in our Father’s hands with the feeling that “not my will, but Thine, be done,” knowing full well that “He doeth all things well.”

We attribute our safety entirely to Christian Science, and we are striving to show our gratitude to Mrs. Eddy by following more closely in her footsteps, learning of her great humility, deep love, and broad charity for all mankind.

A New Song

The Earl of Dunmore, C.S.B.

Oh! let us sing unto the Lord

A new and tuneful song

Of gratitude for that new word

Mankind has yearned for long.

A joyful noise then let us make;

Yea, joyful let us be!

Bring hither lute, and timbrel take,

With harp and psaltery.

The Lord has put in every mouth

This grateful song of praise;

Its sound shall echo north and south

Throughout earth’s devious ways.

Many shall see, and some shall fear;

Others be found among

Those few who journey, far and near,

To hearken to this new song.

From this new sunlit song divine

The benefits we reap

Are when its rays so brightly shine

It wakens men from sleep.

The night’s far spent, the day draws on,

Let us cast out of sight

The works of darkness, and put on

The armour of God’s light.

’Tis error’s night that is far spent;

’Tis truth that fills the dawn;

No error’s song, with discord rent,

Can face the light of morn.

Sing we this song unto the Lord,

And let all nations see

That TRUTH, LIFE, LOVE, have every chord

Replete with harmony.

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From Mrs. Eddy

Scripture Leadings

Mary Baker Eddy

Christian Science Journal, December 1885

“Blessed are the poor in spirit.

Humility, with its attendant receptiveness, leaves open the way for the workings of the holy Spirit. It is the first requisite for obtaining knowledge of spiritual things. To be poor in spirit is to possess a fullness of soul wealth.

“The meek shall inherit the earth.” Not the physically strong but the spiritually minded shall have dominion. This is now being demonstrated. Mind is controlling the elements. Every invention that reveals the hitherto hidden secrets of nature and makes a former master a servant, is a demonstration of a victory of mind. But greater victories are being attained in the control of mind over the body. This is the gist of Christ’s teachings. It makes man manly and woman womanly. It is the principle of bravery, inspiring with consciousness of strength in the midst of misfortunes and perplexities.

Jesus says that a desire for righteousness shall be realized. Also, he says that the pure in heart shall see God, or, as the original renders it — “shall see Good.” Truly the pure in heart see good in everything. To the pure — to the spiritual — all things are pure. In the consideration of this lovely thought, we can close our eyes to the world, and so be answer to our Lord’s prayer, “in it, but not of it.” “Blessed are ye when men shall persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake; rejoice and be exceeding glad, for so persecuted they the prophets that were before you.” To be original, or “peculiar,” to oppose the doings of the world, to speak the sentiments of the heart even if they are unpopular, means, to be persecuted by those who think and act differently. Jesus found it, and so will we find it. Let us not suppose for an instant that the phariseeism of eighteen hundred years ago has died out — that men are free from traditions, or do not preach for doctrines the commandments of men.

On one occasion when Jesus was preaching in the synagogue to a very fashionable congregation, it is recorded that he used these words: “Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees, ye shall in no case enter the kingdom of heaven.” We can imagine their surprise when he said that. We can, without drawing upon the imagination, have an idea of the effect such words would have on a fashionable congregation in our own day. Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the clergymen and deacons, and church-officers of these times, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven — yet he means for us just that. By their fruits ye may know them. The fruits of the Spirit are charity and patience, and healing thoughts. The constant exercise of these virtues renders us righteously fit for the kingdom of heaven. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not on the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.”

For reason that Spirit is immortal, they who live in the spirit are alive, and they who have an erroneous belief of life in matter, of pleasure in sin or sense, shall have to submit to a death of such beliefs before they can be born again to know that God is spirit, and that they are made in His image and likeness. A false belief renders it impossible to discern spiritual things, therefore sensuality cannot see God — or see Good.

The “wrath of God” is a condition of erroneous beliefs. Erroneous belief is a dream of sickness, sin, and sorrow from which we should awake. What is called death is a chemical change—a violent awakening from these dreams of pain and pleasure, of sickness and sin.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, London, England

My Beloved Brethren: —The chain of Christian unity, unbroken, stretches across the sea and rises upward to the realms of incorporeal Life — even to the glorious beatitudes of divine Love. Striving to be good, to do good, and to love our neighbor as ourself, man’s soul is safe; man emerges from mortality and receives his rights inalienable — the love of God and man. What holds us to the Christian life is the seven-fold shield of honesty, purity, and unselfed love. I need not say this to you, for you know the way in Christian Science.

Pale, sinful sense, at work to lift itself on crumbling thrones of justice by pulling down its benefactors, will tumble from this scheme into the bottomless abyss of self-damnation, there to relinquish its league with evil. Wide yawns the gap between this course and Christian Science.

God spare this plunge, lessen its depths, save sinners and fit their being to recover its connection with its divine Principle, Love. For this I shall continue to pray.

God is blessing you, my beloved students and brethren. Press on towards the high calling whereunto divine Love has called us and is fast fulfilling the promises.

Satan is unchained only for a season, as the Revelator foresaw, and love and good will to man, sweeter than a sceptre, are enthroned now and forever.

As with Abraham

Max Dunaway

“God will provide,” said faithful Abraham

To Isaac, the lad for whom he dearly cared;

Then, lifting up his eyes, beheld a ram

To meet his need. And so the child was spared.

And in our day, whether the need arise

As small or great, private or world-wide,

It will be met. Let us lift up our eyes,

For, as with Abraham, God will provide.

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History Corner

The Mother’s Evening Prayer

William Lyman Johnson

In 1896 I wrote a solo setting for the “Communion Hymn” by Mrs. Eddy. Because Mrs. Eddy found that the music reflected the thoughts in her poetry, she wrote me on November 4 of 1896, “I have seen nothing before that has met the modus of Mind that pens my poetry. I should like to have you write the music for Mother’s Evening Prayer.”

Before work was done upon it, my interpretations of certain passages in the poem were sent to Mrs. Eddy for her to consider, and in return she suggested certain interpretations. Into her poems “Christ My Refuge,” “Communion Hymn,” and “The Mother’s Evening Prayer,” Mrs. Eddy infused the metaphysics of Christian Science with great beauty and effect through her use of spiritual symbolism.

“The Mother’s Evening Prayer” is Mrs. Eddy’s autobiography in verse. It covers the period from the time of her healing of the injuries received from her fall in Lynn, February 1, 1866. The sustaining power of divine Love runs like a golden thread through its lines, moving in its healing and inspiring reiterations through the chaos of mortal strife to the calm of immortal peace. Love, the habitation, the mighty wing, the encircling arm, the smile of heaven, the rest that knows no end. In the poem she uses the word “child” as a symbol of her discovery, namely, Christian Science. She is the mother.

The first line of the poem deals with the healing from the fall, and the spiritual results from the healing, namely, the “gentle presence” of the healing power, the “peace” from pain: the “joy” in the knowledge that she had been healed by the same power.

The next line, “O Life divine that owns each waiting hour,” destroyed the fear that the world had come to believe — fear of future sickness, death, accident, or loss — and that because “Life divine” owns each “waiting hour,” we have no reason to fear the future, as we are a part of that “Life divine,” and know that the on-coming hours are controlled for good.

To understand the symbolism of the word “night” in the passage “Thou Love that guards the nestling’s faltering flight — Keep Thou my child on upward wing tonight.” Mrs. Eddy began to teach during the turbulent period of reconstruction just after the close of the Civil War, a time of intense pessimism in politics, finances, religion, when distrust and hatred between the North and South was in a feverish state, and mourning was in the North for the death of Abraham Lincoln. Religious doctrines were changing, and this period in America was one of fear or “night” as Mrs. Eddy symbolized it.

As she was led to send out her “nestling” on its first flight in a period of “night,” The Mother’s Prayer was for divine Love to guard it from being beaten to earth, from being trampled upon and destroyed, and to so protect it that it could wing its way over the earth. She knew that Love with gentleness, Love with all power, and Love with the all-protecting arm was about her, and she and her child took refuge in that Love, and of this she wrote:

“Love is our refuge; only with mine eye

Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall:”

In using the words “snare,” “pit” and “fall,” Mrs. Eddy employed the names of three agencies that had been used by hunters to trap animals. These represent the evils that would entrap her child. For protection the mother takes the child in her arms and finds comfort in the knowledge that

“His habitation (exalted place) is here, and nigh,

His arm encircles me, and mine, and all.”

