Table of Contents

About the cover:
From In Defense of Mary Baker Eddy, and the Remnant of Her Seed, by Paul R. Smillie:
In the Christian Science Sentinel of September 6, 1913 on page ten, Archibald McLellan stated three most important points about the cover of the Sentinel and a minor change made at that time on its cover. Speaking of this change he said, “Beyond this there can be neither desire nor occasion for change in the Sentinel, because,” he said, “Mrs. Eddy’s instructions forbid any change.” He explained this by saying, “Mrs. Eddy likewise gave instructions.” The word “instructions” is most important. Speaking then of the two women, the lamps and the inscriptions beneath them, he said they had been “preserved as expressive of our Leader’s thought. ...” Mrs. Eddy requested that the cover of the Sentinel be light blue in color.”
“Lest We Forget”
The National Monument to the Forefathers |
at Pilgrim National State Park in Plymouth, Massachusetts
This monument was erected in remembrance of the Pilgrims, their labors, sacrifices, and sufferings for the cause of civil and religious liberty. The 81-foot-tall granite structure is the largest solid granite statue in America and also provides a blueprint, a strategy, for how to build a free society based upon the Biblical ideals of these early settlers, and contains in simple imagery the great wisdom of the founding era.
The components of this significant monument teach us how we can preserve America as a shining city upon a hill, an example of liberty to the world. The center of the monument is the statue of a woman, standing with her right hand raised, her finger pointing upward to the heavens. In the other hand she holds a Bible.
At the base of the pedestal where Faith stands are four seated statues representing Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty. One of the numerous engravings on the monument contains a quote from Governor William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, and depicts well why these people have been called the “parents of our republic.”
“Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by His hand that made all things of nothing and gives being to all things that are; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation; let the glorious name of Jehovah have all praise.”
Their ideas worked, as they gave birth to the most free, prosperous, virtuous, and just nation the world has ever seen. If we apply those same principles today, and build according to the successful pattern, we can expect the same results.
Just as the statue of Faith is the central figure in the Forefathers Monument, the foundational building block of all societies is the faith of the people.
Signs of the Times — Topic: Thanksgiving |
Editorial in the Boston Daily Globe, Massachusetts Christian Science Sentinel, November 23, 1935
In certain old families of Plymouth it is still a custom at Thanksgiving to lay three grains of corn beside each diner's plate in memory of “the starving time.”
From the third week of May, 1623, till the middle of July there had been no rain, but great heat. They had already been reduced to eating ground nuts, shellfish, and occasional fowl or deer, and the situation was desperate. They set apart a solemn day of prayer, and the answer was speedy, “sweete and gentle showers . . . without either wind, or thunder, or any violence . . . as that the earth was thorowly wete and soked. . . . For which mercie they also sette aparte a day of thanksgiveing.”
The Plymouth Plantation looked doomed to extinction if anything ever did, and yet it lived to become the spiritual saga of a nation. What saved it?
Their struggle continued to be desperate for some years, with only brief periods of respite. They were cheated and victimized by those whom they had befriended, who, coming to want, staggered back to Plymouth, were forgiven and succored, and then betrayed them again — but were powerless to do them permanent harm. All round them other colonies with seemingly equal if not better chances of survival were failing. Then what sustained this one? These people relied upon a spiritual force which they conceived of as being above and beyond themselves. They belonged to it, not it to them.
Their lives were geared to an idea greater than their personal fortunes. They could, because they believed. On fare that would kill the personally minded, the impersonally minded thrive, for although their personal reasons for living and striving may have failed, the impersonal reasons remain as strong as ever. . . . Let William Bradford say it better: “Thus out of smalle beginnings greater things have been produced by his hand that made all things of nothing, and gives being to all things that are; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone to many, yea in some sorte to our whole nation.”
Faith That Comforts and Heals |
William H. Parke |
Christian Science Journal, October 1926
The golden thread of a living faith is woven into the web of Bible history, as shown in numerous cases of deliverance and protection. Many of these examples of spiritual faith stand out against a background of traditional blind belief. The faith that entertains no doubt of God's willingness to heal is a spiritually regenerative power which annuls the claim of evil in every case.
Jesus is reported to have marveled at the faith of a Roman army officer. In his appeal for healing for his sick servant, the centurion in great humility earnestly protested: “I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof: ... but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed. For I also am a man set under authority.” Why did Jesus marvel at this evidence of faith? Simply because he perceived that Jesus acted under the authority of divine power.
To the spiritual vision of the Master, faith was inseparable from unswerving adherence and obedience to divine Principle. On page 1 of Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy has written, “The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love.”
As Paul revealed to the superstitious Athenians the God they ignorantly worshiped, so Christian Science is opening the prison doors of mental darkness; and through it, unnumbered thousands are discovering the relationship between God and man, and being guided out of the poverty, sorrow, and turmoil of the world into the harmonious realm of health, happiness, and plenty, prepared for those who love God and keep His commandments.
All thinking individuals have an inherent desire to know Truth. Christian Science has been a revelation to thousands, who have gained through its teaching, not only the right understanding of God, but the power to demonstrate this understanding.
In the teaching of Christian Science much emphasis is laid upon the healing faith of Jesus, for the reason that our own faith must partake of the same quality, in order that we may build on the same foundation that enabled him to overcome the belief in sin, sickness, and even death itself.
As spiritual reality appears to human consciousness and human sense is freed from the false sense of error, we enter into a fuller realization of omnipotent Love and the presence of the promised Comforter, dwelling even now in our midst. This is the sure foundation of an abiding faith that comforts and heals.
No nation can long endure without virtue or morality in the people. A loss of principles and manners is the greatest threat to a free people and will cause its downfall more surely than any foreign enemy. Samuel Adams, the father of the American Revolution, said, “While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.” He went on to say that the greatest security from enslavement in a country is morality among the people.
“Lest We Forget” |
Samuel Greenwood |
Christian Science Sentinel, September 18, 1909
We read in Deuteronomy that Moses, after declaring to the Israelites the commandments of God, went on to say: “And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.”
What does this mean but that God, whom Jesus declared to be “good,” must dominate the thoughts and affections, must be with us wherever we go, in all we see or do? An inspired writer has aptly described hell as the condition of those who “forget God.” It is the constant living of one's convictions, the constant reliance upon and demonstration of good, that Truth demands.
Even Christians need to be reminded of the true nature of God as unchanging Love, as the Life of all. A sweet story is told of a child who had healed a sufferer through what she had learned of Christian Science. In answer to the question as to how she had done it, she replied that he (the patient) had forgotten that God is Love, and she had only reminded him of it. One might acquire all that has been taught in every school of theology, and yet have less real knowledge of God than had this little one.
It may be said of Jesus that his mission was to remind mankind of God, and he proved God's presence and power in his healing works; but, in the encroaching materialism of the age, even the church in large measure lost sight of the mission he bequeathed to it. Today, in Christian Science, the voice of the Christ is again heard, calling to human remembrance the eternal truth about God and man which Jesus taught, and for the demonstration of which he suffered. Christian Science is the message of divine Love, recalling mortals from the darkness and the misery of the belief of life in matter to the recognition of Life as God, and that His children are not created to sin, suffer, or die.
The bearer of this God-revealed message, the revered Founder and Leader of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy, has proved through the healing works of Christian Science that her discovery is indeed the Science of Christianity, the living word of Truth which heals and redeems humanity.
Our Debt to the Pilgrim Fathers |
Myrle Strode-Jackson |
Christian Science Journal, December 1920
With a just understanding of what the Pilgrims stood for and accomplished, it is somewhat easier to understand the exact position which Christian Science holds in the world to-day. It is the reasonable, the blessed outcome of the faith and freedom which the Pilgrims won for posterity, three hundred years ago!
In all their discussions and sometimes quarrels, they were establishing two mighty precedents for humanity that opened the door of thought from the corporeal and finite, to the spiritual and infinite. One was the freedom to think; and the other was the recognition that the kingdom of heaven could be established on earth in divine qualities of mind and character.
They were ready for progress, willing to turn from the past and to look out with eager, hopeful eyes toward the future. There is an unconscious prophecy in the words of the Pilgrims in Amsterdam in 1608, who “joined themselves by a covenant of the Lord unto a Church estate in the fellowship of the Gospel to walk in all his ways made known, or to be made known.”
Mrs. Eddy's definition of Church is interesting to us in this connection. She says on page 583 of Science and Health, in the Glossary. “The Church is that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick.” This is the true Church, of which the Pilgrims caught some glimpses, which must be more active, more sure of its Christian ability, with the knowledge of definite spiritual law, and therefore in no way dependent upon the shifting opinions and exhortations of persons; a Church that demands results, definite results of improved moral and physical health as a proof of righteousness; a Church that looks upward for clearer views of spiritual reality, for the understanding that will supersede every social code and every human tradition, with modes of living that are more pure, more equal, more bountiful, nearer the liberty of the sons and daughters of God. As Mrs. Eddy writes in Miscellaneous Writings on page 235, “In Christian Science, progress is demonstration, not doctrine.”
Physical healing came to Luther, to John Wesley, and to many earnest Christian workers in early times, but not until the spiritual nature of creation was revealed in Christian Science in an orderly classification of the modes of right thinking, — the Mind “which was also in Christ Jesus,”— was it understood that healing through a correct knowledge of God was possible to all mankind, and that Life, discerned spiritually, is eternal and exempt from disease and decay here and now. This was the further unfoldment of God's ways and works that Mrs. Eddy labored to give the world, and in course of years the steady proof she gave of her Christian position was accumulative evidence that prejudice and incredulity could no longer deny.
The spiritual progress of a cause, however, cannot be tested by the number of its adherents. Quality and not quantity alone bears witness to the worth of its achievements, and Christianity can only be proved worthy of its great, universal name by the genuineness of its works and the fervency of its love. As we look back over three hundred years of the world's pilgrimage, we see that only divine Love is true and worthwhile; only love which reflects this Love, broad, forgiving, tolerant, merciful, compassionate, self-effacing, pure, is the means of accomplishing any lasting good at all.
All nations have a religious foundation. They are built upon a set of ideas and principles which are ultimately rooted in a people’s faith or in who or what they consider to be sovereign. These ideas are reflected in the laws of a nation. Hence, law is the working religion of a people.
