Table of Contents

About the cover:
From In Defense of Mary Baker Eddy, and the Remnant of Her Seed, by Paul R. Smillie:
In the Christian Science Sentinel of September 6, 1913 on page ten, Archibald McLellan stated three most important points about the cover of the Sentinel and a minor change made at that time on its cover. Speaking of this change he said, “Beyond this there can be neither desire nor occasion for change in the Sentinel, because,” he said, “Mrs. Eddy’s instructions forbid any change.” He explained this by saying, “Mrs. Eddy likewise gave instructions.” The word “instructions” is most important. Speaking then of the two women, the lamps and the inscriptions beneath them, he said they had been “preserved as expressive of our Leader’s thought. ...” Mrs. Eddy requested that the cover of the Sentinel be light blue in color.”
Victor, Not A Victim
Victor, not Victim |
Anna E. Herzog |
Christian Science Sentinel, January 27, 1934
Often we hear some person described as being the victim of circumstances. Occasionally, we may even have thought of ourselves in that role. Surely no Christian Scientist who in the Sunday service listens to the reading of John's statement, "Now are we the sons of God," could accept the role of victim! Rather let us lay hold on our sonship with God and prove our spiritual victory over every adverse circumstance.
Before we could believe that anyone is a victim of circumstances we would have to accept the counterfeit belief of material personality, instead of holding the right concept of true individuality. The Psalmist asked, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him?” Christian Science replies that man's true, permanent, and indestructible individuality is God's reflection, His expression. It teaches that man is, and always has been, protected by divine Love, informed by infinite Mind, enveloped in the radiant joyousness of Soul, governed by immutable Principle, maintained eternally by Life. Of what could man be victim?
Man, who is the perfect expression of God, is constituted of spiritual qualities. He possesses by reflection integrity, love, joy, intelligence. There is no possibility of imperfection getting into what God has constituted. There is no possibility of his expressing weaknesses or evil tendencies inherited from mortal ancestors! There is no possibility of joy, intelligence, or spiritual power being broken. How, then, could man, who possesses these characteristics by reflection of God, be diseased or injured? Man, constituted of divine qualities, is not the victim of disease or accident, of poverty, sin, hatred, heredity, or any other type of abuse.
Expressing the qualities which reflect God, we are expressing the qualities which constitute God's man, who is perfect, whole, free, pure, strong, active. Let us learn to see ourselves as God's children brought into being by divine Mind, and in addition make a continuous effort to see all others in the same light.
There is one real man, God's man. Let us stop thinking overmuch about mortals. Let our thinking be holy, noble, compassionate. Our movement needs that kind of thinking; so does the world. We must look away from the petty, the untrue, the personal, the unimportant. Man is so great, so good, that we cannot afford to narrow and belittle our concept of him. Let us think of our birthright — the birthright of each one — of all that is good and pure and wise! Let us claim the divine consciousness as ours, and intelligently and specifically, if need be, refuse to believe in the existence of mankind that hates! Let us refuse to be unloving or to believe that anyone else is unloving, or has ever been unloving to us or anyone. Let us look for good always, express good always, magnify good always.
God’s man is not victimized by disease, dishonesty, lack, or any claim of the senses. We need to know and declare the truth vigorously, in order to prove it true in human experience. Man is conscious only of good, of God. As we better apprehend man, as we lift thought to the presence of God, through more sincere prayer and holier aspiration, the true vision will be translated into victory over personal faults, human circumstances, past or present. And when we see man as ever reflecting God, we will be always the victor, never the victim, and will usher us into the perfect consciousness of true individuality, unfallen, pure, and forever free.
No Memory for Evil |
Paul Stark Seeley |
Christian Science Journal, December 1944
Many troubles of mankind are largely due to unhappy experiences in the past that have left impressions on the thought. Christian Science offers a complete and effective remedy which, when rightly and persistently applied, erases all such memories of evil, on the simple basis that man can be conscious only of God and His good creation.
When a picture has been taken on film, prints are made by placing the film over chemically sensitive paper and exposing both to strong light. Chemical changes then take place, and the impression left on the paper is the picture. If a piece of ordinary paper were used in place of the chemically sensitive paper, there would be no picture. Only sensitive paper will receive the impression.
Man, like the insensitive paper, cannot receive or hold negative impressions, he responds only to God's positive thoughts and ideas. Job saw the worthlessness of all memories of evil when he said, “Your remembrances are like unto ashes.” Isaiah counseled, “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.” To wipe them out of thought, radical thinking is necessary.
We must start with God and His idea. This infinitude of good has never been encroached upon, nor its perfect and harmonious order upset by mortal mind. All that evil would have us remember is as ashes — utterly valueless and useless. If we consent to believe we have a memory for evil, we dishonor ourselves and our God. We in effect say, God has made me, but evil has taken possession of me and filled my consciousness with devilish thoughts and pictures. Is this the consciousness God gives man?
We are eternally endowed with the Mind of Christ, which never has known, or been sensitive to, aught but God and His harmonious order of Life. Through spiritual sense we find the eternal intactness of the works God has made for our remembrance — His kingdom of ideas — and blot out all memory of evil. Daily we should remember this statement, “There is no door through which evil can enter, and no space for evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness.” (Miscellany, page 210) Never has there been a door through which evil concepts have entered, or space in any individual’s consciousness for them to fill. Man forever cognizes and remembers only the works of God.
Reliance Upon Spiritual Power |
Blanche H. Hogue |
Christian Science Journal, November 1903
In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy makes this statement: “The central fact of the Bible is the superiority of spiritual over physical power.” (p. 131)
The battles fought by the children of Israel, which illustrate the power of righteousness to subdue aggressive evil, were not won by means of strength, nor skill, nor numbers. Many Scriptural accounts tell of prophets and apostles, rulers and exiles, being delivered from affliction and bondage in spiritual victories over sin and disease. The records say, “The battle is not yours, but God’s;” “The Lord saveth not with sword and spear.”
The first demand of Christian Science upon its adherent is, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” It means much to the student of Christian Science to abandon completely all dependence upon material means and methods. The tendencies and education of a lifetime will oppose every spiritual effort, and, if possible, continually persuade the student to give power to materiality.
Remember the experience of David as he went out to meet Goliath. David did not hesitate, or wait until he was strong enough to throw a huge boulder at Goliath; just a small stone, well directed, was all that was needed. The courage of David declared, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.”
When the forces of temptation and disease come with the clamor of sword and spear and shield, the student can say with David's courage, “I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts,” knowing that because of this reliance, deliverance is at hand. Then indeed “All this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear,” and the threatened danger, like the Philistine of old, will fall “upon his face to the earth.”
The value of remembering past victories was also well exemplified in David's experience. He told Saul, “The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.” What the law of God did yesterday, it can do today, and it only remains for the disciple to be steadfast and single-eyed in his consecration to the power of Spirit, to see its deliverance again and again.
The action of the law of God, stimulating faith and trust in the heart of man, has been confined to no epoch, limited to no generation. The same God who sustained David so many centuries ago, sustains man today in his hour of need. God is the same God “yesterday, to-day, and forever,” and the spiritual power which overcame physical resistance thousands of years ago, which crowned the life of the Messiah with complete spiritual victory, and which wrought deliverance for the twentieth century Christian, is always at hand to save and bless that unwavering reliance which seeks deliverance through spiritual power alone.
Humanity’s Helper |
Duncan Sinclair |
Christian Science Sentinel, October 15, 1927
If men only knew what Christian Science has in store for those who understand its teachings, they would turn to it with a great sense of gladness in their hearts.
Mortals would seem to be subject to trials including sickness, sorrow, suffering in many forms; and some regard these as inevitable. Christian Science refuses to admit the inevitability of these ills, or that mankind will not attain complete mastery over them.
Many centuries ago the Psalmist sang: “My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: ... he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.” (Psalm 121)
Christian Science brings us face to face with the absolute truth about God — reveals that truth to us, and by doing so presents God to us as the altogether reliable Helper of mankind. And what is this absolute truth? It is the fact of God's allness and perfection. Christian Science declares that God is All-in-all; that He is infinitely good; and that there is nothing outside of Himself. Whenever this is seen and realized by anyone, he begins to get the victory over so-called evil: God becomes his Helper. And what a joyous time he should experience as he rejects the errors of false material sense through his understanding of Truth!
A great deal of the suffering of mankind is due to sinful indulgence. Exactly as Spirit is seen to be infinite, dominion is obtained over matter, and the victory secured over disease and sin. And in the process of gaining the victory, strength comes to us from divine Mind, whose allness we are declaring. How clearly Mrs. Eddy saw the problem and understood its solution may be inferred from these words of hers on page 407 of Science and Health: “If man is not victorious over the passions, they crush out happiness, health, and manhood. Here Christian Science is the sovereign panacea, giving strength to the weakness of mortal mind, — strength from the immortal and omnipotent Mind, — and lifting humanity above itself into purer desires, even into spiritual power and good-will to man.”
The Walls of Jericho |
Mary I. Mesechre |
Christian Science Journal, June 1911
The Scriptures narrate many incidents similar to our experiences in the journey from sense to Soul, that often show heavy burdens lifted, and countless problems solved by even a slight understanding of the lessons learned by the earnest student.
All are familiar with the story of the children of Israel before Jericho, — how at the moment of entrance to the land of promise, their former leader, Moses, passed from them, and they were left with a new and untried leader, Joshua. At the outset the formidable walls of Jericho confronted them, and they were bidden to its conquest. Each further step was divinely and definitely directed, and unfalteringly obeyed, and finally, the complete overthrow of the city followed their claim of victory and praise to God for its accomplishment.
Every student of Christian Science has his period of wilderness wandering. At some stage of the journey we rely upon some human leader, — friend, practitioner, or teacher, — until by divine authority such a sense of dependence is withdrawn and we go forward, fearing and trembling. Even the marvelous demonstration at the brink of Jordan, where the waters, touched by the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the covenant, receded and all went over on dry ground, does not seem to be sufficient proof of God's omnipresence and omnipotence. This is repeated today whenever the pure understanding of God's presence touches the waves of mortal mind and rolls them back harmless before the onward march of Truth.
How often, when we have for the first time acknowledged divine Principle as our sole guide, does a test come to us such as came to Israel. The story tells us they were encamped in the plains of Jericho, evidently in full view of the city. Absolutely no attempt was to be made to approach the city. The sole requirement was that all the people should once daily march about the city, and should then return into camp and lodge there.
Often when a problem confronts us, if it be one that requires patience, do we yield to temptation and become impatient, and break camp, forsaking the orderly marshaling of our thoughts? To know that God is the only real power, that He will disclose His power in outward manifestation at the right moment and in the proper manner, is to ally one's self with Him.
Our problem is to be approached in the same way. No matter how hopeless the difficulty may seem, we can once daily compass it with the sign of God’s presence. Six days this order to compass the walls was to be obeyed. Repetition of actions or words sometimes grows tiresome and monotonous and our work is done mechanically. But when we acknowledge God as leader, we are honor bound to do His bidding, and His method of procedure never changes, for with Him “is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” This daily march is part of the discipline meted out to each true child of God, and loving obedience murmurs not against the Father’s will.
When the children of Israel had compassed the walls of Jericho for the seventh time on the seventh day, they saw no change. The walls still stood. Not until was heard their united shout of praise to God because He had given them the city, did unmistakable evidence of victory appear, — “the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.”