The third stanza is eloquent of her struggles, her sacrifices, and her faith after her teachings were being used and disseminated by her students. Those trying early years of her labors, of church formation, of the rebellions within, and the roarings of enemies without, with the constant drain of precious hours given to encouraging students and to keeping them from straying into forbidden paths, revealed how heavy the cross and how steep the thorn-road. But instead of breaking under the burden, she knew that the only way to go on was to take the difficulties as a lesson, and that she should “love more for every hate” and have no fear, and this upwelling of the conquest over mortal strife she pictures in these words:

“O make me glad for every scalding tear,

For hope deferred, ingratitude, disdain!

Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear

No ill, — since God is good and loss is gain.”

At this point there is a definite division in the poem. The first, second and third stanzas have dealt with things spiritual and mortal, but the next two stanzas contain nothing but the spiritual.

From the first stanza to the end of the third, there has been a steady growth from her healing, the joy of being healed, the knowledge of how she was healed; the sending out of her “child,” and the finding of the refuge, the inspiration for fresh courage, the Christlike humility in asking to be “glad for every scalding tear,” the patience to wait, or to stand in readiness to “love more for every hate,” and fearing no ill through the knowledge that “God is good,” the mother lost the fear of hate which made the loss of that — a “gain.”

These upward steps brought her where she knows that she rests “Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing,” and in the “sweet secret of the narrow way,” “Seeking and finding,” always climbing upward to the mount of vision. By singing with the angels during the seeking; that is, giving out the “spiritual intuitions,” and receiving “God’s impartations to man,” the mother realized the divine presence in the spiritual impartation, “Lo, I am with you always.” But she knew also the necessity of always being awake and vigilant against evil, and the value of prayer, her recognition of safety beneath the “almighty wing” and the “finding” from each “seeking,” Mrs. Eddy has written into this fourth stanza:

“Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing;

In that sweet secret of the narrow way,

Seeking and finding, with the angels sing:

’Lo, I am with you alway.’— watch and pray.”

Many readers of this autobiographical poem have not been able to understand the last stanza which is the final step in Mrs. Eddy’s spiritual ascent. This stanza is as follows:

“No snare, no fowler, pestilence or pain;

No night drops down upon the troubled breast,

When heaven’s aftersmile earth’s tear-drops gain,

And mother finds her home and heav’nly rest.”

To comprehend clearly this spiritual summing up of the work of the mother, it is best to begin almost at the end of the stanza and work backward; namely, when the mother had gained the knowledge of the meaning of the smile of heaven, the blessing of harmony, bliss — the mortal teardrops (“earth’s tear-drops”) were dried, and, seeing only with spiritual eyes, which could not cognize the material “snare,” “fowler,” “pestilence or pain,” she realized that, like a rainbow after a storm, “heaven’s aftersmile” (blessing) propitiated her for the tears she had shed during the years of deferred hope, ingratitude, disdain; and as there was no night, “darkness,” “doubt,” “fear,” in the spiritual heaven, the mother found in that knowledge her rightful home: “Harmony; the reign of Spirit; government by divine Principle; spirituality; bliss; the atmosphere of Soul.”

Finding God

Max Dunaway

I thought of God as way up high,

Some far-off presence in the sky.

But I am wiser now; I know

That I must find Him here below.

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Interesting Squibs

’Twant me, ’twas the Lord. I always told Him “I trust you. I don’t know where to go or what to do, but I expect You to lead me,” and He always did.

Harriet Tubman

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment and learn again to exercise his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals.

Albert Schweitzer

When you blame others, you give up your power to change.


Some people see things that are and ask, ’Why?’ Some people dream of things that never were and ask, ’Why not?’ Some people have to go to work and don’t have time for all that.

George Carlin

Nothing resembles pride so much as discouragement.

Christian Science Journal 1887

This one makes a net, this one stands and wishes. Would you like to make a bet, which one gets the fishes?

Chinese Rhyme

If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it.

Jonathan Winters

If a man would move the world, he must first move himself.


If I don’t get off the mat, I’ll lose the fight.

Archie Moore

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.

Helen Keller

Obstacles cannot crush me, every obstacle yields to stern resolve.

Leonardo da Vinci

’Tis man’s to fight, but Heaven’s to give success.


This is all the inheritance I give to my dear family. The religion of Christ will give them one which will make them rich indeed.

Patrick Henry

I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.

Phyllis Diller

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill

Alas! You complain that your soul is out of tune. Then, ask the Master to tune the heart-strings.

Charles Spurgeon

On God for all events depend;

You cannot want when God’s your friend.

Weigh well your part and do your best;

Leave to your Maker all the rest.

Nathaniel Cotton

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From the Early Workers

Christian Science in Space

A Facebook Post

May 5, 2021, marks the 60th anniversary of Alan Shepard’s historic flight aboard Freedom 7, making him the first American in space.

Alan Shepard once stated in a NASA press conference that he was not a member of any church but that he regularly attended the Christian Science church. His wife and mother were both devoted students of Christian Science and he grew up attending the Christian Science Sunday school. He took micro film of the first issue of The Christian Science Monitor from 1908 with him to the moon.

A golf teacher says, Alan Shepard, the astronaut, whom I used to teach, told me that during his Apollo 14 lunar mission in 1971, the onboard computer that gave telemetry measurements began to malfunction just as the lunar module was approaching the moon. That could have caused a disaster, because the craft was supposed to land backwards, and the astronauts needed the measurements because they couldn’t see where they were going. 

As they approached the point of no return—the time when they had to decide whether to land on the moon or turn around—Alan thought about a phrase that he told me he often relied on in difficult situations: “When things go wrong, God will put them right.”

That sounds really simple, but the way Alan said it to me, I could see the phrase wasn’t just words. It was a childlike prayer full of faith and trust. 

Back in space, the astronauts got a call from the control center in Houston just after Alan thought about that idea. An engineer had figured out the computer glitch, it was corrected, and the spacecraft landed harmoniously.

The Problem of the Hickory Tree

Louise Knight Wheatley

Christian Science Journal, March 1911, excerpt

A certain hickory tree shades our lawn. Each year when the arrival of spring causes the other trees to put forth their leaves, this one stands for weeks in gaunt and bare unloveliness. The sun may shine its brightest, and all around is growing green and beautiful, but it alone remains coldly aloof. Yet we are never concerned about it, for we know that after a while tiny buds will appear, which will swell and grow without unfolding until they stand all over its gnarled branches like stiff little Christmas candles. Then there comes a night of rain followed by a day of brilliant sunshine, and lo, a miracle is wrought! Our stubborn old hickory tree stands clothed in a garment of green.

Why can we not be just as patient with our loved ones who are having their struggle in getting started, as we are with trees? People, as well as trees, have characteristics of their own, and is there any occasion to fret and worry because all mental processes are not alike? The violet pushes through at almost the first breath of springtime, while the rose requires weeks of care before it reaches its full splendor. Each is simply unfolding after its own nature.

Have we used the same simple common sense in our dealings with people that we use in regard to our hickory tree? As we passed back and forth beneath its bare branches, did we ever inquire why it did not begin to get green like the other trees? Did we nag at it, and make its life miserable? We just went quietly along, like reasonable people, attending to our own affairs, and feeling sure that the hickory tree was doing the same.

Mrs. Eddy has reminded us of the need to “remember that the world is wide; that there are a thousand million different human wills, opinions, ambitions, tastes, and loves; that each person has a different history, constitution, culture, character, from all the rest; that human life is the work, the play, the ceaseless action and reaction upon each other of these different atoms.” (Mis. p. 224) Then why grow discouraged? Because no evidence of a change is visible to the material senses does not mean that it may not already be taking place in human consciousness. No one saw the inward struggle through which the tree had to pass before the hard bark softened sufficiently to let the first bud appear; and in like manner no one sees the conflict through which some natures grope their way toward the light.

Perhaps, however, the argument comes, “It is my very love which makes me impatient. If I did not love so much, I should not care.” But is it really love, O troubled heart? If we probe the heart deeply enough, that which we fondly believe to be love for the tree sometimes turns out to be only love for ourselves. Before we begin to pity ourselves, that we have done “everything we can,” suppose we ask ourselves if we have done the one thing which is the hardest to do of all, to let go of our own sense of personal responsibility in the matter. Suppose we try a little harder to remember that it is not “our” tree at all, but God’s.

Suppose we remember instead that the real tree and the real man are perfect ideas in Mind, and that, as such, God is ever conscious of them. Suppose we try to remember that God’s work is already done; that the hickory tree, to Him, is already as beautiful as the weeping willow, because He can see that which is still hidden from our dull eyes—the perfect, finished spiritual creation; and that in His way (not ours) and in His time (not ours), this eternal fact will be made manifest to human consciousness.

