Table of Contents

About the cover:
From In Defense of Mary Baker Eddy, and the Remnant of Her Seed, by Paul R. Smillie:
In the Christian Science Sentinel of September 6, 1913 on page ten, Archibald McLellan stated three most important points about the cover of the Sentinel and a minor change made at that time on its cover. Speaking of this change he said, “Beyond this there can be neither desire nor occasion for change in the Sentinel, because,” he said, “Mrs. Eddy’s instructions forbid any change.” He explained this by saying, “Mrs. Eddy likewise gave instructions.” The word “instructions” is most important. Speaking then of the two women, the lamps and the inscriptions beneath them, he said they had been “preserved as expressive of our Leader’s thought. ...” Mrs. Eddy requested that the cover of the Sentinel be light blue in color.”
“Be Not Afraid”
“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1: 9
“Be Not Afraid” |
Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson |
Christian Science Sentinel January 7, 1905
Jesus has one message for us that should always ring in our ears, and that message is, “Be not afraid.” When we, like the disciples, seem to find ourselves in the troubled waters of mortal mind, and foolish fears take possession of us, Christ walks over the wave and in a voice full of love exclaims, “Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid.”
This has ever been the voice of God to His children. The Psalmist said, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”
Here we take our stand. Is not God infinite Love and is He not all-powerful? We have only to be still, only to “wait on the Lord,” and His power will strengthen and restore.
Fear does not belong to the children of God; it is the offspring of mortal mind; it is of dreamland, and without substance or reality. It was Adam who, in the presence of God, exclaimed, “I heard thy voice . . . and I was afraid.”
A true child of God, in the presence of his heavenly Father, hears the blessed message, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Daniel is the type of the true Christian Scientist. In the presence of lions, he turned his back upon them with his face toward the light. So may we calmly turn our backs upon error of every form and turn our faces toward the heavenly light of divine Love! Then we shall hear from on high that sweet message which came to Daniel, “O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong.”
Would we escape from fear? Then let us reflect immortal Love, for where Love is, fear is not. As the beloved apostle has said, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment.” Love is the eternal sunshine in whose presence there is living light, for God is light and in Him is “no darkness at all.”
This verse from the Christian Science Hymnal is always helpful,—
In heavenly love abiding,
No change my heart shall fear;
And safe is such confiding,
For nothing changes here.
The storm may roar without me,
My heart may low be laid;
But God is round about me,
And can I be dismayed?
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” |
F. R. Havergal |
Christian Science Journal, October 1900
“Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Ah! we too often let our hearts be afraid: we yield without even a parley; a fear arises, and we do not recognize it as an enemy of our King, we just let it enter and sit down, instead of unsheathing the sword of the Spirit and attacking it in the power of His might, and in the name that always conquers. No matter how powerless we feel about it, strength comes with determination to obey.
“Be Not Afraid” |
Herbert Arthur Hutchinson |
Christian Science Sentinel November 1, 1913
A little while ago a great storm swept over the county of Surrey in England, and outdoor workers were glad to get indoors and under shelter. Through all the deluge of rain, however, wild fowl were steadily winging their way, quite unconcerned, to their favorite feeding places. A flock of wild geese passed far overhead, with a cheery “honk! honk!” They were not afraid, although high up and in the very midst of the raging elements. Why should we be afraid? Have we less trust and confidence in the providence of good than have the birds? This question recalls the passage in the twelfth chapter of Job, “But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee.”
What is this fear? If analyzed, it will be found to be merely a mental suggestion and nothing more, that if such-and-such a thing happens, evil will come to pass. Should this proposition, however, be met with the understanding that God, divine Love, is all-presence, all-power, then thought will be lifted above the evidence of sense testimony, and it will be found that the evil does not come to pass. Instead, there will be the peace and happiness which come from God, who gives good alone.
We are sometimes beset, not with physical, but with mental storms, the far worse passions of the carnal mind, and the only way to keep from being stampeded with fear at such times is to fill our thinking with “Christ's keynote of harmony, ‘Be not afraid!’” (S&H p. 410) To begin and end with the understanding and realization of the presence and sure supremacy of harmony, reveals God's universal and eternal kingdom “in earth, as it is in heaven.” Christ Jesus, the Wayshower, said: “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
“AFRAID!” Afraid of what?
What does earth hold that can compare
With God's omnipotence? Trust to His care,
Make faith in Him your staff—
It will not bend.
Christian Science Journal, October 1885
“Be Not Afraid” |
Archibald McLellan |
Christian Science Sentinel, September 14, 1912
How often, when seemingly overwhelmed by threatening danger, the terror-stricken one has longed to hear spoken to him those words of glad assurance that came to the little group of disciples in the ship, as they watched, in the dawning light, one who was approaching them across the tossing waters. The disciples, though at first fearful, could no longer doubt when they heard the voice of their loved Master, saying, “It is I; be not afraid.”
The whole world, then, has reason to rejoice that through the understanding and application of the teachings of Christian Science, those words are just as powerful today for “them that believe.” When our Master said, “Be not afraid,” he not only banished the fears of the moment, but he also declared an assurance and a commandment to his followers for all time. He knew that the material conditions through which he had made his way to them were without power to prevent his passage. But the disciples had always believed in the reality of matter, and consequently thought that this was something supernatural. This belief in the supernatural produced fear, and until this fear was cast out, they were not free to understand that “immortal Mind, governing all, must be acknowledged as supreme in the physical realm, so called, as well as in the spiritual.” (S&H p. 427)
They had heard this gracious assurance once before. When those about him tried to persuade the ruler of the synagogue that he should not trouble the Master, for the little daughter was dead, how comforting to that father to hear, “Be not afraid, only believe.”
Christ Jesus came to do the will of the Father. To do this will is also the duty and the privilege of all his followers. To them the Master's gentle “Be not afraid” is their reassurance. As they cast out fear from themselves and from those who come to them for help, they are gradually raising humanity to the degree of understanding of the all-power and ever-presence of good to which Jesus raised the disciples on the sea of Tiberias.
Be Not Afraid |
Pearl Holloway |
Christian Science Sentinel, November 27, 1920
Be not afraid. There is no harm
Can come to those who trust
The God who rules both wind and wave,
Whose laws are kind and just.
Be not afraid. Where'er thou art
His love is with thee still,
And all things in the end bring good
To those who do His will.
“Thou Shalt Not Be Afraid” |
Violet Ker Seymer |
Christian Science Sentinel, March 3, 1923
During war, an officer referred to an occasion on which, at a stated hour, he was to lead his men “over the top.” Being troubled by arguments of fear and apprehension, he turned to the Ninety-first Psalm, and found fresh light in the well-known verse, “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day.” The officer said that this verse had always given him a sense of safety and protection. Now, he saw the words, “Thou shalt not be afraid,” as a command, one that is as imperative as the “Thou shalt-nots" of the Mosaic Decalogue.
He now realized that it would be as disobedient to express fear as it would be to express anger, pride, or any other belief of the flesh. Soldierlike, he at once resolved to rise in response; and, strengthened by this sincere desire to obey and trust, he was completely freed from the fear. When the time came, this officer and his men went into action, and every one of them returned safely.
“Be not afraid” was frequently on the lips of Jesus when he addressed his disciples and those who came for healing. According to the Revelator, one of the first beliefs to be cast into “the lake of fire” is this sense of fear. Fear is essentially materialistic. Mary Baker Eddy says in Science and Health (page 532): “Fear was the first manifestation of the error of material sense. Thus error began and will end the dream of matter.” The self-assertiveness of fear vanished before the Way-shower's reflection of divine Love. Inspired by this same motive of obedience to divine Principle, each one is able to rise above every argument of fear; for a false argument has no foundation in Truth.
Just so soon as the Christian Scientist thinks of himself as a soldier who has enlisted on the side of divine Love, Spirit, he will begin to face and to erase fear as being an enemy, — a mere personal belief which he must renounce. Unseen legions of angels, God's ideas, are always at hand; and in loyalty to Truth, it is these divine messages which should be entertained in one's thinking, that the suggestions of fear may be rejected.
There is a verse in the first epistle of John which lays bare the falsity of fear and indicates the way of freedom: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” This scientific statement declares Love's immunity from fear. Obviously, then, the understanding of Love is the remedy for fear.
One who has turned to Christian Science for physical healing is relieved to find that fear is merely an erroneous argument, and that there is no truth whatever behind its suggestions. If one makes the mistake of referring to “my fear,” this personal sense of fear, though still inherently powerless, is apt to throw its shadow on the body; and the specific shadow of fear may then be labeled disease, and may be given a medical name. How, then, can drugs, manipulation, or surgery effect a real cure, while the mental disturbance, due to the belief of fear, still remains in thought? The dark shadow cast on a wall is not removed by scrubbing the wall, but by removing the object which prevents the light from falling directly on the wall. Christian Science treatment of disease is, therefore, directed to freeing the patient's thought from the belief in fear; and in proportion as this liberation is effected, healing follows.
With unspeakable gratitude one learns that divine Love alone brings about real redemption, — healing, — and has, in all ages, inspired every great and noble achievement. One longs to draw nearer to divine Love in thought, word, and deed; and it is Love itself which arouses this longing. In this way does perfect Love cast out fear, — through revealing itself.