What then completed the downfall of Jericho? Not alone the daily march, nor the seven-times-repeated compass of the city on the seventh day; nor the continual trumpeting of the priests. All these served to train the people in such habits of obedience that when they were bidden to shout, they unhesitatingly praised Him for victory, despite all appearance to the contrary.
We may face a problem which bars our further progress; we may marshal our warriors, we may robe our priests in pure garments, and then — silence. Even the trumpet gives forth an uncertain sound, and we retreat dismayed. Yet the walls stand unscathed. And why? We failed to praise! Not one iota of the divine decree can be disregarded if we are to be victorious, and praise to God is the signal for complete triumph. Only when all the people shouted in accord with the trumpet blast did the walls of Jericho crumble. Only as we, in utter disregard of all sense testimony, claim victory and voice gratitude therefor, can we receive the full reward for obedience, for not until then is obedience complete. The appearance of the walls was but circumstantial; the evidence of God's word was conclusive, and its acceptance enables us to declare, as did Jesus, “Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.”
Christian Science Sentinel, September 20, 1924
There is, perhaps, no quality more necessary to success than courage. Many a battle has been gained by the revival of courage where the fight had seemed almost lost. Men have always looked upon such courage as this with great admiration, and have desired to possess and exercise it. They have, however, often sought for it in the wrong direction because they have considered it physical. The entire nature of true courage is always moral.
In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says, “Moral courage is 'the lion of the tribe of Juda,' the king of the mental realm.” And then she adds: "Free and fearless it roams in the forest. Undisturbed it lies in the open field, or rests in ‘green pastures, ... beside the still waters.’”
Christian Science shows how to attain this courage that can never fail but that presses steadily forward until victory is won. It explains that, as Paul said, we can do all things through Christ, Truth, who strengtheneth us. After all, what is it that inspires true courage but the understanding that one has the God-given ability to accomplish what he undertakes?
Then if, as the sons of God, we will work from Jesus' standpoint, — that “the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise,” — we shall be able to prove that moral courage is really ours; that we are indeed at-one with “the king of the mental realm.”
Every demonstration of Truth over error, however small, is of real value in winning the salvation of the world. The demand for courage is made upon every one of us equally. Let us all, therefore, cling constantly to the blessed assurance that our beloved Leader has given us in Miscellany (p. 191), where she says, “Immortal courage fills the human breast and lights the living way of Life.”
Confidence (excerpt 2) |
Martha Harris Bogue |
Christian Science Journal, March 1903
Christian Science teaches that confidence in one’s own ability, our human sense of strength, human will-power and determination, is misplaced confidence, “a reed shaken with the wind,” a house built upon the sand which will not stand. God, Good, is no respecter of persons but gives to all men freely all that they will receive.
Moses stands for moral courage. (S&H, p. 592) He showed his confident trust in God against all the murmuring of the Children of Israel—and how they did murmur! Josephus in his description of the crossing of the Red Sea has helped me many times to go ahead. He says,—
“When the Egyptians had overtaken the Hebrews they prepared to fight them, and by their multitude they drove them into a narrow place, for the number that pursued after them was six hundred chariots with fifty thousand horsemen and two hundred thousand footmen, all armed.”
Then he tells how the Israelites murmured at Moses.
“But Moses, though the multitude looked fiercely at him, did not however give over the care of them, but despised all danger out of his trust in God. When Moses was come to the seashore he took his rod and made supplication to God and called upon Him to be their helper and assist. And he said: ‘We are in a helpless state, but still it is a place that Thou possessest; still the sea is Thine, the mountains also that enclose us are Thine, so that these mountains will open themselves if Thou commandest them, and the sea also if Thou commandest it will become dry land.’”
Is it any wonder that when such confidence, boldness, courage went before them straight into the sea “dark ebbing and flowing tides of human fear” (S&H, p. 566), that it should have parted, and that they should have walked through triumphantly? There was but one thing for them to do,—go straight ahead. There is but one thing for us to do,—go straight ahead, neither turning to the right hand nor to the left.
When I have seemed to be hemmed in on every side,—the army of personal sense behind, the jagged precipices on each side, and the Red Sea before,—these words have strengthened me: “Soul hath infinite resources,” right here, right now, “wherewith to bless mankind.” I do not have to see these resources with my eyes, or handle them with the hands. I do not have to know what they are even. I simply have to accept that inspired statement of Truth that Soul hath them and that they are mine, because I am the heir of God and joint heir with Christ.
“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.”
"Teach Me Father" |
Charles Edwin Markham |
Teach me, Father, how to go
Softly as the grasses grow;
Hush my soul to meet the shock
Of the wild world as a rock;
But my spirit, propped with power,
Make as simple as a flower.
Let the dry heart fill its cup,
Like a poppy looking up;
Let life lightly wear her crown
Like a poppy looking down,
When its heart is filled with dew,
And its life begins anew.
Teach me, Father, how to be
Kind and patient as a tree.
Joyfully the crickets croon
Under the shady oak at noon;
Beetle, on his mission bent,
Tarries in that cooling tent.
Let me, also, cheer a spot,
Hidden field or garden grot –
Place where passing souls can rest
On the way and be their best.
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Items By and About Mary Baker Eddy
Rev. Mary Baker Eddy |
Judge S. J. Hanna |
By the editor of the Christian Science Journal, Boston, Mass., as published in The Granite Monthly, a New Hampshire Magazine, 1896
About the year 1870, before Mr. Charles Slade’s door in Chelsea, Mass., there stopped an emaciated, pale-faced cripple, strapped to crutches. His elbows were stiff, and lower limbs so contracted his feet touched not the ground. Mrs. Eddy was there, and gave him some scrip.
A few weeks thereafter, sitting in her carriage, Mrs. Slade noticed a smart-looking man, having that same face, vending some wares on the grounds where General Butler held parade. She drove to where he stood. Their gaze met, and simultaneously they exclaimed, “Are you that man?” and “Where is that woman?” Then followed the explanation, he narrating that after leaving her house he hobbled to the next door, and was given permission to enter and lie down. In about an hour he revived, and found his arms and limbs loosed – he could stand erect and walk naturally. All pain, stiffness, and contraction were gone, and he added, “I am now a well man, and I am that man.”
Mrs. Slade then answered his question as to “that” woman, and afterwards narrated to Mrs. Eddy the circumstances connected with his recovery, but not until she had inquired of her, if she thought that terrible-looking cripple, whom they both saw, was healed? To which Mrs. Eddy quickly answered, “I do believe that he was restored to health.” Later, on being asked by her students as to how she healed him, Mrs. Eddy simply said, – “When I looked on that man, my heart gushed with unspeakable pity and prayer. After that, he passed out of my thought until being informed by Mrs. Slade of his sudden restoration.”
About the year 1867, as Mrs. Eddy sat alone at her quiet occupation in an outside room opening on a garden and porch, the door was suddenly burst open, and an escaped maniac dashed into the room. Her quiet, truthful gaze momentarily met his wild glare; then he fiercely seized a chair to hurl at her head. She spoke to him; he dropped the chair, approached her, and, pointing upward, exclaimed, “Are you from there?” The next moment he was kneeling before her with his head pressed hard into his hands. She uttered not a word; but those of our readers who are Christian Scientists can apprehend a little of her inspiration at that moment. Soon the poor maniac gave a deep groan, then he looked up into her face with a new wildness – the astonishment of sanity – and breathed out, “that terrible weight has gone off the top of my head.”
“Yes,” she answered, figuratively, “I have anointed you with the oil of gladness.” Some conversation followed, in the course of which she learned that he was talented and scholarly, the beloved son of a cultured and wealthy family residing on Beacon street, Boston. He left the house clothed in his right mind.
Several years after, in the midst of pressing work, there was announced a caller to whom she felt obliged to return the request to call again. On the receipt of this message from the attendant, the gentleman hesitated a moment, then requested her to ask Mrs. Eddy if she remembered the foregoing incident, and to say, as he was simply passing through the place on his way to a distant city, and had an hour to spare, he had come to tell her of that maniac, if she would like to hear about him. This summons brought her to the parlors. And to the fine-looking gentleman who stood before her she expressed heartfelt interest in the case which he had come to report. His reply was, “I am that man”; and she recognized her “callers” to be identical.
“And now,” concluded he, “I am a married man, and instead of a shattered family, with husband and father in the insane asylum the best years of his life, when most needed by his loved ones, we are all together, useful, happy, and our children are being educated as they should be.”
No woman has more real friends than Mrs. Eddy, and perhaps no character is held in higher estimation in the nineteenth century. As her biographer, we deem it safe to say that, judging of the future by the past, this estimation will increase in proportion as her character and life work are understood.
“Such is the tale of one of the thousands of lives that have come, either directly or indirectly, in contact with this our Mother, as we endearingly term her, inasmuch as she has been the one in this century to show us the true nature and present possibility of Christ healing the sick. Thus has she turned everywhere to the sick, the desolate, the anguished, and comforted those who were of no use to themselves or to any one else.”
Mrs. Eddy refers to the Bible specifically over 600 times in her writings, and she incorporates hundreds of Scriptural quotations in her articles and books.
The following was found in one of Mrs. Eddy’s Bibles, penned by her on note paper.
It is a book of laws to show the right and wrong.
It is a book of wisdom that condemns all folly.
It is a book of Truth that condemns all error.
It is a book of Life that shows the way from everlasting death.
It will puzzle the most skillful Anatomist and critic.
It exposes the subtle sophist, and drives diviners mad.
It is the best covenant that was ever agreed to, the best deed that was ever sealed.
It is a complete code of laws, a perfect body of divinity an unequalled narrative.
Author — God
Excerpts from Sermon, April 24, 1887Mary Baker Eddy |
Christian Science Journal of May, 1887
Scholastic theology and medicine have been building six thousand years and have not reared one perfect superstructure. The apex of either one is not God-crowned and eternal, and wherefore? Because their foundations have not been wholly spiritual.
The theory and doctrine of religion have built on evil as being as real and veritable as good, God, whereas the Scriptures declare God is all and there is none beside him; and whatever else seems to be is not to be considered a fact, but the opposite of the fact; not the real, but the unreal; this is the science of God and the universe.
Religion has been based and built on a mortal and human sense of God and man: mortal, material, and human, hence it has not finished its work; so long as this sense is entertained, sin, sickness, and death will mingle with the foundation and superstructure of all things in time and eternity. We cannot start with God as Mind, Spirit, and that Mind having a sense of evil, disease, and mortality, and ever erase that sense from man since “in Him we live, move, and have our being.” Man can have no mind that is not derived from his Maker, and if God entertains the sense of discord, it is eternal, unavoidable, and as much an element of Deity as harmony is.
Paganism was the foundation of physic to subjugate man. The pagan priests deprived him of his natural sense of the recuperative powers of being and instructed him to turn from Mind to matter as the remedy of disease. This false sense has fastened itself with harder grasp upon human liberty at every epoch of the material history of medicine; hence, “this man has begun to build and was not able to finish.” Until medicine is found Mind, and this Mind, God, “Who healeth in divine Science all our diseases” there will be no permanence, nor life, in healing.
Science and Health Saved from Flames |
Mary Baker Eddy |
Miscellany, page 178
On April 15, 1891, the Christian Science textbook lay on a table in a burning building. A Christian Scientist entered the house through a window and snatched this book from the flames. Instantly the table sank a charred mass. The covers of the book were burned up, but not one word in the book was effaced. If the world were in ashes, the contents of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” would remain immortal.