Meanwhile do we honestly desire to see it work out its problem? Then suppose we step aside and give it a chance. It is possible that the one thing it needs is just to be let alone. Do not let us crowd the slowly unfolding idea, for overanxiety has a smothering effect at times. Let us get ourselves far enough in the background to allow the free winds of heaven to blow and the warm sunshine to do its work. It was God’s tree before it was ours. Can we not trust Him to take care of it?

Do we really love? Have we really the best interests of the loved one at heart? Then prove it. That which is truly love, and not its counterfeit, can not only

Speak the word that’s needed, yet

Can hold its peace as well: nor doth forget

When things seem wrong, love shows itself most great

By sometimes being willing just to wait.

The Omnipotence of God

William D. McCrackan

Christian Science Sentinel, April 22, 1905

The word “omnipotence” is frequently used to mean superior power or supreme power. But what omnipotence really means is all-power or all-mightiness; not merely a power superior to other powers, but the only power. There cannot be more than “all.”

If there seem to be other so-called powers beside the only power, such powers must be delusive beliefs, counterfeits, which the recognition of God as the only power will promptly dispel as invalid and irrelevant.

An understanding of the term omnipotence is a great benefit to the human race because it forces the human mind to relinquish its hold upon the belief that there can be any evil power, or any power in evil.

We find that sin, sickness, death, or destruction cannot co-exist with omnipotent God. We must make our choice between admitting the omnipotence of God, or the reality of evil in all its forms. The two are incompatible. Christian Scientists are taught to make their choice in behalf of an omnipotent God and against any supposed reality in evil. Thus they learn to magnify God and to rejoice in a wholly good creator and first cause.

Habits and their Cure

F. E. Mason

Christian Science Journal, May 1887

In the Gospel of Matthew is found the cure for all forms of habit: “And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.” Understanding this verse will dissolve the slavery and loose the chains of oppression, which have held us in bondage, until we find ourselves in the midst of a sea of error, slaves to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or any other cruel master.

It is the fourth watch, the morning watch, the dawning of the Truth, the breaking through of the Light, after the long, dark night of error. It is here that we see with clearer vision the lesson our Master taught us by walking on the sea. Truth has lifted him up above, and he has forever put under foot whatever would drag him down and engulf him in its angry vortex of sin and bondage. How vividly he shows us that dominion is man’s birthright, and not subjection.

The great secret of success in triumphing over habits of all kinds is to understand their nothingness. In that way we show our superiority over them. Once come to the understanding that they have no power, and like Goliath, they are easily overthrown. Now, how vividly comes to us the fact of sin’s nothingness, and it should be treated as such. Go forth to meet it with the sling of Christian Science! With a well-directed missile of Truth, your giant is laid low and overthrown forever. Go through the whole category of habits, and destroy them all.

The voice of Truth is calling you today, as it did Lazarus more than eighteen-hundred years ago, to come forth. Jesus said: “Loose him, and let him go.” Come out of your grave, roll away the stone from your narrow sepulchre, strip off the error that bound you hand and foot, and put on the seamless garment of Truth. Say with Paul: “Neither height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the Love of God.”

Let us look ever to the light, and not let the world and its influence eclipse the Light of Truth.

The Rebuilding, By Nehemiah, of the Wall of Jerusalem

Annie F. Colt, C.S.

Christian Science Journal, September 1889

“I am doing a great work, so that I can not come down; why should the work cease whilst I leave it and come down to you?” To understand fully the circumstances under which the above words were said, it will be necessary to pick up a few threads of history.

Nehemiah was one of the captive princes of Judea, carried away to the court of Artaxerxes, the Persian King. Through his ability and faithfulness, he had been made cup-bearer to the king. But he could not forget Jerusalem. Upon inquiring about the condition of Jerusalem, he found that the wall of the city had been thrown down, and that it was at the mercy of neighboring enemies.

The situation of his people weighed heavily upon Nehemiah, and after laying his burden before the Lord in prayer, he obtained permission from the king to return to Jerusalem, rebuild its wall, and do all in his power to restore the Jews to their former prosperity.

Nehemiah returned, called the people together, and made preparations for rebuilding the wall. The work was prospering when the Ammonites and Moabites heard what he was doing and formed a conspiracy to attack the city and overthrow the work.

Fortunately, the Jews heard of their plan. Nehemiah, instead of being disturbed by the reports, ordered every man to put on his armor, and to keep right on rebuilding the wall. Their enemies, when they heard the Jews were prepared for attack, gave up their plans.

Nehemiah had ordered that every man should first rebuild the wall over against his own house. When this work was completed and while the Jews were rebuilding the enclosing wall of the city, their enemies again planned to make trouble; but without coming down from the wall, Nehemiah sent messengers to them with these words,— “I am doing a great work, so that I can not come down; why should the work cease, whilst I leave it and come down to you?”

In all this there is a lesson for us Christian Scientists to heed. We have been in a bondage worse than that of the Jews to the Persian king. The walls of our Jerusalem — spiritual sense — have been in ruins, and we were exposed to the attacks of our enemies, the lusts of the flesh.

The Founder of Christian Science has brought to us the perfect Truth, and has called on us to rebuild our walls. The work of rebuilding, or regeneration, must first be done in ourselves. Then comes the rebuilding of the walls for all, — the preaching of the blessed gospel of Truth to every creature. While we rebuild our own walls through Truth, our enemies are partly willing to let the work go on; but as soon as we wish to branch out, then the enemy wishes us to come down from the wall onto its level. But can we afford to do this any more than Nehemiah could? Can we afford to mingle with people on the plain of mortal mind, instead of keeping our place upon the solid foundation of the wall of Truth? If they wish to make a treaty with us, let them come up to our plane, but we cannot, must not, go back, down to theirs.

Let us look at our Sunday services and the founding of churches from this standpoint. Rebuilding the wall of Truth, through church work, we have all found that the enemy must be met and overcome. If we follow every path of opportunity that God opens for us, without being turned to either side, we shall in due time reap our reward, the gathering in of all kingdoms and nations into the glorious freedom of the sons of God as revealed in Divine Science.

Nehemiah, being the last of the prophets, was called by the Jews, “The Seal of the prophets.” How beautifully this applies to Mary Baker Eddy. She is to us the seal of the discoverers of Truth. Jesus demonstrated how the Truth was to make man perfect right here. The object of his life-work, after a few centuries, seemed to have been lost. Mrs. Eddy took on the task of rebuilding the walls of the new Jerusalem. We have been called to help her in this glorious and yet solemn task. As the tumult of the enemy is heard in our camps, she orders us to put on our armor, and to stand ready to use our swords, but not discontinue the work. She says to us with Paul, “Take unto ourselves the whole armor of God, that we may be able to withstand in the evil day; and having done all, to stand.”

Cure for Epidemics

Weatherford (Texas) News

Christian Science Sentinel, March 16, 1899

1. Stop talking and thinking about contagious diseases.

2. On arising in the morning, repeat the Lord’s Prayer in the spirit of holiness.

3. As soon as breakfast is over, before taking up your duties of the day, take your Bible and carefully read the Ninety-first Psalm, knowing “that God is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” You might linger over the lines of this beautiful Psalm: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. . . . Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” (You will observe that David said, “His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” Evidently David had more faith in God’s protecting power than he had in vaccine virus and poisonous lotions.)

4. When conversation or thoughts about disease and contagion come to you during the day, think over the inspiring words you read in the morning.

5. In the evening read the Twenty-third Psalm, re-read the Ninety-first Psalm, repeat the Lord’s Prayer, and take care above all, to observe the first of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” If you observe this commandment “in spirit and in truth,” you will not let disease of any name or nature become the chief in your thought and conversation.

It is but just to state that we got the inspiration for this prevention and cure of disease, from the writings and teachings of Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and have found this mode of treatment of infinite value in whatever case it has been applied.

It has been asked what Christian Scientists will do in a time of contagion. This is what one Christian Scientist has done to direct the thoughts of the people into higher and healthier channels. If there is anything pernicious in this advice we hope it will be pointed out to us.

Complete Immunity

Carol Conroy

I recently recalled that Mrs. Evans taught us years ago that you can’t pick up a handkerchief with a magnet. Think about that! There is nothing in the handkerchief that responds to the magnetic current. They are comprised of two entirely incompatible substances. The handkerchief is entirely immune to the magnet.