Christian Science Journal, May 1885
Where Duty calls, go forward!
And dare to do the Right;
Hold high the flag of Truth and Love,
And strike with all your might!
Forward! God through Moses spoke
To Israel's trembling host—
Lo! watery gates were closed upon
The pride of Egypt's boast.
Be not afraid—in Duty's path—
Of famine, flood or foe;
As snow flakes falls the manna bread,—
From rocks sweet waters flow.
The lions which beset your path
Are shadows of a dream;
For opposites of Truth and Love,
Are never what they seem.
Christian Science Journal, January 1887
Above the angry roar of the breakers, if we listen for the voice of Christ, Truth, we shall hear it: “Be of good cheer. It is I; be not afraid.” Storm-tossed, tempest-torn, the heavy waves overlapping us, we yet pause to listen for ever-present Love, and comes the refrain: “Be not afraid!”
It is Love that neither slumbers nor sleeps. We have not to shout ourselves hoarse to be heard. The faintest knockings, the lightest whispers are heeded, but we must be in earnest and ready to receive.
I remember reading the story of one condemned to die for some state offense. The executioner was ready, axe in hand, when a little bird, lighting on a tree nearby, commenced a sweet song. It caught the ear of the grim man of law, as well as of him kneeling at the block. The executioner paused for one instant to listen, and that pause saved the life of the condemned man, for a messenger, mounted on a snow-white steed, came riding toward that court-yard wall, shouting, “A reprieve for the prisoner!” And later his innocence was proven, and he became celebrated for his good works.
I think most of us realize that troubles and afflictions that seem to submerge us, if we do our duty and hold fast to God, are overcome for us, and we gain thereby. In one supreme moment, perhaps, they are destroyed, and we have the peace and rest that come from knowing they were not.
When we are in the stormy sea, and fears and doubts assail us, we must know that there is nothing to fear, for Truth is here to uphold us, and we can hear the Master's cry to Peter, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"
But Truth is present; there is no place where God is not. “If I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there.” In the realm of Love we rise to higher thought, the darkness disappears, and we realize something of the great Light of the universe. Love that is Divine, strength that is Infinite, is ours, and we are continuously rested and refreshed.
Be Not Afraid |
Albert F. Gilmore |
Christian Science Sentinel, October 20, 1928
In the days immediately following the taking over by Joshua of the leadership of the children of Israel, in full view of the promised land which they had so long sought, the successor to Moses received direct messages from God which comforted and heartened him for the great work ahead. “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9)
Supported by these words from God, Joshua bravely carried on, fulfilling the demands of leadership in a manner which not only led the wanderers into the promised land, but settled them in the country where they were destined to play a foremost part in the winning of liberation from material restrictions. Joshua, through his unchanging faith in divine support, proved a valiant leader in defending his people from the many enemies by whom they were beset.
God's message of encouragement is as powerful today, as surely as in that ancient time, to those prepared to receive it. The children of Israel, under the leadership of the incomparable Moses, had become accustomed not only to trust God, but to look to Him for direction as to the way to go when pursued, and for protection in times of need — and they did not look in vain! In the midst of situations that would have overwhelmed a people without faith in God, they came through with grateful hearts. They had obeyed God's injunction, “Be not afraid,” and in their trust in Him lay their strength.
We may draw inspiration from the incident; for, to be unafraid is the keynote of peace and progress. Fear constricts, limits, obstructs. Courage based upon faith in God leads forward constantly — ever forward into a larger place, to a more expansive concept of God and His creation.
One of mankind's greatest needs is to be freed from fear. Why? Because fear is one of the procuring causes of all our distresses, the chief factor in our undoing. A marginal heading on page 135 of Science and Health says, “Fear and sickness identical.” Extraordinary statement! Yet demonstrably true! For when a person suffering from illness is healed of fear, he is whole again.
In spite of this all-important fact, often, it seems, we go on fearing, and we reap the consequences of this false mental state. We fail to obey both the divine command and our Leader's instruction. What is the remedy? To lay hold of the truth of being — the truth about God, man, and the universe. This understanding acquired, it is no longer possible to fear; for fear results only from belief in evil; that is, from lack of trusting God, the infinite Father, fully and completely.
The perfect remedy for fear, then, is to strengthen faith through increasing our understanding of God. How can this be done? When it is learned that God is infinite good, omnipresent and omnipotent, the belief in evil is destroyed. Omnipotent good can have no opposite, no antagonist; hence evil has no reality, has neither entity nor existence. Belief in the reality of evil is the procuring cause of fear, and this belief is destroyed as we lay hold of spiritual truth. Fear gone, the results of fear — in whatsoever terms expressed — disappear into the realm of nothingness.
Above all others, Christian Scientists should be free from the malevolent influence of fear. To them has been revealed the perfect remedy. It remains alone for them to apply it. A full-hearted faith in God precludes the possibility of fear. How comforting are our Leader's words found in Miscellaneous Writings: “Evil is not something to fear and flee before, or that becomes more real when it is grappled with. Evil let alone grows more real, aggressive, and enlarges its claims; but, met with Science, it can and will be mastered by Science.” The cause of fear removed, existence unfolds into the full radiance of God's perfect day.
One of my little girls, aged seven, was asked one day, while unconsciously standing near an open window, if she wasn't afraid of taking cold. Her reply was: “Not a bit afraid, 'specially if I'm keeping the draft off of you!” “Why, 'specially if you are keeping it off me?” was the query. “Because you're afraid, and I'm protecting you, and God'll take good care of me for doing that, never fear!”
Christian Science Journal, April 1890
The Spread of Truth |
A Student |
Christian Science Journal, September 1888
The Truth is spreading! Let it spread
On earth from pole to pole, —
The heavenly word that wakes the dead,
And lights the darkened soul.
We need not now with Pilate ask
What Truth is! Truth divine
Stands full revealed. She wears no mask!
How bright her features shine!
How beauteous on the mountain-top
Her messengers appear;
How sweet their very accents drop
Upon the ravished ear.
The swelling horn, the lyre and lute,
Can charm and cheer no more;
The trumpet's thrilling voice is mute,
The reign of war is o'er.
Glory to God! Still Truth proclaims
Peace and goodwill to all;
The light sent forth through Truth's blest aims.
Is light that ne'er shall pall.
’Tis Truth exalts the sense of man.
And frees the world from crime;
It makes our peasants nobler than
The kings of olden time.
Let Christian men, in every land,
To spread the Truth unite.
Approved of Heaven, then shall they stand,
Like angels clothed with light.
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From Mrs. Eddy
Thoughts in Christian Science |
In hours of darkness and despair, in moments of pain and weakness, one's sorrow is not lightened by cold words of clean-cut logic. The wounds more quickly heal when into them is poured the wine of true sympathy and the oil of Love, and they are bound up by the hand of tenderness and compassion.
When one is weary with the pressure of many burdens, it is not logic, but the friendliness of Love, which gives inward peace. It is not logic, but Love, shining out upon the stormy sea of error, which leads the wanderer home. Love, not logic, bends above the couch of suffering. Love sheds the light of hope across the way, as the frail bark glides out upon the waters which break on the shores of eternity. Love is the bow of promise set amidst the clouds of human woe; its piercing rays transform the cloud's seeming blackness into glistening gold.
Love is the strong arm which, encircling him, places his feet upon the dry land of spiritual intelligence.
Intellectual apprehension is the “voice of one crying in the wilderness” of material belief, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” He for whose approach we watch, is Love, “in whom shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” The light of intellect is the gray dawn of the morning which heralds the coming day, “wherein is needed no sun, neither light, for the Lord God giveth light;” and God is Love.
Much has been said for and against Truth, as declared in Christian Science. Much is said for it; because no one can come to know its meaning, and the power it gives for good, without feeling that it is beyond all things else, — that in reality it embraces all, and there is naught beside it.
It is seen that in God's government there can be no discord. Harmony reigns throughout; for all is governed by divine law, — the law of Love, or spiritual law. This understanding is not gained through the human mind, for all that this mind is capable of reaching will come to naught, because it is not of God. It is the carnal mind spoken of by Paul, through which man can gain nothing eternal, or really good; for all good is eternal.
All that pertains to the human mind can never get beyond materiality. Whatever may be said of its capacity, the human mind can never be said to lead into the spiritual. There is a wide gulf between human thought and man's great capacities for good, attainable through his spiritual attainments; and he is truly great only as he is spiritual and good. The human mind, not being spiritual, must be material; and as all Truth is spiritual, for God is Truth and is All-in-all, then the human, or material mind, must be an error of belief.
The understanding that God is our Life; that there is no mortal life, no mortal mind; giving up our claim to a life separate from God; yielding to the divine law, and understanding that mortality is nothing but an illusion, an error, the work of evil, and that we have all this time been in bondage to it, — slaves not knowing our way out into the light.
“O fools and blind,” to yield to low beliefs, letting them master us at every turn; even after we are taught, wandering in the wilderness of doubt and fear, not being brave enough to start out. Oh, the light of the glorious Gospel of Truth, which sets us free from this law of sin and death! Oh, the blessedness of this knowledge of the infinite Love of God!