The founders of America considered the Bible to be the source of truth, and they sought to not only build their lives upon its precepts, but also their civil laws.
The Pilgrim Fathers |
William P. McKenzie |
Christian Science Journal, May 1902
The world will ever more highly honor the bravery and devotion of the Pilgrim Fathers. It will be more clearly seen that America excels because of the principles which these early settlers conceived and endeavored to obey.
Christian Science re-emphasizes the demand of the Pilgrim Fathers to recognize the rights of all mankind, and that both Church and State should be governed by a Principle understood by all, just as we find the realm of mathematics governed by the unseen.
The Pilgrim Fathers first brought to America a vision of the understanding that man must have absolute freedom of conscience toward God. The Fathers began as a Church. This point with regard to their association is stated by the Honorable William C. P. Breckenridge as follows: "Their Church was a voluntary association, in which — while the spirit of God resided in it — the rulers were chosen by some form of election; and … when chosen they ruled in the name of Christ and under the law as contained in the word of God."
When power is delegated by consent of the governed, there is recognized a higher Right which rules the ruler, and by recognition of which the ruled obey. The ruler acts in civil affairs and the priest in religious affairs as a trustee does in business. His tenure of office depends upon his faithfulness to the trust.
The expression of the mind of today in religion is not to be found so much in creeds as in deeds. When there further arises a voluntary association of Christians whose deeds show that the motive power governing them is “that same mind which was also in Christ Jesus,” we have the highest result of the principle which was brought to America by those obscure, patient Christians whom the world now delights to honor.
Law and Liberty |
Ernest C. Moses |
Christian Science Sentinel, April 9, 1932
Liberty is a law-sustained condition. Most men and women who seriously think and work for the betterment of social and economic conditions believe that liberty is maintained by impartial law; for they realize that the orderly universe is maintained by law.
One can best understand the fundamental ideals and purposes of the United States of America if he recognizes that the civic ideals of this nation were based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. This nation has a Christian foundation and structure. It developed from religious freedom sought for, struggled for, and won through faith in God. The founders of the federal union of the United States won a higher sense of personal liberty through letting go of the lesser sense, which is self-centered and blind.
Of the people who were largely responsible for religious freedom in America, Mrs. Eddy writes in Miscellaneous Writings (p. 176): “When first the Pilgrims planted their feet on Plymouth Rock, frozen ritual and creed should forever have melted away in the fire of love which came down from heaven. The Pilgrims came to establish a nation in true freedom, in the rights of conscience.”
Loyalty and liberty are forever twin sisters, and righteousness and reward are inseparable. For Christian Scientists, therefore, helping to support what Mrs. Eddy terms “a righteous government” (My., p. 276) is a normal duty; it is a prominent means whereby to fulfill the Christian teaching of loyalty to civil power laid down in epistles written by Peter and Paul.
This loyalty is expressed in the willing support of those who make or administer the laws. Under normal conditions they work to maintain harmony and prevent evil. "For," to use Paul's words to the Romans, "rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. . . . They are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing."
Let us, therefore, look to God, the source of all freedom, and sing with the Psalmist: “So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever. And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.”
A people cannot be ignorant and free. Benjamin Franklin said that ignorance produces bondage: “A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”
America’s founders believed that all people must be educated in order to know the truth (God) for themselves.
Education |
Herbert W. Eustace |
Christian Science, Its “Clear, Correct Teaching” and Complete Writings, page 278
Education is not teaching something to ignorance. It is bringing to light the intelligence that is omnipresent. It is the sun unfolding the flower in loveliness and beauty. It is the constant joy of anticipation. “Inferiority complex” is the lie that God, as the one infinite Mind, or intelligence, is not infinite. Could this be? Is there a single spot where there is less than all intelligence? Ignorance can never be enlightenment. The ignorance that says that two times two makes five always remains the same ignorance. Enlightenment, otherwise called education, leaves ignorance to itself, and goes forward with what is, thus "swallowing up" what is not. The teacher imbued with this understanding of education reaches the end of his teaching year rested, not wearied, by his work.
Revelation |
Henrietta Marcus |
Christian Science Journal, August, 1914
Revelation! What does that mean? We might reserve that word, in a special sense, for the vision of St. John, or for connection with the prophecies of the Bible. But both inspiration and revelation are daily happenings, and in proportion to the understanding we have gained, we are able to apply spiritual knowledge to satisfy our temporal needs.
Revelation is the discovery of something hidden. “Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” This revelation is only the recognition of what is already there, of what has existed from all eternity, and must always exist, whether humanly discerned or not.
Even from the material point of view, all invention or discovery merely shows the power to perceive or use what already has being, not the creation of a fact out of fiction. How many apples pattered to the ground before a statement of the law of gravitation was formulated? Waves of electricity rippled over the earth before they were captured into service, and the world was a globe even when ignorance denied its roundness.
The only true system of education is that which uncovers each fact in such a way that it comes as a revelation to the learner, something grasped and understood as the expression of a law, so that it can never be forgotten.
Mrs. Eddy has taught us to study the Bible so that each truth we perceive comes as a veritable revelation, a discovery in our own consciousness of man's oneness with God, and we are thus gaining through Christian Science the only real knowledge there is. All discovery is, in the first place, an inspiration, because it is a faith in something outside of experience; and secondly, it is a revelation, since it is a gain of some thought or tangible fact unknown to the world.
Columbus was the embodiment of the advanced thought of his time. He expressed a belief in something that was existent only as an idea; he realized an expansion of thought which burst the bonds fixed by ignorance and superstition. The inspiration voiced by this man was made manifest in the discovery of America. Nothing new was made, but there was a discovery of what had always existed since the world began.
This revelation is a new perception, in some form or other, of God and of man in His likeness. We cannot get it by the experience of others. It is a flash of understanding gained ofttimes by painful effort, by a conscientious endeavor to do the best we can under difficult circumstances; but it is always a direct communication from God to man in whatever form it comes. It is an individual experience.
The only true revelation is spiritual. Only those ideas which are an inspiration from God — only those thoughts which illumine the human consciousness with fresh light and the love of good, constitute a revelation of that spiritual creation which we shall one day see in its perfection.
The fruit of a people with Biblical faith, morality, law, and education is liberty. …
God is the author of liberty, all liberty. Engraved on the memorial honoring him are these words of Thomas Jefferson: “God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?” Our founders knew, in the words of Jefferson’s pastor Rev. Charles Clay, that “the sacred cause of liberty [is] the cause of God.”
Christian Science, Its “Clear, Correct Teaching” and Complete Writings, page 309
America is synonymous with individualism. Had individualism not been the objective of the Pilgrims, they would soon have been forced to admit that there is no freedom and success without it, as the following historical data show.
At first, the Pilgrims felt that community interest, rather than individual interest in crops would better serve their ends. But they quickly learned that collectivism was doomed to failure. Complete individuality was essential for true spirituality and prosperity — as it always must be.
William Bradford, governor of the original Pilgrim colony, founded at Plymouth in 1621, tells that the colony was first organized on a communal basis, as their financiers required. Land was owned in common. The Pilgrims farmed communally, too. The results were disastrous. Communism didn’t work any better 400 years ago than it does today. By 1623, the colony had suffered serious losses. Starvation was imminent.
Bradford realized that the communal system encouraged and rewarded waste, laziness, and inefficiency, and destroyed individual initiative. Desperate, he abolished it. He distributed private plots of land among the surviving Pilgrims, encouraging them to plant early and farm as individuals, not collectively.
The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn, which before would allege weakness, and inability; whom, to have compelled, would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.
The Plymouth governor moralizes upon the failure of a scheme which, in theory, had seemed so attractive, but which in the end had militated not only against self-interest, but self-respect. The results: a bountiful early harvest that saved the colonies. After the harvest, the Pilgrims celebrated with a day of Thanksgiving — on August 9.
When Human Faith and Hope Were Ready to Burst |
Annie M. Knott |
The Christian Science Journal, November, 1907
When human faith and hope were ready to burst the fetters of long-time bondage, a handful of brave men and women rose superior to the ties of family and country and came to these shores seeking freedom to worship God. The Pilgrim Fathers' concept of freedom was rooted in faith and held close to the Bible as containing the charter of human liberties.
The splendid monument erected at Plymouth in memory of the Pilgrim Fathers tells in a wonderful way what it was that inspired them to do and dare in the face of unparalleled privations and perils. On the main pedestal stands a colossal figure of Faith, holding in her left hand a Bible, while with the right uplifted she points to heaven. Beneath are four sculptured figures representing Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty. There are also many emblematic and historical figures on the monument, which help to tell the inspiring story of the founding of this Nation. One need not be ashamed to look at the monument through a mist of tears, and none should forget to be grateful for the forefathers’ “sacrifices and sufferings for the cause of civil and religious liberty.” Without these sacrifices and sufferings, and above all else the Pilgrims’ faith in God and reverence for the Bible, how poor would be the world today!
As Christian Scientists we see that the greatness of any people depends absolutely upon their recognition of Divine power and their obedience to Divine law. We rejoice that the true, the spiritual concept of Divine power and law has come to us in Christian Science, and that it should have come in New England is surely most fitting! The early American ideal of freedom and of government has gone out into all the world with blessing; and the message of Christian Science is reaching all mankind with even greater blessing. Without the recognition of God's right hand, this great government could not have been, and only by a clear sense of God's law and obedience thereto can the Nation prosper and fulfil its glorious destiny.
Like the Pilgrims, Christian Scientists stand for “morality, law, education, and freedom” in their highest sense, and as the Bible was never absent from the deliberations of these forefathers, so do Christian Scientists find in its teachings, as illuminated by their textbook, Science and Health, guidance and inspiration for every hour.
As our National Thanksgiving draws near, let us remember that the Pilgrim Fathers gave thanks for freedom when it was yet an unrealized ideal, but was little more than a glorious hope. Let us give thanks that we are realizing the fulfilment of all they looked for and prayed for, and that far beyond it all we are coming to realize, through Mrs. Eddy's discovery of Christian Science, that infinite sense of freedom which lifts us above sin, disease, and death and enables us to commune with the Mind that governs man and the universe. In this thanksgiving all the nations of the earth may well rejoice together.