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History Corner
Science and Health, 1891 edition
Our Father, which art in Heaven,
(Our eternal supreme Being, all-harmonious,)
Hallowed be Thy name.
(Forever glorious.)
Thy kingdom come!
(Ever-present and omnipotent!)
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.
(Thy supremacy appears as matter disappears.)
Give us this day our daily bread;
(Give us each day the living bread;)
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
(And Truth will destroy the claims of error.)
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
(Led by Spirit, mortals are freed from sickness, sin and death;)
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
(For Thou art all Substance, Life, Truth, and Love forever. So be it.)
Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, Head of the Christian Science Church |
Boston American, September 21, 1907
Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, head of the Christian Science Church, following out her custom of many years past, gave the needy little tots attending the opening of the Concord State Fair certificates for new shoes, which were redeemed at one of the uptown stores by Mrs. Eddy's agent, William A. Thompson.
The fair opened yesterday and it was "Children's Day." The little ones were admitted free of charge, and while the weather was wet, damp feet and clothes had no terrors for the happy youngsters. All over the grounds they went, where the grass was the highest and the mud the deepest, saw every exhibit and every show and enjoyed every minute of the day.
The center of interest for them, however, was the booth in the main exhibition building from which were distributed the free certificates for new shoes. This Mrs. Eddy has done every year since the fair was instituted, and to her generosity hundreds of Concord children owe thanks for the opportunity to go to school comfortably and fittingly shod.
A Note for the Field |
L. M. C. |
Christian Science Sentinel, September 8, 1898
I enclose herewith a note for the Field. I am sure it will interest others to know that the little book is doing its work on our battleships, as well as on land. I wish that every ship that leaves our ports could be armed with one of these war destroyers.
On board the auxiliary cruiser “Yankee,” manned by the New York Naval Reserve, there are at least three copies of Science and Health, owned and read by the citizen sailors. One, a pocket edition, the gift of a Christian Science mother to her son on his departure for Cuba, has fastened on a front fly-leaf the 91st Psalm. The “Yankee” has seen a good deal of hard service in Cuban waters so far, but has escaped unharmed, and the health of her crew has been excellent. "Surely He shall deliver thee ... His Truth shall be thy shield and buckler." — L. M. C., Hempstead, L.I.
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Interesting Squibs
Worry doesn’t help tomorrow’s troubles, but it does ruin today’s happiness.
Be then like the bird perched upon some frail thing. Although he feels the branch bending beneath him, yet loudly sings, knowing full well that he has wings.
Madame De Gasparin,C.S. Journal, July 1888
Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.
Bil Keane
Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence.
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
Helen Keller
The world is like a mirror; frown at it and it frowns at you. Smile and it smiles, too.
Herbert Samuels
I can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. It’s all how you look at it.
Abraham Lincoln
Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is programmed by mortal mind, so it can only be dumber quicker.
Jeremy Palmer
Great men are they who see that the spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
When things change inside you, things change around you.
Author Unknown
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.
Albert Einstein
Everyone wants to vote for the best and most qualified man, but he never runs for office.
Will Rogers
All that a man does outwardly is but the expression and completion of his inward thought. To work effectively, he must think clearly; to act nobly, he must think nobly.
William Ellery Channing
Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
Helen Keller
Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.
Swedish proverb
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Helen Keller
We look upon prayer as a means of getting things for ourselves; The Bible idea of prayer is that we may get to know God Himself.
Oswald Chambers
No longer forward nor behind
I look in hope or fear;
But, grateful, take the good I find,
The best of now and here.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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Watches to Work with Often
Watch Message from May 11, 2023
“The whole and sole motive and mission of the United States of America is Christian Science. This is why it is set apart, and cannot be reckoned among what is termed nations. Man is self-governed, and there is no other government. In Science and Health, page 125:16, we read: ‘Reflecting God’s government, man is self-governed.’ This is Christian Science. So our country, standing as it does for man self-governed, stands as Principle. This is what makes it what it is.”
“The United States of America,” Collected Writings by Bicknell Young, page 178
With all the distractions seeming to go on in the world, let us not lose our focus: “The whole and sole motive and mission of the United States of America is Christian Science.” At this time, America — and all freedom-loving people everywhere — would seem to be under attack by so-called evil forces attempting to shackle freedom itself! But God’s people are all united in Christ and cannot be divided into groups or warring factions! All are immune from invasion, either physically, mentally, morally, or spiritually. Bringing God’s message of love and peace throughout the universe is the “Peace, be still!” to evil of every sort. This is the Word of God and cannot be reversed!!
“God is governing His own universe all of the time, and governing it correctly. There isn’t a thing of which we can take cognizance, that cannot come under the law of that divine power, and all that is required of us, is said in that chapter in Miscellaneous Writings on ‘Fidelity:’ Be faithful.”
“The United States of America,” Collected Writings by Bicknell Young, page 178
Watch Message from May 18, 2023
“I reluctantly foresee great danger threatening our nation, — imperialism, monopoly, and a lax system of religion. But the spirit of humanity, ethics, and Christianity sown broadcast — all concomitants of Christian Science — is taking strong hold of the public thought throughout our beloved country and in foreign lands, and is tending to counteract the trend of mad ambition.”
Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 129
There would seem to be mental turmoil going on — evil exposed and fighting for its life. But evil has no life, it never has and never will! Evil is merely a delusion (delusion: “a false belief or judgment ... held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary” — Webster), and mankind will not be deluded! Honor, integrity, and justice provide a strong defense — and radiate their irresistible power for good throughout the universe, “silencing, destroying, and annihilating the unseen, silent arguments of the serpent, material sense.” (WPA, p. 145) This is the law and Word of God, it accomplishes that whereto it is sent now, and it cannot be reversed!
“God’s law is justice and Truth, which is strength, and the law of extermination to envy or evil, which is weakness. ... Love is omnipotent, all-seeing, all powerful, All-in-all. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.”
Watches, Prayers, and Arguments, given by Mary Baker Eddy, page 54
“This material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one side there will be discord and dismay; on the other side there will be Science and peace. The breaking up of material beliefs may seem to be famine and pestilence, want and woe, sin, sickness, and death, which assume new phases until their nothingness appears. These disturbances will continue until the end of error, when all discord will be swallowed up in spiritual Truth.”
Science and Health, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 96
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From the Early Workers
Give Us a King |
Ella W. Hoag |
Christian Science Journal, March, 1920
When the children of Israel begged of Samuel that he would give them a king to reign over them, they gave as their reason for such a desire, “That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.” Samuel warned them that if they insisted upon this, they would eventually find themselves the servants of this king and that all they owned would become his property.
Ever since there has been a belief in a selfhood separated from God, there has been a frequent cry for a king. This seeking for a human king has seemed to produce two sorts of thinkers — those who wanted others to think for them, and those who have believed they could do the thinking for all men. All this has come about from the standpoint of minds many, and therefore has expressed concepts many, purposes many, wills many.
Into the midst of this confusion, Christian Science has come as the great deliverer. With its perfect understanding of what King and kingship mean, it brings the peace and calm of divine intelligence, and calls upon men to awaken to the truth, which will straighten out all tangles, quiet all turmoil, redeem all mistakes. It teaches that every man must look up to his Maker and recognize the necessity of understanding and accepting Him as King, to whom all allegiance is due. He finds that divine Mind’s infinite intelligence, wisdom, and love are the “Peace, be still” to every form of error.
In Science and Health (p. 469) we read: “The exterminator of error is the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, and that the supposititious opposite of infinite Mind — called devil or evil — is not Mind, is not Truth, but error, without intelligence or reality. There can be but one Mind, because there is but one God; and if mortals claimed no other Mind and accepted no other, sin would be unknown.” Then mortals, by accepting the fact that God, divine Mind, is the alone governor, and by depending on His government, can lose all sense of false responsibility, all fear, and need never again either govern or be governed erroneously.
Resting in God's perfect government man must reflect this divine kingliness through expressing the ability to think rightly on every subject, and thus all that concerns him will be rightly controlled. No responsibility for one’s own right thinking can be relegated to others. When it is understood, as Science and Health declares (p. 106), that ‘man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love,” it is also seen that his one need is to refuse to believe that he can ever control anything but his own thinking.
With the recognition of the royal kingship of our Most High God, we discern that each man, as the son of God, reflects this kingliness; in his own individual consciousness. He reflects the power of a perfect government. He brings every thought into subjection to it. He stands guard over his own thinking, refusing to be less than the expression of perfect Mind. He proves daily, hourly, that he has complete God-given dominion over every inclination, every tendency. He finds that he can go forth to express the glory of God.
Be Men |
William P. McKenzie |
Christian Science Sentinel, December 28, 1918
The time calls for men, and will not be satisfied with marionettes pliantly obedient to the secret wire-pulling of those whose aims are ungodly. Even the ancient Philistines on one occasion prevailed when they said to one another, “Quit yourselves like men.” The Hebrew expression is to the point: Be men! Paul in writing to the Corinthians puts the command on the right basis when he says: “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity.”
Let us watch. In the Manual of The Mother Church, under the heading of “Alertness to Duty,” we are instructed that “it shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God, to his Leader, and to mankind.”
Christian Science does not uncover mental suggestion as something new. What it does is to throw the light of Truth on its hidden operations so that all those who watch and pray aright may be absolutely free from its wicked control. They become God's freemen who stand firm in the faith that God is all power, and obey God as the only Mind. The unprincipled person is like a marionette; he obeys mesmerism as the puppet obeys the jerking of the hidden string.
Mankind has given mesmerism and evil suggestion the name of Satan. There have been satanic schools for ages, and in them the unprincipled have studied the occult ways of control whereby evil minds may influence humanity.
Play the man, says the apostle. That means to stand on the side of Christ Jesus, where there is honor and truth, virtue and integrity, fair play and brotherly kindness. Every time a human being indulges in evil he becomes tied to it until at last he is its bondslave, inoculating multitudes with hatred, prejudice, and fear, in order that the brotherhood of man may be continually ruptured.
Freedom of the press is not intended to illustrate the proverb, “Evil communications corrupt good manners;” but is an opening of the door of opportunity so that the working out of God's salvation and the evidences of the kingdom of heaven may become universally known. It had to some the appearance of being clever when a conscienceless political potentate used the press to disseminate prepared falsities, and knowing this as venom or poison, spoke of his trained serpents as “the reptile press.” But whosoever is willing to play the man and be strong, shall verily "take up serpents" as Jesus predicted, and he shall not be afraid. Paul's assurance that Satan would not get the advantage was based on his understanding; he says, “For we are not ignorant of his devices.” The boasted artifice, strategy, adroitness, and design of evil comes to nothing when Truth discloses its vanity and impotence.
Emerson said, “I shall see men and women, and know the signs by which they may be discerned from fools and satans.” Christian Science is in the world redeeming mankind and revealing men and women. No one should willingly remain in the class of self-important simpletons who perpetually dance to the piping of satans. And as for the malign and perverted mentality which “deviseth mischief upon his bed,” or those who combine together to “devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land,” to the normal minded man this mental diabolism is unthinkable. Among the seven things which were abomination to the Lord the writer of Proverbs includes “an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations ... a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”
Christ Jesus put the matter quite understandably when he said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” When any line of teaching or influence perverts an individual, making him trust where there is danger and resent true kindness; or when a group of men, whether as a mob or in a parliament, exhibit the naughtiness of children; or when a nation is affected with a blight that destroys moral sense, one can see that the false prophets are at work.