While we are rejecting Him, and turning constantly from Him to evil, still this Love reaches out its arms of mercy; calling us back to Him, begging us to come to the feast prepared for those who are willing to leave their fishing, their life in matter, and come to the understanding of Life in God.
Walk in the light, as He is in the light, and gain your liberty, — freedom from the law of sin and death.
Now can we truly say: “I know that my Redeemer liveth, because I have tasted of his mercy, — I have realized the nothingness of matter, the falsity of all material joys, and have gained a glimmer of light from the true source. Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory, through Christ.” Oh, to be worthy to follow in the Master's way! How unsatisfactory are the joys of this mortal life, — apples of Sodom, which turn to ashes in your grasp. When we think we have them, and can hold them, behold, nothing remains but the ashes of material hopes and joys; while the joys of Soul, of knowing God, will forever endure!
Every ray of light brings peace, happiness, and joy, in the knowledge that God is our Father, and we His children, — heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. To me, this knowledge has come this morning with such light, I feel like saying Praise God! all the time. It seems now that no darkness could ever come again, nor wrong beliefs; for this light has shined into my heart. I can realize God's Love, His grace and mercy, as never before, and our freedom from the bondage of sin and death. I do not wonder that at times the disciples of old could not see for the glory that shone around them. This is holy ground.
We must remove our shoes, laying aside all materiality, and every mortal weight and sin — “the sin that doth so easily beset us,” for we have touched the hem of His garment, and gained a gleam of light, a faint realization of what may be ours when we gain more of the Truth.
Excerpt from “Place” |
Mary Baker Eddy |
Essays and Other Footprints (the “Red Book”), page 85
God is working and nothing else can. God is outlining, directing, “and no one can stay His hand or say unto Him, What doest Thou?” God will tell you what to do about your work. He will unfold each step, so don’t get worried, or anxious, or impatient. He has infinite good in store for you; just work to know you are receptive to it. We need to know that malpractice cannot argue disintegration of churches, families, friendships. We need to know that the divine Mind builds up, and unifies, and holds together and prospers. The divine and perfect law of adjustment operating through the ever-present law of attraction is bringing to you all that belongs to you.
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History Corner
Mrs. Eddy’s Gift for the New Year |
Stacy Teicher Khadaroo |
When The Christian Science Journal for January 1896 arrived in subscribers’ homes, readers discovered a special gift between its covers — a pair of brief poems from Mary Baker Eddy written especially for children. Later, Mrs. Eddy revised and published these gems in two of her books, and for well over a century now they’ve brought comfort and healing to people of all ages.
The original version of Mary Baker Eddy’s poetic gifts to children appeared in The Christian Science Journal of January 1896.
The very first item in that issue of the Journal was titled, “A Verse”:
Mother’s New Year Gift to the Little Children.
Father, Mother, God,
Loving me—
Guard me when I sleep,
Guide my little feet
Up to Thee.
To the Big Children.
Father, Mother, Good, lovingly
Thee I’ll seek—
Patient, meek,
In the narrow path—
All the way Thou hath
Up to Thee.
Readers’ appreciation for the poems — and news of subsequent healings they spurred — began appearing in the Journal in the months that followed.
One account tells of a little boy who had been thrown to the ground when lightning struck a nearby tree. Though dazed, he was able to get safely back inside.
“The idea that ‘All is Mind’ came to the child simultaneously with the shock,” wrote a Sunday School teacher who knew the lad. “Then he said, ‘While I was lying there on the ground, I thought of my little piece.’ The little piece referred to is the verse, ‘Mother’s New Year Gift to the Little Children,’ . . . He felt no bad effects from the shock; which proves that Truth is as quick as the lightning, and all powerful.” 1
A plaque, with the verse for little children published in Miscellaneous Writings, was created in 1931 by the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy. Longyear Museum Collection.
When a three-year-old girl’s foot seemed badly injured by a rocking chair, “the little one although crying with pain, refused to have the stocking taken off, or the foot ‘looked at for error.’ [She fell asleep, and] when she waked up, she jumped down and began to run around saying ‘See! my foot is all well, I said “Father, Mother, God, Loving me, Guard me when I sleep, Guide my little feet up to Thee,” and He did!’” 2
Adults included themselves among the “children” who could turn to their Father-Mother God with these poetic prayers. One wrote of memorizing the verse for the big children: “Many an evil thought which tried to gain possession of me has been destroyed, with the first two lines, much of pride, jealousy, self-righteousness and irritability have gone down under the thought of patience and meekness, which guarded the path, and cleared the way.” 3
The year leading up to this gift included several events in which children were central to Mrs. Eddy’s thoughts and endeavors.
On January 6, 1895, the dedication of the Original Edifice of The Mother Church included a special service for children. Among them were many of the Busy Bees, whose fundraising efforts helped build and furnish the Mother’s Room, a quiet spot set apart for Mrs. Eddy’s use. 4
Two special services for children were held in the Original Edifice of The Mother Church in Boston in 1895 — one when it was dedicated in January and the other on Easter Sunday. Longyear Museum Collection.
On April 1, Mrs. Eddy made her first visit (a private one) to the Church and to this special room. 5 On May 26, after spending the previous night in the Mother’s Room, she delivered her first address in the Church. 6
Easter Sunday fell on April 14 that year, in between those visits. The Mother Church offered a special children’s service at Mrs. Eddy’s direction, based on Matthew 28. 7
In the fall, she took a decisive step to provide for children’s spiritual education. Up to that point, Sunday School lessons had been offered for both children and adults. Now, Sunday Schools would be reorganized for youths, Mrs. Eddy wrote in the October Journal. 8
The first lessons would include the Ten Commandments; the Sermon on the Mount; and the Lord’s Prayer and its Spiritual Interpretation from the Christian Science textbook, Mary Baker Eddy’s Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. “The instruction of the children’s teachers must not deviate from the absolute Christian Science contained in their textbook,” Mrs. Eddy wrote. 9
By the end of October, her love for children had taken form in this pair of verses, intended for publication in January as a New Year gift. Mrs. Eddy went on to publish revised versions of both poems in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896 and in Poems. 11 These are the verses most familiar today. The little children’s verse changed only in punctuation, but for the big children, the words became:
Father-Mother good, lovingly
Thee I seek,—
Patient, meek
In the way Thou hast,—
Be it slow or fast,
Up to Thee.
In 1904, Mrs. Eddy directed that the verses be printed on 1,000 cards, one of four designs she asked to be created and sent to the children of The Mother Church Sunday School, who had been contributing to the building of the Extension that year. 12
Minnie Weygandt, who worked at Mary Baker Eddy’s Pleasant View home in Concord, New Hampshire, saved the pretty card that Mrs. Eddy had printed in 1904 with the New Year verses inside. Courtesy The Mary Baker Eddy Library.
“Have these cards gotten up with pretty designs and have my copyright mark on them all,” she wrote that November to Joseph Armstrong, publisher of her writings and a member of the Christian Science Board of Directors. 13
Just a few years later, in 1907, Mrs. Eddy also gave permission for the poems to appear in The Children’s Star Magazine, founded and edited by one of her students, Elizabeth Wickersham. 14
Elizabeth Wickersham, a student of Mary Baker Eddy’s, received permission in 1907 to publish her teacher’s verses in The Children’s Star Magazine. Longyear Museum Collection.
Many of Mrs. Eddy’s writings frame the start of each year as a fresh opportunity to grow closer to God, to seek His guidance with childlike expectancy. To ring in 1890, Mrs. Eddy ended a letter to Mrs. Wickersham and her husband with a question and a benediction for the New Year: “Have you been growing away from the false sense and false habitation of the flesh? Oh may our Father guide you by His testimony, spiritual Love, and every year perfect your lives and make you lights set upon a hill that cannot be hid.” 15
1) The Christian Science Journal 14 (December 1896): 454. The Sunday School teacher who related this healing was Sarah Farlow, sister of Alfred Farlow and a fellow Christian Science practitioner and teacher.
2) The Christian Science Journal 14 (July 1896): 199.
3) The Christian Science Journal 14 (January 1897): 511.
4) Maurine Campbell, “The Story of the Busy Bees: An Account of Pioneer Experiences in Christian Science,” 69, The Mary Baker Eddy Collection, The Mary Baker Eddy Library, Boston, Massachusetts, hereafter referenced as MBEL.
5) The Christian Science Journal 13 (May 1895): 45.
6) Later she would instruct church members to stop calling her Mother, because although the term was simply endearing, it was often misunderstood (see page 64 of the Manual of The Mother Church); she would also direct that the Mother's Room not be open to visitors (69).
7) The Christian Science Journal 13 (May 1895): 47. In addition to the Bible reading, the service included a paragraph from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures about how Jesus' work in the sepulchre “proved Life to be deathless, and Love to be the master of hate" (page 349 from editions at that time).
8) Mary Baker Eddy, “What We Can Do for the Children,” The Christian Science Journal 13 (October 1895): 268. For more on the evolution of the Sunday School, which first limited the age of students to 15 and later expanded that to 20, see “The Development of Christian Science Sunday School,” May 15, 2011, MBEL.