Monumental |
A Kindred Heart |
I am so grateful for all the articles, books, biographies, movies, and documentaries that are recommended during the Plainfield Bible Studies and Roundtable discussions. Most recently I watched the Kirk Cameron documentary about the Pilgrims, entitled “Monumental — In Search of America’s National Treasure,” which honors their vital and integral contribution to the freedom of worship for all mankind by coming to America “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian Faith.” Kirk makes the following statement upon reading the inscription on the monument to the Mayflower Compact: “They understood that throughout history God has always used a small group of people who were totally committed, and all in, and they knew that if they kept their covenant with God, and with one another, God would be faithful.”
When I heard these words, I could not help but immediately think about the “little remnant” of incredibly dedicated members of the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent. The total commitment, and obvious “all in” attitude of the workers at Plainfield, who serve so faithfully day-in and day-out, is quite “monumental.” They seemingly miraculously accomplish massive amounts of work each and every week of the year, which can only be explained by realizing and acknowledging that our faithful God is at the helm of everything that the Plainfield Church has done, is doing, and will continue to do.
It is awe-inspiring to realize that the small band of totally committed Pilgrims — only 50 out of the original 102 survived the first winter — persisted in the face of such unbelievable odds, and prevailed, and thus fostered the birth of the ideals of America, for the benefit of untold numbers over the centuries.
In the same way, it is so inspiring to recognize that just a remnant of totally committed Christian Scientists in the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent — who are obviously being used by God — have persisted in the face of almost insurmountable odds, from the court case battle of years past, and continue to persist today. In keeping their covenant with God, and with one another, they are prevailing, and fostering the re-birth of Mary Baker Eddy’s true ideals and pure teachings of Christian Science. With the power of our faithful God propelling the mission forward, the inevitable and ultimate true freedom for all the people of the earth, world-wide, is assured! For this, I am unspeakably grateful!!
William Bradford Of Plymouth Plantation |
May not, and ought not, the children of these fathers rightly say: Our fathers were Englishmen which came over this great ocean, and were ready to perish in this wilderness but they cried unto the Lord, and He heard their voice, and looked on their adversity, &c. Let them therefore praise the Lord, because He is good, and His mercies endure forever. Yea, let them which have been redeemed of the Lord, shew how He hath delivered them from the hand of the oppressor. When they wandered in the desert wilderness out of the way, and found no city to dwell in, both hungry, and thirsty, their soul was overwhelmed in them. Let them confess before the Lord His loving kindness, and His wonderful works before the sons of men.
Two of our Sunday School students on the deck of Mayflower II in Plymouth, MA
There in the Judean night he looked upon the city,
Beheld the broken walls, the gates consumed by fire,
And rode his beast around the stone that lay in rubble.
Few knew what he had done, to what he might aspire.
We in our caution might have asked, Did he do well
To leave the luxury of Artaxerxes’ halls,
Request his generous aid, and bring his substance here,
Seeking the restoration of these broken walls?
Resistance there would be, and scorn and cries of treason
And fearful threats and subtle guile and men’s dismay.
The builder would be warrior; the burden bearer called
To stand long watch by night, toilsome work by day.
Would it be worth the cost to build walls for this city
Wherein to worship God, the perfect and the pure,
Establish once again His rule of righteous living,
Be governed by His law, and therefore be secure?
Will it be worth the cost, we ask ourselves the question,
To strengthen our defenses, building stone on stone
A wall of righteousness, assuring our protection
From those aggressive evils which we all have known?
We feel the hand of God, and it is good upon us.
We know what we must say when Truth’s demand has filled
Our thought: “The God of heaven, He will prosper us;
Therefore we His servants will arise and build.”
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Items By and About Mary Baker Eddy
Dedicatory Sermon |
Mary Baker Eddy |
Pulpit and Press, p. 10: 9-8
Our land . . . had its Pilgrim Fathers. On shores of solitude, at Plymouth Rock, they planted a nation’s heart, — the rights of conscience, imperishable glory. No dream of avarice or ambition broke their exalted purpose, theirs was the wish to reign in hope’s reality — the realm of Love.
Christian Scientists, you have planted your standard on the rock of Christ, the true, the spiritual idea, — the chief corner-stone in the house of our God. And our Master said: "The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner." If you are less appreciated to-day than your forefathers, wait — for if you are as devout as they, and more scientific, as progress certainly demands, your plant is immortal. Let us rejoice that chill vicissitudes have not withheld the timely shelter of this house, which descended like day-spring from on high.
Divine presence, breathe Thou Thy blessing on every heart in this house. Speak out, O soul! This is the new-born of Spirit, this is His redeemed; this, His beloved. May the kingdom of God within you, — with you alway, — reascending, bear you outward, upward, heavenward. May the sweet song of silver-throated singers, making melody more real, and the organ's voice, as the sound of many waters, and the Word spoken in this sacred temple dedicated to the ever-present God — mingle with the joy of angels and rehearse your hearts' holy intents. May all whose means, energies, and prayers helped erect The Mother Church, find within it home, and heaven.
Sunday Services on July Fourth |
Mary Baker Eddy |
Miscellaneous Writings, p. 176:20-20 next page
When first the Pilgrims planted their feet on Plymouth Rock, frozen ritual and creed should forever have melted away in the fire of love which came down from heaven. The Pilgrims came to establish a nation in true freedom, in the rights of conscience.
But what of ourselves, and our times and obligations? Are we duly aware of our own great opportunities and responsibilities? Are we prepared to meet and improve them, to act up to the acme of divine energy wherewith we are armored?
Never was there a more solemn and imperious call than God makes to us all, right here, for fervent devotion and an absolute consecration to the greatest and holiest of all causes. The hour is come. The great battle of Armageddon is upon us. The powers of evil are leagued together in secret conspiracy against the Lord and against His Christ, as expressed and operative in Christian Science. Large numbers, in desperate malice, are engaged day and night in organizing action against us. Their feeling and purpose are deadly, and they have sworn enmity against the lives of our standard-bearers.
What will you do about it? Will you be equally in earnest for the truth? Will you doff your lavender-kid zeal, and become real and consecrated warriors? Will you give yourselves wholly and irrevocably to the great work of establishing the truth, the gospel, and the Science which are necessary to the salvation of the world from error, sin, disease, and death? Answer at once and practically, and answer aright!
The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany, 49:9-11, 50:4-28
The charter of this little church was obtained August 23, 1879, and in the same month the members extended a unanimous invitation to Mrs. Eddy to become its pastor.
Most of those present had left their former church homes, in which they had labored faithfully and ardently, and had united themselves into a little band of prayerful workers. As the Pilgrims felt the strangeness of their new home, the vast gloom of the mysterious forests, and knew not the trials before them, so this little band of pioneers, guided by their dauntless Leader and teacher, starting out on their labors against the currents of dogma, creed, sickness, and sin, must have felt a peculiar sense of isolation, for their records state, “The tone of this meeting . . . was rather sorrowful;” but as they turned steadfastly from the mortal side, and looked towards the spiritual, as the records further relate, “yet there was a feeling of trust in the great Father, of Love prevailing over the apparently discouraging outlook of the Church of Christ.” The Communion Sunday, however, brought fresh courage to the earnest band, and the records contain these simple but suggestive words, — "Sunday, January 4, 1880. The church celebrated her Communion Sabbath as a church, and it was a very inspiring season to us all, and two new members were added to the church.” This was indeed the little church in the wilderness, and few knew of its teachings, but those few saw the grandeur of its work and were willing to labor for the Cause.
When Christ reigns, and not till then, will the world have rest.
John Robinson, to the Pilgrim Fathers
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History Corner
Text of The Mayflower Compact |
In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.:
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith, and the honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another; covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.
excerpts from
When the Pilgrims and other settlers set out on the Mayflower for America in 1620, they intended to lay anchor in northern Virginia. The Pilgrims had signed a contract with the Virginia Company, a trading company chartered by King James I with the goal of colonizing parts of the eastern coast of the New World.
London stockholders financed the Pilgrim’s voyage with the understanding they’d be repaid in profits from the new settlement near the Hudson River, which was then part of northern Virginia. But after treacherous shoals and storms drove their ship off course, the settlers landed in Massachusetts instead, near Cape Cod, outside of Virginia’s jurisdiction.
The passengers on the Mayflower were not all Pilgrims. Some were merchants, craftsmen, and indentured servants — the Pilgrims called them “strangers.” The strangers argued that the Virginia Company contract was void. They felt since the Mayflower had landed outside of Virginia Company territory, they were no longer bound to the company’s charter. The defiant strangers refused to recognize any rules since there was no official government over them. The Pilgrims knew if something wasn’t done quickly it could be every man, woman and family for themselves.
Pilgrim leaders wanted to quell the rebellion before it took hold. After all, establishing a New World colony would be difficult enough without dissent in the ranks. The Pilgrims knew they needed as many productive, law-abiding souls as possible to make the colony successful.
With that in mind, they set out to create a temporary set of laws for ruling themselves, Mayflower Pilgrims and non-Pilgrims alike for the good of their new colony, as per the majority agreement. It’s unclear who wrote the Mayflower Compact, but the well-educated Separatist and pastor William Brewster is usually given credit.
One now-famous colonist who signed the Mayflower Compact was Myles Standish. He was an English military officer hired by the Pilgrims to accompany them to the New World to serve as a military leader for the colony. Standish played an important role in enforcing the new laws and protecting colonists against unfriendly Native Americans.
No one knows exactly what happened to the original Mayflower Compact. The accepted translation was found in William Bradford’s journal, Of Plymouth Plantation, in which he wrote about his experiences as a colonist.
Once the colonists agreed to work together, the hard work of starting the colony began. They elected John Carver as governor on November 21, 1620.
Carver had helped secure financing for the Mayflower expedition and served in a leadership role during the voyage to America. He’s also sometimes given credit for helping write the Mayflower Compact.
It has been argued that the Mayflower Compact’s role in cementing the colonists’ dedication to each other and their mission was critical to their endurance that first winter.
John Carver survived the hard winter of 1620 but died in April 1621, and the colonists chose William Bradford to replace him. Under his leadership, Plymouth Colony started to thrive.
As more and more settlers arrived and colonized the surrounding areas, a General Court was established. Each town elected representatives to attend the court, thereby creating an early representative government.