But fear of them is ridiculous. Remember what Jesus said to his disciples, “Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.” There, if anywhere, was expressed utter confidence in the unseen; and this confidence is likewise established when we hear Mrs. Eddy's assurance in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (p. 567): “The beast and the false prophets are lust and hypocrisy. These wolves in sheep's clothing are detected and killed by innocence, the Lamb of Love. Divine Science shows how the Lamb slays the wolf.”
Christian Science Journal, January 1887
Above the angry roar of the breakers, if we listen for the voice of Christ, Truth, we shall hear it: “Be of good cheer. It is I; be not afraid.” Storm-tossed, tempest-torn, the heavy waves overlapping us, we yet pause to listen for ever-present Love; then comes the refrain: “Be not afraid!”
I remember reading the story of one condemned to die for some state offense. The executioner was ready, axe in hand, when a little bird, lighting on a tree nearby, commenced a sweet song. It caught the ear of the grim, red-handed man of law, as well as of him kneeling at the block. The executioner paused for one instant to listen, and so pausing saved the life of the condemned man, for a messenger, mounted on a snow-white steed, came riding toward that court-yard wall, shouting, “A reprieve for the prisoner!” And later his innocence was proven, and he became celebrated for his good works.
Troubles and afflictions that seem to submerge us, if we do our duty and hold fast to God, are overcome for us. In one supreme moment, perhaps, they are destroyed, and we have the peace and rest that come from knowing they were not. Love that is Divine, strength that is Infinite, is ours, and we are continuously rested and refreshed in that thought.
We may lose our moorings, lose our courage, and the fable is before us — a raging, roaring sea and a black beyond. But Truth is present; there is no place where God is not. “If I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there,” and eternity is not a black, rolling river and a yawning abyss; it is now and forever. We hear the whisper, “Be of good cheer. It is I; be not afraid.” In the realm of Love we rise to higher thought, the darkness disappears, and we realize something of the great Light of the universe.
It is Love that neither slumbers nor sleeps. We have not to shout ourselves hoarse to be heard. The faintest knockings, the lightest whispers are heeded, but we must be in earnest and ready to receive. We must not be as dull, unappreciative critics whose dust is to be shaken off, but we must be in harmony with the One Mind, and acknowledge no other. Pride of knowledge, of social position, of family, of wealth, will avail us nothing, but will be a hindrance, for partaking of the tree of knowledge occasioned the fall of man; and our place is the mansion in "My Father's house"; and we are all of one family, and our wealth is the kingdom of heaven. The veriest beggar is as rich as we, if we possess a more full understanding; in proportion as we have it are we rich.
We need not expect all peace now, else where would our growth be out of error? It is good to serve man because it is good to reflect Truth, and because we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We should not do for others for a selfish gain, but because we are one family, with one Father, one Mother — God. Over little things we must be faithful, that we may be made rulers over much; because that much will be our spiritual possessions, our birthright and inheritance from Good. And when we are in the stormy sea, and fears and doubts assail us, we can know that there is nothing to fear, for Truth is here to uphold us, and we can hear the Master's cry to Peter, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”
“Rooted and Grounded in Love” |
Virginia C. Carr |
Christian Science Sentinel, January 1925
“Rooted and grounded in love”! What an abiding sense of establishment and nourishment in divine Principle these words of Paul bring to us!
Recently in a Sunday school class this phrase was discussed. It was asked, “What does it mean to be ‘rooted and grounded in love’?” Then one remembered that a plant, through its roots, takes hold of the ground so firmly that it cannot be upset or displaced, and that it is fed and nourished through its roots. Later, it was found that a root is defined as “a growing point, functioning as an organ of absorption, a food reservoir, or means of support.” Most roots are provided with a root cap which protects the root, and “enables it to penetrate the soil without injury to the growing point.” In the light of this it was recognized that we should pray to be “rooted and grounded in love,” that we may “be filled with all the fulness of God.”
The root of the plant functions as the organ of absorption. Through our roots, or spiritual desires, we absorb God's love, lay hold of the great food reservoirs of divine Mind, in order that we may grow in grace and thus bring forth our blossoms. The glory of the flower is its blossoming. The rosebush through its roots is established and nourished that it may, through its blooming, give forth its fragrance and beauty to bless others. Just so it is with each student of Christian Science. He finds his relation to God as Mind's idea, and through his roots he is established and fed. Yes! But only in order that he may through his blossoming glorify his Maker and share the blessing with others. How spontaneously and joyously we can unfold in God's likeness when rooted and grounded in His love! As Mary Baker Eddy says, "Giving does not impoverish us in the service of our Maker, neither does withholding enrich us.”(S&H p. 79)
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God,” John assures us. Now are we rooted and grounded in Love, the divine, sustaining Principle of all being, through Christ, the spiritual idea which dwells in our hearts by faith, so that we may share with all saints the vision of Love's infinitude here and now.
Immortal Man |
Duncan Sinclair |
Christian Science Sentinel, July 10, 1926
Christian Science assures us of the immortality of man. What is this truth that Christian Science reveals about God? It is that God is infinite and eternal Mind; and God's universe, including man, consists of spiritual ideas.
But what of mankind? What of material existence with its disease and sin? What of that which men call death? Christian Science asks in reply, Can a single one of these possibly be found in God's creation? The answer is: No, not one of them! Sin, sickness, death, matter, are nothing but false concepts of the so-called human mind; and of them Mrs. Eddy writes, “The human concepts named matter, death, disease, sickness, and sin are all that can be destroyed.” (S&H p. 426)
And what of the subtle lie of old age? Man has always existed as idea “in the bosom of the Father,” — in divine Mind, — and, as idea, man will continue to exist. Spiritual ideas can never grow old. They have their being in immortal Mind; and there they abide in perpetual maturity, forever perfectly protected.
Matter has nothing whatever to do with God, or with man's life. As Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health (p. 200), “Life is, always has been, and ever will be independent of matter; for Life is God, and man is the idea of God, not formed materially but spiritually, and not subject to decay and dust.”
In Science and in Truth man is immortal because God, the divine Principle of man, is immortal.
Joyousness |
William D. McCrackan |
Christian Science Sentinel, October 25, 1913
True joy can come only from the possession or expectation of good. Evil can never enter into lasting joy, for evil is destructive in its nature and would, if it could, shatter the sense of joy.
We are almost startled by Jesus' statement in the Sermon on the Mount, as given in Luke's gospel: “Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.” The promise, “Ye shall laugh,” is so unusual, so different from the conventional phrases of stereotyped religion, that it arrests attention. Is it true that the joyousness which bubbles over in laughter can be a spiritual reward for the self-sacrifice and repentance typified by weeping? We are reminded of Mrs. Eddy's agreement with the late Rev. Dr. Talmage, quoted in Miscellaneous Writings (p. 117), that “there are wit, humor, and enduring vivacity among God's people.”
Is there, indeed, any joyousness comparable to that of knowing evil overcome and good once more in possession? Is there any sunshine like that which bursts through the clouds, or any bird song so sweet as that which comes after “the winter of our discontent”? In the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mrs. Eddy points out the secret of happiness, which must underlie true joyousness in these words: “Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it” (p. 57).
Joyousness which bursts forth from an inner consciousness of good as ever present and all powerful, comes from a spiritual source. The recognition of God's constant protection, of His guidance by means of the “still small voice,” of His beneficent law in adjusting and arranging our difficulties, of the nonentity of evil, the baselessness of fear, and the imperishable nature of man in God’s image — this recognition means happiness and is “born of Truth and Love.”
True happiness, like every gift of God, is unlimited in its supply. It cannot be monopolized, nor can its quality be adulterated by an admixture of matter, of evil, or of personal sense. The enjoyment of happiness by one person does not shorten the supply for anyone else. There are no bounds to the possession, no limits to the availability of happiness for all. Fear is entirely absent from true happiness, for Christ Jesus has given this assurance: “Your joy no man taketh from you.” Neither greed nor envy can be roused by its possession, because it is for all. “It cannot exist alone,” as Mrs. Eddy has said, “but requires all mankind to share it.”
The progress of the Christian Scientist is therefore constantly illumined by bursts of joyousness, of spiritual sunshine. From the first dim perception that perhaps sin and suffering are not inevitable or disease incurable, to the full realization of the omnipotence of good, the way is gladdened by moments of that joyousness which is based upon spiritual realization. After every descent into the valley of contrition comes the ascent into the mount of revelation. After every act of repentance comes the season of renewed consecration, the pouring on of the “oil of gladness,” the being clothed upon with the “beauty of holiness,” the awakening in the likeness of the Father-Mother God which satisfies.
Be Still, And Know |
Stokes Anthony Bennett |
Christian Science Journal, June, 1918
Does the day seem dark, and the way seem long?
Be still, and know.
Does there seem to be less of right than wrong?
Be still, and know.
Does the world seem caught in disorder’s snare?
Does it seem to give endless woe and care,
Which the eye must see, and the heart must bear?
Be still, and know.
Does the night seem cold and without a star?
Be still, and know.
Does the foe seem near, and the friend seem far?
Be still, and know.
Does it seem unfair one must work and wait?
Does it seem that oft there’s a hopeless state,
When the task is hard, and the test is great?
Be still, and know.
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Current Articles
A Healing Church |
Carol Conroy |
This church has made an impact on Plainfield in many ways. Years ago, a few members with backgrounds in construction, started a business. Whenever someone moved to Plainfield to join the church and needed a job, or if someone in town asked them for a job, they would hire them and teach them construction skills. Some of our teenaged sons were part of the business, too, including mine.
My son recently ran into one of the local young men who worked with them. His name is Thee. Thee was in a bad way when he started working with them. He was on drugs, and he had anger issues, and was in a pretty bad place. My son told me that Thee would come to work in the morning, shouting, “I hate you and I’m going to kill you all!” and carry on like that for a time. When he finally stopped, my husband would say, “Are you done yet? Are you finished now? Go pick up a hammer — we have work to do.” And they would start working.
When Jimmy ran into Thee in the store the other day, after many years, Thee said, “I can’t thank you and your dad enough. You taught me so much, and you let me work out my issues — and then it was time to go to work.”
He said he has now started a business of his own to hire and train young men who need help, like he did. He’s clean, and happy, and giving back to Plainfield. These church members didn’t preach or do much talking, they just lived what they were learning in the church — they were out there in the trenches, doing the work, and letting their light shine. And it literally saved lives, and is still saving more, like ripples in a pond that keep going on and on. I am so glad we came here to help in this great work, and how wonderful to hear a story like this one!
Watches Reach Receptive Hearts |
Imogene Hewett |
I thank God for our independent practice of Christian Science at this church, particularly for retaining the very important work of watching. The watches and prayers do reach yearning hearts, and bring comfort and healing.
To think that this watching practice, so central to the understanding of Mrs. Eddy’s Christian Science, has been going on here at this church for decades is humbling and could only have continued through God’s Divine Love. My safety through years of violent beatings as a small child and young adult — during all that violence, I could always find a quiet thought and talk to my Father in Heaven. I talked to Him and I sang to Him long and lone, and He never failed to come and embrace me in the darkness, He never failed to pick me up in His arms and love me.