9) Ibid.
11) Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896, 400; Poems, 69.
12) “A Christmas Gift from Mary Baker Eddy,” December 1, 2014, MBEL.
13) Mary Baker Eddy to Joseph Armstrong, November 9, 1904, L02981, MBEL.
The full note reads: “Please have 1000 cards printed with The Lord's Prayer and its spiritual Interpretation, 1000 cards with the XXIII Psalm as found on page 578 of our text book, and 'Mother's New Year Gift to the little children' and 'To the Big Children' as found on page 400 of 'Miscellaneous Writings' each 1000. Have these cards gotten up with pretty designs and have my copyright mark on them all. Please give this order your immediate attention and send me proofs of them before going to press with them.” For more on the context of sending the cards to the Sunday School children, see “A Christmas Gift from Mary Baker Eddy,” December 1, 2014, MBEL
14) The Children’s Star Magazine, November 1907, The Children’s Star Publishing Company, Washington, D.C.
15) Mary Baker Eddy to Elizabeth C. Wickersham and George B. Wickersham, January 4, 1890, L07925, MBEL.
Not for myself, but the truth that in life I have spoken;
Not for myself, but the seed that in life I have sown,
Shall pass on to ages all about me forgotten,
Save the truth I have spoken, the things I have done.
Bonar, Christian Science Journal, October 1883
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Interesting Squibs
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
Mark Twain
“Rest in the Lord; wait patiently for Him.” In Hebrew, “be silent to God, and let Him mould thee.” Keep still, and He will mould thee to right shape.
Martin Luther
Those who slight the Lord in prosperity, will find themselves under a necessity of seeking Him in trouble.
Matthew Henry
There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.
Josh Billings
Laughter is the fireworks of the soul.
Josh Billings
The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity.
George Carlin
Combine common sense and the Golden Rule, and you will have very little bad luck.
Chance favors the prepared mind.
Louis Pasteur
Diligence is the mother of good luck, and God gives all things to industry.
Benjamin Franklin
Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.
Ann Landers
If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?
Joe Namath
Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by traffic from both sides.
Margaret Thatcher
The devil is the father of lies, but he neglected to patent the idea, and the business now suffers from competition.
Josh Billings
Success is to be measured, not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome trying to succeed.
Booker T. Washington
All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them.
Erma Bombeck
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
Oscar Wilde
The best way for a person to have happy thoughts is to count his blessings and not his cash.
He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another.
Waves are inspiring not because they rise and fall, but because each time they fall, they never fail to rise again.
Josh Billings
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Watches to Work with Often
Watch Message from September 21, 2017
“Earthquakes, as they are now interpreted, could not appear if it were understood that, ‘The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.’ Earth can no more quake in a fearful sense than can the multiplication table. Earth is the substance of Mind and is as stable and as eternal as Mind. Mind makes its own adjustments of all pressure and substances harmoniously and perfectly. What Jesus did with the waves of the sea must be done with the earth's formations. They must be seen as always under Mind's control.”
Christian Science, Its Clear, Correct Teaching, by Herbert W. Eustace, page 324
The universe, our earth, its weather, and all mankind, are divine ideas, held in the one Mind, controlled by Almighty God, in perfect peace, balance, and harmony! Christian Science is the only legitimate science; it disperses the mist to reveal things as they truly are, and destroys the illusion of the material senses. A spiritual idea cannot be blown away, shaken away, or washed away — and the innocent are protected. All the winds of error — in whatever form — are baseless and powerless, and are self-destroyed before the authority, power, and might of God!
“God is not in the earthquake, not in the fire, nor the flood. He is not in sickness, not in wrong, not in sorrow, nor in death; then look away from these myths of mortal mind and listen; now you catch the keynote of heaven, the still small voice of Truth, pleading and interceding.”
Essays and Other Footprints, (the “Red Book"), by Mary Baker Eddy, page 112
Watch Message from July 8, 2021
“This period is the period of the dragon and the dragon is not met and overcome in the realm of argument, but purely in the realm of realization, consecration and the understanding that evil today, produces its chaos, of every kind, by the illusionary mesmerism that, man is God. Discern this clearly and dwell forever in the consciousness that ‘the source of all good’ is God, never man, and there abide.”
Christian Science, Its Clear, Correct Teaching, by Herbert Eustace, page 993
There is no power but God!! As Mr. Eustace so beautifully says, our confident, constant, steadfast realization and conviction of the allness of God, exposes evil’s unreality and the utter foolishness of the human mind! Those who have turned their backs on God have nothing to believe in but themselves — medical, business, and political so-called “authorities” expect to be worshipped and obeyed — the dragon in disguise! God is the only authority, the only power that His man will ever acknowledge or obey!! The power of God vaporizes evil of every sort and reveals the glorious, harmonious, orderly universe of His creation, obedient to the Mind that made it. This is the Word of God and can never be reversed — it stands for all time!
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
Galatians 5:1, in the King James Bible
Watch Message from July 7, 2018
“If we specifically handle hatred for the revelator, healing will be widespread and instantaneous once again.”
Defense of Mary Baker Eddy and the Remnant of Her Seed, by Paul R. Smillie, page 10
The Word of God spoken tomorrow at our Roundtable, Church service, and Sunday School, is revealed Truth, which acknowledges Mary Baker Eddy as the revelator to this age, recognizes her place in prophecy, and the Divine leading that gave humanity this Science through her. May mankind humbly kneel before this pearl of great price. The arrogance of the human mind must melt away before this great Truth.
“‘Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.’ given to the world through Mary Baker Eddy’s perception of the Christ, explains divine Science or the Comforter prophesied by Jesus, and is leading humanity into all Truth.”
from Addresses, by Martha Wilcox, page 298
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From the Early Workers
Long, long ago, there lived a saint so good that the astonished angels came down from heaven to see how a mortal could be so godly. He simply went about his daily life, diffusing virtue as the star diffuses light, and the flower perfume, without even being aware of it.
Two words summed up his day:— he gave, he forgave. Yet these words never fell from his lips: they were expressed in his ready smile, in his kindness, forbearance and charity.
The angels said to God: “O Lord, grant him the gift of miracles.” God replied: “I consent: ask what he wishes.”
So they said to the saint: “Should you like the touch of your hands to heal the sick?"
“No,” answered the saint: “I would rather God should do that.”
“Should you like to convert guilty souls, and bring back wandering hearts to the right path?"
“No: that is the mission of angels. I pray, I do not convert.”
“Should you like to become a model of patience, attracting men by the Iustre of your virtues, and thus glorifying God?”
“No:” replied the saint: “If men should be attracted to me, they would become estranged from God. The Lord has other means of glorifying himself.”
“What do you desire, then?” cried the angels.
“What can I wish for?” asked the saint, smiling. “That God give me His grace: with that should I not have everything?”
But the angels insisted: “You must ask for a miracle, or one will be forced upon you.”
“Very well,” said the saint: “that I may do a great deal of good, without ever knowing it!”
The angels were greatly perplexed. They took counsel together, and resolved upon the following plan: every time the saint's shadow should fall behind him, or at either side, so that he could not see it, it should have the power to cure disease, soothe pain, and comfort sorrow.
And so it came to pass. When the saint walked along, his shadow thrown on the ground, on either side or behind him, made arid paths green, caused withered plants to bloom, gave clear water to dried-up brooks, fresh color to pale little children, and joy to unhappy mothers.
But the saint simply went about his daily life, diffusing virtue as the star diffuses light, and the flower perfume, without ever being aware of it.
And the people, respecting his humility, followed him silently, never speaking to him about his miracles. Little by little, they came even to forget his name, and called him only, “The Holy Shadow.”
The sunbeams must have free course for their best effect. They may be excluded, and in that case, if carried far enough, cold and darkness and the destruction of all animal and vegetable life ensue. But it is hard to exclude the sunbeams wholly. They will fly round corners, creep through tiny crevices, penetrate solid substances, and fill and vitalize the universal atmosphere, till they become in a large degree the sources of life and health even where they are directly excluded. It is thus with all goodness. It can never eat its morsel alone. It can never wholly live unto itself. No obscurity can hide it. No fetters can bind it. No valley can retain, no walls can confine, no mountains can wholly obstruct, all its radiance.
This is one of the glories of Christian Science. The prejudice against it is almost universal. But its power is well nigh irresistible. Error and opposition constantly receive of its beneficence. The utmost precautions against its power are seldom entirely effectual. Its blind enemies, “the fearful and the unbelieving,” are often blest in spite of their efforts against it. As surely as the fire will warm and the sun will brighten, true and spiritual Christian Scientists, strong in the power divine, carry increased life and vigor wherever they go. They cannot do otherwise.