The Mayflower Compact was the first document to establish self-government in the New World. It remained active until 1691 when Plymouth Colony became part of Massachusetts Bay Colony.
The Mayflower Compact was an early, successful attempt at democracy and undoubtedly played a role in future colonists seeking permanent independence from British rule and shaping the nation that eventually became the United States of America.
Strange how prayer and singing open prison doors, but they do. Do you need the foundations to be shaken? Try prayer and singing. Do you need doors to be opened? Try prayer and singing. They go together. They work wonders.
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Interesting Squibs
No form of error can long remain in the experience of one whose heart is filled with gratitude.
Della M. Whitney
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.
Helen Keller
I wonder why it is that we are not kinder to each other. . . . How much the world needs it! How easily it is done!
Henry Drummond
Jesus saw clearly that the greatest attractive force in the world, greater than the pull of gravity, greater than the law of cohesion, is love. What love cannot do in the lives of men cannot be done.
Author Unknown
Nothing is too good to be true; indeed, nothing is true but what is good.
When we clearly recognize the “What thou seest, that thou beest,” this fact will heal all criticism, all condemnation and self-righteousness that we may be harboring in our thought.
Martha Wilcox
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.
Elizabeth Asquith Bibesco
Not until we are lost, do we begin to find ourselves.
Henry David Thoreau
To be great, truly great, you have to be the kind of person who makes the others around you great.
Mark Twain
Success has to be deserved, not demanded.
C. R. Hewson
One man with courage is a majority.
Thomas Jefferson.\
The life of a nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous.
Frederick Douglass
No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor.
Theodore Roosevelt
The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.
Margaret Chase Smith
If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. You may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
Abraham Lincoln
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope.
Sir Winston Churchill
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Watches to Work with Often
Watch Message from August 24, 2023
“There is one Mind, in all, over all, and governing all. Remember, that malice exultant is no greater than malice defeated; both are false. But to know and understand that malice is nothing, is to defeat it. We can, and do, trust in our God to deliver us from the persecutions of those, who war against Truth and Love.”
from Watches, Prayers, and Arguments, given by Mary Baker Eddy, page 194
Our translator in Pakistan, has let us know that Muslim extremists have destroyed over forty Christian churches, and killed or injured many people. In fact, Christianity is reported to be the most persecuted religion in the world. Mrs. Eddy reminds us that “Paul was not at first a disciple of Jesus but a persecutor of Jesus' followers” until the “spiritual light...enabled him to follow the example and teachings of Jesus” (S&H 324) Let us watch and know that the spiritual light of the Christ is shining on everyone, whether Christian or Muslim, oppressed or oppressor, and that Christ light brings the understanding of Truth to all, softening every heart, resolving every conflict, and purging every false belief until “Love is reflected in love” (S&H 17) and all "love thy neighbour as thyself.” (Matt. 22:39)
“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven.”
Matthew 5 : 10-12, in the King James Bible
Watch Message from August 13, 2015
“We must recognize that the power of the Christ is at work, right where people are struggling with problems. We must know that the Christ, Truth, can control everything. God’s message to men declares the supremacy of Good. The Christ doesn’t need time to accomplish its mission of salvation.”
from “God’s Elect” by Julia Johnston
The Christ, Truth, reaches “to the globe’s remotest bound” (S&H), comforting, healing, and blessing our world and every living thing in it. All is under God’s government, “obedient to the Mind that makes them.” (S&H)
“No legitimate human interest is too remote for the healing power of Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy writes: “The impersonation of the spiritual idea had a brief history in the earthly life of our Master; but ‘of his kingdom there shall be no end,’ for Christ, God’s idea, will eventually rule all nations and peoples — imperatively, absolutely, and finally — with divine Science.” (S&H)”
from “The Healing of the Nations” by William McCrackan
Watch Message from June 6, 2020
“God made man in His own image, after His own character and, as God’s reflection, you do reflect goodness, righteousness, the beauty of holiness, honesty, truthfulness. There is no happiness or joy outside of good. Now arouse yourself, open your eyes, and see, that what I say to you is the truth; error cannot reverse it. Hypnotism and M. A. M. is a lie. Love is All.”
from Watches, Prayers, and Arguments, given by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 162-163
Love is All! Let us quietly know this Truth for our Church, community, nation, world. Nothing can reverse God's Law being made manifest. “Enable us to know, — as in heaven, so on earth, — God is omnipotent, supreme.”
“Keep your joy! This is the hour of demonstration, dominion and power, gratitude and glorification; for even with faults man is still Love's idea.”
from Collectanea, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 221
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From the Early Workers
Divine Help |
Duncan Sinclair |
Christian Science Sentinel, May 20, 1922
What makes the Bible the beloved book it is to so many? Some there be, it is true, who read it for its literary beauty or historical lore; but the great majority are drawn to its sacred pages because they tell of God's love and of God's care for His children. After being driven before tempestuous winds over the rough sea of human life, how sweet to anchor in those calm havens of truth to which the Scripture-beacons guide, there to abide a while until we are inspired anew with courage to resume the voyage.
As soon as the truth began to dawn upon mankind that there is but one God, there sprang up in the hearts of men a faith which could be relied upon in times of trial. Faintly perceived at first, this truth gradually developed until God came to be known, not only as supreme over all, but as the One “altogether lovely,” altogether good. Isaiah could say, “Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear,” thus declaring that God hears His children's cry, be it ever so feeble, and can save at all times, because His hand is unlimited in power.
As Christ Jesus brought home to the receptive thought in his day the truth about the Father's love and care, so Christian Science has reaffirmed his teaching to this age, and, in addition, has given the Science which underlay it. The nature of God is no longer subject to doubt. The divine nature has been revealed by Christian Science with perfect clarity.
In this connection, it is helpful to remember that God is Mind. When God is known as Mind, one perceives that God's creation must consist of spiritual ideas; for that is the manner in which Mind expresses itself. These ideas, being the expression of perfect intelligence, are never in any danger. It is impossible to injure them in the slightest degree, because Mind is also the protecting Principle, Love. Man is the highest idea of Mind; and man comprehends all the lesser ideas. In virtue of this spiritual fact, man has dominion over all. When this relationship is understood, human beings obtain the mastery over so-called human conditions, and God is demonstrated as their helper.
In Christian Science, one does not pray for material things; one seeks first “the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;” and the need, whatever it may be, is met in accordance with the law of God. Mrs. Eddy, in Miscellaneous Writings (p. 307), has written: “God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for to-morrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment."
God, divine Mind, supplies man with His ideas, and these ideas meet man's needs. But one must hold fast to the great spiritual facts of existence with unwavering faith, if he would prove their immediate availability. The world is crying out for relief, for healing from all manner of disease and sin. Every Christian Scientist should be a missionary proclaiming the glad tidings of salvation to mankind; and all should long to tell suffering humanity what the Christ, Truth, has done for them. After referring in Unity of Good (p. 3) to God as All-in-all, Mrs. Eddy writes: “Now this self-same God is our helper. He pities us. He has mercy upon us, and guides every event of our careers. He is near to them who adore Him. To understand Him, without a single taint of our mortal, finite sense of sin, sickness, or death, is to approach Him and become like Him.”
God, indeed, is “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” That is what Christian Science is proclaiming to the world.
The Importance of Keeping in Science |
X |
Christian Science Journal, June 1884
Out of the bondage of mortal fear into the harmony of Divine Science makes the body whole.
Conquering an error in one instance enables us to make a better demonstration the next time. Constant watchfulness is necessary to keep the adversary without. The slightest temporizing with error is a spiritual loss, and alternately treating with Truth and error shows the weakness of our fortifications. It is true that “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump;” but it is also important that those having a knowledge of Science should show no disposition to return to error. It does not injure Truth, because nothing can overcome or destroy the Infinite; but it is impossible to reach the individual minds if we prejudice the cause ourselves. We should be lights indeed, adding new lustre every day, so that when the people look to us they can find our lamps burning brightly.
We need not expect to please all — our Master did not — but we can know that we are serving God, and we shall not fail in doing this work. If we are serving Mammon and unrighteousness, we are lapsing into error every day, and if we do not see it ourselves others see it for us. When we build on Truth we build on the solid rock, and when we build on error we have neither structure nor foundation.
Hungering after the “fleshpots” creates an appetite that is never appeased; eating of the bread of heaven and drinking of spiritual waters brings us everlasting Life. Like withered flowers are the joys of yesterday. We hold the blossoms in our hands, but know their beauty is not lasting save in memory. We have our days of earthly pleasures, but, unless we have wrought some good, perhaps they are better forgotten than remembered. A child playing by the wayside gathers the beauteous blossoms in innocent glee and throws them aside. Perhaps a little consciousness of Divine love may reach his understanding as he revels in their beauty, but more likely they teach him nothing, unless a loving, God-revering mother has given him the impress of her thought. How many of us are children in our pastimes, without their innocence for excuse, destroying instead of building!
It is not that we injure ourselves alone, but those around us. Error, in the aggregate, sometimes seems immense; and yet it amounts to nothing only as we have lost in Truth. Our only gain and our only loss lies in that direction. Let us adjust our scales!
Origin of Happiness |
A. Lang |
Christian Science Journal, December 1887
A majority of the human family are striving to better their circumstances or condition in life, believing that in so doing they will become happier — only to find that success does not ensure happiness. The same is true of those who seek political honors and fame. How often do their colors trail in the dust!
Happiness is a product, not a principle. It is the first fruit of righteousness. “If ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye.” (I Peter iii. 14.) “Behold, we count them happy which endure.” (James v. 11.) “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew v. 6.)
There is no true happiness which is not the outgrowth of righteousness. Whoever performs a kind act, not only contributes to his own real possessions, but he will have a present consciousness of right-doing, and receive the reward. The more we do for others, the greater will be our reward, which is real joy, the offspring of righteousness. Therefore, only the righteous are truly happy.
Some years ago a ship was wrecked at sea. Among the passengers, there was a righteous man. When he heard the cry “We are lost,” he said, “No! I am saved in Christ.” Such are the fruits of righteousness, and such is real happiness. What a demonstration was this experience, of the doctrine that "faith is the Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
If death had no power over the Son of Mary, who was also the Son of God, it has no power over any other children of God, when they become sons or daughters through the Truth, which is promised to make us free, — free from every belief begotten of the senses. Then will mortal sense be destroyed, and God's image and likeness and immortality appear.