Sometimes just a day after a beating, I was bouncing around and happy and totally untouched by yesterday's injury and hatred. It was decades later that God brought me to Christian Science and I began the best journey of my life to read the immortal words of Mary Baker Eddy in her textbook Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Immediately on reading certain passages I recognized the messages of Love and Truth given to me by our loving Father-Mother God during those times of violence. I could hear Mrs. Eddy’s Christian Science in my thought. Truly the Christ in Christian Science came to me and blessed me and nurtured me through those brutal years.
So I give thanks to our precious watch workers. I give great gratitude to the holy practitioners here at this church who sacrificed much to bring independence to Christian Science practice, for all those who wish to live according to God’s Truth in Christian Science. I offer my humble heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Evans and Mr. Evans, even though I never met them when they were here — I know that just like I heard these prayers in my thought all those years ago — I know our watch prayers are heard everywhere in this big wide world; wherever there is a striving heart yearning to find God’s Love; wherever these dear struggling ones are, they will hear our watch prayers in their thought — they will hear and they will know God’s Love and Truth. They will be comforted and saved.
The book Watches Prayers Arguments given by Mary Baker Eddy is priceless, as are the practical proofs recorded in the writings of our early workers. That these important learning artefacts could ever have been hidden away is truly a travesty. I am so grateful that through the wonderful work at Plainfield these precious writings have been preserved.
I am very honoured to be working for God at Plainfield Independent. I am so grateful that we have the right to practice pure Christian Science independently.
Expressions of the Divine in Forms |
Izzy S. |
I truly feel so blessed to have God, Christian Science, and the Plainfield Church, Independent in my life.
This has been a difficult winter, and at times it has been a struggle to keep my violin tuned, as I’ve been taught to do in this church; but I also know it has been an opportunity to practice this. Several other farmers said what a difficult lambing period it had been, with many losses.
Recently, my little flock of sheep all had their lambs. It was yet another amazing time which enabled me to put into practice everything that I have learned in Christian Science. I was also able, when the time was right, to leave them in God’s care, knowing they were safe and loved and in their exact perfect place at their exact perfect time. And I am so incredibly grateful for this knowing and this reassurance. I have been able to know and repeat the Truth for all the ewes and lambs, telling them how they are, in the words of Martha Wilcox, “expressions of the divine in forms we call material” and reassure them — and me — that God is governing.
I have truly witnessed over and over the divine Mind, gently guiding, guarding and governing these beautiful animals. From one lamb who appeared to be stuck halfway out and possibly not alive, to a tiny little lamb literally half the size of his twin brother, collapsed and frozen on the ground in the early morning, both of which revived and are now thriving, every outcome has ended up being good. And how could it not, because, in the words of Bicknell Young, “there is nothing going on but good.”
Recently I moved the lambs and ewes into a field in the centre of the village; it’s on a popular walking route, and as I visit to feed and check them twice a day, it has been a great opportunity to share the joy of the lambs with friends and neighbours, including many who I have never met before. Children walking past to school have stopped to have a stroke, and I’ve had some wonderful conversations with strangers who have told me how much they enjoy seeing the lambs skipping about. Several people have even said how having the lambs to visit has given them something to focus on in their day. What a joy to know that others are benefitting in this way.
Last week, I visited the field where some of last year’s lambs — the teenagers as we call them — should have been waiting for me, but they were nowhere to be seen. Someone had left the gate open and they escaped, looking for adventure. My immediate thought was a deep security in knowing that divine Mind knew exactly where the sheep were. They were not lost, and because God was governing every thing, every one, every where, they were also safe in His kingdom.
I got in my car to look for them. About half a mile down the lane I found an extraordinary sight — my little flock of bemused sheep, being chased gently towards me by a group of about 20 motorbikes. I reversed quickly in a gateway, parked and jumped out, grabbing a bucket of feed and calling the sheep to me. They came running over, clearly glad to see me, and I managed to keep them with me in the gateway while the bikers went slowly past. I then led the sheep safely back to their field to the bemusement of passing walkers and horse riders. I have never been so happy to see them! I was so incredibly grateful. I don’t think I have ever seen a single motorbike on that lane, and just at the right time, God sent 20!
Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to thank the bikers, who so patiently and gently guided my little lost sheep back to me. I’m sure they wondered what on earth was going on and why on earth there were sheep loose in the lane. They weren’t Hells Angels but they were definitely angels sent from God that day!
Thank you very much for all the learning that I am receiving, which has taught me to keep my violin tuned, and which then allows God’s Law of Adjustment to operate.
Change of Thought Brings Change of Circumstances |
Elizabeth Dow |
When my children were growing up, I was a stay-at-home mom. One of my duties, which I took very seriously, was paying the bills and seeing to it that they were correct. Often there was a problem with them, and I would have to call the company and correct the situation, sometimes with much frustration and indignation.
One day it occurred to me that this behavior on my part was not correct. The first thought that came was that it certainly was not the fault of the representative that I was not being very kind to. When I realized this, I made a conscious effort to be loving and explain to the person that I understood the mistake was not their fault.
This started a complete change in my attitude and, interestingly, there were not as many mistakes made, and I didn’t have to call as often. When there was some sort of discrepancy, I was able to see clearly, and with patience, that there are no mistakes in the Mind that is God. Now I rarely have a problem with a mistake on one of my bills. When my attitude changed, the whole situation changed, and what a relief that was! Clearly, mortal mind had been using me and I was in total compliance with it. My attitude of self-righteousness was what needed to change. I am so grateful that this fault came to the surface for correction and healing.
A favorite hymn says “from sense to Soul my pathway lies before me, from mist and shadow into Truth’s clear day!”
Supporting the Community |
Lynda Spencer |
“... let us deny this godless lie that the earth is ever cursed. God always blesses and never curses anything. There is no curse of drought, hurricane, flood, pestilence, seeds, untimely frost, abnormal heat or cold, in the one and only kingdom of God. Help yourself and all mankind ... along this line.” “No Big Power Veto,” 1948 Association Address, by Herbert E. Rieke.
During one Roundtable this Herbert E. Rieke address was shared. We were encouraged to read it. This, along with the instruction that we are to pray, “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation” (S&H page 468), and it is our job to see our world as God made it.
I drive by an area on my way to church that has many apartments. Often trash collects in the area. One day the trash was scattered everywhere. I had never seen it this full of trash. This alerted me to make sure I was praying about this situation as we have been instructed.
I first affirmed that as children of God the people in the areas desired to be orderly and to live in a clean environment. God's man is an expression of God, Soul, which includes the quality of beauty.
Mrs. Eddy states: “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” (S&H, page 494) We can certainly trust Him to do so. “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” (Christ Jesus) I held to these truths whenever that neighborhood came to my thought. I prayed until I felt God was in control of His creation, where there are no desolate areas. As God's children, they are awake to gratefully take care of their surroundings. God had an answer to what appeared to be a chronic situation.
The next day, when I drove by this area, I saw at least a dozen piles of trash collected. Something I had not witnessed before. The sidewalk and grass were free of trash. I continued praying that this would continue with a plan to quickly pick it up to complete the project.
The next day, all the trash was gone. I know this was not a coincidence, because this trash had been around for many months. Sometimes it takes weeks for a collection of trash to be picked up. I am grateful for our strong Thursday watches and to be learning to be awake to the needs around us and applying the laws of God to anything unlike His universe.
A Place for Everyone |
Jeremy Palmer |
On page 113 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “The vital part, the heart and soul of Christian Science, is Love.”
I have been so grateful to come here and find this church's teachings, and its practitioners and members, to be so filled with Love. This is what I sorely needed in 2013, and it is what the entire world needs right now, and always.
I am thankful to God that I have had the opportunity to find that Christ's Christianity, which is Christian Science, is ready, willing, and able to show every individual on Earth that God loves them, and that He has a place for everyone, with no one excluded.
Anyone looking for healing or a purpose in life can find it here, just as anyone who feels weighed down by their past can find relief — with a bit of effort on their part. Anyone who feels lost or left out, as I felt before coming here, can come to Christian Science and prove for themselves that this is exactly what they were hoping Christianity would be.
Follow the Light |
Florence Roberts |
We’ve been shown the narrow way into obedience, understanding, and reliance on God alone; can we gain the complete trust which is very much needed in this journey?
Last week I had a dream; it was a very vivid dream. It seemed as though I was falling into a very dark abyss of very sharp, pointed objects. I looked up though, and I saw at an angle a cone shaped light. It was very, very bright. I kept saying, “I will follow the light, I will follow the light.” With that, I woke up.
I am so grateful for God and this bright light that He shines on our way when we decide to choose Him alone to guide us. I am so grateful that God was revealing at that moment, that nothing can affect my being as Her reflection and as Her child. I’m so grateful for everything I’m learning here, and I’m so grateful to hear others experiencing the same thing, that points us all to the Truth. I’m so grateful to God, Christ Jesus, Mary Baker Eddy, and all the workers in the past and present.
Being a Working Christian Scientist |
Gary Singleterry |
We sometimes hear Christian Scientists complain because they occasionally have problems to meet. Some feel that being a Christian Scientist means that they will live a life of ease, exempt from problems to be worked out.
Can you imagine a mathematician, having studied and been trained in mathematics and being employed as a mathematician, complaining about having mathematical problems to solve?
When a problem arises in the life of a Christian Scientist, he or she has the opportunity to work out the problem in Science, realizing that the work is not done for his own personal good only, but that it is done to bless all mankind and does its part to help exterminate that problem for the whole world.
Albert Einstein called Christian Science the ultimate Science, because it’s the only thing that will solve the whole world's problems. It’s quite a responsibility when you realize what it is that we have. This is what a Christian Scientist is here for, what he or she has been trained to do. It doesn't make us exempt from having problems, it gives us the tools we need to solve them!
Heaven’s own Healing Air |
Mary Singleterry |
Our weather committee works on various situations around the world, and they do a wonderful job. Recently we got a message concerning New Jersey — although I’m sure it affects other places as well — that this time of year is the season for a lot of pollen.
When our son was a teenager, he had some allergy problems, and through Christian Science treatment he was totally healed of it. There has not been a trace of it ever since. I’ve been thinking and praying about that, and there are many things that I use to work with.
One thing that Mrs. Eddy says on page 175 of Science and Health is, “What an abuse of natural beauty to say that a rose, the smile of God, can produce suffering! The joy of its presence, its beauty and fragrance, should uplift the thought, and dissuade any sense of fear or fever. It is profane to fancy that the perfume of clover and the breath of new-mown hay can cause glandular inflammation, sneezing, and nasal pangs.” I thought this was wonderful, “profane.” It’s profane to think those things because they are not of God! She lays it down so clearly, and so well.
Then there are beautiful hymns that I often use. Pollen is said to float through the air and affect people’s breathing. We know that is not the truth, and Christian Science gives the answer! In Hymn 218, “The freer step, the fuller breath,” Hymn 284, “Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath, the Christian’s native air,” and in Hymn 195, “Girt with the love of God, on every side, I breathe that love as heaven’s own healing air;” and in Hymn 145, “In atmosphere of Love divine, we live, and move, and breathe.”
These are so beautiful and so helpful and it is the truth. All of us live under divine law. The idea that anything could harm any of God’s children is a human mortal suggestion, that is only meant to be broken and destroyed because it is not the truth of God’s creation. God created all and “behold, it was very good.” I’m so grateful for the wonderful answers we find in Christian Science, whatever our problem might seem to be.
Christian Science Sentinel, June 12, 1920
There came to me once as I pondered,
A vision of beauty and light;
I saw, with the eyes of the spirit,
The city that has no night.