The same is true about mankind. There is nothing in man, you and me, that responds to sickness—the makeup of each does not correspond at all—they are totally incompatible, each entirely unlike the other and have no connection, no similarity, no communication. Thus, man is completely immune to attacks of disease or any untoward circumstance. Just like the handkerchief, man’s being does not, absolutely cannot, respond to contagion of any sort. It doesn’t repel it, as the opposite end of a magnet would—it doesn’t need to. It cannot even acknowledge the presence of the magnet, or the so-called disease.

Our beloved Blue Book (Course in Divinity and General Collectanea) on page 79 says, quoting Mary Baker Eddy, “There is nothing about me that attracts, corresponds with, or responds to, any form of error or evil. In proportion to your realization of this are you immune to the mesmeric and hypnotic influences of A.M.”

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Current Articles

St. John Delivered from Boiling Oil

A Kindred Heart

“When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43:2)

This citation recalls to me the story of how St. John was delivered from the cauldron of burning hot oil, which I never tire of reading. He demonstrated so magnificently that his joy could not be taken from him, even in the most dire of circumstances, as he sang hymns of praise throughout the entire ordeal!! Here is the story, from Dictionary of Miracles, by E. C. Brewer, p. 57:

“When St. John the Evangelist was ninety years old, the Emperor Domitian commanded him to be cast into a cauldron of burning hot oil. The place appointed for the torture was a large open field before the Latin gate. A huge cauldron was prepared and filled with oil, pitch, and resin, which melted over a fire of wood, and an enormous crowd assembled on the spot to see the spectacle. The evangelist, no doubt, was scourged first, according to the usual custom, and was then led forth into the field. More fire was piled up and the cauldron began to seethe and over-flow; then he was taken up and let down into the midst of the boiling mass.

“The flames were so fierce and high as wholly to conceal the martyr, but the crowd distinctly heard a voice singing in the cauldron. Everyone was amazed and waited impatiently to see the end. More and more fuel was piled on the fire, till the heat was unbearable for many yards distance, and still the voice was heard singing hymns of praise.

“At length the fire burnt out, and the multitude crowded round the cauldron, when lo! There sat the aged Apostle in the midst, wholly uninjured. The oil, the resin, and the pitch, had all boiled away, the cauldron was quite dry; but there sat the evangelist, not a hair of his head injured, but his face beaming like the sun, and his aged body actually invigorated. The officers lifted him out of the cauldron, and led him back to prison.”

What a glorious example of the truth of Mary Baker Eddy’s statements on page 14 of our textbook, where the marginal note is “Spiritualized consciousness”: “Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, – neither in nor of matter, – and the body will then utter no complaints. . . . Sorrow is turned into joy when the body is controlled by spiritual Life, Truth, and Love. . . . [because the Ego is absent from the body, and present with Truth and Love.]” (S&H 14:16-22)

Mariner’s Version of the Twenty-third Psalm


Forum post from week of March 22-26, 2021

“Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (II Kings 6:16)

Throughout World War II, a shocking number of U.S. Merchant Marine and U.S. Army Transport Service vessels were attacked and sunk, resulting in heavy casualties. In the face of such danger, Marine Captain J. Rogers composed this “Mariner’s Version” of Psalm 23, filled with powerful angel-thoughts that he entertained day and night, which preserved him from fear and gave him a sense of divine protection throughout the war.

Repeating this psalm meaningfully many times, the captain was able to crowd out fear-thoughts in such a way that the God-thoughts (angel-thoughts) eventually far outnumbered the fear-thoughts. Thus, the captain developed an immunity to fear, avoiding the trap that Job fell into, “The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.” (Job 3:25)

     The Lord is my Pilot;

I shall not drift.

He leadeth me across the dark waters

and steereth me in the deep channels.

     He keepeth my Log

and guideth me by the star of holiness

for His Name’s sake.

     Yea, though I sail amid

the thunders and tempests of life,

I shall dread no danger,

For Thou art with me;

     Thy love and Thy care, they shelter me.

Thou preparest a harbor before me

in the homeland of eternity;

     Thou anointest the waves with oil,

and my ship rideth calmly,

     Surely sunlight and starlight

shall favor me all the days of my voyaging,

and I will rest in the port of my Lord forever.

(The Mast, September 1948)

Birthdays in Christian Science

Ann from England

When I went through class with a teacher from the organization, it was very strongly advised that we should not observe birthdays at all, yours or that of others. Whilst I understand the aim of not thinking about age, since Mrs. Eddy has said to never record ages, I found this very difficult, because here, sending birthday cards is very much an act of normal caring for another, to express kind thoughts to them.

I was so happy and relieved to hear the idea of birthdays explained so clearly and practically during a recent Bible Study at Plainfield Church. It was explained that that day is the anniversary of the day you were put on the earth to do God’s work, for His glory, and to fulfil your divine destiny. This puts God back into the picture and lifts thought up, rather than trying to delete it entirely. What a lovely thought to hold, to free oneself and others from the claim of time or age. This feels a much kinder approach to me.

Every one of the Bible Studies and Roundtable discussions contain such practical teaching and instruction. I am so very grateful for each one of them!

The Five “G’s”

Dede De Almeida

The teaching our children receive from the Plainfield Sunday School is making a wonderful impression on them, and I’m so thankful for it, and for all of our Sunday School teachers.

This week my children have been reciting the five Gs, that they recently learned in Sunday School class, both in the morning and before bed.

To understand that God, good, guards, guides, and governs, is the foundation of what I’m learning in Christian Science and it’s what is having the greatest effect on my life as I continue to grow.

For children to grasp this understanding at such early ages is something that will bless them and others in their experience for years to come, and this is a priceless gift that I’m most grateful for.

A Visit to Plainfield


My heart reaches out joyously and gratefully to the Plainfield Christian Science Church and all family members there.

Last Sunday I had an opportunity to drive a far distance to attend both the Roundtable and Sunday service at the church. Arriving at the parking lot, I was greeted by a member who was keeping an eye out for my arrival. Walking into the building I was greeted by another member, and yes, hugs were plentiful! “And Love is reflected in love.” (S&H, p. 17)

The Roundtable has not only the local church family, but those who also attend by calling in from far and wide. I was grateful to be able to share in the loving instruction and experiences of those in attendance. Also, getting to attend church and be amidst members there, there was such a strong feeling of being home.

I am so grateful to the church for all that they bring to the world, whether it be through their gorgeous website that is available for free to the world to use, for all the love that is shone through the work that each member brings to the table.

I not only was greeted by a feast of love, song, and joy, but a table set for royalty with foods prepared at home and brought to the table and served to all. Yes, my tummy and heart were full to the brim as I began the long drive home.

I am also grateful to have stumbled onto a link leading me home to Plainfield Christian Science Church. My heart is very grateful for the preservation of teachings of many of those who were close to Mrs. Eddy—students she gave careful instruction to, and who in turn taught others what the Christ Science really is! I am humbled and grateful for Mrs. Eddy’s work leaving a path for us to follow. And I am most grateful for all those beautiful, welcoming family members at Plainfield Christian Science Church. My heart joyously sings of gratitude and love!

A Grateful Heart

Michaela Enzmann

A grateful heart a garden is,

Where there is always room

For every lovely, Godlike grace

To come to perfect bloom.

A heart that is grateful for every little good thing that happens every moment, is like an infinite garden. There is room for even the littlest seed of Godlike grace to grow, flourish, and bring forth fruit unlimited, undisturbed, forever. It chokes everything unlike God. Nothing unlike God, Good, has a chance to germinate. It is not even perceived. Only glory and praise come to mind in every situation for a grateful heart.

There is so much in just this one verse. All we need to do is to go out and practice it.

Light and Darkness

Ann from England

My jaw literally dropped on Saturday, April 18, 2021, when I was listening to the Bible Study, and I heard the discussion about light dissipating and vanquishing darkness.

Just a few hours earlier, I had been sitting in the sunshine in our little field, looking out onto the valley in front of me and thinking about light and darkness. I realized to what extent light has all the power. The second the light arrives, it banishes the darkness.

Darkness can appear to have power, because when there is no light, it seems to exist, big and powerful. But the minute light is turned on, darkness is gone. It can’t resist the light or force the light to go away, all it can do is appear when light is turned off. Yes, the light, Truth, has all the power, and darkness, error, has none at all! So the moment Truth shines its light, error, the darkness is seen for what it is—absolutely nothing.

It made me realize that the glory of light also carries with it a huge responsibility. Light simply must shine, for if it doesn’t, darkness cannot help but return. If the sun does not come up one day, the night would just continue with a disastrous impact on life.