Then there will be no other gods; and it will be truly said, “Happy is the man whose God is the Lord.” Therefore it is in vain to seek for happiness, unless we first seek righteousness; and what we seek we shall find.
Said Jesus: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” To this result, Faith, Hope, and Charity are contributors, and Love wields the sceptre of coronation.
Let us accept the Truth as the Master taught it, and be happy.
Christian Science Sentinel, July 2, 1910
Democracy and the modern church require that all men shall be great. The modern social, industrial, economic problem requires thinking masses, as well as leaders. Here is our danger.
There is only one remedy. That is to get back to great thoughts and great books and great sermons and great interests again. The ancient poet was right when he said, “I will meditate in thy precepts.” It made him great. Meditation on great truths makes corresponding minds and hearts. The Bible is full of this.
The great man is he whose delight is in, not newspapers and cheap magazines and sporting news, but in the law of the Lord, “and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” “My meditation of him shall be sweet.”
Now, the men who move across the pages of the Bible are great and commanding figures. These old sentences are the secret of their greatness. They realized they were children of the eternal Father, copartners with the great God in building the new world. So they thought His thoughts, sought His company, found their chief interest in hearing His Word, and their great enthusiasm and delight in the doing of His will.
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Current Articles
God Beautifully Manages Every Detail of Our Affairs |
Stephanie Quinn |
At every Plainfield Roundtable, every testimony meeting, I am in awe of the wisdom and practical application taught more clearly than I’ve had in my years practicing Christian Science.
In April I planned to be at my daughter’s wedding in Chicago, and left home in plenty of time to arrive at the airport, just a half hour away. On the way, there was not one, but four major accidents. By the time of the third accident, I felt agitation rising.
Ok, I’m a Christian Scientist, so I know when it’s time to throw off mortal mind’s fears and turn to God and pray. I asked God in earnest, “What do I need to know about You, right now?” And the answer was, “I want you to know I am here with you and taking care of absolutely every detail.”
The sense of Love from this message was strong and reassuring. I felt led to call airport parking to see if there were any spots available, and if not, make another plan. As I looked up the number, I saw one bad review after another; but I said to myself, “I’m not at all concerned. God is right here with me and taking care of every detail.”
I phoned airport parking to see if I could reserve a spot. Immediately, a parking lot worker answered my call. I explained that I’m on my way to my daughter’s wedding and three accidents enroute are delaying me — as well as my concern over missing the flight due to parking issues. He said he had an idea and would call me back.
He called back to say he saved a parking spot, by moving a utility truck near the entrance and putting up orange traffic cones. He also said he spoke to the airline and they knew to expect me — and he also informed me of a fourth accident.
When I got to the parking lot, he ran out to direct me to the parking spot and helped with my baggage, while I grabbed the three lighter items, including my mother-of-the-bride dress. While running through the airport he said his name was Donald, which happens to be the name of my favorite relative, the one who really knows how to get things done. I felt God was winking at me. My face burst into a smile and my eyes teared up with gratitude.
Huffing and puffing, we made it up to the front of the security line and Donald and I said goodbye. Then I couldn’t find my mother-of-the-bride dress! I called out, “Oh no, I forgot my dress!” He ran back and grabbed my car key, saying, “I’ll get it.” He ran back toward the parking lot, and someone next to me pointed at my arm — the dress was draped over my elbow. I called out, “Donald, I’ve got my dress!” Everyone else in the security check line, about 25 people, all shouted, “She’s got her dress!” Donald came running back, to give me my car key. It was like being in a movie!
While I was about to head for the boarding gate, my phone rang. The caller ID read “Donald.” He said, “I went back to your car, and it was unlocked and the motor was running. I’m going to turn it off and lock it, but first I need to know, do you have your key with you?” I told him I had the key. I said, “Donald, thank you so much. It’s amazing you went back to check on my car.” He answered, “We were rushing so fast I thought it was a good idea.” God always keeps His word and, as He said, He is taking care of absolutely every detail.
The gate was about to close, and I was the last person to board the plane. While going to my seat, a couple of people asked, “Are you the one who’s going to her daughter’s wedding?” As soon as I sat down, I started weeping, filled with the joy of knowing God is always with me.
Since attending Plainfield I no longer struggle to feel God’s presence. My spiritual growth has been overcoming this struggle. Now I KNOW God is All there is, and when I keep listening, God beautifully manages my affairs: my schedule, my career, my household, my gardens, my pets. Thank you, Plainfield, for all the beautiful work you do that is helping others all over the world.
Spreading the Good News |
Sandy Meyers |
I want to tell a happy story. I am back in Charlotte, North Carolina; and from the time I found the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent, while I was in Nebraska, I have stayed with this Independent church. I am happy here.
There is a local Christian Science church in Charlotte that I used to attend, but I have been away for years. My son, who lives here in Charlotte, has had so many blessings and goes to their Sunday School. He asked me to go to church with him, and the congregation, happy to see me, said, Sandy, we haven’t seen you in years. You look fantastic, and happy, where have you been? The congregation started hugging me and wanted to know what church I was going to. I told them it was an Independent Christian Science Church in Plainfield, New Jersey, and that they have the best practitioners. I said you need to call the practitioners there.
I shared my healing of breast cancer with them. I told them that the Plainfield Independent Church teaches Christian Science the way Mary Baker Eddy intended. They asked me if it had been hard for me, and I told them there is nothing too hard for the Christ. I am bringing the era of good news to my brothers and sisters here in Charlotte. I told them about Plainfield's testimony meetings on Wednesdays, and their wonderful website that is feeding the bread of life around the world. I also told them that they have the writings of Bicknell Young and Martha Wilcox. It was a joyful visit, and I told them that I came because my son asked me to. I felt my visit had a purpose for the Christ, and for the Plainfield Christian Science Church Independent. It’s not to bless me, it's to bless the whole world.
I am so grateful for the hard work and prayers done in this church, that gives us a chance to bless others. My healing of cancer was complete, I took no medication. By working with the article “Body” attributed to Mrs. Eddy, and with my practitioner’s support, I was healed.
I am so grateful for the Roundtables, the honesty, and how everything is explained so that it is easy to understand. I told them I never understood anything before attending Plainfield, but now I am able to understand the teachings of the Roundtables, and I highly recommend it. The practitioners here are wonderful, full of the Holy Spirit and hope. I am grateful to our Saviour Jesus Christ, our wayshower Mary Baker Eddy, and for all the people around the world who take the time to share their testimonies of healing, and the goodness of God, loving all His children. Thank you for all that you do, that is a blessing for all humanity. We never know how the plans of our Father-Mother God are going to unfold, and I am so grateful.
Turning Whole-Heartedly to God |
Cara Porter |
All too often on an average day, I wake up in the morning and declare, God is Mind, God is my Mind, God is the only pure and perfect Mind — but then think I'm the one working for my clients or writing the emails or deciding what groceries to buy or making business decisions.
Slowly but surely, I'm learning that when I turn whole-heartedly to God and let go of what I think should be done, I then experience the Allness of God. And that has helped me to understand that the trials we seem to experience will cease when they cease to bless: Because every trial is teaching me to only acknowledge the Allness of God.
A few years ago, I flew overseas for a work trip, and had to rent a car when I landed. The day before I was to go on the trip, I started to feel unwell. I spoke with my Plainfield practitioner, and with her support, I was able to travel and sleep on my flights, as I prayed to see every single person I encountered as God's perfect child. Those prayers felt glorious!
Then I arrived in the early morning and discovered I had brought my passport but not my driver’s license, so I couldn't rent the car I had reserved. My destination was two hours away, and I needed the car for the trip, and I didn't know what to do. But, a young man at a different counter overheard my dilemma and said he would try to help me. I went to the restroom praying, and when I came out, he said, “An idea just came to me. Walk to the far end of the lot and talk to the guy at Hertz. I feel like he's going to be able to help you.” My car was not reserved from Hertz, but knowing that the idea came from God, I did just that. And the guy was able to find my Hertz membership where my driver’s license was on file — and he rented me a car!! The two-hour drive was gorgeous — filled with green hills covered with skipping newborn lambs. I spent the whole day in deep prayer, and with the support of my practitioner, I was completely healed and able to handle the two twelve-hour days of work for which I had come.
This experience came back to me on a recent overseas work trip when I felt unwell again. Having experienced the Allness of God once, I knew He would care for me again. So, I contacted my practitioner and got down to praying. The more I prayed to see the unreality of what was clamoring at me, the clearer it became that what we are learning about trials being opportunities to demonstrate God's Allness was absolutely true. The more joy and gratitude for my closeness to God I experienced, the less real anything but God became. So perhaps it shouldn't have been a surprise when at the end of the first phase of my trip, I went to the airport to rent a car and discovered that only in this country do you need an international driver's license and no one would rent me a car. This time I knew God had the answer. So it came as no surprise when I heard a voice across a crowded rental car concourse ask, “Can I help you with something?” I told him my dilemma, and he said that locally owned companies were exempt from that rule and he could rent me a car. Which he did.
These demonstrations were never about the results. On these two work trips, I had to turn so wholeheartedly to God that I couldn't get tempted to think I had to find the solution myself. And that's precisely what I continue to learn.
In the wonderful Peter V. Ross article on the church website called “Personal Sense a Perjurer,” he reminds us that there are not two worlds; there are not two minds; there are not two lives; there are not two kinds of people, but one God, one Mind, one Life, one kind of person. But the only way to learn this is to demonstrate it.
On both of these trips the way I learned that there never was some separate unwell me was to hold unwaveringly to God as All. No exceptions. I’ve been learning this from listening to these testimony meetings and the Roundtables, and know more clearly than ever that true Christian Science — no matter if it is demonstrated in something as trivial as rental cars — is only and always about the healing of the world.
The Higher Mission of Christian Science |
Imogene Hewett |
Before coming to Plainfield, I spent many years studying Science and Health. Unfortunately, I also leaned far too much on a wonderful practitioner here in Australia. This led me to times when, with no physical healing needed, I would lapse into a frankly lazy approach to Christian Science—a lapse that is so very wrong.