One of these, whom I well know, visits a family he was well acquainted with, a family very much prejudiced against him on ecclesiastical ground, as well as opposed to Christian Science. He finds their child writhing in agony on the couch, and mentally treating her, she is perfectly comfortable in one minute, and no one but he knows the cause. In another case it is the parents visited who are suffering, and making false assertions which the Scientist must mentally contradict, and so, to some extent, nullify the alleged disease. Others are being steadily healed of long-standing ailments, though the agency is kept concealed from some of their friends to prevent a mental antagonism which would make it more difficult, and perhaps render a perfect cure impossible, and even force a recurrence to the old and injurious methods. Nevertheless, Goodness in the form of Christian Science must do good, and in the end all barriers shall be burned away.
Christian Science Journal 1886
The greatest minds the world has known, after the most searching investigations and logical inquiry, have had to admit that, to their sense, God was incomprehensible. Yet many a poor wanderer, driven from the enjoyment of earthly pleasure, with not even a pillow for his head, found this to be the method pointing him to the living God, in the love of whom alone he could find rest and peace.
If we think to find God in something tangible to sense, we will be no more successful than our many predecessors. If we could recognize God with our finite sense, we would know that He is ever-present Principle, Life, Truth, Love, Substance and Intelligence.
Let us cease searching, and find that He works in and around us eternally. Then we find rest for our weary sense in the Soul-love at hand. Then will disease and all discord disappear, sorrows be turned into joys, former foes be regarded as friends, and the earth be to us a heaven. We will find God to be ever-present to bear us up, lest we should dash our foot against a stone.
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Current Articles
A Chorus of Watchers |
Kelly O’Neil |
I came home from work yesterday and immediately jumped into doing chores. My intentions were to disrupt my thought from an after-work thought pattern that I wasn’t too happy about. As I was working, I heard a helicopter flying outside, so I ran out to look at it. As I watched the helicopter, something made me look to the right, where I saw a little dove, so sweet and gentle, looking up at me. Then I remembered it was time for the Unity Watch.
I got cleaned up and went outside to begin the Watch. I noticed the dove was still sitting there looking up at me. I thanked her for waiting for me. Then birds started to fly into the yard instead of fluttering and playing around like they usually do. They flew on the branches and sat there. A hawk sat on top of a giant pine, five sparrows sat in a row on a branch, four hummingbirds flew in and sat by the hawk. Another hawk sat by me on a short wooden pole. They were all looking out, watching too. After a while, I turned to look at the hawk on the pole and a giant rainbow was above him. It touched the ground on both sides, but it wasn’t raining. The sky was turning pink where the rainbow appeared. This all remained throughout the Watch. I knew it was divine Love showing me the reign of harmony already within. Divine Love loving me and all mankind so much, never giving up on us, so giving, so gentle, so patient, so watchful.
Thank you, Plainfield for all your Roundtables, Bible Studies, services, music, and practitioners. They all help me understand more and more how much God loves us, and my love and my need to be near Him keeps growing since I found you. You sure do know how to feed His sheep!
Problem-Consciousness or Solution-Consciousness |
Parthens |
Psalm 25, verse 10, is another example of the conditional nature of God’s promises. It says, “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.”
Each and every challenge calling for watching, prayer, spiritual warfare always involves movement of my mentality from problem-consciousness to solution-consciousness. Dwelling on the problem is error. Dwelling on the solution to the problem is Truth. These two states of mind are completely opposed to each other: one is covenant-breaking and the other is covenant-keeping. Victory is assured when I go up higher, orienting my mind (and mood) toward the solution, refusing to sink into the depths of the problem.
Of the twelve spies sent out to report on the lay of the promised land, only two were solution-oriented and brought back a good report. The rest of the spies were problem-oriented to the point of despair.
As Churchill declared, “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”
“[T]he Master bade his students be wise as the serpent, i.e., never allow the belief of Life and sensation in matter to put to silence the opposite, science of being.” (Science and Health, 1st edition, p. 250)
Ten of the twelve spies “put to silence the science of being” with disastrous results. Fear puts to silence the voice of the angels that hold the key to the solution of every problem imaginable to humankind.
“We saw the giants … and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” (Numbers 13:33.) Thus, as the ten spies fixed their gaze on the false testimony of their five senses, their despair doubled: not only did they see themselves as utterly squashable insects, but imagined their enemies viewing Israel as easy prey as well.
A similar example of such misuse of imagination occurs in the Apocalypse of John, where mortal mind has magnified the serpent of Genesis into a dragon of monstrous proportions.
As the saying goes:
“Two men looked out through prison bars: One saw mud, and the other saw stars.”
Two Israeli spies saw “stars” — namely Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omni-Activity — and the problem of “giants” made a swift getaway: into its native nothingness.
My husband, who is not a Christian Scientist, was fulfilling a dream of his to sail his sailboat to Bermuda and back home to Annapolis. I thought it was a wonderful idea, but as the trip grew nearer, I was experiencing some doubts. It is over 800 miles and across the Gulf Stream, and we have all heard the horror stories about the Bermuda Triangle.
I decided to call a practitioner from Plainfield and ask for help and support for a safe journey for my husband, Len, and his crew. She agreed, but asked that Len also request her support. I was still able to reach him by cell phone, as he was on his way out into the ocean. He was delighted to have her prayers and support.
When they arrived in Bermuda (a 5-day sail), all I heard from Len and each member of the crew was how wonderful the trip was, and how much they all appreciated the help of the practitioner. As Len prepared to greet his new crew and sail for home, he wanted to have this Christian Science support again, and the practitioner agreed.
They set sail in perfect weather; but after they had been out for a few days, the weather looked ominous and the reports they were receiving on the single side band radio (too far off shore for anything else) were predicting storms coming their way. Len was able to reach me by satellite phone, and I then reported about the upcoming storms to the practitioner. We both were praying to know that they can only be in God’s perfect care and they were in the palm of His hand.
The reports from the crew that I heard after their safe return were that they couldn’t believe what they had experienced. During the trip, all around them they could see black clouds and storms, but over them all was fine. They heard on the radio that several boats were damaged and turning back to Bermuda for safety. But, as they sailed on, the good weather followed them; and into the night they saw only stars overhead — but just darkness farther away. It was as if they were in a bubble of good weather.
What an amazing experience and proof of God’s protection and care. I thank the wonderful practitioner and this dedicated independent Christian Science Church for this demonstration of what is possible if we align ourselves with divine Love.
The Generalissimo of Matter |
Joanne Fritz |
I had been struggling with numbness and spasmodic pain as a result of a severed nerve. The practitioner here in Plainfield gave me wonderful healing truths to work with, such as: “You cannot be severed from God’s Love,” and “Stay with ‘I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE’! No separation of any kind is even remotely possible,” because “God’s Love unites and fortifies and blesses.” She also told me to declare that no accident had ever happened. I held to these truths every time the pain would occur.
Then I read the trial allegory in Science and Health, First Edition, where a man is charged with liver complaint. Here Mrs. Eddy describes many false witnesses against the prisoner (patient) — mortal man. But it is Nerves, that she says claims to be the “generalissimo of man.”
When I read that, I laughed to myself. Imagine a nerve being so pompous, and claiming to have such power over man! Nerve, claiming to be the generalissimo of man, is really the generalissimo of matter, nothing, and can’t tell me anything that is true! In fact, Mrs. Eddy ends her allegory by declaring Nerves, “a perjurer…bearing false witness against Man.”
So, every time this nerve tried to act up, I declared “Shut up! There is no residue from something that never happened!” As I persisted, the numbness and pain grew less and less, until they disappeared.
I am so grateful for the wonderful authority we have from God, where “Science commutes the sentence of error, with Truth.” (Science and Health, First Edition, p. 458.)
All Nature Responds to Love |
Nancy Stein |
In Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy states, “The only intelligence or substance of a thought, a seed, or a flower is God, the creator of it.” This brought to mind a wonderful example of this statement in regards to a little hydrangea bush I have. I’ve had this bush for about five years and it hasn’t grown very much, and for the first few years produced no flowers.
The past two years it produced only one single bloom. It was a beautiful flower and it really gave me a lot of joy. So, this spring as the bush started to get its beautiful green leaves, I made it a point to go out each morning and tell it how beautiful it was, and how I was looking forward to seeing it burst forth with the beauty of God, that it was God's radiant idea. Eventually I saw its first flower starting to form and laughed saying, well, here’s my one bloom; but I was grateful for it and kept going out every morning to tell it how I couldn’t wait to see it burst forth with God's radiant Love.
To my delight I started to see another flower forming, then another, then another. To say I was overjoyed is an understatement. Unbelievably, that dear little bush now has twenty flowers forming. Proof positive to me, that when love is expressed, every idea of God responds, showing forth its intelligence, substance, and the beauty of God, “the creator of it.”
Defeating Error’s Resistance |
Jeremy Palmer |
On a recent Saturday morning, we did a remote broadcast for our Bible Study. At around 9:50 we started the live stream so we could be sure everything was working and ready to go. Then, at 9:58, just as we were going to start, the internet went down and shut off the live stream. I tried to fix it, but after a moment there came a quick inspiration letting me know that error was not resisting the broadcast, but rather the Bible Study itself! This Bible Study was going to bless others, both now and for a long time on the website and YouTube. The Bible Study was the important thing, and all I needed to do was call the teleconference and put my phone on speaker so we could get started. If I were to delay any longer in doing that, then I would have been being used by error as a part of the resistance.