And so those of us who find the light — the Truth — have a huge responsibility to shine it forward just as much as we can. We simply cannot allow our lights not to shine at maximum power in maximum places.

It was a wonderful moment, but also a profound realization of the gift, and also the responsibility we have been given. It was then incredibly fitting to hear you speak of this a few hours later and so many miles away.

I am so grateful to have the light of Christian Science, and especially to have found the brightest light at Plainfield. I am so grateful to have been accepted into your membership, and I look forward to shining my light even brighter with what I am learning here.

Human Mind Handled

Jeremy Palmer

It’s been said that the human mind, when left unhandled, works to hurt us and separate us from the Truth. But applying the Truth to these disturbing memories and thoughts can bring healing and forgiveness to ourselves and others.

I had a lot of self-loathing that has been healed. I didn’t really have a good relationship with my mother, and I now feel healed of this. But there was one lingering painful memory that needed to be healed. Just after my first wife and I divorced and she remarried, there was a time where she had our kids call the new husband “daddy.” This was very painful, and left me pretty angry for a long time.

Learning to live this Science, and having the place and purpose that God has given me here, the pain of the memory was definitely lessening. Couple that with the fact that my kids and I have a really good relationship, I certainly have nothing to complain about. Also, knowing that God is my Father and their Father helped a lot.

That said, it still was the only memory I had to actively handle my feelings about. This was until just a few months ago, when a real angel message helped me to finally be healed of this. I had the sudden realization of what it means that the human mind, when left unhandled, really works to hurt us and separate us from the Truth, and how it applied to that situation.

I could see that my ex-wife didn’t know how to handle animal magnetism, so she let it work through her to try to hurt me. I didn’t know how to handle it, so I took it personally and let it hurt me. But in the end, the reality is, it wasn’t from God, and it wasn’t true about her or me, and Christian Science allows me to prove what Mrs. Eddy wrote on page 538 of Science and Health: “evil has no history.”

I am so grateful for this understanding, as it has healed that situation completely. Christian Science constantly proves itself to be the only way to true healing and true happiness and freedom.

Not a Path of Flowers

Gary Singleterry

I am very grateful for the life-changing lessons that I have learned through Christian Science. One that I have been thinking about relates to a statement in Science and Health which reads, “final deliverance from error is not reached through paths of flowers.”

I grew up attending Sunday School in Boston-affiliated churches; and by the time I arrived here in Plainfield as a young adult, I had the strong perception that the primary purpose of Christian Science was to enable us to live a life without problems, without confrontation, — in other words, a path of flowers.

I had some wonderful healings, with the help of a fine practitioner here in Plainfield, healings of sickness, career issues and family issues. I knew I had found the correct practice of Christian Science here, but in the back of my mind, there was this nagging concern; why was I having problems? Why was I so uncomfortable in confrontational situations? In other words, what was wrong with me that my life was not a path of flowers?

Mrs. Evans, a fine practitioner and a teacher in this church, provided the answer for me, and I’m so grateful that she did. She taught me, first, that the primary purpose of Christian Science is not to make our lives problem free; rather it is to destroy the beliefs of sickness and sin for all mankind. And, through our prayers and for standing for what is right, to free us all to be what God made, — perfect as God is. And if a problem comes up, it is a stepping stone in our spiritual growth; it is to strengthen our understanding that God heals. And if we take a strong stand for what’s right, sure, it’s going to be uncomfortable, because the devil does not want to be exposed and destroyed. So, get over it.

Facing and overcoming problems each day is not something to be avoided. It’s really an essential part of our spiritual growth. It took a while, but once this revelation sank in, it made a huge difference in my life. I no longer condemn myself or got annoyed for experiencing problems. I stopped shying away from confrontational situations. If I felt uncomfortable in them, that was okay because I knew it wasn’t me; it was the error that did not want to be destroyed, but was ripe for destruction. I thank God for the help of Mrs. Evans and for other practitioners in this church, and for Mrs. Eddy for faithfully giving us this clear and complete explanation of what life is really all about.

Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

A Kindred Heart

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

I continue to be in awe of the manner in which Plainfield’s weekend discussions, and weekly Lessons, flow together so seamlessly. I like to follow up the weekend Bible Studies and Roundtables by reading, or re-reading, articles and books that are mentioned. Most recently, I read, for the first time, David L. Keyston’s article entitled “What Prospers Healing?” that was mentioned during a recent Roundtable (5/23/21). These lines stood out to me: “We must handle the aggressive suggestion that wishes to keep her [Mrs. Eddy’s] inspired status hidden, and expose it for what it is, hatred of God’s chosen messenger of Truth, alias the red dragon, malicious mesmerism.” Is not this the epitome of mesmerism which must be denounced?!

Towards the end of this enlightening article, under the heading, “What Will Be Done? Who Will Do It?,” the author makes the point, which, I must admit, was quite a jolt to me — that it is the apathetic Christian Scientist who, “To know the truth concerning this most important point [Mrs. Eddy’s inspired status and mission] and to do nothing is the ’spiritual wickedness in high places’ spoken of in scripture” (emphasis added). Oh my! I sorely felt the sting of such a rebuke when I read this, lest I be one of “the apathetic agents of the mesmerism that refuses to stand for [our] Leader”!

I am reminded of Edmund Burke’s famous statement: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” (emphasis added). And, Albert Einstein’s very similar observation: “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” (emphasis added).

How wise was our dear, beloved, forever Leader, Mrs. Eddy, in her Manual instruction, “Alertness to Duty,” whereby we must not be apathetic, nor forget this all-important duty to her, which is required to prosper healing, and thus the Cause of Christian Science!

Thank God for His Kingdom Within Us!

Florence Roberts

I am so grateful for Mary Baker Eddy, for her masterpiece Science and Health, and all her other writings. I do pray every day that the right appreciation of this wonderful, special gift to mankind will be known around the world, so that her message, the special message of salvation for all the world, may be known and accepted! Great blessings are in these words that she has written. I was so touched by what she says about the kingdom of heaven as: “The abode of Spirit, the realm of the real. No matter is there, no night is there — nothing that maketh or worketh a lie.” Mis. p 174.

I don’t think I’ve ever paid too much attention to this citation, but how wonderful it would be to recall this when those “lying” suggestions come; especially when they come as some awful pain or as something alarming. She says there is no matter there, and no night there, and this kingdom, as Christ Jesus has said, is within all of us! May all of us awake to what is within us, and may we, with the deepest gratitude, nourish and cherish it so that we may gain its blessings of spiritual understanding and dominion over evil. Thus our lives may be an example to others for them to awaken to the kingdom within them, for their freedom.

Speak with Authority to Your “Mountains”

Mary Beth Singleterry

Mary Baker Eddy’s chapter on Prayer in Science and Health is truly a masterpiece. She says that Jesus’ prayers were humble protests of Truth. That word “protest” means to make a solemn declaration. So, prayer is actually affirmation, as Mrs. Eddy has said — you are declaring the Truth in the face of an error or a problem.

In Mark chapter 11, Jesus is quoted as saying, “Have faith in God. For verily I say into you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatever he saith.”

Speak to your mountains! As many of you know from my testimonies, I had many challenges which seemed to me like huge, insurmountable mountains. Here, Christ Jesus is saying, you speak to those mountains. Don’t let those mountains speak to you, you tell them a thing or two! When you do that, and keep at it, even though you may not get immediate results, if you keep at it, it works!

You often hear us say to study pages 390 to 393 in Science and Health. This is how you speak to those mountains. We call these pages Mrs. Eddy’s command statements. “Dispute the testimony of the material senses with divine Science.” “Suffer no claim of sin or of sickness to grow upon the thought.” “Rise in the conscious strength of the spirit of Truth to overthrow the plea of mortal mind.” “Banish the belief that you can possibly entertain a single intruding pain which cannot be ruled out by the might of mind.”

Those are just a few of the quotes from pages 390 to 393. This is how you speak to your mountain, whether it seems like a physical mountain, a mountain of despair, financial problems. Whatever it is, you speak to that mountain and don’t listen to what it has to say. In doing so, you will chip away at it, and, to quote Mrs. Eddy, it will “diminish until it finally disappears.”

This is the power of prayer as taught by Mary Baker Eddy in our textbook. I am so grateful for this understanding of the prayer of affirmation. It can bring all to pass because truly, nothing is impossible to God!

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Letters of Gratitude

Thanks to Faith, Jared, and Bruce for contributing to the musical beat of our lives. Thank you for your continuous work.