There sorrow and sin do not enter,
But only reflections of Love;
All darkness and shadows are banished,
For God is the light thereof.
It is not a place in the distance
One must pass through death to win,
But a state of harmonious being—
The kingdom of heaven within.
There earth with its cares and confusions
Is seen to have passed away;
While Spirit omnipotent reigneth,
In everlasting day.
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Plainfield Church Roundtable Discussions
Not of Our Own Doing! |
Chardelle Hull |
A recent Golden Text was from I Corinthians 6:19: “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”
I have always loved this quote from the Bible. What a wonderful reminder of who we are and where we came from. And not of our own doing! God’s Love is All-in-all, and more we do not want or need.
“Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon” |
Nancy Stein |
In a recent lesson we are told that “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt. 6:24) I really like how Matthew Henry’s Commentary explained this, making it clear to me who I must endeavor to “serve” (to obey, to work for, to attend at command; to wait on— 1828 Webster’s).
Matthew Henry says: “Mammon is a Syriac word that signifies gain; so that whatever in this world is, or is accounted by us to be, gain, is mammon. Whatever is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, is mammon. To some their belly is their mammon, and they serve that (Phil. 3:19); to others their ease, their sleep, their sports and pastimes, are their mammon (Prov. 6:9); to others worldly riches; to others honours and preferments.
“The praise and applause of men was the Pharisees’ mammon; in a word, self, the unity in which the world’s trinity centres—sensual, secular, self—is the mammon which cannot be served in conjunction with God; for if it be served, it is in competition with Him and in contradiction to Him. He does not say, We must not or we should not, but we cannot serve God and Mammon; we cannot love both; or hold to both, in observance, obedience, attendance, trust, and dependence, for they are contrary the one to the other.
“God says, ‘My son, give me thy heart.’ Mammon says, ‘No, give it me.’ God says, ‘Be content with such things as ye have.’ Mammon says, ‘Grasp at all that ever thou canst….Money, money; by fair means or by foul, money.’ God says, ‘Defraud not, never lie, be honest and just in all thy dealings.’ Mammon says ‘Cheat thine own Father, if thou canst gain by it.’ God says, ‘Be charitable.’ Mammon says, ‘Hold thy own: this giving undoes us all.’ God says, ‘Be careful for nothing.’ Mammon says, ‘Be careful for every thing.’ God says, ‘Keep holy thy sabbath-day.’ Mammon says, ‘Make use of that day as well as any other for the world.’ Thus inconsistent are the commands of God and Mammon, so that we cannot serve both. Let us not then halt between God and Baal, but choose ye this day whom ye will serve, and abide by our choice.”
Elisha Prayed Unto the Lord |
Lynda Spencer |
“He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the Lord. And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.” (II Kings 4)
In the book 500 Watching Points by Gilbert Carpenter, Watching Point number 328 states:
“Elisha’s throwing himself on the child, mouth to mouth, eye to eye, etc., calls to mind the way a fire is put out with a blanket. The blanket completely cuts off the supply of oxygen that enables it to keep burning. A blanket or, ‘embodiment’ treatment, therefore would appear to be one that did more than attempt to destroy the one error from which the patient is suffering. It must symbolize the effort to spiritualize the entire picture, by releasing the patient from the sense of matter, or the belief in a material mind.”
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Letters of Gratitude
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb 11:1)
While looking for more information on this Bible verse, I found this wonderful explanation of faith by Matthew Henry:
“Faith proves to the mind, the reality of things that cannot be seen by the bodily eye. It is a full approval of all God has revealed, as holy, just, and good.”
This letter comes with a heart full of gratitude for the teaching and the truths uncovered in the Bible Study of April 29, 2023, and the Roundtable of April 30, 2023. These truths are basic to the understanding and practice of Christian Science, promoting deep love and gratitude for Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
For all the lessons to be alert, watchful, peaceful, and joyous, as we stand on the Rock of Christ, Truth, I am deeply grateful.
I would like to express my gratitude for the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent and the weekly Plainfield Bible Lessons, which first brought me to this church.
In thinking about what makes the Lessons so special, I realized that it is because they are alive. They speak to us, reveal spiritual truths to us day after day, and raise our thoughts up higher and higher. And as in cause and effect, they represent the effect of right activity.
I am so grateful for our Lesson writers and their demonstration of active listening to God that benefits us all.
Thank you for all you do. I am so grateful for the Bible Studies on Revelation and all the Roundtable sessions. My eyes have been opened to the true Christian Science that Mary Baker Eddy brought to all the world. So grateful and blessed!
It is a special joy to join with the church members in the watches, such a dedication to truth and Mrs. Eddy’s work. Thank you for all that the church is doing for God and Christian Science.
New Hampshire
I just want to say how grateful I am to have found Plainfield CS Church, Independent, and for all the wonderful work that is carried out to help and guide us daily in our walk with our Father-Mother God. I receive with much joy each month a copy of the Full-Text Lesson Sermons in the mail, which I refer to as my monthly gift from Plainfield. Much love and thanks to my church family.
Thank you for your websites! I love the articles and wealth of information you provide. I am truly grateful. Thank you for all your dedication and work.
We’re feeling the Love! Thank you for all that you do to advance Mary Baker Eddy’s pure Christian Science to a world thirsting for the Truth. Enclosed is our check to help along this beautiful ministry.
Erroneous thoughts, “Any information, coming from the body….is an illusion of mortal mind. Mind is the master of the corporeal senses…The corporeal senses are the only source of evil or error.”
The universe of Mind is basically consciousness and Love only. Pray without ceasing.
It’s hard to put into words the gratitude felt for the information and instruction given in the Roundtable discussions in this independent church! The impact is profound if given serious thought, as the facts presented declare that in 1942 and 1962 the Board of Directors of The Mother Church accepted Mary Baker Eddy as the woman in the Apocalypse. No personal sense involved; Isaiah prophesied Jesus, and Jesus prophesied Mary Baker Eddy’s mission. And in the March 5, 2023, Roundtable, it was shared that the official position of “Mrs. Eddy’s Place” by the Board of Directors was presented in the June 5, 1943 Sentinel; she was the one chosen of God to fulfill prophecy.
Knowing who Mrs. Eddy is prospers the church and the Cause of Christian Science; and therefore blesses the world. It was noted that biographies of Mrs. Eddy would be coming out on audio from the Plainfield Church. Recently I listened to THE HEALER The Healing Work of Mary Baker Eddy by David L. Keyston, the chapter on her Childhood Years 1821-1839. The authentic information contained therein validates this divinely led life, shows in many, many ways God guiding and guarding her life, and her steadfast devotion to our Father-Mother God.
Our Leader had her mission; and we are told we have a divine mission as well. Mrs. Eddy told us to follow her only as she followed Christ Jesus. What a treasure we have in knowing, acknowledging these two witnesses to God, Truth!
Thank you, Plainfield Christian Science Independent, for your commitment to the Christ and the Comforter, hence to our Leader Mary Baker Eddy. Our Leader was deeply conversant in and appreciative of the Bible, and thus from her spiritualized thought and study, and God’s great love, she brought us Science and Health.
Thank you for your dedication and support. I am grateful to God for you, your practitioners, workers, musicians.
South Dakota
Thank you, all wonderful members that create and post the daily calendar statements and the other items of interest. I especially love the recorded items and I listen to them most every night. Know that your work is appreciated.
On this quiet morning, with rain tumbling down, I feel the warmth and love of true Christian Science blessing my footsteps, my speech, and actions as I go about my day. I never thought this possible to be rescued from the chaos of mortal mind to the peace and understanding of divine Love meeting every need.
Many thanks, and continued gratitude for the steadfastness of Plainfield Christian Science and its ever-expansive presence in my life.
North Carolina
It happened again! What joy! Every single week I listen and study the new Roundtable. Every week feels like the best one I’ve heard, week after week. Strong, fresh ideas. Thank you.
The articles and lessons on the Plainfield website have been very helpful in strengthening my thought and keeping me awake and alert to the truth of man’s inseparability from God, and that God is the only Mind, guarding, guiding, and governing all in every situation. No matter where we are, who is involved, what the material picture being presented is, or what is being said about it.
Thank you again.
Thank you for highlighting the fact that at Plainfield you mainly source articles and teaching from the early workers of the Christian Science movement. I was recently mentioning to a fellow Christian Scientist that I am drawn to the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent due to its pure Christian Science teachings. To hear this being said is beautiful.
Thank you for the weekly Roundtable discussions as they are a course of Christian Science treatment that I feel I get every time I listen to them. Thank you all again for all you do to bless us with spiritual Christian Science.
Thank you so much for all that you do.
I bought into error’s ugly lie of lack and limitation and was financially worried and dependent on material substance. With prayer I was able to meet up with the sword of Truth, and God told me to immediately go into the demonstration of abundance and to rely on true substance and all will work out.
I was already worried and very low on funds, but God told me to make a large donation. I have been trained to trust this intuition, and not only was I instantly freed from worry and fear, but I was given all the money that I need. Thank you, Plainfield.
Many thanks for all the treasures given in the Roundtables and the Watches. A recent Watch included the words: “God . . . gives more blessings than one has sought” and “He delivers His message of love and healing as He alone knows best.”
Last week my husband and I went out to dinner with another couple. At the end of the lovely meal, we waited a long time for the check. When asking someone if they knew where our waitress was, they said she had a little fall. Then as we left, we passed by our waitress speaking with other employees. I noticed evidence of her fall, and I approached, meaning to say a comforting word. But as I came close, we reached out to each other and hugged — it was the warmest, loving hug I had ever experienced — no word was spoken, and we parted with a cheerful and happy goodbye. As we left the restaurant my friend’s husband asked, “did you know her before?” I simply said no; but I felt so filled with love, Love that encompassed the whole atmosphere and everyone in it! I’m very grateful for the teaching in this church to be alert, to see God everywhere, and to feel His blessing.
I am so grateful to have found the Plainfield Church before the ramped up propaganda of the nameless nothing started three years ago. For a long time I had been feeling discouraged about the censorship going on in Boston. I had been reading books from the Bookmark for many years, and I was told multiple times they were not “authorized literature” and I should stop reading them. That didn’t seem right to me, as the authors of the books were amazing Christian Scientists, many of whom were taught directly by Mrs. Eddy. I began to question why this censorship was happening.
When I found Plainfield, I knew I had found my Christian Science family. A church willing to stand up for Principle. It’s wonderful to listen to the Roundtables where those on the call have addressed the animal magnetism and lies about communism, pharma, and other important topics.
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Testimonies of Healing
from K. F. in Virginia
It has recently become clear to me that the work that needs to be done starts with understanding that in Christian Science I can claim that no one can be controlled by mortal mind nor from the harmful emotions that accompany it. I am better understanding that it is only mesmerism that would try to convince us that we are not of value and that life is too competitive.
The Bible tells us that we are the image and likeness of God. It is only mesmerism that would suggest that, for whatever reason, we are not able to enjoy living or that we are not able to find meaning in life. It is only mesmerism that would suggest we are disabled and must suffer from disability. As real as it all seems and feels, we can assert otherwise. We can see ourselves and others as God sees us.
The other day my father called to ask if I could drive over to where my mother and he were to be with him in case he needed some help, as my mother didn’t appear to be doing very well.