As I called in, the internet came back on, but the signal was still very weak. But it was just enough to start the recording and occasionally mute a caller if necessary. As soon as the Bible Study was finished, the internet came back at full strength and has been fine since. This was not a coincidence!
On page 170 of the Divinity Course and General Collectanea, known as The Blue Book, Mary Baker Eddy gives the Rules for overcoming animal magnetism: (for anyone new, animal magnetism is the belief in a power apart from God):
1. See what it is trying to do.
2. Know that it cannot do it.
3. See that it is not done.
This whole experience has taught me to make sure I get step one right. If I had stuck with the thought that error was working to stop the live stream specifically, all my efforts to handle it in steps two and three would have been misdirected.
I am very grateful for all I am learning about Christian Science in this church, and from my practitioner. Every bit of this teaching has practical and immediate benefits for my life and my work, including the ability to remain calm during what seems to be an emergency. It is wonderful to be a part of this mission for the world.
About three years ago, a deer who lives in our area, and who we named “Jane,” was healed by the inspiration I gained from a testimony given at a Plainfield Wednesday testimony meeting.
This year, when Jane came around, I realized she had become quite thin. I figured it must have been a tough winter. But she continued to go downhill and became very weak. I noticed that she was struggling to stand and could only walk a short distance before her legs gave out and she would crash to the ground. This went on for several days and reached a point where she did not want to leave my lawn. I must profess, my first thoughts were that this was due to old age as she has been here for a very long time. I thought I should just make her comfortable and just let her die, as I have put up with a lot of years of her eating my flowers and bushes.
Then I felt real love for how blessed I have been to have her in my experience. She is a wonderful, trusting, gentle doe. I also remembered that God brings into your experience things for a purpose. Perhaps she is here because she remembered the healing she experienced three years ago and was reaching out for help by showing me her distress.
I knew that right now, right then and there, she is a deathless, diseaseless, immortal, ageless being! I also knew that God maintains His creation at the point of perfection. She, therefore, could not be either dying or old. I understood that this was true right now, and I did not need to change anything.
The next morning, I did not see her at breakfast. Deer normally sleep during the day, so I was surprised to see Jane, about 60 feet away trotting toward us. Then I realized that she had come to show me that she was well and had been healed. And perhaps to thank me.
What a thrill, to see such a quick healing! I have seen her off and on for about a week now, and she remains active and walking as she should. She is also starting to fatten up and the mangy look she had, has disappeared.
What a blessing Christian Science is to the world!
Who Speaks? |
Florence Roberts |
I am very grateful to have learned through Christian Science that the words we read from the Bible, and Mrs. Eddy's writings, and all the writings therefrom, when acknowledged as God speaking to each of us, have a powerful impact on our thinking. Sometimes I hear people say, well, I don’t feel anything. But we should ask ourselves, with what frame of mind, or what preparedness, do we come to do our study. One practitioner, in his article, wrote that whenever he takes in Mrs. Eddy’s words, when he comes to study them, he’s in such reverence and feels as if he’s going to talk to his best friend. In fact, he got quite emotional talking about that, showing the depth with which he revered what he was going to learn.
If these truths are seen as just some nice words that somebody is speaking or you are reading, they do not have the spirit, the feeling that comes with them. Yet, if we come with a deep respect, a humble and grateful receptivity of thought, the words do convey the power that they embody.
In John 1:1 it says that “the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” If we come to our studies, or listen to a practitioner, or any source of this Truth, with the attitude of just listening to some words, how much we miss and do not benefit from! They are not just some words. This is God speaking. It has power, and whatever increases our faith, conviction, and reliance on God, is essential in helping us find ourselves, feel the power at hand, and realize our salvation. I’m very grateful for everything I’ve learned about God through His word, and for all the experiences that have proven to me that, yes, there is a God at hand!
No Problem Can Stand Before Thee |
Mary Beth Singleterry |
It is a wonderful thing to learn in Christian Science that God supplies every need. Whatever that need is, whether financial supply, health, joy, protection, whatever it is, God is the source of all good. Therefore, we can turn to Him and be filled with His love, and His power and presence.
In the story of Joshua, after Moses had passed on and Joshua was going to have to lead the children of Israel, the Lord said to him, “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. … Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law.” (Joshua)
Many years ago I was given the first part of that statement by a practitioner. “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life.” It was explained to me that the idea of no man standing before me meant that no problem would be able to stand before me all the days of my life. And this promise is true for everyone!
At that time, I was dealing with some chronic problems that went on and on. I would get coughs, colds, flu, stomach problems, and headaches. It seemed like I was sick more days than not. This verse from the Bible was so helpful to me — to know that no problem could stand before me all the days of my life — and then that I needed to be strong and courageous, and to faithfully observe the Commandments.
I began to forget my troubles and focus more on how I could be strong and courageous, and to resist these impositions. I focused more on the laws and principles of God that govern His universe. I spent a great deal of time studying and praying, and then to the best of my ability, living what I was reading, in spite of the way I felt. Little by little those chronic problems, that had continued for some time, began to diminish and finally disappear, as Mrs. Eddy says they will.
We have authority from on High to stand with these promises of God! They are for all time. We have a good God that loves us and when we turn to Him, He never fails us.
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Letters of Gratitude
I have been thinking and praying about the situations in the world. The news only reports negative things, and there seems to be a lot of bad news to report.
The Roundtable from June 6, 2021, opened my thought to the truth about what is going on. These evil things are being uncovered for a reason — to be healed! Mrs. Eddy says in Miscellaneous Writings, “Error, when found out, is two-thirds destroyed, and the remaining third kills itself.” This is a good thing. Our prayers are exposing the error, and the error is destroying itself. In the Roundtable discussion it was said to trust God’s disposal of events. Trusting God, knowing the truth and staying positive, will help in the healing of the nations.
New Jersey
I cannot say enough great things about this incredible and informative article, “What Prospers Healing,” by David Keyston. Wow! Every true Christian Scientist should read this. I have shared it with two other people. It has started to make a difference in my work.
Thank you for featuring it on our website. What a pearl of great price!
Absolutely beautiful Lesson on Soul and Body (May 23, 2021) — the most inspiring and helpful one I’ve ever studied. Thank you, Lesson writer. You hit a home run with it!
Along with my monthly contributions, I would like to say many thanks for all the blessings which come from this church and its activities. Something I’m very grateful for is all the very uplifting and joyous music, and I’m grateful for the very excellent, high quality CDs which have been performed and produced by Faith and Peter! I so appreciate the prayer and inspiration found in each one; they are perfect to listen to quietly and contemplate the messages, or turn the volume way up when alone in my car or at home, sing along, and rejoice! Many answers can be found in this music, so let me advertise: the CDs “Face the Light” and “Life in God” can be found at the store on the church website. I hope others will check it out and find how great they are!
With thanks and love.
Thank you for the Wednesday readings on “Moral Courage Is a Quality of God.” How wonderful to realize that by reflection, courage is instilled in each of us! As was read, Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health, “…Love’s ideas are subject to the Mind which forms them…”
Thank you for each word in this Wednesday meeting; the power of these words meets someone’s need; and love goes out to bless all the world!
Thanks so much for the article on kindness versus niceness shared at the Sunday Roundtable (May 16, 2021). It was very timely and clarifying for me. Now I can see that within less than the last two weeks, I have done something kind but not “nice,” and something “nice” but not kind. In the case of the act of kindness, there was joy and peace. In the case of the act of niceness there was a lack of joy and peace, no Soul. Thank you again.
The readings titled, “Your Spiritual Sense Will Never Fail You” from the Wednesday night meeting on May 26, 2021, are outstanding, uplifting, and comforting. These readings will be reread and used in my arsenal of books and articles for study, and ideas for personal watches. Thank you!
New Jersey
Thank you, Lesson writers, for the most inspiring weekly lessons. I look forward to reading them each week for new inspiration and wisdom to put into practice.
A few weeks ago, we had a story of the “man of God” and “the old Prophet” from 1 Kings 13. I read and reread the entire chapter, and its lessons are being used to help uncover deception when it appears in its many disguises. During the week of June 13, 2021, we had the story of Job, which highlights the entire book, not just a small section of the book.
I am grateful that our weekly Bible Lessons at Plainfield are formatted with all of the citations from the Bible, followed by citations in Science and Health. This format has allowed for the telling of Job’s story, followed by Mrs. Eddy’s citations from Science and Health, creating the perfect teaching, which demonstrates that God IS the Preserver of Man. The whole lesson felt like a Bible Study. I realized that some of my favorite verses in the Bible are from Job, chapters 34-42. Thank you for the inspiration and wisdom.
I want to express sincere thanks for the excellent Roundtable on June 13, 2021, about Job, together with the two earlier sessions which are accessible from the Plainfield Church website. I listened to them all and am very grateful to have heard your discussion about the interpretation of the book from the Christian Science point of view. I’ve never managed to read right through Job, because I couldn’t understand what it was telling me, so hearing the explanation was very helpful. Thank you.
Gratitude and love to all.