I work in front of the computer 14 hours a day, hardly ever getting up from it, trying to solve problems of others most of the time. It is easy to lose track and think unscientific thoughts. Lately I set my telephone ringtone to play your “Peace on Earth” so that before I pick up the phone, I get my thoughts right. I also set an alarm for every two hours during the day, when certain hymns start playing, just to remind myself to get out of the rat race for a moment. My favorites are “If We Ever Needed the Lord Before” and “I Go to the Rock.” Needless to say, it also gets me up from the table for a bit of boogie, so now I am fully compliant with at-home work safety principles.


My granddaughter Maggie, ten, is so enjoying and benefiting from our wonderful Sunday School for young people! Every week our Sunday School teacher, Lynda, emails the children’s lesson for that Sunday and I forward it on to my daughter, who prints it and shares it with Maggie. We are all so grateful for these simple truths that are presented in such a fun way. Maggie loves them and my daughter and I rejoice that she is receiving Christian Science in these easy-to-understand lessons.


I am so grateful for all your offerings. I listen to the Roundtable and readings of articles online whenever I can during every week. The truths you send in your printed pieces are so needed, and I am very grateful that you send them to me, for I cherish them — especially the Liberator. I feel I am a kindred spirit with you all.

I am a member of a small society, which I feel needs my thought for support, and also of an Association which I work for as well, and love dearly. Still, I feel your church puts forth the additional love of Truth that fulfills my need, and I appreciate so very much all you are doing for Mrs. Eddy and her Cause.

With love and gratitude.
South Carolina

Another excellent Roundtable on April 11, 2021, not giving in to discouragement. I’ve listened to it twice already and have received such comfort and support from the insistent and loving reminders to stay the course.

I am so grateful for the Plainfield Church and to know that we all share the common work and supporting love to do all good for God first. Truly the education and insight provided are top notch and I’d probably have had to attend a Christian Science college to receive this knowledge, but Plainfield gives it out free. This is not to say that it has been pain-free to uncover past and current errors in my thinking and action. Much to clean up.

Much Aloha.

This week’s Lesson on Probation After Death is the best explanation of the change called death I have ever read. I never understood it totally until reading this Lesson. I was brought up in a different church where I thought when you died you went to heaven and that was it. Not so! “The sin and error which possess us at the instant of death do not cease at that moment.” (S&H) We need to rid ourselves of the belief of sin, disease, death, and a power apart from God.

Thank you Lesson writer for this clarification.

New Jersey

Hi! Spring is beautiful and it is nice to greet you all again. I feel very grateful that I am starting in Christian Science. And I also feel very grateful to infinite Mind and His Christ for rebirth. And because my prayer to find a Christian Science church was answered, in fact, my prayer was answered in a better way than I had expected.

Although I have had many healings and demonstrations in Christian Science, somehow I lost my way, and therefore there are demonstrations that I have failed to see. I have not reached the spiritual understanding required for it. Carelessness and disobedience to God and the Christ brings its costs; but thanks to Him, I am back on the Way again.

I am in a new stage of correcting my thinking in many aspects, even in my way of praying. My prayer now is more positive than before. Re-reading the Watching Points and listening to the services, Roundtables and Bible Studies at the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent, have been basic to this. They have helped me regain hope for healing from things I had almost given up on.

Yours in Christ.

In appreciation for the wonderful resources made available at your church, I wanted to share a poem by Mrs. Eddy (Collectanea, Addenda, p. 16):


He who hath made thee whole,

Will keep thee day by day;

He who hath spoken to thy soul,

Hath many things to say;

He who hath gently taught,

Yet more will make thee know;

He who hath wonders wrought,

Still greater things will show,

He loveth always — faileth never,

Then rest in Him today — forever.


In my printed copies of the March 2021 “Love is the Liberator,” I found the insert: Models Of Excellence Mary Baker Eddy issue. What a happy surprise to find this very special presentation, including a dear and loving picture of Mrs. Eddy on the cover. This was produced for the Sunday School children, and it can be found on the Sunday School section of the church website.

I am so grateful for all those involved in the Sunday School work, giving the children a clear and strong foundation — making God a very real presence and power for good in their lives. They are given basic truths to follow the Bible, and in this Issue are concrete examples to follow from the life of Mary Baker Eddy, as she followed Christ Jesus — and all done through Love!


I am very happy and feeling very joyful when I listened to the Lesson in the Punjabi language. The previous Lesson, (Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?) is really amazing and I am enjoying listening to it again and again.

I am also looking for more books in my languages Hindu and Punjabi, to read and get spiritual food from them.

God place His grace on the whole team in the Christian Science Church. In Jesus’ name.


Thank you for membership in the Plainfield Christian Science Church. It really means a lot to be a member. Thank you for all the good inspiration your homepage channel gives us all. Writings such as Watches and Lesson Sermon Quarterly from you are valuable indeed, they are life changing.


The Roundtable on April 4, 2021, was incredibly helpful. Not only inspirational, but grounded in the Science I know and love, and which I haven’t heard in a very long time.

Everyone brings just a little different aspect to the conversation, so points are fully understandable. In addition, and most importantly, the personal applications are a great comfort. They give me strength and encourage a hopeful attitude towards handling my own challenges so that I may be of better service in the world.

The reading of the Golden Text and Responsive Reading today especially penetrated my heart in a way that will be lasting.

Much love to all of you who make these teachings available in such a beautiful, artful, and accessible way.

North Carolina

Hi, happy to say hello to you once more. I finally finished the translation of 500 Watching Points. Attached is the final version.

I send it to you with so much gratitude to God for this opportunity He gave me to finish this work started some time ago in His service. The rereading and revision combined with the sessions and services at the Plainfield Church have been very helpful and a blessing to me; it has been like a new birth into true Christian Science. And I thank God for this and all the work you do in the church for the world. It is a great mission.


I’d like to express gratitude for the writings which the Plainfield Church is conserving, protecting, and making widely available in the world. I recently obtained a hard copy of the Course in Divinity and General Collectanea (the “Blue Book”), and have also been reading Essays and Other Footprints, which are available on the church website. Both are giving me lots to think about, and I am very grateful for finding Plainfield and all the early workers.

I’m very grateful for the Bible Studies and Roundtable sessions which I look forward to and it is particularly helpful to hear passages from the Bible discussed, which I have struggled with, and often not been happy that I have not understood their meaning.

I am very grateful for the life and example of Christ Jesus, for the dedication of Mrs. Eddy, for the contributions of everyone at Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent, and also for regular practitioner support.

Thank you and love to all.


I’d like to express gratitude for recent Bible Studies and Roundtables provided by Plainfield. The one about Joseph was very good, and helpful to me in thinking and praying about a situation here.

Also, the session talking about the Great Litigation was most informative. The truth has been buried, and I thank you for bringing this to light. I am grateful to Plainfield for making available the writings of early workers, and for all the work to provide material in other languages, too, thereby blessing the world.

Much gratitude to everyone at Plainfield.


Great gratitude for the continued inspiration via the Roundtable today! (March 14, 2021) Mary Baker Eddy’s words on page 135 from Science and Health, “Spiritual evolution alone is worthy of the exercise of divine power” continues to help me in keeping my “desire” aligned with God’s holy purpose.

North Carolina

God’s blessings on all of you for your steadfast determination to live the Truth of Christian Science and let your light shine!

I am so grateful to have found you. I look forward to living Christian Science with you.


Many thanks for the readings at the Wednesday, May 19, 2021, Testimony Meeting, on “We should go to God for healing.” The readings were inspiring, comforting, and vitally important in stating the advantages of Mind-healing and the scientific requirements of each one of us! I truly appreciate what was given, have shared it with others, and they were grateful as well. And thank you for each testimony given, showing the practical application of this Science, which was lived by Christ Jesus, and given to the world by Mary Baker Eddy.


Thank you so much for that wonderfully strong and divinely inspired article, “What Prospers Healing?” by David Keyston on the Plainfield website. It is most necessary reading for every Christian Scientist who wants to grow spiritually in Christian Science. Thank you to all at this church who have selflessly stood and valiantly supported Mrs. Eddy and her divine revelation. The world would be lost without your stand.


I am so grateful for the reading (May 23, 2021) from the Gill Commentary on Luke 12:1 to “Beware ye of the Leaven of the Pharisees. . .” It really opened up my understanding that there is no good or bad in the concept of leavening, but it is the context in which it rises, as to whether it is building upon spiritual understanding to a higher level of understanding of God, good, or leading me away, unawares, into the corruption and infection of my principles and practices. Thank you for this “leavening” instruction. I always look forward to learning something new each week from the Roundtable.