I packed my bag and started out the door. I called a practitioner at Plainfield who agreed to support me in my prayers about the situation. As I drove the highway, I was so inspired by the words of Bicknell Young in his article, “God Is Individual Consciousness.” The Plainfield practitioner has often suggested I study it. Two and a half hours later, when I arrived, Dad was relaxed and informed me that Mother was resting peacefully. No more pain. I spent 24 hours with them and then returned home.
My sister called me a couple of days later and told me that she had a good conversation with Mom. She commented that Mother sounded better on the phone than she had in years. I responded, “Yes, isn’t it wonderful?” This confirmed to me that when we pass through the fire, we are truly purified in one way or another. As Mrs. Eddy wrote in Science and Health, “Sorrow has its reward. It never leaves us where it found us. The furnace separates the gold from the dross that the precious metal may be graven with the image of God.” (pg. 66-67) In this circumstance it was the experience of pain that had its reward. Whatever suffering we experience, we can know that it has no power to hurt us and that it never leaves us where it found us.
I was able to share with my mother something I heard on the audio I had been listening to in the car. According to Bicknell Young, “Mortal mind has no law. It cannot produce any effect for it is not cause. Anger or resentment could not make man sick, for God made him well! We have dominion of God. The divine Mind takes hold of the situation.”
I am so grateful for all that I am learning and for the support and encouragement provided by the Plainfield Christian Science Church with their Roundtables, Bible Studies, website, and practitioners.
from G. S. in New Jersey
We had a Roundtable a couple of weeks ago that was entitled “Refuse to Consent.” I thought that was such good wisdom. It was also a couple of weeks ago that I woke up one morning with a very swollen face, and the beginning of a rash on my arm. It not only looked very disconcerting, but it itched, and felt terrible. I found myself thinking, where did this come from? Soon thereafter, my wife, who is a Christian Science Practitioner, reminded me that none of God’s creation, animal or vegetable, is capable of harming any other of God’s creatures. That was exactly what I needed. I had been looking for a cause, and by doing so, giving this thing some reality.
In Christian Science we learn that the only reality there is, is good. Discords are not real but are illusions. This was just a very aggressive illusion trying to tell me that there is a power other than God, and trying to distract me from doing what God wants me to do. That helped straighten out my thinking right away. So, I repeated this to myself quietly for quite some time, that none of God’s creation could harm any other of God’s creation, and there isn’t anything outside of God’s creation because God is all. I am part of God’s perfect creation and therefore subject only to good.
I worked with that and it was quite remarkable that the itching stopped and I soon got back to work doing what God had for me to do that day. I’m grateful to say that it was very quickly after that that the swelling went down, the rash went away, and during that time I was not worrying or fretting about where this thing came from, knowing that it was an illusion in the first place. It was not anything that God condoned or created. So I’m very grateful for Christian Science, very grateful for the help of my wife. I'm very grateful for Mary Baker Eddy for discovering the Science of Christianity, and giving us a textbook that explains very clearly what is true and what is false and how to never consent to anything that is not Godlike.
from B. N. in New Jersey
Recently, I received a call from my children’s school that my son was crying because his ear was hurting and he could not focus in class. Though he had mentioned to me about it earlier that day, I didn’t think it was serious. So my wife and I went over there to see him. The school recommended that he see a pediatrician right away. We went to the nearest doctor’s office a few blocks from our house, as they were familiar with my children.
On arrival, I called my son’s practitioner, and she was very loving and compassionate, and agreed to help him. The practitioner told me that there is no space where God is not, and that includes my son. Also, the practitioner told me to work in the Truth by knowing that God is before, after, and around my son, and every child everywhere. Finally she said to make sure that I am handling the animal magnetism of medicine and medical that is dominating the news in recent days, and that she would pray for him, and wanted me to call her back to let her know how he was doing.
Immediately after the phone call, and before the doctor saw him, the pain was completely gone. My son told me that he felt much better and that the pain was gone. It was instantaneous. When the doctor saw him there was little she could do for him and said he could go back to school the next day. From there on he never complained about any pain whatever. He’s a very happy boy and loves his school.
I’m so very grateful to God, and Mary Baker Eddy for the gift of Christian Science. Also, I am very grateful for the practitioner for her love and prayers that helped us get through this.
from C. T. in New Jersey
I am so glad that I found this church. I recently had a wonderful healing of my eyes. When I first came to this church, I had astigmatism, and when my eyes would get tired, and when I didn’t have my glasses on, one eye would pull over to one side. It was very embarrassing, and also it was annoying and made it difficult to see. I was working with a practitioner at the time, and she told me God governs everything, including my eyes, and so my muscles couldn’t get tired. Before long, that condition went away, and it never came back.
Recently, I woke up one morning, and when I opened my eyes, there was a spot on my eye. I didn’t get excited because I knew it wasn’t from God. I called a practitioner and was told to work with the article “Eyes and Ears” from Collected Writings by Bicknell Young, one of the early workers in Christian Science.
The article tells us that seeing is a fact; and all I can see, is what God sees, the one infinity. There’s no hardening of the glands, or deterioration of the lenses, and I also included blood vessels. I thought about it, and said, “Yes, this is true, and I’m going to trust God, and see no spot, but see the clearness that He gives for me to see.” I did this for several days, and little by little the spot completely disappeared.
I thank God for this. It proved once again that, if you stick with God, He will show you all that He is. He healed before, and He continues to heal and show us perfection. I am very grateful for Mrs. Eddy’s discovery, and for the help of our practitioners.
Translator’s Wife Healed Through Prayer |
from J. P. in New Jersey
I am very grateful for Christian Science as taught in this church, along with practitioner support, which have proved to me the protective power and healing truth of this Science. My practitioner has let me know for a long time that when we do this work for God and mankind, not only do we “abide under the shadow of the Almighty” as it says in Psalm 91, but also our families benefit from this as well.
I have seen enough evidence of this over the years that when Napoleon, our translator from Pakistan, recently reached out to ask for prayers and support from the Church Board because his wife was ill and was told she needed surgery, I told him: “All that you have been translating for this church is far more effective than any material remedy. God is good, and complete trust in Him is never misplaced.”
Napoleon was grateful for the message and said he would work with that. Last night I received this email from him:
“By God’s grace and His healing power and through your faithful prayers for my wife, we got the good news from the doctor that the reports are clear and there is no need to have any surgery. ... It is through your prayers and faith that we got this good news and [we] are glad to be part of this family [at this] Christian Science Church.”
So I am very grateful tonight for the work God gives us all to do, and for God’s protection. I am also grateful to my practitioner for instilling this trust in God and His protection in me, and for her support through this situation. What a blessing it is to be a part of this mission.
God Provides Proper Employment |
from Australia
In Australia, like many other countries, they brought in jab mandates in many industries. Our family made a personal decision not to take the injections, and we knew this could impact my husband’s job of IT sales, but we also knew God is our source of supply.
A survey was taken by my husband’s company asking employees if they were willing to work in the office with others who were not jabbed, and they were not, so my husband was not able to stay in his position. My husband started to look for employment, but many companies said the jab was required.
I asked my Plainfield practitioner for prayerful support and she was steadfast in her trust that God would find a way. Within one half hour of her email, a recruitment agent called my husband about an opportunity with a smaller IT company. After a series of interviews, he was offered the job. What was interesting was that they didn’t ask about jab status, so we thought it wasn’t an issue. However, on his first day at work he was asked to upload his vaccine certificate. Again I emailed my practitioner, and she assured me that God had brought him the job and He would not let us down. His managers agreed he could work completely from home, and he has become a very valued member of the team. He has been able to do his job with great success. In recent months he has been able to see his customers again and he is enjoying his current employment much more than the last one.
from M. H. in Hawaii
As the eruption of two volcanoes subsided, the state was hit by a major storm system coming from the north a short while ago. It brought high winds, heavy rains and flooding, hail, and snow to the mountain. We have not experienced such storm intensity for many years. It is the first time, however, that I did not succumb to the paralyzing fear of the imagined devastation it could bring. In fact, I welcomed the opportunity to turn toward the ever-present, ever-powerful God for direction and comfort.
My husband expressed concern for our five greenhouses, roofed with just thin sheets of plastic. He felt they would be torn off in a hot minute. As wave after wave of strong winds and rain descended, I held steadfast, knowing that all, including our greenhouses, would be protected by His loving care, and promptly went about cooking and enjoying inside activities.
The next day we ventured out to the farm to check on damage. What a surprise awaited us — the greenhouses looked in perfect condition! In fact, on closer inspection, there were no signs that anything had touched them, and the tomato plants had no visible signs of damage. I loudly thanked God for His ever-present love and protection and surprisingly, my husband also cheered in agreement. More than this outcome, I am so grateful to be learning and training my thoughts to turn to Him firstly for guidance. It is a relief and joy not to be saddled with fear; it is not mine when my mind is stayed on Him.
From P. C. in Canada
I am usually very healthy, but one day I became very weak. All the strength had left my body. My family realized I was in danger. They are not Christian Scientists and called for an ambulance. When the ambulance driver asked my name all I could say was “me.” I didn’t remember my name or much of anything else. I was taken to the acute stroke department, and my family was told I did not have long to live.
Fortunately, my sister was able to contact my practitioner from the Plainfield Church. The practitioner agreed to help me and spoke in a kindly way to my sister to allay her fears, because she is an atheist. Later I found out the practitioner had stayed up during most of the night knowing that God is my Life and only Life. By morning I was much better, and in three days had regained my memory and most of my speech. I did require some therapy, but my recovery was rapid. I was able to spend time studying my Christian Science books, which I love so much.
My heartfelt thanks to God for preserving my life and that of others. One night another young man could only speak a few words. He was so desperate that he grabbed the speech therapist and begged him to help. This was so touching, so I prayed for him and told my practitioner about it as well. Soon I heard that he became much better too.
I am so grateful to God for the Plainfield Church website, for the Roundtables, Bible Studies, articles, Wednesday night meetings, and for the practitioner’s holy work. My love to all of you at Plainfield Independent. You are a Godsend to us all.
From Mexico City
I wish to express my gratitude and joy because I was recently accepted as a member of this church. It is a wonderful thing to be a part of this metaphysical community, and I hope soon to visit you in person at Plainfield. The idea is already in my thinking. God will say when.
I also want to thank the divine Mind for a recent demonstration I had at home. My kitchen had been in need of major repair for many years, but I had neither the clarity nor the drive to undertake a renovation project. In fact, it was an area of my apartment that remained in darkness, literally, because among other things, little light was coming in. It was the only area of my home that remained unfixed, like something stagnant. I had been content with this situation and thought it was very difficult to make a change, but thank God, Truth pushed and corrects everything in its path. I made the decision and the work started.
I was a little desperate for the work to be finished and for everything to be back in order in my house, but a friend told me to think about the final work, when everything would be finished. This comforted me and to know that when the Christ starts something, it is a guarantee that it should end well.
Finally the kitchen was fixed, enlarged, renovated and illuminated, and I thank the infinite Mind for this blessing. But most of all, because to me this is an outward sign of the change that is taking place in my consciousness. Truth moves thoughts and always carries us forward. I am so grateful to the divine Spirit for its strength and inspiration, to the Christ, to Christian Science, and to the blessed metaphysical support of the Plainfield practitioner.
From M. M. in Mississippi
I am so happy to have found Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent and the genuine Christian Science that is taught here. I am thankful to Mary Baker Eddy for finding and discovering Christian Science. I am especially thankful to Jesus Christ for showing us who we are and our relationship to God.