With many thanks I send my monthly contribution — many thanks for being a light in the world, shining brightly to obliterate the darkness of ignorance, despair, hate; and pouring forth the knowledge of the Christ, hope, and Love triumphant!
With thanks and love.
A wonderful Newsletter! Thanks for all the uplifting and thoughtful quotes; thanks to Jim for his joy-filled news items; and thanks for the info from the Membership meeting, showing so much interest from around the world, and the exciting things happening in our church!
Thank you for a most inspiring and blessed Roundtable and church service today, June 27, 2021. From beginning to end, all the offerings were instructive and uplifting; the singing of “There is a Balm in Gilead” was absolutely beautiful, and when we sang the last hymn, which told us, “Go, take the little open book From out the angel’s hand; The word of Truth is there for all to read and understand. What though the seven thunders roll? That still small voice shall make thee whole,” I truly felt I was standing on holy ground! Thanks to all!
On June 29, 2021, I received the Plainfield daily calendar statement in my email and read it quickly as I was rushing out of my house —
“No matter how bad things look, hold on.” — Bicknell Young.
It calmed me down, adjusted my thought, and made me laugh, when I thought of this, as in holding onto a rope, my spiritual sense of things. My Plainfield practitioner has told me several times “When you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on” (so I won’t fall off during the wild ride that sometimes presents itself). I am so grateful for these short, powerful, loving calendar truths that contribute to getting us through our days, and for our Plainfield practitioners.
I have received the May edition of Love is the Liberator. I’m very grateful for the inspiring articles, comments and testimonies. It is such a joy to read them over and over again, it always brings comfort, solace, and fresh inspiration every time. Thank you all!
New York
My grandson prefaces comments to me with the words, “I need,” as in “I need for you to sit down.” There is never “I want.” One of the Church members in this morning’s Bible Lesson mentioned that the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years had the need to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. The word, “need” was used, not the word, “want.” It is an innocent, pure, childlike state of thought, that expresses “need” and it elicits a response filled with tender-hearted joy. Thank you for this sweet recollection that connects the childlike thought to Love’s full embrace and divine healing, affirming that, when we have a need, our Father-Mother God is only too joyful to meet it, completely.
There is so much I’d like to say as I search for adequate words to convey my great gratitude for each individual voice from Plainfield: for your generous sharing and devotion to this remarkable and profound teaching of Christian Science and Mrs. Eddy’s rightful place.
I am learning so much every day as a sense of peace and confidence quietly eclipses the pain of years of habitual erroneous beliefs. Grateful to God for leading me here.
North Carolina
I have been led by God’s still small voice to study the book of Daniel in the Bible. Chapter 3:14-18 are the conversation between King Nebuchadnezzar and Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego.
I now realize that whatever my trial is, my burning fiery furnace, God will deliver me from it just as he delivered Shadrach, Meshack and Abed-nego. This is a wonderful awakening and provides a new strength to look mortal mind in the face and say, “Thus far and no further. You have no power, and you will be annihilated and the perfection of God and His reflection, man, me, will be seen by all!!”
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Testimonies of Healing
from P. C. W. in Canada
My son’s father was not a Christian Scientist, and did not attend our church, although he was very respectful of it, and agreed to have our son attend a Christian Science Sunday School regularly.
One day, at the height of busy season in advertising for me, my husband told me that he had been going to a hospital and had seen doctors. Numerous tests had been done, and he had been diagnosed with a severe case, with a medical prediction that he would die in a few months. He asked me to pray for him. When I suggested that he call a Christian Science practitioner, he explained that he didn’t feel comfortable with that, although he had seen that work for me.
He said, “I’m not going to tell you what the name of the disease is or what its symptoms are, because you will just tell me that you are too busy and have not prayed as much as you want to. I don’t want the name of the disease to frighten you. I will just tell you that it has a big-brand, scary name. If I told you the name of it, you possibly would not want to pray about it. But, if you don’t pray, you will not have a husband in just a few months. P-l-e-a-s-e … you had better get praying hard, because the medical field can’t help me.”
Although in shock at first, I told him that I would pray. But I first had to correct my thinking about already feeling overwhelmed with a demanding full-time job, and the care of our toddler son.
I realized that there is nothing hidden that would not be revealed. All is known to God, the all-knowing. All that can be revealed is perfection. Hymn 370 says, “We are hid with Christ forever, in the Father’s holy plan.”
I lost interest in trying to uncover a disease’s name. A LIE is NAMELESS NOTHING. There is not an atom of Truth in any lie of any type, sort or description, whether big, small or in-between. “Hallowed be THY NAME!” (Matthew 6:9).
Like Jesus’ words (John 8:32), “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” I just had to know that God’s harmony was the only thing to know. I declared God’s love and care for us all, and that matter can make no conditions for us — because matter is not Cause. Spirit is the only Creator.
I lost all concern, feeling assured that Life is and will be everlasting. That’s the true Scientific prediction.
Within a few weeks, my husband reported that a lump (which had been diagnosed as cancer) had fallen off. He gratefully gave Christian Science the full credit for his healing.
My great gratitude goes to God for giving us the Holy Bible and Science and Health written by Mary Baker Eddy to lift us out of darkness and propel us into the Light.
And I’m extremely thankful for the Plainfield Church’s many deep spiritual articles and Bible studies on their website, which the dedicated church workers make available.
from J. F. in Florida
I’m very grateful for the powerful protection and healing power of Christian Science prayer that I received from a practitioner here.
Two weeks ago, I was in a very serious bicycle accident. I suffered a concussion, head laceration, and severe bruises all over my body. My husband arrived at the incident almost immediately, and called a Plainfield practitioner for help. Within a short time I regained consciousness, and was taken to the hospital for necessary treatment. During that whole time, I felt calm and safe, because I knew the practitioner was praying and that God was governing.
I was able to go home in a few hours, attend church that night, and, thanks to continued prayerful help from the practitioner, there was progress with the physical healing each day. The practitioner told me to trust the “recuperative action of Truth,” but that I had to do my part and consistently take the Truth into my consciousness through study and prayerful time with God.
The most precious part of this experience, was the time I had to get closer to God. Thanks to the supporting prayers of practitioner, I finally realized that long-time habits of impatience, willfulness, and a false sense that I was able to accomplish good apart from God, all needed to go — and that this wrong thinking was my downfall.
I do not take this healing or the power of this Christian Science prayer lightly. Several years ago, my cousin, who was wearing a helmet, fell off his bicycle, went into a coma, and never recovered. I was not wearing a helmet, but thanks to the healing power of Christian Science prayer, I am able to give this testimony. My heart overflows with gratitude to God, to Christian Science, and to the practitioner.
from L. L. in Ohio
I am so grateful to the Plainfield Church, and all that I have been learning here about Christian Science. I am most especially grateful to my practitioner.
Recently, I thought I lost a watch that was quite valuable. I was out working early in the day clearing up things in the yard, wearing that watch to keep track of the time. Later that day as I prepared to leave the house, I realized that the watch was missing. I spent two days looking for it.
When I called my practitioner on the following Monday, my practitioner reminded me that nothing is ever lost in Mind and said to stop looking, that God knows where it is and He will show me. The following day I wore the same pair of pants that I had on that particular day when the watch went missing, and there it was. It had fallen into the cuff of the pants I had worn. What a blessing as I realized that the watch had been protected in that cuff all that time, and never lost. I’m so grateful to God, and to my practitioner for this revelation.
from L. S. in New Jersey
I am very grateful for the Wednesday evening services established by Mary Baker Eddy for her Church. It is a blessing to have this time in the week to be spiritually refreshed and encouraged.
One evening I came to one of these testimony meetings in pain from an injury to my shoulder. One of the testifiers spoke of a healing he had, and shared some simple ideas that helped him. I felt uplifted and inspired. I left the service with more mobility and the pain mostly subsided. I was still unable to lift my arm above my head and movement was limited. During this time, I continued to get regular support from my Plainfield practitioner. I worked daily to live the precepts found in Mary Baker Eddy's writings and the Bible.
I was given a quote by my practitioner from Science and Health on page 248 that reads, “Let unselfishness, goodness, mercy, justice, health, holiness, love — the kingdom of heaven — reign within us, and sin, disease, and death will diminish until they finally disappear.” The other day I realized I had normal use of my shoulder and arm. It was such a quiet, gentle change that I almost forgot about the original problem. Just as the promise said, “sin, disease, and death will diminish until they finally disappear.”
I am very grateful to be learning how to correctly practice Christian Science. I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her tremendous sacrifices so the world could have this Science of the Christ, and to my practitioner for her prayers.
Take Responsibility and Go Forward! |
from L. S. in Missouri
The discussion on Sunday’s Roundtable (5/30/21) touched on the fact that it is absolutely mandatory that we take responsibility for our own experiences in life, and that we never blame others for what may come our way, but rather, learn from each untoward experience and go forward.