I had the rebuke of a lifetime during the period before I found Plainfield Independent when that practitioner passed on. I will never forget how ill prepared I was—I had to throw myself totally onto God’s mercy for my life. Day and night I studied our textbook and our hymnal. I had left a mighty gap in my understanding because I had not been striving with vigilance to know God in Christian Science. I had not learned to uncover and handle error!
It is sometimes said very untruthfully and unfairly that Mary Baker Eddy could be too stern or too rigid in her healing practice. Well, this is simply not the truth,—this is practicing Christian Science! As Mrs. Eddy writes, “the mission of Christian Science now, as in the time of its earlier demonstration, is not primarily one of physical healing. Now, as then, signs and wonders are wrought in the metaphysical healing of physical disease; but these signs are only to demonstrate its divine origin,—to attest the reality of the higher mission of the Christ-power to take away the sins of the world.”
Since finding Plainfield Independent I have joyfully welcomed the advanced learning and practise of Christian Science that is taught here, including corrections lovingly given by my practitioner. Our daily duties are not rigid; they are the way! Our commitment and work for God is not overbearing; it is the saving and healing Grace whose All-power is taking away the sins of the world.
I am very grateful to God for giving me a second chance to be a diligent student and worker in Christian Science at Plainfield. Our practitioners here spend their time and effort praying for the world—praying for the hungry hearts—prayer that feeds His sheep. What love it takes for someone to do this. It is a task that many humans will not thank you for, but it is the most sublime thing anyone could ever do for their fellow man—to pray to help someone to be closer to God. Christian Science is God’s great gift to the world, that we may see what God has already done!
Rely on Christ, It Has No Law Against Health |
Florence Roberts |
Christian Science teaches that God has all power. How wonderful, how beautiful!
One evening I started feeling very warm. A lot had been going on, and by nighttime I felt very hot. A relative even commented on it. But I remember just lying down and turning unreservedly to God, to the Christ, which Science and Health tells us is “The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error.” (Science and Health, page 583)
All I was thinking was the truth that I have learned since coming to this church and since being introduced to Science, the truth about my inseparability from God. God that made me in His image and likeness, made all of us in His image and likeness. All that was going through my thoughts were these thoughts — the truth I have learned, the simple truth.
I fell asleep and when I awoke I was feeling a whole lot better. I was able to do that day what was mine to do. The point of turning to the Christ is very important. Even when we are led to call someone for help, we call on the Truth, the Christ, not person ever. It is the Truth that heals, and what they share with us is really the Christ, the Truth which we rely on. And in our being one with that Truth, God, the changes go on in our thinking, which makes the healing take place. I am so grateful for this because it really shows us that all power belongs to God. Nothing is above God, so whatever we’re going through, if we have made the Truth our own, we need not be afraid. Trust in God.
We look at the stories in the Bible of what has gone on, and in our own life, the truth that we have relied on. If those have become so natural to us, they naturally come to our thinking when we need them. I am grateful to God for Christ Jesus and how he healed, and Mary Baker Eddy and how she taught us all to heal, and also to bless others.
Conquer Fear and Live Courageously! |
Mary Beth Singleterry |
In The People’s Idea of God (p. 10), Mrs. Eddy writes, “Mental Science alone grasps the standard of liberty, and battles for man’s whole rights, divine as well as human. It assures us, of a verity, that mortal beliefs, and not a law of nature, have made men sinning and sick, — that they alone have fettered free limbs, and marred in mind the model of man.”
I’ve read an interesting book entitled Dying To Be Me, which is, briefly, about a person who was very afraid of getting cancer. She got it, and she died of it. It was all recorded by the medical doctors, pictures, records, and all the things that the medical does. She passes on, and she sees her father who had passed on before her. The father tells her it’s not her time and that she is to go back and to be courageous and help others, so she does. She re-enters her body, and much to the surprise of the doctors, there’s absolutely no evidence of cancer, or that she ever had it — even though they have all these pictures of it. She recovers quite quickly; in fact, they had to take her out of the intensive care unit because she was so happy and laughing. She gained weight rapidly, and since then she has gone around and told people about this experience.
One of the things that impressed me most about this story — and this is a person who didn’t know anything about Christian Science — she said that it wasn’t the cancer that killed her. She said it was her beliefs, her fears, her belief, basically, in a power other than God. This is what Mrs. Eddy says in this statement, and she says it throughout Science and Health. It is our beliefs that do us damage. And what are our beliefs? It is believing that there is a power apart from God. It is a belief that we are subject to sin, disease, and death. These seem to make these false rules and laws that we become afraid of. All of this is what is the problem. Once we get an understanding of God, who God is, and this understanding replaces these beliefs, we find a freedom that we didn’t know possible.
So, I am grateful for this book. It has helped a lot of people, people who are doubtful about Christian Science, because it gives clear examples of how you can be healed. And of course, this woman, when she came back, never feared again. She certainly didn’t fear cancer, she didn’t fear death. She didn’t fear anything, because she knew that there is a wonderful, benevolent, divine God looking out for us all. She knew it, and it became understanding, and the beliefs left her experience. I am so grateful for Mrs. Eddy who explains this Science so thoroughly and completely. Thank God for her. Thank God for Christ Jesus, our Independent Church, and that we can practice this Science continually in our lives, day by day.
Bibles for the Indians |
Lynda Spencer |
In 1631, ten years after the Pilgrims landed at Provincetown, a Puritan minister named John Eliot, immigrated from England to Roxbury, just outside of Boston. He soon became an outspoken supporter of Christian missionary work among local Native American tribes, and was known as the Apostle to the Indians.
He studied the language of the local Indians and began to preach to groups who lived nearby. Eliot’s desire was that the Indians could “pray and read with the Bible.” With the assistance of a few local Indians who also spoke English, he translated the Bible into their native language. With the arrival at Cambridge, Massachusetts, of America’s first printing press, 2,000 Bibles were printed. This project was the largest printing job done in 17th-century Colonial America.
Many Indians converted to Christianity, and Eliot also established Christian towns and villages for them, with schools where they were taught to read and write, and where they learned handicrafts so they could support themselves. By 1674 an unofficial census numbered them at about 4,000 strong.
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Letters of Gratitude
I am very grateful for practitioner support and all that this church provides by way of spiritual growth. It has come to me today that I have learned to acquire a patient, quiet heart within. It’s dawned on me how blessed I am by God, and I am grateful for the good already unfolded.
My problems are diminishing, and I have a positive expectancy that they will be solved. I’ve found answers to many perplexing questions. I wanted to share this because I think we all have to learn these lessons in the divine plan. I find that I can patiently wait on God, and I am not in a hurry for, as we have been taught, we have an eternity to learn in. That blesses my past too because it shows that all my moments have belonged to God and He has been patiently guiding and preparing me for greater good.
Thank you for Christ Jesus, Mrs. Eddy, and to the wonderful practitioners in Plainfield and much thankfulness for the continued success of this church’s mission.
I am daily so very grateful for the infinite source of knowledge and learning provided by our Independent church in Plainfield. On our website we find treasure after treasure of Love and Truth. This is how each of us can evolve and mature spiritually, no matter where on earth we live and no matter where we are on our individual spiritual journey.
Thank you to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. Thank you to our dear practitioners and to all church members who make our community possible.
What a beautiful shining star we have in Plainfield. With much appreciation.
I want to express my gratitude to the lesson writer for the outstanding lesson on God for July 2, 2023. With our nation’s Independence Day holiday right around the corner, this message of liberty and freedom that comes from the correct understanding of God is a powerful treatment for our country and the world. It really inspired my prayers in this direction – thank you!!
North Carolina
I’m very grateful for the dedicated work of the members of this church in their staying faithful to Mary Baker Eddy’s Church Manual, as she left it. It is on this solid rock foundation that this Independent church has grown to spread Mrs. Eddy’s pure Divine Science to the world. And through their promotion of biographies of Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, by those who actually lived and worked with her, the true practice and deep love of this Science comes alive.
The blessings included with reading these precious books include experiencing how Mrs. Eddy worked, being able to learn from the answers she gave to her students; learning how, not only Mrs. Eddy, but her students as well, healed the most astounding cases; seeing how loving, considerate, and patient Mrs. Eddy was, yet when needed, the most fearless and powerful.
We have all been encouraged by practitioners to make a regular practice of including with our study of the Bible, Science and Health, and Mrs. Eddy’s other writings, a study of these particular biographies — and to experience the blessings therefrom!
I am reading the second volume of the set of three about Mrs. Eddy by Doris Grekel, and I was particularly taken by one paragraph.
To set the scene, Mr. Gilman, the artist, was working on “Christ and Christmas” with Mrs. Eddy in 1893, and related the following conversation with her, which starts on page 146 of The Founding of Christian Science, The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (1888 - 1900), by Doris Grekel.
“‘These rooms will be interesting to visitors after I am gone’ and then soon she added ‘I ought to be gaining the victory over death, hadn’t I? That is what I have been preaching.’ I said what an immense work that would be! I then asked her, ‘What constitutes a victory over death? Is it to live in this life perpetually?’ She said, ‘No, at least not to be visible to mortals to much extent. We overcome death when we fully overcome material sense and then it is not able to behold us because Spirit is not appreciable to matter.’
“I said I suppose that in that stage of advancement we shall still have a body that will be just as real to us as this body. ‘Not in a finite, personal way’ she said.
“I said I could not separate in my thought the idea of my identity from its embodiment in some form. ‘That is true,’ she said. ‘Your identity will have its embodiment, but it will not be finite in form and outline like this personal body. I think of our existence in that state more as we think of one who in some crisis rises to vigorous, noble action that is characteristic of that one's nature. We do not think of a person's body at such times, but of the force of mind, of the spiritual import.’”
I am most grateful for the Plainfield Sunday and Wednesday services and all the material on the Plainfield website.
I’ve been listening to past Roundtables, and since the start of this year have been committed to rigorously practicing and learning more each day about Christian Science. It’s been such a blessing to find the Roundtables.
Thank you for your tireless work!
This letter comes with a heart full of gratitude for the Roundtables. These truths are basic to the understanding and practice of Christian Science, promoting deep love and gratitude for Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
For all the lessons to be alert, watchful, peaceful, and joyous, as we stand on the Rock of Christ, Truth, I am deeply grateful.
Please find enclosed our monthly offering. May it be an expression of our gratitude for all that this church is doing to honor and share Mary Baker Eddy’s pure Christian Science.