I’m also very grateful to my practitioner and all the time spent supporting, helping and teaching me. I’d like to share a recent healing that took place. A week or so ago, I had a friend over for lunch. As she hugged me hello, she squeezed me so hard and in such an awkward way that I felt something pop. I wanted to yell out but instead thought, “No! This hug was a friendly act of love and this bad human pain should not be the result.” We continued socializing but by the next day the pain got worse. It hurt to take a deep breath, to laugh, and do a lot of other things.
When I called my practitioner and told her what happened she said that the only one who touched me was God. She explained how my friend is a spiritual idea from God and so am I.
She also read a few other comforting quotes along with page 397 in Science and Health about accidents: “When an accident happens, you think or exclaim, ‘I am hurt!’ Your thought is more powerful than your words, more powerful than the accident itself, to make the injury real.
“Now reverse the process. Declare that you are not hurt and understand the reason why, and you will find the ensuing good effects to be in exact proportion to your disbelief in physics, and your fidelity to divine metaphysics, confidence in God as All, which the Scriptures declare Him to be.”
After I got off the phone, I felt so much better physically and mentally. It really is an amazing feeling to talk to a practitioner. She explained to me how prayer with her is like a duet. It’s not just her praying, we both pray and God does the work! I love being able to see God there for us whenever we reach out. I thought of my friend as a beautiful, spiritual idea of God. It was so comforting to think that no one can touch us but God, who protects and loves us.
As I continued to pray, the pain completely disappeared. I feel like this was another example of how Christian Science does work and God is always here for us.
I am so thankful to everyone at Plainfield!
From S. A. in Maryland
I’d like to share a healing that I had last week.
Last Wednesday I woke up in the early hours of the morning with an excruciating pain on my left side that seemed to start under my armpit and radiate across my back and down my leg. It felt like the left side of my body was literally on fire. No matter how I shifted in bed, finding a pain-free sleeping position was impossible. Initially, several mortal thoughts came intimating the severity of this pain but I refused to be fearful. Then a thought came wondering what I could have possibly done earlier that day to cause this pain but I refused to entertain that as well.
Instead, I held to the truth that God is the only cause and creator so the only effect I could experience was the effect of God, good. This pain wasn’t good so it couldn’t be from God and so I did not have to have it. I reasoned from this standpoint as I lay there in the dark trying to go back to sleep. I finally did go back to sleep, and when I awoke at my regular time in the morning I was still in some pain, although it was considerably lessened.
I started working with Mrs. Eddy’s “Treatment for every day” that morning, and as I walked the dog later that morning, I repeatedly declared that I was perfect in God and continued to work with that for the remainder of the day. That evening I did sleep the night through although traces of the pain stubbornly remained.
The next day was Friday and I continued to know that I was perfect in God as my Father in heaven is perfect. Later in the evening, I was on the couch watching TV at about 8:00 p.m. when I suddenly noticed that I was completely pain-free regardless of how I moved about! Actually, I felt rejuvenated and as light as a feather and have slept completely pain-free since then as if this episode had never happened.
I am very grateful for this wonderful church where I am continually learning how to make Christian Science practical.
“For Storm or Shine, Pure Peace Is Thine” |
From New Hampshire
Last Wednesday I didn’t make it to the Wednesday service. That evening found me in the pouring rain in a flooding situation working to divert the water. The thought that came to me during this seeming turmoil was Mrs. Eddy’s hymn, “It matters not what be thy lot, So Love doth guide: For storm or shine, pure peace is thine Whate’er betide.”
This hymn was so comforting, because there was much worry and concern for the interior of the building, which had just been remodeled. Those words “pure peace is thine Whate’er betide” were filled with a reassuring promise of peace, and a wonderful peace did flood my consciousness.
In reflecting the next day about the previous evening, there were so many things to be grateful for. It was 46 degrees that night — typically much colder at that time of year — so reasonably pleasant weather to work in. The help that came to my aid knew just what to do, and did it well. We worked together with smiles and camaraderie.
The next day, examination of the house found that it was drying out nicely, and that the walls and ceiling were undamaged.
I listened to the recording of the service later, and one testifier mentioned that being a Christian Scientist doesn’t mean that you won’t have challenges, it only means you will handle them with a different perspective and that you will see and know the grace of God right there with you, because it was there with you all the time, giving you peace and the wisdom to know the steps to take for resolution. Mrs. Eddy says to “Rise in the strength of spirit to resist all that is unlike good.” This rising above, this wonderful rising above, gives wings to soar. Our God is a mighty, powerful, loving God!
Flu Healed During Sunday Service |
From N. B. in Texas
I’d like to express my gratitude for an instantaneous healing I had during the Sunday service three days ago.
Sunday morning, I awoke with all the symptoms of the flu. I felt horrible and couldn’t keep any food or water in my stomach, along with other symptoms. As I listened to the Roundtable and church service online (I live in Texas) I was drifting in and out of consciousness. I tried to hold onto the truths that were being read from the Bible Lesson, but it was difficult to concentrate. I remember coming to just as sweet Benjamin was giving the Benediction from the 91st Psalm.
He read, “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”
I then reasoned out what he had just read. I make God my habitation. Therefore, no evil can happen to me, nor can any plague, least of all the flu, come to my home. And God gives His angels the job of watching and protecting me, in all ways.
And that was that! I immediately felt wonderful. No more weakness nor nausea. In fact, I ate lunch right after that, with zero side effects. I was able to function normally in every way, and had a productive afternoon.
I thank God that we have the Holy Bible to study. I thank God that Christ Jesus showed us the way to eternal life. And I thank God for Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered the Comforter which Jesus promised would come, Christian Science, which indeed leads us into all truth.
God’s Protection Is Complete |
From I. S. in England
Yesterday I took my three dogs out for a walk in a beautiful place which is as close to the description of heavenly as anywhere I could imagine. After a wonderful walk it was starting to rain. I got the dogs in the van when I realized I didn’t have my phone. I had taken a call around halfway up the highest most open point. I immediately paused and knew that nothing can be lost in the Kingdom of God. I might not know where the phone was, but divine Mind did know, and God is the Mind of man. I remembered a Roundtable about listening for and hearing God’s voice.
I put the leash on Rudi, one of the dogs, and headed out. Thinking I was not going to find it because of the high grass, and there it was right on the path where the grass was the shortest. I picked it up and gave thanks to God.
Rudi wanted to run up the hill, so I let him pull me and I ran up the steep hillside behind him. Just as we reached the top I had to stop, gasping for breath, but could not stop gasping as it seemed to go on for ages. Eventually I thought that this is ridiculous. I get my strength from God. The words of hymn #144 came to me, “In atmosphere of Love divine we live and move and breathe.” Immediately I was able to take a huge breath which sorted me out and was able to carry on as normal.
Later that evening I listened to Martha Wilcox’s article entitled “Body” which is read so beautifully, and it made so much sense in connection with what had happened earlier.
I am so grateful to God for His whole presence, love and care, Mrs. Eddy for the gift of Christian Science, Plainfield Church for everything that you do to comfort and educate the world no matter where we are or what time of day it is.
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When Plainfield Church first became independent, we were asked, “How will you survive? What will you read?” As you can see below, through the grace of God, we have survived very well, thank you — and flourished!
We began by writing our own Bible Lessons, and then Independent Christian Scientists from all over the world began sending us writings by early Christian Science workers that were not available anywhere else. And we grew from there — and continue to grow.
Our Website
Our church website,, has a wealth of inspiring and healing items to read and listen to, including recordings of past services, Bible Studies, and Roundtable discussions.
You will also find a treasure trove of articles and other literature by early workers in Christian Science, including Bicknell Young, Martha Wilcox, Herbert W. Eustace, and many others. There are also audio recordings of many of these articles and books. Audio recordings of the current week’s Bible Lesson, and a Forum to post comments relating to the Lesson are available, and also a Bulletin Board where you can post comments of a more general nature.
YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel has over 3,000 videos of church services, classes, readings of books and articles, hymns, and music from our services, which are visited regularly by people from all over the world.
Check out all that we have to offer by going to:
Our Church Publications
Our church publications are available free on our church website, but sometimes it’s nice to have a copy in your hand to refer back to at your leisure, or during the night when there might be a need for comfort. Descriptions and subscription prices are included below.
In alternate months, our church publishes our church Newsletter, “Plainfield Independent.” This publication contains news about church activities, miscellaneous writings, and other fun things that will make you smile, laugh — and think.
Books by Early Workers in Christian Science
Plainfield Church is the source for many books and writings by early workers in the Christian Science movement, many of whom worked in Mrs. Eddy’s home and were taught by Mrs. Eddy herself. These priceless writings are available for purchase at very reasonable prices, and are listed, along with ordering information, on our church website, Many articles on our church website are excerpts taken from these books, so to have the complete works is a real privilege!
You can find a list of books we have available for purchase by clicking “Store” on the top menu of our website.
Church Membership
“When one sees that Christian Science is the only way, he is ready for church membership, and there is no other requirement.” — Mary Baker Eddy
This is the only requirement for membership in Plainfield Church. We welcome everyone who wishes to become a member and work for God to send in an application, which you can find under the “Members” tab on our website. Or send an email to our clerk at:
Websites in Other Languages
Our missionary work is expanding. We have recently launched websites in the languages of Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Marathi, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Sindhi, and Tamil, which join with our existing Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu — that makes seventeen languages other than English!
Much gratitude to all of our translators for their individual demonstrations which are working to bless every corner of the world!
We recently received the following email from someone new in Pakistan:
Accept my greetings and salute for the lovely way to produce your unchallenged true teachings about God, as our Mind, we as His ideal creation and making it clear what the Christian Science Church is giving to the spiritual-thirsty like me. The great work you and your Church is dealing regarding foreign languages is amazing and fruitful. I am having great blessings since I have started learning the Word of God through your website and YouTube channels. Especially Pashto, Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil and Marathi languages are doing great things spiritually in my life when I read and listen to the YouTube lessons.
I greatly appreciate it and ask my Lord for the unstoppable blessings for the whole church worldwide. May you always please my heart and soul by producing these lessons and other great material in all the languages of the world especially for my Pakistani and Indian people. Amen.
I thank you and the whole church again for all of this.
Our goal was, and still is, to get the Word of God out to people all over the world who need this pure, unadulterated Science, as we did, and still do. So you will see that much of what we provide on our website,, is free. Please feel free to browse through all that we have there. You don’t even have to tell us who you are — we warmly welcome everyone!
But there are expenses involved in maintaining a website, and in maintaining our church home and our church services. So if you are helped by what you find here, and you wish to show your gratitude, please use the “donate” button on the website. It would be greatly appreciated!
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Tenets of Christian Science
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 496-497
The following is a brief exposition of the important points, or religious tenets, of Christian Science:—
1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.
2. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God’s image and likeness.
3. We acknowledge God’s forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.
4. We acknowledge Jesus’ atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man’s unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.
5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.
6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.
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A note about the lighthouse sketch by Luanne:
Boston Light — little Brewster Island (outer Boston Harbor), Massachusetts
Boston Light was the first light station in North America and is the country’s oldest continuously used lighthouse site. The original structure, built in 1716, was destroyed during the Revolutionary War. Rebuilt in 1783, it has been called “the ideal American lighthouse.” Designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1964, it is the only manned lighthouse in the United States.
“Publish the Word”
Broadcast the Truth
“Freely ye have received, freely give”
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