These statements brought back to mind when I had this revelation in my life. I was in dire circumstances, facing suicidal thoughts daily, as a result of my parents’ divorce after 28 years, and a family life that appeared, on the surface, to be quite ideal — and then my own separation / imminent divorce. I was totally confused about what love is, and I remember blaming everyone else for the mess I was in — my parents, my siblings, my soon-to-be ex-husband, my upbringing, etc. etc. Then, one day it dawned on me that it was ME who was entirely responsible for my situation, and I could, and should, only look in the mirror to find the reasons why my situation was so bad. This was such a freeing realization, because, if this was true — if I was solely responsible for my predicament, then I, likewise, could, and should, be solely responsible for changing it!
I realized that I was not dependent upon any other human being for anything, but just on myself. At the time, I had not yet found God or Christian Science, so I didn’t have its teachings about our all-loving Father-Mother, God, to lean on yet, but this realization was an important steppingstone on my way to receiving my first copy of our textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mrs. Eddy, which happened just three years later. And, the rest, as they say, is history. I thank God for the trials and tribulations that occurred in my life so many years ago, which ultimately led me to the life-saving truths we are taught in Christian Science.
Safe is man within God’s arms
Where neither fear nor foe alarms,
Where good is all and no ill harms;
Here man is ever safe.
Safe in the heaven of this bliss
Where angels come to softly kiss
The consciousness and tell it this:
God’s man is always safe.
Safe in the ever-presence of
The Father’s never-ceasing love
Beneath, about us, and above
Can man be less than safe?
A Tribute to Mary Baker Eddy |
Benjamin Ndukwe |
Listening to the readings at the Wednesday testimony meeting on July 14, 2021, entitled, “Our Safety Is to Dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High,” I was overwhelmed with love and gratitude for Mary Baker Eddy, for her exemplary life and love for Christian Science.
From Mrs. Eddy’s Message for 1902 Gary read, “In the eighties, anonymous letters mailed to me contained threats to blow up the hall where I preached; yet I never lost my faith in God, and neither informed the police of these letters nor sought the protection of the laws of my country. I leaned on God, and was safe.” (page 15:1-5) Mrs. Eddy did not go to the authorities nor did she even let it interfere with her work for God and mankind. For that reason, God protected her and members of her household. What an example of how to handle hate and aggressive mental suggestions of any kind. Love destroys hate, no matter where or who it is coming from.
Before I came to the Plainfield Church, I knew very little about Mary Baker Eddy. I got a glimpse of who she is by reading Science and Health with Keys to the Scriptures. Her writings are inspirational and a revelation to the world. But her life story was exemplary. She lived a humble life. Her story will touch you really deeply and make you want to be a better person. I love listening to stories of her life whenever they are read, many of which were events that led to her discovery of Christian Science. It’s always a privilege.
That’s why I am very grateful for the Longyear Museum for the work they are doing in preserving and retelling these wonderful stories about the life of Mary Baker Eddy — her household, and her generosity. Many of them are videos in documentary format, and I have had the privilege of viewing a few.
When I first visited her home at Chestnut Hill and saw her room, where many demonstrations and healing work were done, once again I was humbled and overwhelmed with gratitude and love for who she is. It was a revealing moment to me, and knowing that she lived such a life of humility, I couldn’t hold back emotions. I was overwhelmed. Every bit of self pride I had in me was completely gone. That’s why I have the utmost respect and gratitude for her. I adore her for all that she went through, for the persecutions she had to endure, and for her perseverance in following the footsteps of Christ, the way-shower, thus setting an example for us to follow. She wrote in the Blue Book, on page 173, “Follow my teachings only so far as they follow Christ’s in word and deed.” For these reasons we gathered here at this testimony meeting. For these reasons we owe her endless gratitude.
I also have the same gratitude and reverence for Doris White Evans for her life of service to God in following Mrs. Eddy’s footsteps, and her love for Christian Science, which led to our independence. I am grateful for everyone who is taking part in this sacred cause, and everyone sitting in this auditorium tonight, and all of you who have found our church from all over the world. You are now part of a great Cause that is changing lives around the world.
I am grateful to Mary Baker Eddy for her life of service to God and to mankind, and most grateful to God for the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent.
Attic Room, Lynn |
Max Dunaway |
Not much that earth could give was there
Within those walls: a table, a chair,
A Bible with its holy leaven,
A woman writing — and a light from heaven.
With deepest gratitude for her life and her works
b. July 16th, 1821
“As Mary Baker Eddy I am the weakest of mortals. As the Discoverer of Christian Science I am the bone and sinew of the world.”
from Recollections of Mary Baker Eddy by James F. Gilman, page iv
Above painting of the Baker home in Bow, NH by James F. Gilman
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When Plainfield Church first became independent, we were asked, “How will you survive? What will you read?” As you can see below, through the grace of God, we have survived very well, thank you — and flourished!
We began by writing our own Bible Lessons, and then Independent Christian Scientists from all over the world began sending us writings by early Christian Science workers that were not available anywhere else. And we grew from there — and continue to grow.
Lectures on Christian Science,
by Peter V. Ross
And, our church book store is growing! We have just published a book of Lectures on Christian Science given by Peter V. Ross. This version is accurate and true to the original, just as Mr. Ross first published it. These lectures are wonderfully inspiring, and cover a variety of subjects. His wonderful “plain talking” reaches people at every level, encouraging and healing. This book is available in paperback version from Plainfield Church for $18.00, postage included.
Our Website
Our church website,, has a wealth of inspiring and healing items to read and listen to, including recordings of past services, Bible Studies, and Roundtable discussions.
You will also find a treasure trove of articles and other literature by early workers in Christian Science, including Bicknell Young, Martha Wilcox, Herbert W. Eustace, and many others. There are also audio recordings of many of these articles and books. Audio recordings of the current week’s Bible Lesson, and a Forum to post comments relating to the Lesson are available, and also a Bulletin Board where you can post comments of a more general nature.
YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel has over 3,000 videos of church services, classes, readings of books and articles, hymns, and music from our services, which are visited regularly by people from all over the world.
Check out all that we have to offer by going to:
Our Church Publications
Our church publications are available free on our church website, but sometimes it’s nice to have a copy in your hand to refer back to at your leisure, or during the night when there might be a need for comfort. Descriptions and subscription prices are included below.
In alternate months, our church publishes our church Newsletter, “Plainfield Independent.” This publication contains news about church activities, miscellaneous writings, and other fun things that will make you smile, laugh — and think.
Books by Early Workers in Christian Science
Plainfield Church is the source for many books and writings by early workers in the Christian Science movement, many of whom worked in Mrs. Eddy’s home and were taught by Mrs. Eddy herself. These priceless writings are available for purchase at very reasonable prices, and are listed, along with ordering information, on our church website, Many articles on our church website are excerpts taken from these books, so to have the complete works is a real privilege!
You can find a list of books we have available for purchase by clicking “Store” on the top menu of our website.
Church Membership
“When one sees that Christian Science is the only way, he is ready for church membership, and there is no other requirement.” — Mary Baker Eddy
This is the only requirement for membership in Plainfield Church. We welcome everyone who wishes to become a member and work for God to send in an application, which you can find under the “Members” tab on our website. Or send an email to our clerk at:
Websites in Other Languages
Our missionary work is expanding. We have recently launched websites in the languages of Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Marathi, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Sindhi, and Tamil, which join with our existing Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu — that makes seventeen languages other than English!
Much gratitude to all of our translators for their individual demonstrations which are working to bless every corner of the world!
We recently received the following email from someone new in Pakistan:
Accept my greetings and salute for the lovely way to produce your unchallenged true teachings about God, as our Mind, we as His ideal creation and making it clear what the Christian Science Church is giving to the spiritual-thirsty like me. The great work you and your Church is dealing regarding foreign languages is amazing and fruitful. I am having great blessings since I have started learning the Word of God through your website and YouTube channels. Especially Pashto, Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil and Marathi languages are doing great things spiritually in my life when I read and listen to the YouTube lessons.
I greatly appreciate it and ask my Lord for the unstoppable blessings for the whole church worldwide. May you always please my heart and soul by producing these lessons and other great material in all the languages of the world especially for my Pakistani and Indian people. Amen.
I thank you and the whole church again for all of this.
Our goal was, and still is, to get the Word of God out to people all over the world who need this pure, unadulterated Science, as we did, and still do. So you will see that much of what we provide on our website,, is free. Please feel free to browse through all that we have there. You don’t even have to tell us who you are — we warmly welcome everyone!
But there are expenses involved in maintaining a website, and in maintaining our church home and our church services. So if you are helped by what you find here, and you wish to show your gratitude, please use the “donate” button on the website. It would be greatly appreciated!
Tenets of Christian Science
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 496-497
The following is a brief exposition of the important points, or religious tenets, of Christian Science:—
1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.
2. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God’s image and likeness.
3. We acknowledge God’s forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.
4. We acknowledge Jesus’ atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man’s unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.
5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.
6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.
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A note about the lighthouse sketch by Luanne:
Boston Light — little Brewster Island (outer Boston Harbor), Massachusetts
Boston Light was the first light station in North America and is the country’s oldest continuously used lighthouse site. The original structure, built in 1716, was destroyed during the Revolutionary War. Rebuilt in 1783, it has been called “the ideal American lighthouse.” Designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1964, it is the only manned lighthouse in the United States.
“Publish the Word”
Broadcast the Truth
“Freely ye have received, freely give”
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