I am grateful to God for the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent and for all the dedicated workers there. I appreciate your practitioners, all those who produce and/or present the Watching Points, the Bible Lesson, the website, the Wednesday night Lesson, and the Sunday morning Roundtable. Thank you all.
I appreciated pondering the divine Science we are learning to be expressed in Christian Science so that the human need is addressed. This reminds me of the words of wisdom I received long ago that “one should not be so heavenly minded that one is no earthly good.”
Thank you for the love you express in your work for God.
South Dakota
I am very grateful for the archived Bible Studies. I recently finished listening to the April 9, 2022, discussion titled, “Jezebel Spirit.” Martha Wilcox’s article, “Overcoming by Obedience” is very complementary to this Bible Study on the book of Revelation and is very inspiring. I greatly appreciate all the work required to prepare and produce this activity, as well as the church services and the 24/7 online reading room.
I was reading an August 1924 Christian Science Sentinel article, entitled, “Harmony” by Hope Le Bar Roberts, and came across one of those short statements, which said it all –
A small lad in a Christian Science Sunday School once said, “When we understand Christian Science we do not have to go through error; we go over it.”
It is one of those reminders, easily memorized, which I will add to another powerful reminder statement, which comes to thought often – “Know what God knows; See what God sees.” I am so grateful for this Plainfield Church and the environment it provides, in promoting spiritual growth.
I often find myself going to programs recorded on the Plainfield Christian Science website or YouTube. One such recording is “Death Overcome” as recounted by Bicknell Young. Another is “Place” attributed to Mary Baker Eddy. These audios are very easy to listen to. I also find very valuable the Daily Duties section of your website. I read that every morning and it sets my mind straight for the day. Thank you for all you are doing for the cause of Christian Science.
Divine Science requires I give all my mind, might and strength to Truth, not to finding a cure for a disease, so-called.
Science “works” through Truth. Pilate asked, “What is Truth?” Nicodemus recognized his ignorance of Truth. Truth is God. God is Spirit. Christ Consciousness reveals Truth. Mary Baker Eddy confirms Truth: only God is cause thus only GOOD can be effect.
Science states that which is, and denies that which is not. “The Scientific Statement of Being” (S&H, 468:8-15) surely is my divine inheritance. But it will avail nothing unless it is realized as Truth, as the Principle of Life. Know the Truth. Tell the Truth. Rest in Truth. Trust only Truth.
Disease is a call to Truth. Always, dis-ease presents a golden opportunity to turn, in earnest, to Divine Science, to Christ’s Two Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, until words, thoughts and deeds align naturally with these teachings. There is nothing like meekness, compassion, forgiveness, and non-judgment!
Christ Science is the complete expression of Immortal Life. There is no error, no sin, no disease, and no death. Every known discord, renounce it as nothing, quickly, and hold to the Scientific Statement of Being.
Put on the Christ Robe as a living meditation; this takes mind away from the world of error, and brings awareness back to Truth.
The goal is Christ Awareness, since it reveals all error, including disease, is delusion.
I’d like to thank you for the recent Roundtables. As you have been giving “homework,” I have been keeping a list and reading the articles mentioned. I have just finished “Discerning the Rights of Man” by Richard Oakes, which is so important to the history of the church. I am now reading the First Edition of Science and Health and am so grateful that this is available on the Plainfield website to read.
Thank you. Much love, gratitude and good wishes.
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Testimonies of Healing
from Mark (call-in testimony)
Since this week's lesson is on “God the Preserver of Man,” I thought it would be a good time to give a testimony regarding my time in combat in Vietnam.
I was a helicopter pilot, just 21 years old. I had brought my Science and Health with me, and also had a wonderful plaque my mom sent to me of “What Our Leader Says,” found on page 210 in Miscellany. The whole time I was in Vietnam, between missions, I would read Science and Health, starting where I left off.
On my first mission, the first of 700, my crew and I were supposed to fly into extremely dangerous territory in North Vietnam, and it appeared that there was really no way that we were going to make it back. I was quite afraid, and at that point, I thought, “Father, if you can help me out with this, I know that I will be fine for the rest of the tour.” About five minutes before we were to head out, a dust storm came heading right toward us, covering us completely in a fog. The mission was cancelled. From that point forward, I knew it was going to be a very interesting, and protected, experience.
At one point, we were bringing troops into North Vietnam to patrol. All of a sudden, we felt a very violent hit. Another helicopter had collided with us, and both ships were severely damaged. The first thought that came to me was, “this is not going to happen!” The other helicopter fell to the ground in flames. I felt that my Father was controlling me in what I needed to do. I dropped all the power out of the blade and started a descent into the jungle. We hit the ground, and all survived. Another helicopter came in and took us all to safety. These were wonderful demonstrations on how God preserves man.
Another time, I was the last of 13 ships trying to evacuate villagers who were under attack. There were many people still on the ground, mainly women, elderly men, and children. They were setting fire to the village. Since I was the last ship I decided we were going to put everybody on my ship. We were way overloaded but managed to make it through the tops of the trees and over the mountain, and everyone was safe.
At a pilot support base in the jungle, where we had been waiting for two days because of the weather, I tripped a Claymore mine, which is a very destructive mine that was placed in front of the compound. It blew me up in the air and I did a backflip and landed on my back. I was totally uninjured.
There were so many things that we were saved from. Since my first mission, I knew that I was under God’s care, for which I am eternally grateful. As the plaque “What Our Leader Says” tells us, “all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited.”
from L. S. in New Jersey
I would like to express my gratitude for a recent healing of internal discomfort. All my life I have suffered from the memories of several incidents of child sexual abuse. Some memories were more vivid than others and often I would try to push the feelings down. It did result in unhealthy reactions, health issues, night terrors, and other symptoms throughout the years.
I had tried several ways to free myself from this and move on. These attempts never released me of the anguish, but sometimes made it seem more real. I needed the deep, permanent healing and the freedom that only comes from understanding the pure Christian Science taught here. My Plainfield practitioner has, over the years, been chipping away at this wall, resulting in much healing of my emotions and how I view the past. The symptoms have dropped away, replaced with new views of divine goodness and love.
One night, a group of church members watched an interview with a man who rescues children. The purpose of watching this was to be informed as we pray for our world. In the middle of the night I found myself struggling with that painful internal physical issue again. As I lay there, I could feel it lifting. By morning I felt so calm, and a lightness in my heart. I know it was the prayers of all the members that evening, my practitioner’s continual prayers, and my work through Christian Science to stand up to evil's lie that anything like this can happen to any of God's children. I was deeply touched by the love of the members and seeing the compassion and bravery of those on the show who are working tirelessly to save children around the world. This time became one of unexpected healing for me, and I am sure helped children everywhere.
from S. B. in Australia
I had an experience that testifies to the almighty and all-active presence of divine Mind and its superiority over the human circumstances, which still has me in awe to this day.
I had just been on the phone to a practitioner — the details of which I cannot remember. I then got into my car and drove down the lane towards an arterial road and decided to cross the two lanes of traffic coming towards me and join the other two lanes on the other side. Usually this would be too hard, and I would just turn left and go to a roundabout way to get to the other side. This time, however, I thought I saw a gap and went forward. I looked to my right and the cars seemed to be coming towards me very fast. Then all of a sudden it seemed as though all the cars around me had frozen and time stood still. While the cars were frozen in time, mine kept going until it safely reached the other side of the road, and then time resumed back to normal, almost like a switch had been turned back on. This experience made me understand I had not judged the gap well and my beloved Father had protected me.
I am so blessed to be learning about Christian Science and am grateful to have found Plainfield Independent, where my understanding of Christian Science is deepening. I am grateful for the office of practitioner.
from A.L. in Hungary
A couple of days ago I walked my dog in part of our small town. It was a beautiful afternoon, and the nature and the other people walking were calm and joyful.
At sunset I returned to the car. When I went to take the car keys out of my jacket pocket, there were no keys there. I kept searching my jacket, but no keys.
Because I live alone in the next village and don’t have a mobile phone, I hastily began to walk back the way I had come. I asked everyone who came towards me if they had found a bunch of keys, but no one had. Worried thoughts filled my consciousness. Why was I still so thoughtless that I didn’t zip my jacket pocket? Where did my sloppiness come from, which I observe in many areas of life? I saw myself like in a movie, — unembellished and sobering.
The next morning I got the spare key and walked four or five kilometers back to the car. It felt right to take responsibility and not to ask one of my kind neighbors to drive me. When I was almost back to the car, I realized God rules me! I dismissed all further negative thoughts and began to say out loud, “God rules me, and He rules my keychain.” After the second or third repetition, I saw my bunch of keys far off the path. The longest key had dug deep into the damp earth, and the other keys were almost entirely hidden by grass. But, there it was, the bunch of keys with the light falling directly on it.
My sense of relief and happiness was indescribable, and still is today at this experience of God’s omnipresence and loving care for us all — not only materially, but first and foremost spiritually. Thank you, dear Father-Mother God, and thank you dear Plainfield for being family to all of us who are on our way to spiritual maturity.
from M. M. in Mississippi
I’m so happy that I found the Plainfield Christian Science Church, Independent. I’m very thankful for all that I’m learning here.
Christian Science is such a happy, fearless, comforting way of life. The members of Plainfield are such great role models of Christian Scientists! I love how we are taught to pray and watch for our world. We are taught to pray everywhere we go, to pray for everyone we see around us, and also to love everyone. We learn that God is Love, He is all around us and always there for us.
One of the things I’m learning is that Christian Science takes a lot of discipline. It’s really something you have to work at. To constantly be aware of the negative thoughts that come, stop thinking them because they are not from God, and pray without ceasing.
One night this week, after I let my puppy back inside from a walk, he started yelping very loudly and frantically. He ran inside the bedroom and tried to squeeze under the bed. We calmed him down but still didn’t know what had happened and how he got so hurt and scared.
My husband and I stayed up throughout the night and I prayed knowing who he really is, a spiritual idea of God, although I still felt concerned and upset over him. He was not acting normal in the morning either. So I called my Plainfield practitioner. At first we discussed how I was feeling easily distracted by everyday human incidents (both good and bad) keeping me from studying Christian Science like I should, not calling practitioner regularly or giving testimonies. We talked about how this was animal magnetism and I was allowing it to affect me.