I just wanted to send a line of thanks for the beautiful piece, “Be Still My Soul” on Sunday May 23, 2021, and also for all the music which goes into your services and meetings. I am very grateful for all the work, practice and preparation involved. Thank you very much.


My thrill of the day was receiving the books I ordered from the Plainfield Christian Science website — 500 Watching Points and Collectanea! True gems more valuable than gold and silver. I am so grateful we have access to these priceless gifts.

My gratitude is overflowing to the Plainfield Church.


Thank you for the website resources! I listen to the Lesson daily. Thank the readers for me.

New Jersey

Thank you so much for the reminder on the Sunday January 31, 2021 Roundtable, to read this book, The Greatest Thing in the World, by Henry Drummond. It has helped me so much this week in my day-to-day work and interactions.

I was so heartened to read in the chapter called “The Analysis”: “The World is not a playground; it is a schoolroom.” And further: “Do not quarrel, therefore, with your lot in life. Do not complain of its never-ceasing cares, its petty environment, the vexations you have to stand, the small and sordid souls you have to live and work with. Above all, do not resent temptation; do not be perplexed because it seems to thicken round you more and more, and ceases neither for effort nor for agony nor prayer. That is your practice. That is the practice which God appoints you; and it is having its work in making you patient, and humble, and generous, and unselfish, and kind, and courteous. Do not grudge the hand that is moulding the still too shapeless image within you. It is growing more beautiful, though you see it not; and every touch of temptation may add to its perfection.”

This book has so much to learn from and I am very grateful for it, and this church.


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Testimonies of Healing

Can Only Be Invaded by God, Good!

from P. D. in New York

I would like to express my gratitude today for this powerful healing. In the middle of last week, I started exhibiting signs of what at first appeared to be a sore throat. As the days advanced, these symptoms became more aggressive and alarming. I worked with some statements from the Divinity Course and General Collectanea (the Blue Book) and the Bible Lesson, and there was some improvement. However, by the week-end I was in pain, had lost my sense of taste, smell, and appetite. 

My daughter called me during this time and noted I was not well. She is not a Christian Scientist and immediately urged me to have a Covid test. I laughed and told her I would not; nevertheless, after I hung up the phone, I started to worry about the possibility of having this belief. With such thinking, I started to feel worse.

The next day I called my practitioner and asked for prayerful support to see myself as God’s child, pure and perfect. She told me to work with the Scientific Statement of Being from Science and Health, p 468, and that she would pray. I also prayed with what Mrs. Eddy wrote in Science and Health, pg. 370:20: “A physical diagnosis of disease — since mortal mind must be the cause of disease — tends to induce disease.” Soon I realized I’ve been allowing myself to entertain the possibility of having this virus. I continued to read Science and Health and to affirm I could not be invaded by anything but God, good. The symptoms started to disappear like the mist when the sun shines. Next day I was fine, my appetite, my sense of smell and taste were all back as well.

I’m grateful for Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, our textbook, Science and Health with key to the Scriptures, for the practitioner support and for the Plainfield Church.

A Baby Case

from S.W. in New Jersey

I found Christian Science as a young mother with two small children. Shortly after coming to Plainfield Church, I became pregnant again. With my first two children, I was in labor for many hours; and my parents, who went to a different church, were quite worried about the thought of having a baby without medication. My practitioner was Mrs. Evans, and I told her about their worries. She actually came to our house to meet with my parents. They asked her what would happen if I needed medical aid, and she kindly assured them that if I needed medication, I would most certainly have it. My parents’ fear was healed by talking with her.

My labor was extremely short and completely painless. I told a nurse that the baby was coming, but she assured me it wasn’t, that it was too early in the labor for the baby to be born. My husband believed me and went to the nurse’s station and had them call the doctor. The doctor knew of Mrs. Evans’ work, and he came quickly. His office was just a couple of blocks away. My husband saw the doctor run down the hall, throw his coat off, put on his gloves and scrubs, and he came into the delivery room just in time to catch the baby. Perfect timing!

When visiting hours started, Mrs. Evans met my parents in the hallway. They were very grateful for her prayerful work; and several years later, my mother joined our church. 

God in Control

from L. D. in Missouri

Recently one of my two Chihuahuas was sleeping beside me on the sofa. When she awoke and stood up, she was unable to stay standing. She kept falling over, completely unbalanced, and unable to control her legs. She managed to get off the sofa, but as she walked towards the kitchen she fell over several times

I picked her up and held her in my arms. I declared several truths to her with firm conviction. The focus on God’s allness came to thought, and I asserted that no inharmony can enter our household because God is All. There can be no lack of balance, no disorientation, no distress, and no lack of control, because God, our ever-present help in times of trouble, is in control of everything always. The statement from “Body” by Martha Wilcox, “Every cell and fiber of my being is expressing the sovereignty of God or proclaiming ’I am’” filled my thought. After a few moments I put her down on the floor and she was completely normal, and has been so ever since. The problem, which was alarming, vanished very quickly.

What a wonderful example of error fleeing before the Truth! I rejoiced. “Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.” (Luke)

Astigmatism Healed

from C. T. in New Jersey

I thank God for the healing of astigmatism soon after I joined this church several years ago. At the time if my eyes became tired, one of them would look off to one side. I realized God controls my eye muscles, and soon after my eye stopped looking to the side.

Years later I got a poor eye exam result, so I asked a practitioner in our church for a healing. She worked for me and directed me to study the article “Eyes and Ears” by Bicknell Young. This article is available from our church and handles the belief of sight deteriorating with age or accident.

I thank God for the help of our healing practitioners in this church.

Safety while Driving

from K. E. in Washington State

I am so grateful that God showed me the way to Plainfield. I am learning more here in a short time then I had as a lifelong Christian Scientist. I also discovered I have a lot to learn, and I feel I’m in the right place to do it.

I love the Roundtables, Bible Studies and Sunday church services. They always seem that they were designed just for what I need. I am grateful for everyone who contributes to make them possible.

After listening to the Roundtable and church service I was rejoicing in the Risen Christ and the nothingness of false evil suggestions as I was on my way to my daughter’s to feed her cat while she was out of town. We live just outside of the city, and the road I travel into town is a busy two-lane highway, with traffic moving very fast.

I had been listening a lot to the Roundtables and Bible Studies. About 20 seconds later a whole line of more cars was coming toward me down the highway. The lead car started going in the turn lane in front of me as if he was going to turn, but the car wasn’t slowing down to turn—it was coming straight at me without slowing down. I immediately and firmly out loud said, “NO!” Immediately the car swerved back into its right lane and missed me.

Now that was in and of itself wonderful, but what was most remarkable was that through the whole thing I never felt afraid, anxious, frustrated, or distress of any kind. I was so full of the Truth that I didn’t doubt or second guess my conviction that the car could not hit me. I just trusted God was All, and expected the driver would obey, and he did.

The article “The Power of Right Thinking” by E. Whitmore says, “The solid conviction that there is but one Mind and that Mind is altogether good, and that there is no other consciousness or power, establishes harmony, keeps us safe at all times. If we handle the lying pretentions of evil, we learn more of the truth, and grow through our experiences.”

Thanks to Plainfield practitioner support and all the resources the church provides, I am waking up. I’m so grateful to be a member of this church and to be part of this great mission of Love, and for Mary Baker Eddy’s unselfish work so we could have the tools we need to wake up to the Truth of our inseparability from God, Good.

Heart Functions with God

from M. D. in Ghana

I would like to share this healing experience with much gratitude. For some time I have felt some shortness of breath on and off during my morning walks. I did not pray about it; I ignored it because it was on and off.

Well about two weeks ago when I started walking, I couldn’t breathe at all, not through my mouth or through my nose. I was gripped with fear and was panting so much, but I decided to go for the walk anyway, not through will power but with the conviction that it is malicious animal magnetism telling me a lie God doesn’t know anything about.

Before leaving the house, I sent a message to my practitioner and asked for help. My first sentence to her was please help me. Because of the time difference I knew she might not be able to see it immediately but that she would respond as soon as she saw it.

I was walking slowly and kept asking God to open my eyes to see that I could help myself. I repeatedly recited the first two lines of Mrs. Eddy’s poem “Shepherd show me how to go o’er the hillside steep.” I went a few steps at a time, and then sat on a ledge of boulder blocks nearby. Resting and walking, I completed half of my usual route and went back home. When I got home I worked with “The heart that beats mostly for self is seldom alight with love.” (My. 160:4–5)

Then I received a message from my practitioner who said, “Perfect God has a perfect manifestation, and also asked me to ponder the Scientific Statement of being. She also mentioned to “Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts.” (S&H 261:4–7) She said my focus should be on permanently identifying with my true being, on perfection which does not animate imperfection. (S&H 243:31-32) It was clear to me it is mortal mind which is telling me I have a heart that is not functioning properly because of my age, and the fact that it’s hereditary, etc.