I also talked to her about the incident with my puppy. She reminded me of an article “The Word Made Flesh” by Martha Wilcox. She told me to study it. Before we got off the phone she said something like, “Now get more focused so you can heal!” I felt better as soon as we hung up. The puppy walked up the stairs and already was walking better.
In the article “The Word Made Flesh” Mrs. Wilcox tells that when Mary Baker Eddy’s horse seemed to be quite ill, Mrs. Eddy showed the workers that that horse was a divine idea held in the one Mind. As I studied the article, I replaced the word “horse” with the word “dog.” For example, “The only [dog] there is, is already perfect.”
As the day progressed and I continued to pray, he started limping less, and by the next morning he was back to his happy self!
Thank you, Plainfield, for all you do!
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Plainfield Church Roundtable Discussions
“Verily, Verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)
Martha Wilcox said the “greater works” is to prevent disease and trouble from happening. What could be greater than not having problems happen? Martha Wilcox says on page 37 of her Addresses:
“The greater works referred to by Jesus may quite well be the prevention of problems from arising. Certainly the best demonstration is to prevent a situation from arising.
“To devote excessive effort to the solution of one’s own problem, to the exclusion of the universal problems, is to limit one’s own demonstration.”
It’s about not having the problems come up in the first place. That is why Science is so essential, because in Science, we understand how error works and we understand it is nothing, and we demonstrate its nothingness, and in doing so we know what error is trying to do, and work to make sure it doesn’t do it.
A Bruised Reed |
Nancy Stein |
“A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.” (Isa. 42:3)
“There is hardly a more frail or fragile object than a bruised and broken reed that has been lashed by the wind or buffeted by turbulent waters, and yet we read that He will not break down a little reed that has been crushed by the stormy weather. The bruised reed in this verse is an illustration of a man or woman who has been battered and broken through life’s circumstances and whose faith is failing or whose Christian resolve has worn thin. But a broken and bruised heart that is given to God can become an instrument of value that He can use for His greater praise and glory. Similarly, we read that Jesus, the tender-hearted Servant of the Lord, will not quench the smouldering wick of a flickering candle and He will not extinguish a smouldering flax. … Rather our gentle Saviour will protect it and fan it into a living flame, for He is the light of the world and He has called us to reflect His light in a darkened world. … the Lord Jesus is God’s good and gracious Servant Whom He has sent to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim delivery to the captives, to recover sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised and broken. … He gives strength to the bruised reed and nurtures the smoking flax back to life.” (Source:
Thinking about this Bible passage, and how we too can emulate the great compassion and Christly Love shown to us by our Wayshower, and how we can “reflect His light,” reminded me of the following verse from Mrs. Eddy’s Poem “Love,” which is also Hymn 30, second stanza:
“If thou the bending reed wouldst break
By thought or word unkind,
Pray that his spirit you partake,
Who loved and healed mankind:
Seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain,
That make men one in love remain.”
There have been so many who have been bruised and broken by the world. And to have that compassion of the Christ. “Rather our gentle Saviour will protect it and fan it into a living flame.”
“If Thou the bending reed wouldst break.” It’s so easy to judge other people. Instead we need to express compassion and know that there is really only one mind. I see that I need to be more compassionate to those who appear to be rude or unfriendly. We show our gratitude to God by being kinder and gentler, and to see as God sees. That’s what Mrs. Eddy showed as our teacher, and that’s what Jesus did and so many of the prophets.
In Pulpit and Press on page 22, Mrs. Eddy says, “All Christian churches have one bond of unity, one nucleus or point of convergence, one prayer, — the Lord’s Prayer. It is matter for rejoicing that we unite in love, and in this sacred petition with every praying assembly on earth, — ‘Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.’”
Mrs. Eddy continues, “When the doctrinal barriers between the churches are broken, and the bonds of peace are cemented by spiritual understanding and Love, there will be unity of spirit, and the healing power of Christ will prevail. Then shall Zion have put on her most beautiful garments, and her waste places budded and blossomed as the rose.”
That is something to remember as we say the Lord’s Prayer. Remember that we are uniting, not dividing, when saying this prayer.
Mrs. Eddy also says in Christian Healing (pages 15-16), “The Lord’s Prayer, understood in its spiritual sense, and given its spiritual version, can never be repeated too often for the benefit of all who, having ears, hear and understand. Metaphysical Science teaches us there is no other Life, substance, and intelligence but God. How much are you demonstrating of this statement? which to you hath the most actual substance,--wealth and fame, or Truth and Love? See to it, O Christian Scientists, ye who have named the name of Christ with a higher meaning, that you abide by your statements, and abound in Love and Truth, for unless you do this you are not demonstrating the Science of metaphysical healing. The immeasurable Life and Love will occupy your affections, come nearer your hearts and into your homes when you touch but the hem of Truth’s garment.”
Christ With Us —Christ Everywhere! |
Chardelle Hull |
“These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, … And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent... That they all may be one... And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.” (John 17:1, 3, 21, 26)
When I read these verses, they made me think of that beautiful hymn, “The Deer’s Cry.” I work with this often—it’s such a comfort, and a protection. It’s really appropriate for every situation. Christ with us always!
The Deer’s Cry – from a hymn by St. Patrick
“Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise, Christ to shield me,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in the ear that hears me.
I arise today through the mighty strength
Of the Lord of creation.”
Our member Tony Moore from North Carolina has developed the website “” to challenge and correct the negative misinformation on the internet about Mrs. Eddy. Tony has designed and made available to us bookmarks, showing a picture of the stained glass window in The Mother Church depicting “the woman in the apocalypse,” who we understand to be Mrs. Eddy. If you would like a supply of these bookmarks to use, to give to friends, or to leave where interested people may discover them, please contact the Clerk of our church, and let him know how many you would like. And be sure to spend time looking through this beautiful website about Mary Baker Eddy.
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When Plainfield Church first became independent, we were asked, “How will you survive? What will you read?” As you can see below, through the grace of God, we have survived very well, thank you — and flourished!
We began by writing our own Bible Lessons, and then Independent Christian Scientists from all over the world began sending us writings by early Christian Science workers that were not available anywhere else. And we grew from there — and continue to grow.
Our Website
Our church website,, has a wealth of inspiring and healing items to read and listen to, including recordings of past services, Bible Studies, and Roundtable discussions.
You will also find a treasure trove of articles and other literature by early workers in Christian Science, including Bicknell Young, Martha Wilcox, Herbert W. Eustace, and many others. There are also audio recordings of many of these articles and books. Audio recordings of the current week’s Bible Lesson, and a Forum to post comments relating to the Lesson are available, and also a Bulletin Board where you can post comments of a more general nature.
YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel has over 3,000 videos of church services, classes, readings of books and articles, hymns, and music from our services, which are visited regularly by people from all over the world.
Check out all that we have to offer by going to:
Our Church Publications
Our church publications are available free on our church website, but sometimes it’s nice to have a copy in your hand to refer back to at your leisure, or during the night when there might be a need for comfort. Descriptions and subscription prices are included below.
In alternate months, our church publishes our church Newsletter, “Plainfield Independent.” This publication contains news about church activities, miscellaneous writings, and other fun things that will make you smile, laugh — and think.
Books by Early Workers in Christian Science
Plainfield Church is the source for many books and writings by early workers in the Christian Science movement, many of whom worked in Mrs. Eddy’s home and were taught by Mrs. Eddy herself. These priceless writings are available for purchase at very reasonable prices, and are listed, along with ordering information, on our church website, Many articles on our church website are excerpts taken from these books, so to have the complete works is a real privilege!
You can find a list of books we have available for purchase by clicking “Store” on the top menu of our website.
Church Membership
“When one sees that Christian Science is the only way, he is ready for church membership, and there is no other requirement.” — Mary Baker Eddy
This is the only requirement for membership in Plainfield Church. We welcome everyone who wishes to become a member and work for God to send in an application, which you can find under the “Members” tab on our website. Or send an email to our clerk at:
Websites in Other Languages
Our missionary work is expanding. We have recently launched websites in the languages of Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Marathi, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Sindhi, and Tamil, which join with our existing Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu — that makes seventeen languages other than English!
Much gratitude to all of our translators for their individual demonstrations which are working to bless every corner of the world!
We recently received the following email from someone new in Pakistan:
Accept my greetings and salute for the lovely way to produce your unchallenged true teachings about God, as our Mind, we as His ideal creation and making it clear what the Christian Science Church is giving to the spiritual-thirsty like me. The great work you and your Church is dealing regarding foreign languages is amazing and fruitful. I am having great blessings since I have started learning the Word of God through your website and YouTube channels. Especially Pashto, Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil and Marathi languages are doing great things spiritually in my life when I read and listen to the YouTube lessons.
I greatly appreciate it and ask my Lord for the unstoppable blessings for the whole church worldwide. May you always please my heart and soul by producing these lessons and other great material in all the languages of the world especially for my Pakistani and Indian people. Amen.
I thank you and the whole church again for all of this.
Our goal was, and still is, to get the Word of God out to people all over the world who need this pure, unadulterated Science, as we did, and still do. So you will see that much of what we provide on our website,, is free. Please feel free to browse through all that we have there. You don’t even have to tell us who you are — we warmly welcome everyone!
But there are expenses involved in maintaining a website, and in maintaining our church home and our church services. So if you are helped by what you find here, and you wish to show your gratitude, please use the “donate” button on the website. It would be greatly appreciated!
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Tenets of Christian Science
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
by Mary Baker Eddy, pages 496-497
The following is a brief exposition of the important points, or religious tenets, of Christian Science:—
1. As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.
2. We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God’s image and likeness.
3. We acknowledge God’s forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.
4. We acknowledge Jesus’ atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man’s unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.
5. We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.
6. And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.
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A note about the lighthouse sketch by Luanne:
Boston Light — little Brewster Island (outer Boston Harbor), Massachusetts
Boston Light was the first light station in North America and is the country’s oldest continuously used lighthouse site. The original structure, built in 1716, was destroyed during the Revolutionary War. Rebuilt in 1783, it has been called “the ideal American lighthouse.” Designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1964, it is the only manned lighthouse in the United States.
“Publish the Word”
Broadcast the Truth
“Freely ye have received, freely give”
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