The following morning, the fear had left and I knew all was well, but I decided I wouldn’t go out for the walk and stayed at home to continue studying.

The third day, I got up as usual and I felt whatever it was had disappeared. I went for my walk, and this time covered the usual route. I kept on thanking God and being grateful to Her, Mrs. Eddy, my Practitioner and this church, which shares so much to open our eyes to the absolute Christian Science that Mrs. Eddy intended it to be.

I am really grateful for all the love and sharing which is making it easier to change my thought and therefore my ways in a lot of things.

A Heavenly Meal

from K. D. in California

I would like to give gratitude for what I am learning about Christian Science practice at the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent. I often see myself as one of the many, attending this Church, sitting around a dining table, set to honor God, eating His heavenly food, being presented one dish at a time, to eat, digest, and experience, prior to presentation of the next.

The carousel of articles on the Plainfield website, written by Mrs. Eddy and the early workers in Christian Science represents the dishes being brought to the dining table. Each one feeds, inspires, and corrects me, as I eat of them. They are my teachers. In looking at how my life has already changed and continues to change because of where I am dining, who I am dining with and what I am eating. I am overwhelmed and cannot express enough thanks to God for bringing me here — leading me to the feast.

Pain Healed

from M. T. in France

When I was relatively new to Christian Science, on a hiking trip, I pulled a muscle in my neck, and every tiny movement was followed by a sharp pain. As I lay on the floor of the hut where we spent the night, I started thinking of what I understood in Science about the situation.

I knew the pain cannot be real, but it surely felt very real. I assumed that it must be a mental effect, and that it stems from fear. I also understood that whenever your thought is in the wrong, you have to lay the axe at the root of it (as Mrs. Eddy writes often about error). This meant for me, that I have to catch my wrong thought at its appearing before I let it grow stronger.

At first, I could not detect this wrong thought, but then as I was watching myself, I suddenly saw it: I realized that every time before I moved my head — just a fraction of a second before it — I feared. I expected the pain to appear. It was a nuance, but it made me realize that it is not the body that pains, but it is mortal mind, and fear is the exciting cause. So, I decided to dissect this momentary expectant thought and declare against its power to create pain. It took only a few minutes, and it disappeared.

Mrs. Eddy says that error detected, is two-third destroyed, and the remaining third kills itself. This was clearly the case. I am so thankful to God that He gave us the tool — Christian Science — so that we can discern at our actual level of understanding what He wants to express and maintain through us.

God Meets Every Need

from C. G. in Wisconsin

I am very grateful for God’s abundant good. As hymn 324 states, “Take my moments and my days; Let them flow in ceaseless praise.”

At this church I have been learning that obedience to God, like reading my lesson first thing in the morning, brings blessings.

Several weeks ago I was shoveling the 20 plus steps I use to get to the road when our hilly driveway is covered with snow. I have found that the easiest tool to accomplish this is a dust pan. When I reached the last step, I noticed the snowplow had dumped crusty snow on the five feet between the last step and the road. This meant I needed to go down the stairs, retrieve a snow shovel, as the dust pan would never work, and then climb the stairs again. This was not something I was excited about. Then I looked up, and the driver of a private plow truck that had just cleaned up my neighbor’s house had a smiling face and asked if he could move the snow for me. My need was graciously supplied.

Thank you for this church and my practitioner for teaching me that God is always by my side.

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When Plainfield Church first became independent, we were asked, “How will you survive? What will you read?” As you can see below, through the grace of God, we have survived very well, thank you — and flourished!

We began by writing our own Bible Lessons, and then Independent Christian Scientists from all over the world began sending us writings by early Christian Science workers that were not available anywhere else. And we grew from there — and continue to grow.

Lectures on Christian Science,
by Peter V. Ross

And, our church book store is growing! We have just published a book of Lectures on Christian Science given by Peter V. Ross. This version is accurate and true to the original, just as Mr. Ross first published it. These lectures are wonderfully inspiring, and cover a variety of subjects. His wonderful “plain talking” reaches people at every level, encouraging and healing. This book is available in paperback version from Plainfield Church for $18.00, postage included.

Our Website

Our church website,, has a wealth of inspiring and healing items to read and listen to, including recordings of past services, Bible Studies, and Roundtable discussions.

You will also find a treasure trove of articles and other literature by early workers in Christian Science, including Bicknell Young, Martha Wilcox, Herbert W. Eustace, and many others. There are also audio recordings of many of these articles and books. Audio recordings of the current week’s Bible Lesson, and a Forum to post comments relating to the Lesson are available, and also a Bulletin Board where you can post comments of a more general nature.

YouTube Channel

Our YouTube channel has over 3,000 videos of church services, classes, readings of books and articles, hymns, and music from our services, which are visited regularly by people from all over the world.

Check out all that we have to offer by going to:

Our Church Publications

Our church publications are available free on our church website, but sometimes it’s nice to have a copy in your hand to refer back to at your leisure, or during the night when there might be a need for comfort. Descriptions and subscription prices are included below.


In alternate months, our church publishes our church Newsletter, “Plainfield Independent.” This publication contains news about church activities, miscellaneous writings, and other fun things that will make you smile, laugh — and think.

Books by Early Workers in Christian Science

Plainfield Church is the source for many books and writings by early workers in the Christian Science movement, many of whom worked in Mrs. Eddy’s home and were taught by Mrs. Eddy herself. These priceless writings are available for purchase at very reasonable prices, and are listed, along with ordering information, on our church website, Many articles on our church website are excerpts taken from these books, so to have the complete works is a real privilege!

You can find a list of books we have available for purchase by clicking “Store” on the top menu of our website.

Church Membership

“When one sees that Christian Science is the only way, he is ready for church membership, and there is no other requirement.” — Mary Baker Eddy

This is the only requirement for membership in Plainfield Church. We welcome everyone who wishes to become a member and work for God to send in an application, which you can find under the “Members” tab on our website. Or send an email to our clerk at:

Websites in Other Languages

Our missionary work is expanding. We have recently launched websites in the languages of Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Marathi, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Sindhi, and Tamil, which join with our existing Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu — that makes seventeen languages other than English!

Much gratitude to all of our translators for their individual demonstrations which are working to bless every corner of the world!

We recently received the following email from someone new in Pakistan:

Accept my greetings and salute for the lovely way to produce your unchallenged true teachings about God, as our Mind, we as His ideal creation and making it clear what the Christian Science Church is giving to the spiritual-thirsty like me. The great work you and your Church is dealing regarding foreign languages is amazing and fruitful. I am having great blessings since I have started learning the Word of God through your website and YouTube channels. Especially Pashto, Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil and Marathi languages are doing great things spiritually in my life when I read and listen to the YouTube lessons.

I greatly appreciate it and ask my Lord for the unstoppable blessings for the whole church worldwide. May you always please my heart and soul by producing these lessons and other great material in all the languages of the world especially for my Pakistani and Indian people. Amen.

I thank you and the whole church again for all of this.

Our goal was, and still is, to get the Word of God out to people all over the world who need this pure, unadulterated Science, as we did, and still do. So you will see that much of what we provide on our website,, is free. Please feel free to browse through all that we have there. You don’t even have to tell us who you are — we warmly welcome everyone!

But there are expenses involved in maintaining a website, and in maintaining our church home and our church services. So if you are helped by what you find here, and you wish to show your gratitude, please use the “donate” button on the website. It would be greatly appreciated!

Tenets of Christian Science

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 496-497

The following is a brief exposition of the important points, or religious tenets, of Christian Science:—

1.     As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.

2.     We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God’s image and likeness.

3.     We acknowledge God’s forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.

4.     We acknowledge Jesus’ atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man’s unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.

5.     We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.

6.     And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.

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A note about the lighthouse sketch by Luanne:

Boston Light — little Brewster Island (outer Boston Harbor), Massachusetts

Boston Light was the first light station in North America and is the country’s oldest continuously used lighthouse site. The original structure, built in 1716, was destroyed during the Revolutionary War. Rebuilt in 1783, it has been called “the ideal American lighthouse.” Designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1964, it is the only manned lighthouse in the United States.

“Publish the Word”

Broadcast the Truth

“Freely ye have received, freely give”

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Love is the liberator.